Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

Od adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... Více

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides

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Od adoKure


"I'm Aiko Fukui, is this the Sakamaki residents?" she replied.

"Yes, this is the Sakamaki residents." He told her. Reiji immediately looked over his glasses to stare at Aiko closely. "By any chance are you related to Mayu Fukui?"

Aiko pleasantly smiled at him, "Indeed I am. I'm her older sister."

"I wasn't aware that she had an older sister." He admitted before stepping to the side. "Please come in, Mayu isn't here now but she will be home shorty."

"Why thank you." Aiko said, looking around the manor, when walking inside. Her six-inch heel boots paddle against the floor and Reiji couldn't keep his eyes off. He led her to his studies and gesture his hand out for her to sit down in one of the chairs. "No thank you. I will stand." she told him

"Have it your way. Would you like some tea Ms. Fukui," Reiji offered.

Aiko waved her hand out, "please, call me Aiko. I feel like an old hag when you call me by my surname and yes I'd like some tea please."

He turned one of the cups over on its base and pours some tea into her cup. Grabbing a napkin he handed it to her along with the tea-cup. She circled the rim of the cup with the tip of her index finger before placing the cup against her lips, drinking it.

"It's not every day a beautiful young vampire hunter visits my home." Reiji announced. With that, Aiko spit every last drop of tea in Reiji's face as she purposely dropped the tea cup. It shattered into pieces in the middle of the floor where they stood.

Reiji POV

Reiji stood in the middle of the area rug drenched in hot black tea. He slipped off his glasses and dried them off with a handkerchief that he took out from his trouser pocket. After drying them off, he slid them back on his face with unsteady hands. Word's couldn't explain how appalled he was over Ms. Fukui actions.

From the first moment he met her, he could tell that she was a vampire hunter. She had a tattoo just above her right breast and it was covered up in foundation makeup. He knew right away that the tattoo was the symbol for Vampire Hunter, in which she tried to keep hidden.

Reiji glanced down and stared at the tea-cup that was shattered all over his Italian wool rug. He couldn't believe how careless this moral was. A cough caught inside his throat as he thought of a way to reason with her, without ripping her throat out on the Italian run also.

After all she was Mayu's sister and over the past few weeks, he grew to like the three bright young ladies that were staying at his home. Though he'd never admit it to any of them, he thought it was best to keep it to himself. Life has been much more exciting since Yui and her friends arrived.

Reiji red eyes connected with Aiko. They briefly stared at each other for longer than in necessary. Kneeling down one knee, he began to pick up the pieces of the broken tea cup off the floor and shook his head. "That tea-cup was deported from England. Do you realize that it costed me a fortune?" he announced.

"Hm, serves you right for staring at a ladies breast," Aiko nodded. "What next? Are you planning to undress me with your eyes?"

Reiji immediately scowled up at her. "You are mistaken. I only saw that you were a vampire hunter because your tattoo was revealing!"

"You expect me to believe that, you bloodsucking creature?" Aiko splattered as she peered suspiciously at him. "I'll kill you where you stand."

"Honestly, do you really think that you're capable of defeating six vampires by yourself?" He flatly stated.

Aiko narrowed her eyes up and down at him. "I know about you and your family. Reina-chan and Kyoyo-chan told me everything. You kept them here against their will. Not only that, my poor little sister and Yui are in danger –I should have your whole family terminated."

Reiji was expressionless. He couldn't believe the mouth on this determine young woman with a mental attitude. He clearly didn't want to hear another word she was saying. Everything inside him was bottling up; he thought if she wanted to pick a fight with someone then she should take it up with one of his brothers. They were the influence that demanded for the young ladies to stay here.

"Danger, you say? I wasn't aware that they were in any kind of danger. If I remember correctly, Yui left at her own accord and Mayu is involved with one of the vampires that you detect so much. First and foremost, this is complete out of my hands. I will have nothing more to do with it, so leave while you still have a chance," Reiji warned.

Aiko snorted. "You're a high-class arrogant asshole."

Reiji gazed over his glasses somewhat unsettled, "What was that?"

