Love to Hate You

By skinnydipped

42.8K 1.6K 119

[Old. Read at your own risk.] Reese Bentley never expected to be dragged kicking and screaming to the watch t... More

Part One || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Part Two || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Three || Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

765 36 0
By skinnydipped

If we could have a theme song, any theme song right now, I think we’d be rocking Back in Black by ACDC as we skateboard recklessly to The Lunch Box. We’re whooping on the top of our lungs and making war calls, the boys beating their chests savagely. My heart thumps in my chest, my stomach doing excited flips. The adrenaline is coursing through my body in anticipation. I feel nothing but the thrill.

I glance over at Sean and Austin, who are wearing ridiculous disguises. Sean wears a baseball cap and sunglasses with a zip-up hoodie while Austin looks like he could rob a bank in all black. I’ve covered my war outfit with one of Sean’s hoodies and a pair of sweatpants, my face concealed under the hood of the sweatshirt. Sure, we look suspicious, but that’s what makes this so hilarious and exciting.

The sky is darkening, the glow of a soft sunset barely hiding the glow of the moon. The smell of earth fills my nose and damp air attacks any visible skin. The faint sound of music tugs at my ears as The Lunch Box comes into view. Multi-colored lights flash from inside, carrying a hardcore drum roll with it. I feel myself smile. We’ve stopped cheering and quietly creep closer to The Lunch Box. The sound of wheels on gravel crunches in my ears, mixing with the sick sound of the Heartbreaker’s music.

Austin and Sean jump off their skateboards and I hop off mine, setting it just outside the door before entering the building. The sound of the jingling bells above the door is drowned out by Justin’s voice. His singing voice is low enough to sound rocker-ish, yet flexible enough to reach high notes. People really can’t help themselves from liking the sound of his voice, but I’m so annoyed with him that I can admit to saying it makes me sick.

Slowly, I hide myself in the crowd, pulling my hood over my eyes more. Sean takes off to the front of the stage, but I lose sight of him in seconds. Austin follows him and I wait for his return. My body sways to the song, pretending to look natural.  Alex’s drum beat is powerful and Kris’s fingers impressive on the guitar strings. Yet, I want to laugh. I know what’s about to happen, where as they are clueless. I close my eyes and listen, recognizing their choice in break-up songs.

I wake up every evening

With a big smile on my face

And it never feels out of place

And you're still probably working

At a nine to five pace

I wonder how bad that tastes

My lips curl in a sneer, my eyes snapping open and rolling in a full circle. As funny as this all is, I can’t help but feel offended by the song.

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

Now where's your picket fence love

And where's that shiny car

And did it ever get you far

You never seemed so tense love

I've never seen you fall so hard

Do you know where you are

And truth be told I miss you

And truth be told I'm lying

He misses us. He can’t lie about that. He has to miss us. How can he not miss us? We’re the better half of the band!

Suddenly, Austin pushes through the crowd and shoves a mic in my hand before hurrying back to the front. I watch him for a moment and look down at the mic. Hold it, this isn’t my mic. I glance back up at Justin and see him holding my mic. I can tell because it has red tape wrapped around the base. My hands tighten around Justin’s mic in frustration. Why! Why is he using my mic? That thing is sacred he’s not allowed to touch it!

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well

Then he's a fool you're just as well

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

Out of nowhere the instruments die along with their microphones. Justin’s voice trails off, realizing it’s  no longer amplified. Alex’s drumsticks, which he had thrown in the air to catch, crash down onto the cymbals, making the crowd jump. Then, it’s silent. Justin’s face scrunches up in embarrassment, a faint hue of red stains his cheeks. He looks back at Alex and Kris who shrug helplessly. Kris looks down at his guitar in confusion, checking to make sure everything is still plugged in.

I’m still fuming about Justin having the nerve to use my mic and diss my band while using it. I glare at the mic in his hands and then look down at his own mic in mine. Oh, it’s on.

