Love to Hate You

By skinnydipped

42.8K 1.6K 119

[Old. Read at your own risk.] Reese Bentley never expected to be dragged kicking and screaming to the watch t... More

Part One || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Part Two || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Three || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nineteen

754 36 5
By skinnydipped

“We should talk.” Justin whispers into my ear at the end of practice.

I look over my shoulder into his grey eyes to find that they’re concentrating on mine. My eyebrows furrow together for a moment before my features soften and I shrug.

“Sure.” I answer simply while flicking the mic off and resting it on the stand carefully.

The other boys have left, except for Alex because he was adjusting his cymbals.

“See you later Ginger, oops I mean… I don’t know what to call you anymore.” Alex groans disappointedly while flipping a strand of my red hair up to prove his point.

“Reese sounds good to me.” I smile smartly while crossing my arms.

“Naw, that’s too mainstream.” He sighs, looking down at his feet in thought. I snort and roll my eyes. Suddenly, his face lights up and he looks up to beam at me, “Strawberry Shortcake.”

I suppress a giggle and give him a light shove backward.

“That won’t work either.” Justin announces from the other side of the garage as he looks up from the controls.

“And why not?” Alex shoots back.

“Because she’s not sweet, she’s sour.”

Alex smiles widely at this while I throw Justin a look.  He mimics my face and pokes his tongue out at me.

“It’s still staying.” Alex whispers with a wink, “See you later, Strawberry Shortcake.”

“More like Raggedy Anne.” Justin comments.

“Maybe Kim Possible, because she’s badass.” Alex muses while heading out the door.

“Poison Ivy.”

“Jessica Rabbit.”

“Poison Ivy? Jessica Rabbit?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“Poison Ivy is evil.” Justin notes, eying me up in the process, “It fits.”

“Yeah, but Jessica Rabbit is sexy.” Alex assures me, “Then again, so is Poison Ivy…”

“I was referring to the evil part, actually.” Justin says defensively while crossing his arms over his chest.

“That’s ‘cause Justin likes his women sassy!” Alex declares, and with that he salutes us and jogs down the street, skateboard in hand.

Justin stares daggers at the back of Alex’s head while he boards away. I want to say something to push his buttons, to heighten his anger, but let’s face it we just got out of a war and I’m tired.

Hugging my arms to my chest I step closer to Justin and rock on my feet, “So, what did you want to talk about anyway?”

He scratches the back of his head nervously, giving me a side glance before letting out a deep breath.

“I just, um, wanted to ask about the duet thing, again.” He mumbles.

My eyebrows rise at this and I turn toward him slightly.



There’s silence between us for a moment. I really don’t want to do a duet because it would seem kind of…couple-y, and we are not even close to being a couple. Heck, we aren’t even friends, really.

“Sorry, I just thought maybe you changed your mind about that.” He says, breaking the silence.

I exhale deeply while fiddling with the guitar pick hanging from my neck, thinking. Just because we sing a duet doesn’t mean anything really, now that I think about it. Celebrities do that kind of thing all of the time.

“I mean, I guess we could…” I say hesitantly, shifting my eyes over to him quickly, my fingers working over the imprint of my name in the necklace nervously.

He turns to me, shocked. Licking his lips he replies, “Really?”

I nod slowly, still at unease with the idea. Then I think to myself, I’ve got nothing to lose.

His face breaks out in a wide grin, flashing pearly whites in my direction.

“You’re serious?” he checks.

I bite my tongue to stop a sassy outburst and instead answer, “Yes, now stop asking or I’ll hurt you.” I warn. Woops, I guess biting my tongue didn’t work.

“Awesome!—I mean, great, that’s cool, you know…” he exclaims, but calms himself, trying to keep cool.

I snort and roll my eyes before leaving Justin’s side to retrieve my skateboard. While straightening myself up and dusting off my skateboard I ask, “What do you want to sing, then?”

The question takes him by surprise, as if he hadn’t really thought about it yet. I watch his face screw up in thought, noticing the way he bites his lips slightly when he’s thinking. I shake my head. Nope, not examining his face, that counts as checking him out—which I wasn’t doing, by the way. Wait, who am I trying to convince? Myself? I thought I already had all that under control.

“I have no idea.” He finally says, looking down at his feet for a minute before rocking back onto his heels.

I chew the inside of my cheek as I make my way back to stand next to him.

“If you even think about making the duet romantic I will break your pretty boy face.” I threaten, while poking his chest a couple of times.

“Pretty boy?” he inquires, giving me this smug, smoldering look.

Fighting the urge to sock him in the arm, I sweep my hair across my shoulder and look up at him, dropping the subject. Okay, we’ve kissed twice, saying he’s a “pretty boy” might not have been the best idea.

“Whatever, just think of a song, okay?” I press, antsy to get home.

Turning on my heel, I start down the driveway, swinging my skateboard slightly. The sound of footsteps behind me makes my eyebrows stitch together in confusion. Am I hearing things? I tell myself I am, and stop to drop my skateboard on the pavement below my feet. A hand on my upper arm, makes me freeze completely before I’m turned around to face Justin again.