Aiko gazed up with a hidden smirk that she plainly trying to tick him off with. "Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Aiko Fukui and I'm a vampire hunter. I hate everything known to man about vampires." When she said this, Reiji could she her slowly pulling out a dagger from her boot. "I will dispose each and every one of your disgusting creatures." Aiko promised as she threw a dagger at Reiji with aggression. He caught the knife as her crescent kicked struck him in the chest. It caused him stumbled against the desk and knock over all his experiments.

Reiji glared down at the spilled potions and research paper all over the place. He was livid. His eyes became dark as he glared at the orange headed vampire hunter and bared his fangs.

She had another dagger in her hand, preparing for her next attack. Reiji didn't bother to wait for her to make another move. He quickly sped over to her and yanked her body up by her neck. Aiko struggled to get out of his grasp, forcing her to drop the dagger on the floor.

Reiji jerked her up against the bookshelf painfully. He never wanted to kill another human so bad. "Get off me!" Aiko choked out, when trying to rip his hand a way.

"I suggest you shut up before you make things worse for yourself! Now listen, you awoken a side of me that nobody has managed to unleashed in many years," Reiji hissed.

Aiko giggled, "I'm sure it was a pleasure. What are you going to do, kill me now?"

Reiji wrenched her neck harder and Aiko whimpered for air. "Don't get cocky! I wouldn't dream of ending your life and taking you out of you misery."

"You know," Aiko gasped. "You're kind of sexy when you talk like that."

He suddenly removed his gripped from her neck, allowing her to drop on her knees. She fell back against the bookshelf breathing heavy. He turned away from her, trying to recoup his mentality. He took off his glasses and massaged his temple.

Aiko leaned over to grab for her knife as quickly as she could. She looked at Reiji to make sure he wasn't paying attention. "I see how easily you're manipulated by charm and words." She told with a sly look.

"Is that so," he said, unconvincingly.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance." She stated as she aimed her dagger at his backside.

Reiji grabbed her hand before she could make another move. Once again, Aiko was pushed up against the bookshelf and her hands pinned above her head. She growled out him with flaming eyes. This made Reiji lip curve. He positioned his lips against her neck, making her shiver in ecstasy. "You won't get away with this," she quavered."

"Honestly, who do you think will ever find you here? Your screams won't even make it out of this room. Although, your mouth might be more useful to me than useless. I haven't been able to enjoy my black tea all day, maybe a sip of your blood will ease the pain. There's no way around it, I will teach you to some real strict training," Reiji smirked. Before she could blink Reiji was puncturing his fangs through her flesh, forcing her to scream for dear life.

Kanato POV

Kanato opened the door to his favorite place in the mansion. He ran inside looking around with his teddy bear tightly in one arm. The corpses that he had on display were each dressed up in different wedding gowns, but something seemed different about a certain display on the eastside of the room, two displays down.

He came across a bride that had on a long sleeve wedding gown with lace overlays and Watteau train. She had blue long straight hair that flowed midway below her backside. Her eyes were a dense gray and they pierced through his own. He slowly turned away from the bride and smiled to him.

"I was right. You do look magnificent in a wedding dress," he admitted.

Izumi stepped off the display and crossed her arms. "I bet you say that to every adorable girl you meet." She huffed.

Kanato nodded. "I have..." he admitted, while he turned towards her. "Yet, nobody has ever worn a wedding dress for me before, at least none that I haven't already killed."

"Consider this a gift from me. I always dreamed of becoming a bride" Izumi said with a smile.

Kanato breath hitched. "Izumi, if I tell you something right here and now will you promise to not to hold it against me?" He asked her.

Izumi nodded without a doubt. "I won't, I swear."

"I wish that I had you on display as one of my brides all the time. I could stare and play with you all the time and I'd never get tired of your exquisite beauty. That would make teddy and I very happy," he explained.

Izumi blushed, "as crazy as this sounds, I would love that. As long as I get to have my groom beside me, there's nothing more I would want."

Kanato held his teddy bear close to him and lowered his head. "Who is this groom you speak about? I don't do well with competition."

Izumi laughed while wrapping her arms around his neck. Kanato froze, gazing into her eyes with his enormous purple ones. "He is you. You're the one I've always wanted Kanato-kun and I vow to never leave your side."

He was dumbstruck. Izumi smiled, sending her lips upon his. She tilted her head to side as she let her tongue linger against his own tongue. Kanato pulled her against him and roughly yanked her hair back. Izumi moaned when feeling her body starting to react against his. They landed on the hard cold ground after Izumi tripped over her own gown.