I flick the switch on the bottom of the mic and a screeching noise sounds through the room, causing everyone to cover their ears. I must be out of range. I take a few steps toward the stage, concealing the mic between my hands. When the squealing stops, everyone begins to murmur and laugh amongst themselves. I realize I’m taking too long when Justin glances toward the controls and starts heading back behind the stage. It’s now or never.

I pull the hood off of my head and shake my hair out, before stepping into plain view, holding Justin’s mic to my lips.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na na na na na na

I taunt into the mic, my voice echoing through the room. Justin’s head whips back to the audience, his face completely stunned. I push through the crowd till I know he can see me clearly and give him a little wave with narrowed eyes. Suddenly, a steady guitar rhythm erupts through the room, slicing the silence and adding some spice to my opening line. Austin bursts out from behind the stage, now out of disguise, and jumps onto the stage, his fingers tickling the guitar strings this whole time. Justin is too shocked to react.

I guess I just lost my husband,

I don't know where he went,

So I'm gonna drink my money,

I'm not gonna pay his rent,

I got a brand new attitude and

I'm gonna wear it tonight,

I wanna get in trouble,

I wanna start a fight,

na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight,

na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight

I belt out into the microphone, tapping my foot to the beat and fist pumping the air. At the end of the verse I pull off the hoodie with one hand and shimmy out of the sweatpants, throwing them to the side. The crowd is cheering loudly. Whether they know we’re crashing their gig or not, I don’t know, but their cheering encourages me on. I reach out and slap hands of some of the Heartbreaker’s fans.

Sean comes rolling out now, pulling his keyboard alongside him. He stops beside the stage and starts to attack the keys of his keyboard with ease, throwing Justin and nasty look. Justin’s frozen, watching me.

So, so what

I'm still a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don't need you,

And guess what,

I'm having more fun,

And now that we’re done,

I'm gonna show you tonight,

I'm alright,

I'm just fine,

And you're a tool,

So, so what,

I am a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don't want you tonight

I rock out to the song, running through the crowd I look up at Justin from the bottom of the stage, pointing at him. His eyes narrow and he turns to Austin. Austin recognizes the look and does a running jump off the stage, landing beside me and strumming down hard on his guitar. I wink at Justin and despite the threatening look he gives me, I climb onto the stage. I don’t want to get too close, but I do take a step forward and raise my left arm out to my side while I continue.

(Uh check my flow, aw)

The waiter just took my table,

And gave it to Jessica Simps (shit!),

I guess I'll go sit with drum boy,

At least he'll know how to hit,

What if this song's on the radio,

then somebody's gonna die,

I'm gonna get in trouble,

My ex will start a fight,

na na na na na na na he's gonna start a fight,

na na na na na na na we're all gonna get in a fight!

I giggle as he charges at me, trying to wrestle the mic out of my hand. I give him a firm shove and jog up to the front of the stage. I fist pump the air and then kick my leg up high before I begin singing again.

So, so what

I’m still a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don’t need you,

And guess what,

I’m having more fun,

And now that we’re done,

I’m gonna show you tonight,

I’m alright,

I’m just fine,

And you’re a tool,

So, so what,

I am a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don’t want you tonight.

Justin’s hands grab my waist and pull me back.  I lower the mic and try to get out of his grip but he’s reaching for the mic. The crowd is stunned and looks up at the stage warily, unsure of what’s happening. Not wanting to ruin the mood I turn into Justin and tug on his shirt collar, pulling him down to me.

You weren't there,

You never were,

You want it all,

But that's not fair,

I gave you life,

I gave my all,

You weren't there,

You let me fall.

He frowns at this and lets out a shaky breath, “Reese.”

I shake my head and push him from me and jump off the stage to land next to Austin who is still slamming on his guitar.

So, so what

I'm still a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don't need you,

And guess what,

I'm having more fun,

And now that we’re done,

I'm gonna show you tonight,

I'm alright,

I'm just fine,

And you're a tool,

So, so what,

I am a rock star,

I got my rock moves,

And I don't want you tonight.

