Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell

3K 46 72
By adoKure

Yui POV (That Next Day)

Yui stretched her arms in the air yawning widely. She rubbed her eyes letting the lids flow open. Lying down beside her was her sleeping husband Ayato. A cherishing smile formed on her lips as she watched him sleep peacefully. It was still daytime and she had just remembered that today was a special day for them both.

She climbed out of her bed, took a hot shower and brushed her teeth. The dress she slipped on was black and short with a pink bow around the waistline; it was strapless showing a bit of her cleavage now that her breast fully filled out. The love of her life won't be able to take his eyes off her, better yet resist the dress she wore at any cost. She slipped on her black strappy peep toe stiletto heels and sprayed his favorite perfume on several parts of her body.

It was Yui and Ayato 1st year wedding anniversary. She wanted to cook him something special. So she did it while everybody was asleep including their young kids Yuma and Azula. Reiji was the only one that knew about her little surprised but he vowed to not say a word about it.

Yui left their bedroom and walked downstairs into the dinning room. The takoyaki was already in preparation by the butler with a few other tasty dishes. He set the dinner table for 2 and exited the dinning room with a nod. Yui hoped that Ayato would enjoy this. This day meant the world to her and she wanted to show him what a fine wife she is.

Suddenly a figure behind her wrapped his arms around her waist. Yui smirked at how Ayato body felt so good against hers. She turned her body in his hold, planting a wet kiss on his cold and sweet lips.

"Surprise Ayato-kun, Happy Anniversary!" Yui announced.

Ayato was dumbfounded, he had forgotten about their 1st year anniversary as husband and wife. Sadly he had some news of his own, but he guessed it would just have to wait.

"Happy Anniversary," Ayato responded.

Yui took his hand, "come sit down hun, I made your favorite." She said escorting him to the table. She sat across from him and swung the table napkin on her lap. "I didn't know if you wanted anything else, so I made a few other selections as well. Would you like some wine?"

"No, It's fine," he paused. "You didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did, you're my husband and what kind of wife would I be if I didn't take care of you?" she added.

Ayato bit into a takoyaki before setting the fork down on the table and frowned at her. "I have some bad news to tell you," he started. "You see Yui..." Right then and there a knock came from the front door. "Hold that thought," he said standing up. Before he could see who it was, Hanna rushed into the dining room wrapping her arms around his neck and peeked his cheek with her lips.

"Ayato! I missed you so much!" she shrieked.

"You made it just in time." Ayato grinned.

Yui felt sick all of a sudden. Why was Hanna arms wrapped around her husband and why was he allowing it? "What is the meaning of this," Yui demanded.

Ayato and Hana turned to Yui with a hint of displeasure in their looks. Yui was becoming more furious by the minute. They stared at her like she had two heads. Finally Hana released her arms from around Ayato neck and sneered. Ayato was about to confront Yui but Hanna tugged his arm back.

"You didn't tell her yet Ayato," Hana asked sweetly.

"Tell me what..." Yui repeated confusedly. She looked away from Hana to Ayato anxiously. "Ayato..."

"Don't look at me like that Breastless!" Ayato snapped.

"Breastless? You haven't called me that for sometime now. What has gotten into you?" Yui retorted.

"Nothing," he grinned through his teeth. "And besides, who gave you the liberty to interrogate Yours Truly? I am the king of all vampires and I will not be talked to with such mortification!"

"Fine, I apologize...but you brought some other woman to our home without consulting with me first." Yui explained. "I'm supposed to be okay with that?"

Hana giggled with a snort, "your home? Don't you mean our home?"

Yui was taken aback, "Ayato-kun what is she talking about,"

Ayato huffed, "That's what I've wanted to tell you. Hana and I got married recently. You are looking at the new member to the Sakamaki family and my second wife. You two will be around each other for a long time so get used to it." He bluntly replied.

"Don't forget about the little one that on his way soon," Hanna said rubbing her belly proudly.

Yui was devastated. Her eyes widen in horror and her legs went limp about to give out. She didn't recognize the painful scream coming from her throat.