Kanato removed his lips from hers and ripped the front of the gown open with his bare hands. He slithered his tongue against her pale skin and made Izumi moan out louder as he started to pierce his fangs inside her. He thought that she tasted pretty inviting as he sipped her blood blissfully.

Izumi pulled Kanato towards her and sink her fangs through his shoulder. He giggled when he felt how amazing her fangs felt against his skin. This continued for 30 seconds more before they both lied back beside each other.

Izumi licked her lips, "Mmm, I feel your blood flowing inside of me."

"As do I," Kanato agreed as he turned to face her. "But I think I enjoyed you sinking your teeth inside me a little more."

Izumi giggled, "Stop, you are making me blush."

"Do you think that we can sample each other again soon," Kanato blinked.

"Yes, I would love that," she smiled.


I loathe you so much Shu Sakamaki," She choked out.

Reina started to tear up. "You're an asshole, Shu Sakamaki."

"Get off me!" She yelled, when hitting his on the back with her fist. "Why are you doing this? You should have just left me there with him. I'd be out of your hair forever. Do you hear me Shu-san? You wouldn't have to bother with me anymore."

"You wouldn't have to bother with me anymore..."

Those eight last words kept repeating in Shu mind. He couldn't stop thinking about all the harsh things a certain female had said to him. Why did she detect him so much? Usually when he told his brother that he didn't want to be bothered, it never occurred to him that he was being cruel.

Then tonight came, he heard his brothers Subaru and Ayato conversing by the poolside. Subaru seem bothered by the fact that Yui and Mayu might be in trouble. He begged Ayato for his help, but Ayato said something that Shu heard from his own mouth too many times. So? Why are you bothering me with these pointless things? Then Subaru replied I expect that to come from Shu mouth but never from yours. He told Ayato. Did I really sound like that? Shu asked himself.

He walked back to the family room and laid on the sofa for another nap. Sleep wouldn't overcome him. So Shu tossed and turned in irritation. He had no idea how much he was hurting everybody around him. He knew that it had something to do with his past and he didn't want to get to close to anyone. But now this wasn't the time to think about him. After repeating Reina harsh words in his head, he finally came to his senses.

He quickly jolted up from the sofa and dashed to Reina's bedroom right away. When pushed the doors open, he saw her standing there in her white undershirt and white cotton panties. Reina screamed as she quickly grabbed for her blanket off the bed. "Shu, what are you doing here? Get out," She shouted as she pointed to the doorway.

Shu walked over to her, standing there almost a foot taller. He placed his hand under her chin and stared at her with his blue gorgeous blue eyes. "Tell me that all those things you said before weren't true," he asked her.

Reina blinked blankly, "I don't understand what you mean?"

"Tell me that you don't loathe me. Tell me that I'm not just an asshole, but your savior. Tell me that there is no other way around it; I have no choice but to bother you for as long as you shall stay here. Tell me everything that I need to hear little-bit. And I should forever be in your world."

Reina felt like she was about to collapse. She couldn't see where this was all coming from and why he was saying it now? It was also so sudden. Now here he was in her room waiting for an answer. She bit down on her lower lip and closed her eyes in thoughts. Should I give into him or give him the benefit of the doubt? With a sigh, she opened her eyes and stared back at him.

"Shu, you are an asshole but I don't loathe you completely. In fact, I do care deeply about you and I'll never know why. You only teased me and made me feel displeasure since I arrived. How will we ever come to fathom each other? You can't even take responsibility as the oldest brother." She admitted, shamefully.

Shu leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Reina flinched at first then blushed. She didn't expect him to kiss her on the cheek like that. "I want to show you a different side of me from when I was younger," He told her.

"Then show me after I change my clothes," Reina pointed out.

"Yes, that's would be a smartest idea you've said today. I don't want to ever see those hideous underwear's again." Shu stated.

Laito POV

Laito massaged his tongue against the side of her neck just above her collarbone. His hands traveled past her naval through her thighs as she ran her fingers through his long reddish locks. Kyoyo cried out in pleasure while she intertwined her legs around his waist.

He slid his tongue between the middle of her chest, down her stomach and all the way to the barrier of her pantie line. Finally he lifted the hem of her panties and pulled them half way off. "Wait," Kyoyo yelled. "I'm not ready yet."

