Distance & Time Pt 2 to unthi...

By ieshastar

1.1K 8 32


Dear Daddy,
Miss u
Who dat?
Who is she
All the ifs
Old thing
Get the talkin
Whats goin on
Part title
I want to live my life
A year
He cant gotta know
No more
Just checking
Welcome Baby Girl
Part title
Gotta make it
No more
Too much to handle
Fix it
Spring break


111 1 0
By ieshastar

Transfer student orientation sucked. The speeches about what to expect and how to adjust. The threat that the people sitting next to us probably wouldn't be there. The tour, the Q & A session, the bull shit that all schools gave us new students in order to make us think that where w ere was a perfect place. I knew better. Howard was the best of the best. And if I was going to keep my scholarship, I had to be on my A+++ game. After I 'd gotten done with my day full of torture, I headed back to my apartment to relax and unwind.

Classes started on Monday, and I was no where near mentally prepared. Trey had started classes last week, and since he was playing basketball as a walk on this year, his schedule was extra hectic. Key and Kenny were living the busy city life. Kenny worked as a mechanic for the transportation authority, and school and Ayden was a full time job for Keyanna. With me gone Marcus had more of a social life. He was spending more time on campus and less time at home. He'd made new friends and was finally getting to enjoy his college experience, even if this was his senior year.

I stood on the small elevator in my high rise apartment building, next to the students of Georgetown and GWU. Once again I felt like I didn't belong. My Mazda sat in a parking lot full of BMWs Lexus' and Mercedes Benz. I didn't have a different designer bag for every day of the week, and UGGS and sweats would complete my school attire. Heels walking from class to class was not the plan as I'd heard the chicks at Howard were rumored to do. Walking down the hallway to my one bedroom sanctuary I heard the bass thumping from my next door neighbors apartment. I shook my head hoping that this wouldn't be another night of loud partying, like it had been since I'd moved in.

Taking off my sneakers and throwing my bag across the couch I flipped the light switch and went through the mail I'd retrieved from my box. Nothing important at all. Marcus had all the bill sent to him. He told me main focus was school and me having my own apartment was a luxury not a necessity. One slip up and I'd be in the towers. My stomach growled and it crossed my mind that I hadn't eaten since this morning. I'd went grocery shopping in attempt to cut back on fast food, I'd lost more weight, and gained more ass. Shuffling through my refrigerator I decided to make a turkey burger. Head in the refrigerator, ass in the air, I banged my head on the shelf when I heard Beyonce's Dangerously In Love blare from my iPhone. Running to my purse I retrieved it just in time.

"Damn shawty! Thought I was headed to voicemail."

"No baby I'm sorry, I just got in the house and I was in the kitchen trying
to find something to eat. Sorry, how was your day?"

I rubbed my forehead.

"It was cool. Relaxed caught up on some homework. No practice so I'm
just chilling right now."

"You going out tonight?"

"I don't know. Brendan talking about going to this Kappa party but we'll see."

"You've been partying a lot since you been there."

"No need to trip though, you know where my heart is."

"I do. How's that tattoo?"

"Fine, when you getting yours?"

"Listen, we'll have to discuss that."

He laughed. I missed his laugh. I missed his touch, his kisses, his face, his pen-..I missed Trey. He talked to me while I cooked, while I ate, while I ran my bathwater, while I sat in the tub, (sexting), and until I fell asleep. Even though he was 70 miles away he tried his hardest to make it seem like we were right next to each other..

My alarm clock went off and my eyes wandered around my darkened bedroom. My new bedroom, in my new apartment, in DC, alone. Turning on the light that sat next to my queen sized bed on my night stand, I smiled at the picture of me and Trey. It was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep. After hitting the button on my alarm clock I still laid in the bed, staring at the ceiling, I could see through my room darkening curtains that the sun had raised. Time to get ready for school. I sat up and stretched moving my legs over the side of my bed and wobbling to my feet. Walking into the bathroom that was attached to my room I yawned turning on the light. My curls were a mess on top of my head and my face still read sleep all over it. Turning on the shower I let the water run for a while. Mostly thinking. I wondered what Trey was doing, I wondered if Ayden had let Key or Kenny get any sleep, I wondered if today would be as horrible as I'd made it in my head. Let me get my ass in the shower.

I woke up and reached over to the empty space in my bed. Danni wasn't next to me and it sucked. I sighed, I missed her. Looking over I saw my roommate Brendan sleeping peacefully. I don't know why I chose to start my classes so late this semester, probably because I thought I'd be out partying every day that was not the case. My professors made it their purpose; at least I thought so, to make my life hell. Assignment after assignment, paper after paper, presentation after presentation. And I was a walk on for the basketball team this year so add practice into the mix and you see how crazy it could get. I wanted to call her; I knew she was just waking up for her first day of school. I worried about her up there all alone. I was an hour away sure but that hour could seem like forever if something ever happened to her. Damn, 7 am let me try to get back to sleep. I had to be back up in a couple hours.

I don't know why I let Kenny talk me into moving to this noisy ass city! I got no sleep! We had a nice place in Brooklyn, a two bedroom near a store front, but its location sucked. The noise of customers coming in and out of the 24 hour store below always seemed to seep through my bedroom window, add that to the train tracks behind the building, and the city that never sleeps and you have a cranky Keyanna. I sat up in the kitchen frustrated that I couldn't sleep and I had to be up in an hour to get Ayden to daycare and myself to Brooklyn College. I love my son, I love my fiancée but sometimes I just wondered if I was even ready for all of this? It seemed so overwhelming.

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