I throw my arm up and rock my hips, Sean’s going crazy on the keyboard and the crowd is cheering, finally understanding what’s happening. I look back at Justin who is running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head.

No no

No no, I don't want you tonight

You weren't there

I'm gonna show you tonight

I'm alright

I'm just fine

And you're a tool so

So what

I am a rock star

I got my rock moves

And I don't want you tonight


Ba da da da pffftt

Austin gives one last strum and throws his arm up, cheering with the crowd. Sean slams a chord onto the keyboard and kicks it aside. He nods to me and I look up to see that Justin is approaching me at top speed.

I grab Austin’s arm and follow Sean to the front door. Justin’s mic squeals as I approach the door and Austin’s guitar holds him back since it’s still plugged into the amp. He frantically unplugs it while I switch Justin’s mic off. When we get to the door I turn around and find Justin who is still fighting the crowd.

“Ain’t Karma a bitch!” I holler over the crowd then push Sean and Austin through the door.

Austin throws the guitar over his shoulder as he grabs his skateboard. Sean hops on his board while I stick the mic in my back pocket and begin to run with my skateboard in hand. We are half a block away and I’m already panting, the adrenaline making my body feel like Jell-O. I breathe out roughly and chuck my skateboard onto the ground, jumping on wildly.

“Reese!” I look over my shoulder and see Justin jogging up behind us in an attempt to catch us.

I squeal and glance between Austin and Sean anxiously. They shoot me looks of horror as well.

“Faster!” Sean encourages.

I bite my lip and push down harder against the pavement to increase my speed. This isn’t happening. He is not following us. He needs to turn back, now. He’s ruining everything! He was supposed to stand frozen still as we left, too shocked to do anything. Unfortunately for us he’s got other ideas. If he catches up, we’re doomed for sure!

He’s furious, I can see it in his jog, which has turned into a sprint. I can see it, even at this distance, in his eyes, the way they’ve hardened. I hear it in his calls, the way he screams my name. If he catches us there will be no stopping him from doing something drastic.

I speed up even more before becoming frustrated with the speed I’m going. I’m not going fast enough. I push the board ahead of me and scramble off, scooping to pick it up before beginning to race alongside Sean and Austin. My breathing is labored and my chest heaving. My heart feels like it’s going to pound out of my chest.

“Safety ahead!” I manage to say through struggled pants and point to my house in the near distance.

Sean and Austin don’t respond but I know they heard me because they start to head in the direction I was pointing.

“Reese!” I hear Justin’s pleading voice.

I force my legs to move faster, if that’s even possible and dash across my lawn. Austin and Sean are hot on my heels as I swing the door open and beckon them in before slamming it shut and locking it. We fall to the ground of the entryway winded and wheezing, choking on our own breaths.

“That…was…close!” Sean gasps, sucking in air and clutching his chest.

“Water!” Austin coughs dramatically.

It’s a struggle to get to my feet, but I do and head into the kitchen to fill some glasses full of water. When I return to the entryway Sean and Austin and sprawled out across the floor, chests heaving. They gladly accept the water, though, and sit up to gulp it down. Even I swallow it in three gulps, water dribbling down my chin. My parched through thanks me. Suddenly, there is banging at the door.

“Reese Bentley, you coward!” Justin’s angry voice booms while he pounds on the door.

“I’m no coward, you filthy rat!” I scream back, slamming the door for good measure.

“Then why’d you run away, huh?” he questions tauntingly from the other side.

I scowl and scrunch up my nose in annoyance. Darn him! I’m no coward! The goal was to crash it, not stay and talk over a nice cup of tea!

“Get outa here, loser!” I seethe through gritted teeth, leaning against the door still panting and becoming increasingly angry. My face reddens and my body tenses.

“You had no right!” he yells, still banging on the door.