Laito glanced up at her sexually frustrated. He lingered above her with a boner in his pants that was screaming to come out and play. He was bare-chested and ready to move to fourth base. "When will you be ready love-kitten? I've been a good boy all month," he pouted.

Kyoyo shrugged, "Oh I don't know...maybe when the thoughts of you screwing your mother vanishes out of my head."

Laito squint his eye. "You are never gonna live that down, will you love-kitten?"

Kyoto looked away and exhaled, "I don't know Laito. I do feel strongly about you. That's for sure."

"Then why can't you accept me for who I am? I can't change the past, but I can make our future brighter," Laito smirked.

"How can I know if that is true? I mean, all we do is make out and I let you drink my blood when you want. I'm basically catering to your every need, but what have I gotten in return," she asked him firmly.

"Then let's go out on a date together. We'll go any place you want to go, just name it."

Kyoyo tapped her finger on the side of her chin. "No...I rather have you surprise me. Surprises are always fun."

"Then it settled. We shall enjoy ourselves real soon. The thought alone feels me with glee and pleasure. I shall make this a night for us to remember," he told her.

"Good. Now kiss me," she demanded.

No ones POV (At the Mukami manor)

Yui, Ruki, Mayu and Kou sat on the sofas in the living room Saturday night. Ruki held Yui close to him while he sipped his glass of wine. Mayu sat on the opposite sofa with Kou bored. they were seated a few inches away from each other. There was awkward silence through the room the moment they all sat down together.

Kou fanned his hands against his mouth as he yawned in boredom, then he propped his hand under his cheek looking at the wall beside him. Mayu didn't bother to look anywhere but down at her feet. She was contemplating on how to break the news to Kou about wanting to break up.

Yui tried to stand up from the sofa but Ruki yanked her back by the arm from where he was sitting. "Oi, where are you running off too," he asked.

"I was gonna go check on dinner." Yui replied.

"Okay, make it quick livestock." Ruki said with a wink.

Yui nodded and turned on her heel to leave. Mayu quickly got up from the sofa when she saw her friend leaving. "Wait Yui!" She called, "I will join you."

Kou raised his eyebrow, "You will?"

Mayu slightly nodded, "yes, if that's okay with you Kou?"

Kou wave his hand off. "Go ahead. Don't let me stop you."

Both girls walked out of the room and into the kitchen area. Yui stirred the beef teriyaki with a spoon, making sure that it was fully cooked. Then she turned off the rice cooker and checked on the miso soup that was boiling hot in a pot.

"Everything smells so good Yui," said Mayu.

"Thank you," Yui responded with a small smile. "I almost forgot. Can you set the table in the dining room area for me, please?"

"Sure," Mayu replied, while taking the plates and wine glasses out of the cabnit. She picked up whatever she could handle and walked out of the kitchen. Before she could even make it there, someone covered her mouth with their hands. She struggled to turn to the person with wide eyes. To her relief, it was Subaru. He placed his index finger over his mouth quietly and gesture her to follow him out the back.

"What are you doing here Subaru," asked Mayu.

Subaru looked away, "Ayato and I came to recue you and Yui."

"Wait...Ayato is here too?" Mayu looked around, "Then where is he?"

"Tch, he's around here somewhere. He said that he had a plan," Subaru rolled his eyes.

"We have to go back and get Yui then. If Ayato has a plan then I'm assuming that it won't be pretty." Mayu worried.

Subaru nodded, "You're right...but first I will like to tell you something."

"What is it," she asked anxiously.

"I apologize for the way I treated you that day. I know that I'm not the nicest person to be around." He admitted, while rubbing the back of his neck.

Mayu shook her head, "no, I'm sorry Subaru. I should have noticed that you felt uncomfortable around Kou. I take full responsibility for my actions," she sobbed.

Subaru sighed. "Please, don-don't do that. This isn't the time in place for tears."

"I'm sorry Subaru." Mayu said, wiping them away.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go find Yui." He said, taking her hand. Mayu blushed.

Yui was pouring miso soup inside the bowls when she smelled something burning. She opened the oven to make sure that it wasn't on and checked the stoves to make sure everything was off. Where is that smell coming from? Suddenly she heard a ruckus from a far.