"Yui wake up! It's only a dream," came a voice. The person continued to shake Yui into her eyes snapped open. Standing over Yui was her best friend Kyoyo with her hair out of place. "It's okay now, I'm here." Kyoyo said rubbing Yui back as she sat up.

Yui sobbed out loud, burying her head in Kyoyo chest. She was covered in sweat and her body was shaking with frustration, "It was horrible Kyoyo." She sniffed, wiping away her tears.

"What do you mean Yui? What was," Kyoyo asked with concern.

"The dream I had it-it was horrible." She repeated.

"What happen? No! Wait... let me guess, lover boy tried to take over the world killing everybody including you in it?" Kyoyo guessed.

Yui shook her head irritated by her words. "No, that didn't happen. Yes the dream was about me and him but it was a nightmare."

Kyoyo snapped her fingers, "It was worth the guess. So tell me all about it." Kyoyo said shifting next to her newborn blonde vampire friend.

Yui started to tell Kyoyo about how she and Ayato were married and it was their 1st wedding anniversary. Of course she told her how the dinner ended up being a disaster and Ayato married some other girl who was having his child and how she was moving in with them.

Kyoyo didn't look surprised one bit. She could picture Ayato doing something like that to Yui, than again she might be misjudging him. On the way back from school yesterday, Ayato couldn't stop staring at Yui in the limo. He had that look his eyes that every guy gets when they have regrets. She guessed the redhead does have a guilty conscience after all.

"And I finally started to scream, " Yui finished.

"Geez Yui, what are you planning to do about him?" Kyoyo asked.

"I guess it's time for me to move on," she admitted while gripping the bed sheets hard. "I really don't want to because I don't think I could ever come to love someone else like I love Ayato. This just hurts so much."

Kyoyo blinked blankly at Yui, "Whoa, this dream must've really freaked you out. Huh?"

"Not just that," Yui paused with a tear running down her cheek. "Ayato doesn't think of me as a girlfriend or a mate. I'm just his food supply. That's all he ever wanted from me out of this relationship."

"Wait, did he say this to you?" Kyoyo asked anxiously.

"Kind of...he told someone else I was his food supply while I was present at the time."

"That jerk! Who the hell does Ayato Sakamaki thinks he is? Yours Truly my ass! I should throw holy water at him or sprinkle garlic in his food!" Kyoyo howled when getting up to pace around the room.

"Kyoyo please calm down. I'm just glad that I finally know what he thinks of us. This gives me an early start to move on," Yui told her. "Maybe I will find that special someone someday." She finished with a loud sob and wiped her nose with a tissue.

Kyoyo sat back down on the bed and sighed. "I have a confession to make but you better not tell anybody." She said. "You see... I kind of know how you feel now and why you're so attracted to those blood suckers."

"Kyoyo what are you saying?" Yui curiously asked.

"I'm saying that... I'm saying that...I-I...LAITO AND I KISSED YESTERDAY! THERE I SAID IT!" she shouted.

Yui was stunned. "You and Laito..." she repeated. "But how and when, you hate him?"

Kyoyo shrugged, "one thing led to another and we just made out in the girls locker room. I'm not proud of it but he makes me feel important. I get this flutter feeling in my stomach every time he's around. I don't know what to do because I really want to hate him so bad. He's perverted and obnoxious. I didn't think that I could fall for someone that looks and dress better than me in a leopard pattern fedora. God he is perfect!"

"Wow Kyoyo, I never heard you talk like this about anybody before. You haven't been this jittery since your father..." Yui stopped speaking once she heard what she said and glanced over at Kyoyo with concern.

"It's okay Yui, don't worry about it." Kyoyo looked back at her with a cheery smile. "Did you know that he knew about my past and what happen to my father? Yeah is was creepy at first but he understood all the pain I was going through. Now I can't even get him out of my head and the suspense is killing me."

"I would've never expected you to fall for a guy like Laito." Yui admitted.

"Me neither. I've only known him for 1 day and 18 hours." Kyoyo pouted. "Liking someone a lot really does suck."

"I'm with you on that one," Yui sighed.

"Yui you can't tell anyone. You have to promise me," Kyoyo pleaded.

"I promise."