What does he want? I was just in his garage like thirty seconds ago, he could have yelled down the driveway. He ducks his head with a playful grin, coming close to whisper-sing lyrics at me.

Please don't leave me

Please don't leave me

Hold on. What? Did I miss something? The reason he just sang that takes time to register in my head. My eyes squint with thought at first, but widen in realization.

“You want to sing that?” I question unsurely, “Like, as a duet?”

He nods enthusiastically.

“Sing the next part.” He urges, shaking my shoulder.

I scowl at the physical contact and then glance around as if searching for the lyrics. Oh man! What’s the next part? I tap my foot and nod my head, willing the lyrics to come forth.

I always say how I don't need you

Justin sings, helping me to find the words once he realizes I’ve drawn a blank.  Nodding, I remember the lyrics and sing the next part to him.

But it's always gonna come right back to this

Please don't leave me

To my surprise he joins me in the last line, giving me a chance to hear our voices together for the first time since the sing-off.  The rich sound of his voice mingles with mine, cracking lightly on the “me”, sending an inevitable shiver down my spine.

“That works.” I manage to say, avoiding his eyes. If I looked into them right now, I’d probably blush. Not because I like him or anything, but because his voice caused me to shiver—shiver. Whatever, it’s not like he can see the goosebumps or anything.

“Oh, did I do that?” he asks teasingly while brushing the goosebumps that have travelled down my arm.

Proven wrong, yet again! Blushing, I slap his hand away.

“It’s cold!” I argue.

“It’s seventy degrees.” He smirks.

“Whatever, so we’re singing that then?” I clarify, attempting to drop the subject while brushing hair from my face.

“Changing the subject, are we?” he grins stupidly.

“You know what?  You just wish there was something going on here, which there definitely is not. So, just answer the question and save us both some time.” I grumble while pushing my finger into his chest before crossing my arms over my chest in an attempt to put him back in his place.

“Whatever you say, Carrots. We both know the truth behind that lie.” He insists. A boyish, immature glint flashes in his eyes and at that moment I realize just how much he likes this topic. He likes this topic of us.

“I’ll admit it when you do.” I challenge, while sliding the board under my foot back and forth so the sound of gravel grinding breaks up the silence between our words.

He holds my gaze, returning the look of complete and utter defiance, daring me to crack under the pressure of his stare. I only purse my lips and stare back at him just as boldly.

Without interrupting our eye contact he leans down as if to intimidate me before he states quite casually, “I like you, Carrots.”

I blow my fringe from my face and lean in until we’re practically touching noses and whisper, “Don’t call me Carrots.”

“Reese,” he breathes quickly, fixing his mistake hurriedly, “I like you, Reese.”

“Prove it.” I suggest while tilting my head with a soft smile playing at my lips teasingly.

Feeling him lean in, eager to capture my lips in his own, I press a finger to his lips before they reach mine. Humming, I shake my head in disapproval.

“You’ll have to work for it.” I wink and lean back.

He grumbles at this and pouts dejectedly.

“You’re kidding me.”

I turn away from him and adjust myself on my skateboard, looking over my shoulder briefly to answer, “Nope, prove it.” I tell him, “If you really like me, Justin, it shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Why do you have to be so difficult?” he calls after me once I’ve kicked off and started rolling down the street.

“Make me fall for you, Justin!” I yell back, “I’m not quite head over heels for you, yet.”


Saturday morning I’m out the door for practice in a rush seeing as I forgot all about Saturday practices. I groan irritably as I push the helmet on my head and throw a leg over the scooter. I have no patience for a skateboard, nor do I have time.

I halt in Justin’s driveway with the screeching of tires and push myself off the scooter, working my fingers over the buckle of the helmet hurriedly. I’m late. Really late.

Music erupts from the closed garage door and I bang on it to get their attention.

“Justin! Alex! Somebody!” I yell over the music while beating my fist repeatedly on the door.

I keep this up for a good three minutes and realize I’m not getting anywhere. I groan and kick the door with frustration, completely throwing a temper tantrum. Without warning the garage door comes to life, causing me to jump back with a shriek. Justin walks out after it casually, his guitar hanging from his shoulders lazily.

“Calm down, you’re waking up the whole neighborhood, Carrots.”  He chuckles.

I see the other boys in the shadows of the dimly lit garage sending me equally amused grins.

“It’s not my fault! I should have a key or something!” I defend myself while trudging past him.

“That still wouldn’t make you show up to practice on time.” Sean notes behind the safety of his keyboard. Really, if he wasn’t behind it, I would have given him a good smack. I am not a morning person.

“I forgot!”

“Bad excuse.” Justin chirps from behind me.

I look over my shoulder with a hint of annoyance but don’t say anything. Instead I go over to my mic and pick it up, examining it before almost throwing it down in disgust.

“Um, I want your mic, Justin.” I scowl, holding out my hand expectantly.

“My mic.” He repeats, trying to be difficult.

“Your tongue has been all over mine. I want yours, now!” I snarl, rubbing the tired from my eyes and stomping my foot.

“I cleaned it.” He insists while pushing the mic in my hand towards my chest.

