His One And Only// Kim Taehyu...

By Chiminnn

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Kim Taehyung. AKA, BigHit High School's heart throb. There was not a single student at BHHS that didn't like... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

1K 52 10
By Chiminnn

I woke up from chatter outside and Taehyung shaking me awake as he yawned. I quickly got up and stretched.

"What are we gonna do about Simba..?" I asked quietly as I kept my eyes shut.

"Keep him in here and put my breakfast in here so he can eat. Zip of your bag so he doesn't eat anything. I'm going to steal your food so I won't go hungry." He muttered out as he sat up, crawling out of the tent.

I followed behind him, quickly zipping up the tent as the teachers started announcing.

"Today, we will be going on a hike. I advise you to wear other shoes other than just sandals or flip flops. We will be leaving for the hike in an hour so get ready before we leave."

A hike? Even though I love the outdoors, it was sometimes annoying...

Bugs emitting annoying attack sounds and "songs".

Bird squawking songs and caws for mates..


(A/N the "LITERALLY EVERYWHERE" is extremely relatable for me right now because I literally stood outside of my room in no pants and an oversized shirt because there was a wasp thingy in my room last night. I stood there for an entire hour before getting my mom at exactly 12:58 AM.. You know what it was? "A flying bug" -my mom.. Thanks mom....)

But other than that, it was very pleasant and relaxing...

I decided to hold off getting ready until the last minute. I took off my bikini and set it aside, slipping on some overall shorts and a random white shirt I had found in my closet.

(I seriously want those overalls...)

I had to admit, I looked pretty good for just going on a Hike.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail after pulling on my shoes. I walked over to the sticks and twigs that used to be a fire where Choa was waiting for me.

"You seriously take forever to get dressed.." She muttered under her breath.

I shrugged and sat down as the teachers handed out food. Taehyung sat next to me and stole a couple bites out of my food before whispering in my ear, "I gave my food to Simba. He should be full soon. I brought bandages in my bag so I bandaged him up."

Nodding my head at his response, I continued eating, Choa glancing over every so often.


I noticed Taehyung looking back at the camp a lot as we left. We had placed put bags in front of the door so Simba couldn't escape. I'm sure he was just worried about him escaping, but don't get me wrong, I was worried too. I didn't want my stuff getting chewed up by Simba...

I eventually shrugged off the thought, glancing over at Choa on my right and then Taehyung on my left. I was right in the middle.


After walking for about three minutes, Taehyung's hand started brushing against mine. I ignored it the first time because that happens on accident. But after the fifth time, it was starting to make me get butterflies. He eventually wrapped his pinkie around mine and then ended up grabbing my whole hand, intertwining our fingers. This made me heart beat faster than it already was and I hope nobody could hear it. I felt as if my hand fit perfectly in his..

We were at the back of the group so nobody could see our hands. If any of the fangirls saw, they'd probably drown me in the lake when we got to camp or tied me to a tree and waited for a bear to come eat me.. Then all of they're dreams of becoming Taehyung's girlfriend would become a light in the tunnel again.

Wait, do I have a chance of that? He's spending more time with me than anybody else. And he's getting closer to me because we're getting to know each other. I'm not complaining or anything, I'm actually enjoying his company. Maybe I do have a chance; maybe I don't.

We continued walking until we got to a big grass clearing. The teachers stopped walking and sat down on the green grass along with everybody else. Taehyung let my hand go immediately. I think he didn't want people seeing as much as I didn't.

I sat along the trees and by a bush beside Taehyung and Choa, away from the crowd. I laid down and looked up at the sky, the other two doing the same thing. I laid in the middle, Taehyung then again grabbed my hand and scooted a bit closer to me, trying not to make it obvious.


By the time we got back camp, it was a bit after noon. We had eaten lunch at a pond that we found.

Taehyung and I had talked on the way back, deciding to let Simba go.. He didn't want to get in trouble by his parents and I couldn't keep him either. And school didn't help either... So when we got back to camp, Taehyung and I snuck out to the direction of the bathrooms, going a bit farther before taking the bandages off and setting it down. I reached out and pet his head along with Taehyung. We were both sad to see it stare up at as before trotting into the forest.

I sighed as we walked back.

"So, what're we gonna do when we get back?" He asked, breaking the silence.

I shrugged "I don't know, probably sit on the shore of the lake-Ah!" I screamed add I tripped over a rock, landing on my arms and knees against the rocky surface. I let out a pained whimper as Taehyung lifted me up carefully, worry in his eyes as he looked up and down my body for any injuries.

"Aish, you're knees..." He mumbled under his breath, leaning down as he examined my knees. I glanced down to see they were bleeding, a stream of blood trailing down one of them. He glanced up at me ad he stood back up, gazing down at me, our gaze locking.

"Can you walk?" He questioned and I nodded my head. We walked slowly, back to camp, his arm around my waist.

When we got back, Choa immediately ran over to me and asked what happened.

"I was being clumsy and I fell, no biggy.." She shook her head in disappointment before walking back to her other group of friends as they slowly went into the water like a herd of flamingos.

Taehyung and I crawled into the tent, I sat on my bed as he sat on his, digging through his bag before pulling out some bandages and cleaning supplies.

He put some rubbing alcohol on a small towel and glanced up at me. I knew it would hurt but I nodded my head, not looking forward to it. He gently pressed it against one of my bloody knees, making me take a deep breathe then a loud hiss through my teeth. He quickly did the other knee, making me do the same thing. Moving onto the hydrogen peroxide, I watched my knees make little bubbles as it got rid of the rest of the blood. Taehyung unwrapped both large bandaids and put them on before making me straighten my legs and wrapping a bit of bandages around my knees. I bent them a bit to get used to them and I felt a lot more better but my legs were a bit stiff.

"Thanks Taehyung.." I thanked him as I glanced up but he we already looking up at me.

"You're welcome, don't be so clumsy next time. I'll redo it before we go to bed. And you don't always have to call me Taehyung, doesn't your mouth get tired from saying it so much?"

I gently shook my head as I sit up, making a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

"Call me Tae..~" He whispered to me as he leaned closer to me, I could feel his breath against my face before he reached over and unzipped the tent, quickly getting out and holding a hand out for me. I scoffed lightly at the small tease before grabbing his hand and pulling myself up.

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