Darkiplier and Antisepticeye...

By CopperLiver

62.8K 1.3K 947

You and Mark are trapped in a horrific nightmare. You are both being chased by Antisepticeye. What will happe... More

Rabbits and Teapots
Oh My Sweet Juicy Lemons

Facing Them

5.1K 126 127
By CopperLiver

       You jerk awake, causing several machines to beep erratically. You are on you back in an ambulance. The memories flood back. The feel of water in your lungs and then the soft pressure of someone forcing life back into you. You take a heavy rattling breath in, you know what you must do. You tugs the tubes from your body and leap out. The two paramedics turn to look at you, shock etched onto their faces. Their names are Matt and Rhyan. You don't look back as you canter into the forest again. Their voices float toward you,

    "Er...Shouldn't we go after her?" Matt Exclaimed.

         "Nah. She knows what's she's doing." Rhyan sighed.

         "I won't tell if you won't." Matt said, smiling.

               You skid to a stop in front of a clearing. The moon is high, shining down on the wet grass making it shimmer. You let out a relived sigh when you see Mark. At least you think it's him, it could very well be Darkiplier. But your heart leaps into your throat when you see blood on his shirt. It was still damp which meant it was fresh.

     "Shit." You mumble.

    You sprint towards him mindful of your broken wrist. Mark has his eyes closed as you approach him. When you are in front of him, his eyes flick open. What lies before you is not the Mark you know and adore. In his hands lies a broken pair of spectacle and his eyes are a deep ruby red. You swallow thickly but maintain your courage. 

      "You should not of come, Y/N." He warned.

    You roll your eyes and take his hand. You summon bravery from Lucy Pevensie and smile broadly.

       "I'm saving your butt." You growl.

        Quicker than a snake, Darkiplier grabs your arm. He pulls your body against his. His arm rests against your waist. You can hear your frantic heartbeat pounding in your head.

     "Shh." He hisses in your ear.

    You hear the grass part then you hear a low chuckle. Antisepticeye had emerged again.

         "Caught her at last, did I you, Darkiplier?" She's a slippery as a minx." Antisepticeye drawled.

         Darkiplier arms are like steel around your body. You can't move and your thoughts swim.

        "How many people have you killed, Darkiplier?"

      "She's different."

               Oh, you thought.

        "How so?"

       Antisepticeye eyes gaze lands on your form, you squirm under his scrutiny.

      "Ah, I see. Your body's previous owner wanted to protect her. Pathetic human." Antisepticeye spat.

     Darkiplier remained silent.

    "You see this form? I enjoyed breaking Sean's mind bit by broken bit." 

      Darkipliers body was trembling. Then he snapped, throwing you to the ground, you land with a yelp on your broken wrist. Darkiplier lunges at Antisepticeye. Antisepticeye dodges and throws a punch onto Darkipliers jaw.

     "You know, Sean should never have explored his dark side." 

        Antisepticeye punches Darkiplier in the gut. You struggle to get to your feet. It all happened so fast, one moment Antisepticeye had his fists ready and the next moment he had a knife. 

      "No!" You roar.

       You dart in between them, hoping to delay the inevitable. Then you experience a stinging pain in your side. Your fingers graze your rips, coming away wet. Oh cheeseballs, you thought. You collaspe, hands clutching the wound. You watch as the darkness rips away Darkiplier, revealing Mark once more. Antisepticeye giggles and leaves as well, leaving a dazed Sean covered in your blood. Sean becomes dizzy and he trips, whacking his head on an unseen rock. He doesn't get up. Mark doesn't notice him and you feel arms support and lift you up. Marks face is terrified,

    "Y/N, I'm sorry." 

    You clung to him. You tried to keep your head above the water, to not drown in that inky abyss. But a small box takes your hand leading you into darkness.

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