“I don’t believe you.” I tell him while looking down at the mic warily.

“Trust is the first step in a relationship.” He comments quietly so that only I can hear it.

I narrow my eyes and glare at him.

“We aren’t in a relationship.” I hiss, pushing the mic back towards him forcefully.

I leans down so that his face is in front of mine, his grey eyes staring into my hazel ones.

“I’m trying to make you fall for me, so trust me.” He says innocently, smirking at my cold stare and rigid body language.

Yes, you want her

Look at her, you know you do

It's possible she wants you too

There's one way to ask her

It don't take a word, not a single word

Go on and kiss the girl

Justin and I look over to see Kris singing while wiggling his eyebrows at us, shooting a wink in our direction. This, of course, causes Austin to crack up, which in turn causes Sean and then Alex to join in.

Justin jumps back and glares at Kris, jerking a thumb at me accusingly, “Hey, I’ve tried that but somebody wouldn’t let me!”

“I have standards!” I argue, running a hand through my messy hair.

“Well, they’re set too high, let me tell you that.” Justin scoffs, turning back to me now. I glare at him, the look almost deadly.

“You two fight like an old married couple!” Austin chimes in, not helping at all.

“Oh, go kiss your boyfriend and leave it alone.” I tell him sourly.

Austin’s face couldn’t have come across anymore alarmed. Then, he had to go and glance at Kris, giving himself away completely.

“Reese!” he whines embarrassedly, his face burning.

“What! Everyone knows already!” I stress, throwing my arms up in frustration.

“You’re such a bit-“

In one swift movement, Kris whips his guitar off and crosses the room to crush his lips on Austin’s. Now, if you’ve never seen two guys kiss before, it’s weird and a bit awkward. Sean’s eyes widen in complete shock and he turns to look at me. I know I’m wearing the exact same look. Alex and Justin are gawking while the Austin and Kris are pretty much making out in front of us.

“Oi! Get a flipping room!” I gasp loudly while the two boys pull at each other’s hair and suck each other’s faces off.

Alex has covered his eyes with his hands and is shaking his head, “No kidding! I do not want to see that!”

Sean nods as well, copying Alex.

It doesn’t affect Austin and Kris though. Nope. It’s like they haven’t even heard us. Justin and I share knowing looks and jog over to tear the two away from one another.

Justin grabs Kris while I reach under Austin’s arms and pull him away. I press my lips to his ear and mutter, “Save it for the bedroom,” while stepping backwards successfully peeling the two boys away from each other. Both boys are flushed and grinning like idiots.

“I didn’t see it! I swear I saw nothing!” Alex moans from behind the drum set.

I still have my arms around Austin, but he compensates by lifting up his middle finger and looking at Alex with an eye roll.

“Just give me time to adjust! I’m not used to seeing my two guy best friends play tonsil tennis!” Alex snaps defensively, while picking up his drumsticks, which he dropped when Kris had initiated the kiss between himself and Austin.

“I agree with Alex!” Sean notes, raising a hand as if he’s voting for something.

“Sorry guys, it won’t happen again.” Kris announces, “That was just long overdue.” He adds, grinning at Austin.

I shake my head and make eye contact with Justin who shrugs. We both let go of Austin and Kris and back away cautiously, afraid that the two will attack each other, again. Luckily, they don’t.

It’s nice to see the two together, to be honest. I guess the whole band saw it coming. Funny how that works, though. The person they wanted to know the most was the last one. Everyone else knew Kris liked Austin and Austin liked Kris, yet Austin didn’t know Kris liked him and Kris didn’t know Austin liked him.  It’s confusing really, and if I think about it anymore I’ll give myself a headache.


After practice ends Austin tackles me. Next thing I know I’ve got arms around my waist and I’m being squeezed from behind, receiving a quick peck on the cheek in the process.

“I love you, you know that right?” he giggles into my ear. I can’t help but crack a smile, that is, until he adds, “Sure, you’re a pain in the arse, but hell, you’ve got great timing.”

I scoff at this and pout slightly. Aw, who am I kidding? I know I’m a pain, there’s no need to deny it.

“Oh, and by the way. If I wasn’t gay, I’d totally be competing with Justin.” He says quietly into my ear. I can feel the smile on his lips as he does so. Even though I know he’s only playing around, the statement still causes my cheeks to redden and I push him off me, giving him a playful punch in the arm for good measure.

“Love you too, but I think I know someone who loves you even more.” I smirk, nodding over to Kris who is waiting patiently for Austin outside the garage.

“Like I said, you saved my love life, and for that—“ he plants another quick kiss on my cheek before trotting down the driveway to Kris.

I sigh, laughter bubbling over my lips. If only they knew how cute they were sometimes. My giggling only dies down when Sean comes to stand next to me, watching Kris and Austin walk away hand in hand. I glance over to him and lifts his hand while grinning. I reach over and slap it, making my hand tingle.

“Nicely done.” He compliments, catching my eye.

“It was an accident by the way, I was flustered, that’s all.” I shrug, looping my fingers in the belt loops of my shorts.

“Well, your accident had the best timing ever.”

“Tell me about it.”

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