Reina POV

Reina eyes fluttered open to the sound of a familiar scream. Without a doubt she knew it was Yui. Reina tried to sit up in her bed, but her body felt heavy and she struggled to move. Something solid was holding her down. She thrashed around trying to get away and noticed an arm under the blanket. It was wrapped around the lower part of her waist in tight grip.

Reina eyes widen at the sight and she let out a sharp scream. A low grunt came from behind her and whoever the person was, they were becoming annoyed.

"Not so loud... and stop moving, I'm trying to sleep." the person groaned out.

Reina jolted when she heard the sound of Shu voice. The event that happened between them last night came back to mind. Shu violently drunk her blood and she fainted. But how did she end up in her bedroom? She could've sworn that Shu was going to kill her. So what changed the oldest Sakamaki brother mind?

"Shu... wha-what are you doing in my bed?" Reina asked calmly.

Shu opened his eyes when hearing her ask him that. He stared at the back of her head but suddenly closed his eyes once more. "I wanted to be the first face you see when your awaking." He replied.

"But-but why Shu-san? I thought you hated me?" she asked.

"If I remembered correctly, you were the one that said you loathed me. I only implied that I believed you. So don't get you panties in a twist little bit." He explained.

She eye twitched at the sound of his new nickname for her. "Did you just call me little bit? What's does that even mean?" she asked trying not to look back at him.

Shu roughly turned Reina on her back and pinned both of hands over her head. He was now hovering above her. His eyes were stern and his expression was unreadable.

Reina sunk under his glare. Was he planning to drink her blood again? And why was he pinning her down to the bed like that? She couldn't lie around waiting for answers so she decided to be reasonable. "Shu, I'd do anything you ask of me, just please...please don't drink my blood. I still feel faint from last night."

"Be quiet, just listen." He demanded. "I think it's best if you keep your distance if you know what's good for you. You're more trouble to me than you're worth and I will not be responsible for some little girl my prey. Ever since you got here I haven't been myself. I wanted to torture and kill you for how useless you made me feel. I never acted out in such rage. So I've decided to give you this one fair warning... stay away from me if you want to live." He said with determination.

Reina nodded at his request but her heart shattered into a million pieces when he called her a little girl. Shu climbed off the bed and walked toward her bedroom door. With one last glance at her, he turned the knob and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Reina pulled the blanket over her and stared up at the ceiling. Shu was letting her off with a warning? What kind of vampire was he really? She didn't hesitate to deny his request, however was this what she really wanted? Reina was confused and she couldn't understand why. Maybe she liked the attention Shu gave her or maybe she couldn't accept his request like she so badly wanted to. Nothing made sense to her anymore and she felt like he also did.

Kyoyo POV

After finishing her conversation with Yui, Kyoyo left Yui's bedroom and snuck back into her own. She knew that her hair was untamed and she still wore her fluffy pajamas with the strawberry shortcakes on them. She would die if Laito saw her in them, so she tried to avoid running into him.

To Kyoyo dismay Laito sat on her bed with his legs crossed and a pleasant smile. He scrolled at her from head to toe, stopping twice at her pajamas. When chuckling he stood up, "strawberries suit you love-kitten."

Kyoyo blushed, "Thanks...anyways, what are you doing in my bedroom?"

"Is that how you greet every guy you engage in a passionate kiss with," Laito asked.

Kyoyo tensed, "You better not speak a word about this to anyone. I swear?"

"Like you did?" Laito pointed out. "I heard your conversation with bitch-chan." He said standing up from the bed and stepping towards her. "Do I need to remind you that nothing gets passed me?" he licked the nape of her neck when standing in back of her. "Doesn't it feel wonderful to have someone feel the same way you do?" He whispered in her ear with a light kiss on the earlobe. "Let me be your Adam and I will forever be by your side."

Kyoyo felt a chill run down her spine and shook her head." I could never be with someone like you. Don't get me wrong... I thought about it, but you and I don't mix Laito-kun. It would never work between us, you don't even breathe the same air as I do." She explained.

