Penthouse Passion [l.s]

By brblarry

98.5K 5.5K 2.7K

"We are renovating your flat and would like for you to move up to the penthouse for free." -"What's the cat... More

Penthouse Passion
!Book Translations!


6.7K 483 216
By brblarry


I wake up late, being it's Saturday, and who doesn't want to sleep in on the weekends.

I pack up my all my sheets and the two pillows on my, the, bed. I change into my outfit for today. A blue shirt under my black sweatshirt. I decide to leave my hair as is; messy.

Due to all of my kitchen supplies and food being packed up, I decide to head downtown to a cafe where I get a bagel and tea.

After half an hour I decide to head back, seeing as it is already noon. When I reach the lobby I decide to ask the receptionist when I should go up to the penthouse. She decides to call the owner and ask because she doesn't know either.

I sit in the lobby as I wait for her to reach a hold of him.

"Hi, Mr. McBran," I assume that's the owner's name. "Mr. Tomlinson here was wondering what time he should head up to the penthouse," she asks over the phone while fixing her hair.

She hums while nodding her head, even though he can't see it.

"Alright, yes. Thank you, I will tell him. Yes, you too. Bye now." She hangs up and gets up.

"He says you can go up at 1." I nod. "Here, come follow me."

I hesitate but soon follow behind her. She leads us to the elevators and unlocks a door with the key in her hand. Inside of the small room was just an elevator and a light.

"This elevator is for the penthouse only. That's why you need a key or passcode to get into it. You have to have a certain key to use it. Mr. Styles will be getting one as well. It sends you right to the penthouse. All of the other elevators send you to the floor of the penthouse, yes, but this one is located inside of the penthouse. Once you're up there, you can come back down without needing a key. But you will still need to remember to have it with you because this door here," she points to the one we just came through, "locks automatically. So you can't get up without a key, but can go down without a key. You and Mr. Styles can create a passcode to put in instead of using a key everything."

I try to process everything she had just said. Elevator. Key or passcode. Mr. Styles. I stare wide eyed at the elevator and shake my head to snap out of it.

"Oh, alright. I got it," I say trying to sound less unsure.

She smiles and hands me the key, "You can go up at 1. And here's the key to the actual penthouse front door in case you rather go up that way," she hands me another key. I grab that one also.

She heads out the door and I follow. Once the door closes she tries to turn the handle but it doesn't budge. "See, it's automatic, so if you don't have that key," she touches the key in my right hand, "then you can't use this elevator." I nod in understanding.

"You have about half an hour before 1. But you can go up now if you'd like."

"Yea, okay. But um, do you know when Harry Styles is going up there?" I ask starting to panic because this is actually happening.

"Oh Mr. McBran said maybe around 3 he can go up."

"Okay, thanks. Can you please send a cart up to my flat. I have a few more things I need to bring up there."

She nods, "Not a problem," and heads back behind her desk. I thank her and head back up to my flat, on one of the regular elevators.

All of my stuff is gone except for a backpack with certain things I didn't want to pack last night, the plants, and some of my pets' things.

I immediately hook the 2 keys into my car key ring so I don't lose them.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and find the janitor with a cart. He helps me put the plants and pet necessities on the cart.

"Is that all?" He asks.

"Yes, thank you."

He nods and heads to the elevator.

I close the door and gather the last few knickknacks and put them in my backpack. I sling it over my shoulders and take another look around the flat. From now on I won't have any privacy. I sigh and grab the small cage with Cookie in it. I grab Chocolate and Chip and hook them under my left arm that is pressed against my body so they can't jump out.

I close the door, with struggle, and sigh again. I can't believe this is actually happening.

I slowly walk down to the elevator and press the button to it. Once the doors open I hit the top floor key, which doesn't have a number.

The two cats are mewling in my arm and I can hear Cookie scampering around in the small cage. I start to breath heavily and my heart beats fast. I'm about to be in a fucking penthouse! This is quite brilliant.

I reach the top floor and walk the, what felt pretty long with 2 cats in your one hand and a cage in the other, distance to the front door.

The janitor just came out and smiles at me while keeping the door open. I thank him again and step inside the penthouse.

And wow. It's amazing. Absolutely gorgeous and stunning.

But it's not the only thing gorgeous and stunning that's in front of me.

Harry Styles.

Hi loves. I spent the entire days working on this book. I wrote all 4 parts today and I'm exhausted haha. BUT HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR?

I've had this idea for awhile but it kept changing. And it eventually ended with this.

If this is your first time reading any of my stories, please check out Coach Styles so it can get to 100k!

Ali X

Published: 7/31/16

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