“You kicked me out!” I argue angrily, “You forced me to join and then you kicked me out! What? Are you mad I didn’t kiss you back?” I ask, my voice raising a couple of octaves, “Newsflash, I hate you!”

He stops banging and I hear him groan. I can only imagine him fisting through his hair and throwing a temper tantrum.

“Stop being so difficult all the time!” I hear him say through clenched teeth.

“Reese, what is going on?”

I jump slightly and turn on my heel. A.J. stands there with his hands on his hips, eyebrows raised. I notice Sean and Austin are hugging the wall, obviously afraid of him.

“Um, dealing with someone.” I say as innocently as possible, batting my eyelashes while trying to look cute.

A.J. rolls his eyes, “Who are they?” he asks, jerking his thumb at the rest of band Karma.

“My, uh, band?” I offer.

“Reese! Get out here and face me!” Justin orders, slamming on the door once again.

I turn back around and scream at the door, “Go away Justin!”

“Having a fight with the boyfriend?” A.J. smirks and I feel my face warm.

He must be referring back to when Justin escorted me home after Heartbreakers band practice. We had been riding double and A.J. had been spying on me. I hear Austin and Sean snicker. I throw them warning looks.

“He is not my boyfriend!” I hiss.

A.J. just smiles and walk up to the door.


Everything becomes silent on Justin’s side. He must not recognize the voice of my brother and is assuming the worst.

“Leave, now.” A.J. orders, “Reese doesn’t want to talk to you. Get off the property before I get the shotgun out.”

Justin’s voice is shaky, “Yes, sir.” And then he’s gone.

I turn to A.J. and release a snort, crossing my arms across my chest. He only smiles at me softy then turns to the other two.

“I think you should leave now.” He states, his eyes shifting between the two boys sternly. Heaven’s sake! He’s acting like Dad!

Austin and Sean nod and hurry out the door, closing it loudly behind them. I sigh then stoop down to pick up the glasses off the floor.

“Care to explain?” A.J. asks.

I roll my eyes. Why is he acting so sour?

“No.” I say and brush past him into the kitchen.

“Reese.” His voice follows. I grimace and look over my shoulder.

“What’s going on?”

I just shake my head and step into the kitchen, setting the glasses in the sink before turning to see him standing in the entry.

“What’s going on with you lately? Look at you! This isn’t the Reese I know. The old Reese doesn’t dress like a hooker; she dresses in what’s comfortable. She also doesn’t wear that much makeup.” He scowls while placing his hands on his hips.

“I’m going through a phase.” I tell him irritably while going to the fridge and popping it open. A.J. walks across the room and slams it back shut.

“What happened to your art?” he asks accusingly, “You’ve seemed to have forgotten about that these days.”

“I still draw, A.J.” I say defensively, “I just need a break.”

“Can’t you trust me? What’s going on with you?” he begs, shaking my shoulders. I slap him off.

“It’s just band drama. I’m getting it sorted, gosh!” I exhale and push past him.

“That didn’t look like it was getting sorted.” He states while cocking an eyebrow.

I sigh and stop in the entryway.

“It’s complicated. I’m still figuring things out, okay? I’m still young, can’t I do what I want while I can?”

My face is turning red again. I don’t know how to answer him. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’m doing things out of character. Even I’m finding it hard to recognize myself. I’m so confused about everything I used to be sure about. I just need time to figure myself out, and his questions aren’t giving me time.

I feel his eyes on the back of my head, astonished at my snappy reply.

“Whatever, I get it. Teenage drama, it ruins the best of us.” He says indifferently.

I clench my fists and then sprint up the stairs. Why does everything feel like it’s against me?

When I reach the top I hurry to my bedroom and slam the door shut. I fall onto my bed and then notice something uncomfortable pressed into my left butt cheek. I frown and shift over to reach in my pocket, pulling out Justin’s mic. I bring it to my face slowly and then smile. You, Reese Bentley, have just won yourself a little souvenir.

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