Laito didn't listen to another word. He snuck down to his knees, rolling up her left pants leg and popped it over his shoulder. "You don't have a choice love-kitten. Don't you see? I declared myself as yours and may we never be parted." He said before sinking his fangs into her inner thigh. Kyoyo bit her lip growing in pain. After while the he pain subsided into unbearable pleasure. Kyoyo gripped the doorknob trying to balance her other leg from giving out.

"La-Laito, I beg of you... this isn't right." She said trying to contain her moaning.

"If loving you is wrong than I don't want to be right." He said.

Kyoyo chuckled, "That was the cheesiest pickup line I ever heard."

"Maybe... but it made you laugh for the first time since you arrived here." Laito concluded as he continued to drink her blood.

Kyoyo was breathless

Izumi POV

Izumi couldn't believe what she was about to do. There she sat in her best outfit with a box of delicious chocolates. She was on her way to the Sakamaki manor, about to take Yui advice. Her mission was to make Kanato finally her mate. She didn't exactly have a plan; yet something told her that today was going to be spontaneous.

The limo approached the manor and came to a complete stop. Izumi driver opened the door for her and stepped aside. "Your destination Ms. Sato," He said.

"Thank you Tamaki," she responded when stepping out of the car. Only once had she been to the Sakamaki manor and for some reason it looked completely different from the last time she was there.

Izumi began to walk future inside the estate. The bushes were covered in pink and red rose petals and it blended in with the garden so beautifully. It was a bit breezy outside; as a result the wind blew through her silky long hair every step she took.

She arrived at the main door momentary and knocked several times but nobody answered. She glanced around for another entrance. She hoped that they were home and she didn't waste her time coming there. The Sakamaki brothers weren't huge travelers so they had to be home.

Izumi started to walk through the back and stopped in track when she recognized a human figure sitting on the ledge of the balcony. The house had to be 3 stories high or more. She wanted to fear for the their life but vampires couldn't die from falling off a balcony. The closer she got to the figure, the easier it was to make out who it was.

Eventually she got close enough to see who it was. With a gasp, Izumi froze in place and stared at the vampire of her dreams. It was Kanato; this was the moment she was waiting for. She will finally get to meet him after all.

Izumi looked down at herself making sure that she looked prefect and fixed her hair in place while holding the box of chocolates in one hand. She glanced back up at Kanato but he seemed to have his eyes shut. He looked really peaceful and she didn't want to disturb him.

She cursed herself for backing out when she promised that she would finally talk to him. Although, her feet wouldn't pick up or move, with a stomp of her foot, she became frustrated. Her eyes forcefully landed back on him, "Kanato I..." she voiced.

Izumi trailed off the moment Kanato fell over the ledge and knocked the air out of the both of them. He was on top of her with his eyes still closed and his body felt like dead weight. Izumi was mortified. There she was beneath the man-child she desperately wanted to meet. This wasn't exactly what she expected for their first time at getting to know bases.

Kanato lifted his body up to get a good look at her. He giggled in this cute possessive way that always made Izumi melt. This was it. She thought. Kanato was finally where she wanted him to be.

Kanato expression became serious. His fingertips traveled down her shoulder and he roughly wrenched her wrist and twisted it. "Trespassing are we? Who are you? How did you find your way back here?" he demanded.

"Ow! You're hurting me Kanato, let go of me!" Izumi shouted.

"Silent and answer the question before I break every part of your body and burn you to ashes." Kanato threaten.

"My name is Izumi Sato. I am a friend of your brother Reiji and a friend of Yui. We all go to school together." She grasped out.

Kanato sat up straight narrowing his eyes down at her. A smile spread across his face and his eyes lid up in excitement. "You look kind of cute in this position. All helpless and distress...it turns me on just thinking about the things I could do with you."

"Kanato Sakamaki, that is not the way to talk to a lady, better yet one of your own kind." at the end of her speech, Izumi flipped them over. She was above him with a grin on her face now. Kanato stared at her with his big light purple eyes and blushed. "Now what were you saying?" she challenged.

"Izumi, is that you," came a voice. Izumi looked in the direction where the voice was come from. Yui stood there with a blank expression and Reiji was standing beside her.

"I knew that was your family car out in front." Reiji spoke. "When did you arrive?"