Yui bolted out of the kitchen and back into the living room. Looking around she didn't see Ruki and Kou anywhere. That's strange...where did they go? She asked herself. Yui appeared in the dining room area and didn't see Mayu either. That's when she spotted smoke coming from outside the window. Straightway she knew something was wrong. Yui arrived at the front entryway horrified about what she was seeing. The whole front lawn was burning up in flames. Ruki and Kou were glaring at something or someone who was standing in front of the fire.

Yui walked up beside Ruki in shock, her mouth dropped before she could get the name out. Ayato was standing there looking fearless and smug.

"Ayato! What are you doing," Yui asked.

"I come to take you back Yui," Ayato announced. "You don't belong here with them. You place is back at the Sakamaki manor with your friends and family!"

"I...I...is all this necessary," She shouted.

"Yes, it is." Ayato retorted. "I was miserable for weeks waiting for you to come to your senses. But then I realize that it was me all along that needed pushing. You're the best thing that ever happen to me. Not a day goes by when I didn't think about you, crave you, need you and want you. Your heart is pure and I'm just the sucker that got pulled into it. I will never stop fighting for you, that's a promise."

Ruki yanked Yui towards him. "You're too late Ayato-kun. She's mine and I won't let you take her away from me!"

"Yes! Leave now while you still have your dignity," Kou added.

"You're a fool Ruki if you think that she's with you because she loves you. She is only here because I wasn't honest with myself and I wasn't man enough to tell her that I love her or how much I want to be with her." Ayato said, looking towards Yui.

"You have a lot of nerve showing your face here again Ayato!" yelled Ruki.

"Yui!" Ayato called, ignoring Ruki. Yui eagerly stared back at him breathless. "You belong to me, your blood, your heart, your body, your soul, your everything. We both belong together. Do you remember that?"

Yui nodded right away. "How can I forget?"

"Then please come home," Ayato begged her.

"Livestock," Ruki spoke. "Don't let him drag you down. That's all he ever does to you. I'm the one that really loves you."

Yui lowered her gaze.

"What the hell happen here Ayato?" Subaru asked. while dragging Mayu by his side.

Kou snapped his eyes over at them. "Mayu, what are you doing with Subaru?"

"I'm sorry Kou. I can't be with you anymore. This isn't working out between us." Mayu told him.

Kou was speechless and utterly pissed.

"When you said that you had a plan Ayato. I didn't think that you'd attempt to burn the their house down," Subaru paused. "Good work," he ended with a smirk.

Ayato smirked back at his brother before his attention went back to Yui. "This will all go away after Yui makes her choice. Yui, what is your decision?"

Yui steady her gaze. "Ayato, words can't explain how glad I am to see you fighting for me. So of course I'll come home," she answered.

Ayato showed a toothless grin while Ruki trembled in anger. Yui removed herself from Ruki's hold and ran into Ayato warm embrace. He picked her up and spun her around in his arms, then he place a loving kiss upon her lips smoothly.

Ruki stalked over to them and yanked Yui away from Ayato's embrace. "Ruki, let go," shouted Yui.

"She's mine Ayato! You can't take something back that's never was yours. What aren't you comprehending?" Ruki asked furiously.

"How dare you place your hand on her?" Ayato punched Ruki hard in the face. Ruki fell back on the floor roughly. He placed his hand on his forehead and glanced at Yui with sad eyes. "Yui! Please don't leave me. I love you," Ruki said.

"Ruki, you're a great guy. But you're also controlling and you keep me trapped in the house like I'm your slave. I can't love a guy like that, I wasn't happy. My heart has always belonged to Ayato. You knew that from the start and you still tried. I'm still hoping that we can be friends even if you hate me now," Yui explained.

Ruki looked down disappointedly.

The fire immediately disappeared like none of it ever happened. The smoke faded away and the lawn was back to what it originally looked like. Kou mouth dropped at the sight. Was this all a trick? He thought.

"I think it's time to make out exit," Ayato said, wrapping his arm around Yui shoulder and walked to towards the limo. Subaru and Mayu got in first then Yui and Ayato after. The driver drove out of the drive way and turned down the street as the gates closed

"What are we going to do about them Ruki," asked Kou.

"We do nothing. If the time ever does come, we will be ready." Ruki told him.

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