"About 10 minutes ago," Izumi thought out loud. She realized that she was still on top of Kanato and climbed off him. "I came over to say hello. So Hi! Hello! Cheerio!" she waved.

Yui didn't not believing a single word so she smiled. "Are you sure that's all you came to do?"

"Aaaaaaaa,"Izumi grunted.

Kanato started to panic. He spun around in circles searching for a certain stuffed animal. "Teddy, where did you go?"

"I'm assuming it's still in the house if you didn't bring it outside with you," Reiji explained. He looked a bit distraught. His arms were crossed and with all his might, he tried his best not to look at Izumi in the face.

"I'm coming teddy," Kanato announced before rushing passed Reiji.

"Kanato wait!" Izumi called when picking up the boxes chocolates. She quickly caught up to him. Kanato turned around to look at her, "I bought you a box of chocolates. I hope you like," she said as she handed them to him.

He looked down taking the box chocolates from her hold, "How generous..." he paused when pulling open the box. "You have a bite first." he insisted. He picked up the chocolate with his fingertips and held it out to her.

Izumi moved forward taking a large bite with her eyes never leaving his. "Yummy." She told him when licking her lips.

Kanato put the reminder of the chocolate in his mouth and smiled. He didn't bother to say another word. His mind was set on finding his stuffed friend. He closed the box of chocolates and rushed inside.

"I guess playtime is over," Reiji jealously stated.

"He ate my chocolates," Izumi dazed.

"Yes and I never want to picture that moment in my head again." Reiji taunted. Suddenly he began to walk away from them without another word.

Yui glazed from Reiji to Izumi, "That was weird. What's his problem?"

Izumi continued to daze off. "He ate off the same chocolate as me."

"Izumi-kun that's kind of gross." Yui admitted.

Mayu POV

Suba-kun! Where are you," Mayu called. She searched half of the rooms and couldn't find him, that was into she spotted a door at the end of the corridor. Mayu gently knocked on it putting her ear against the door. "Sabaru, are you in there?" She didn't wait long to hear an answer. She turned the knob to the door and walked inside the dark room.

Inside the room were a few pieces of furniture and a black coffin locate in the back. She was curious about what was inside. Her feet proceed to move forward because she wasn't afraid anymore. Once she got there, both her hands gripped the handles and flipped the coffin open.

Inside was Subaru, just the guy she was looking for. However there was something weird about the way he was sleeping. He had his legs crossed along with his arms. Mayu was skeptical, she wondered if vampires really didn't have a heartbeat.

Slowly and quickly, she gently laid her head against his chest where the heart was supposed to be. His chest didn't raise nor did she hear his heartbeat. She figured that he really was undead.

"What are you doing?" Subaru asked glaring down at her.

"AHH," Mayu shrieked when falling on her butt. "I was just...checking to see if your heartbeats."

Subaru sat up looking down at her on the floor now, "When I'm meditating?"

Mayu eyes widen, "You were meditating? My goodness I thought you was sleeping...or just not breathing."

"That doesn't give you an excuse to barge in here without knocking," Subaru snapped.

"You're right, that was my bad." She blushed.

"Why are you hear," he asked.

"Don't you remember? You and I are supposed to take dance lessons at Kou home today."

Subaru huffed, "That was today?"

"Well I wouldn't say was. It's still kind of early." She giggled.

"So why are you bothering me for!" he shouted.

Mayu jumped back in shock by his outburst, "You don't have to yell about it. I just thought that you and I could spend some alone time together before we go."

"Alone time? What is it with you mortals and spend quality time together? Do I look that friendly to you?" he scowled.

"I just thought okay? Plus Yui is planning to join us later and we all know how you feel about her." Mayu frowned.

"Tch, is that's what you think? I'm just some lovesick animal that couldn't get the girl to save his life?" he retorted

"No that's not what I meant," she replied in defense.

"Get out...." Subaru groaned.

"But what about dance lessons?" she asked.

"I said get out!" he yelled when throwing something hard at the wall.

"Fine," Mayu said walking to the door. "I thought you were different." With a flip of the hair she slammed his door behind her.

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