The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)

By MakMalie

6K 246 25

Draven's pack is in trouble, his father - Alpha of the Teodora clan, isn't living up to his noble leadership... More

2. Siar
3. Mate's Talk, Mate's bonding, drink up!
4. The Alvaro's
5. The Sanctury
6. Just another day
7. The Visitor
8. Abduction
9. Training
10. There's hope
11. The get away
12. Awakening
13. Check Point
14. being together
15. First One Back
16. Penelope
16.1 Mother
17. it can come in any directions
18. Farewell
19. Family affairs
20. My Blood My Liar
21. Collie
22. The Hideout
21. One Step closer
24. Puppets
25. home
26. Death of a wolf
27. Last Chance
28. Queen Teodora

The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)

1.5K 20 7
By MakMalie

Hello there,

This is my first boyxboy Wolf book and I do hope you enjoy it :)

Please could you give me feedback. I really want to know what you think. Thank-you so much! :D


It's been four years since I fled from my pack, because the corruption that laid in the heart of the pack, which pushed me away from my family and what I once loved.

Four years ago

I woke up to the sun shining through. I felt groggy because a new day only replays from the previous day and the day before that and pretty much my whole life. I sit up and rest my back on my bed's head border, thinking of what surprises the council has for my father.

Is it another threat that they will report to the high court's that assassin wolves still exist or will they strip his title off him.

It made me cringe that my father would tolerate their bullshit! to Let them run all over him and they don't remember who save our race from extenction. Assassin Wolves were believe to be cross breed of werecats because of our ability of speed and vicious hunting. The Royal's council believed in the myth and found us a threat to the wolf society because the strength that normal werewolves do not possessed.

I heard a knock at my door.

"come in," I called.

"Good morning, Draven," said Rosita my family mentor. Rosita has been my family mentor since I was born. She comes from a bloodline of noble mentors.

"Morning Ros," I smiled.

"Come on Draven, you need to get change your father is going to court toda,"-

"What now? what has he done," I cut her off.

Rosita saw the pain and replied," I honestly don't know...But I know everything is going to be alright, if you believe in him he will be fine, all he needs is love from his family."

She smiled and sat beside me and hugged me. She always knew how to make me feel hopeful.

I got up and head for the shower I took a long hot shower clearing my thoughts before I face my father. I got change in to formal wear that Rosita had picked out for me. I looked in the mirror I straighten my black tie and combed my black fine hair.

I walked to the dining area to wait for breakfast; I sat next to my father.

"Morning dad how are you," I asked casually as I took my seat beside him.

"I'm good...I need you to be on your best behaviour today in court,"

"Dad its agitating how they're biased,"-

"I understand but you need to respect the elders," He cut me off before I could say anything," and that means no but! There is no excuse for such poor behaviour"

I was about to defend myself but he gave me his alpha stance that made me look down – Why couldn't he talk to the elders like that. My sisters, Elisamarie and Mariah took their seats followed by our brother, Axel. My eldest brother George walks in with his wife Sofia and their son Caleb, just after our butler announced breakfast.

We were all quiet during breakfast besides Caleb. He was running around and playing by himself. Caleb is an active and very untamed puppy that can put a smile on all of us even if we are feeling down. We all finished with breakfast and headed to the front door of our house, and entered two separate black Mercedes. I avoided sharing a car with my father, he was irratating me with his weakness. We drove to the court house which is a ten minute drive.

We all entered through the big mahogany doors guarded by our two betas and took our seats in the front of the council. The spokesman of the council opens the meeting.

"Today we invite you all for the final decision of the Teodora clan's home."

I gasped alongside with axel and our sisters. We looked at my father he didn't dare to look at us except stand in front of the elders unprotected. I felt Elisamarie's hand shake in mine, she was nervous and scared I wrapped my arm around her shoulder comforting her. My dad cleared his throat.

"I plead the decision,"-

He was cut off by Logan the head council. "And how will you pay your debt?"

What are they on about the house is historical and is an asset to my family. The Teodora house is prohibited to be stripped off by the council. However it doesn't make sense. How can the Teodora home be under council possession?

"I will have the money by the end of the month," My father growled.

"We will give you three months to come with the money," Said Logan the head of council.

"I accept. However once I have my whole possession back, the Teodora house is never up for sale again," Father growled in his alpha voice.

What, what has he got himself in. I wasn't convince when he showed status, because what he has done is wrong. I stood up and left the court room. George followed behind. I didn't understand how we lost our home. Does this mean we are broke? I have never in my life known an Alpha leader that has lost possession of their family home.

I kept walking until I was out of the court house. George stopped me by my shoulder.

"What the fuck was that George?" I yelled turning to him.

"Dad loaned money from the coucil and signed a treaty that half of the house is owned by the council."

"What was he thinking"

"I could ask the same. Look,"-

"I don't want to hear it! Just leave me alone. I hate this place and I hate dad for who he is now."

I ignored him and stormed off. As soon as I got to the corner of the court house I ran in to the bushes and ran home. I sniffed the air for any danger. I climbed up a tree to avoid any trouble that may appear on land. Sometimes our land is invaded by rouges. I jumped from tree to tree as fast as I could.

My pack is only small and there isn't enough werewolves to cover our land. We are the last of assassin Werewolves, knowledge from private census.

I flew pass trees with extra strength to lift myself, I am light on my feet so I could jump further.

This is what I meant about assassin wolves differences; we didn't have to shift into our wolf form to run, we can shift our wolf spirit to our human form. We are trained and gifted to use wolf strenght in human form, which other wolves could not sustain. Shifting into our wolf only meant we are in great danger and that's when we are at our full strength. We believe that fighting in our human form is noble and strong than relying on our wolf form. We usually use our wolf form for a stretch and to let us run free with our wolf.

I got home and packed my stuff. I chucked all my belongings in one of the family's car. I had to draw all my money to hide my tracks, and I had to do it fast on separate bank machines because of the limits the machine allows me to withdraw. I drove to the next town over and drew the last bit out and I was on my way. I lit fire to the car I was driving. This meant my journey started now.

I don't know where I was going, but I knew I could not stay with my family any longer.


"Hey Draven dinner is ready," Marina called out from the kitchen.

Four years ago I moved to the city in hiding, I knew my father would send out spies but I had hidden my scent thanks to Morgan who I met a long the way here. She's a wolf from the Hokitika clan she also ran away from home because of family corruption. Her pack practice magic, which is rare for werewolves to do. She had made a potion that will hide our scent from anyone trying to find us. Marina is a wolf too, we met her here, she had no place to stay so we took her in. Her pack is the Kiyoshi clan, a royal family in Japan. She was sent away for college to study human medicine and to live independently.

All three of us live together.

I walked in to the kitchen and Marina was in her bra and undies.

"Marina! seriously put some clothes on," I groaned.

Marina laughs,"Sorry I had to check on dinner. Don't you think I'm hot."

"You are beautiful but please cover up," I said. She is beautiful she had fine long black hair and milky white skin and she is quite tall for a female.

"Wow, aren't you something else Marina," Morgan surprised taking her seat at the table.

"okay you two thanks for the compliment. Please eat," Marina chuckled.

She disappeared to her room. She came out in her pink pjs. I finished dinner and excused myself from the table and went to my room.

I still think about my family I still wonder, are they okay? does the pack still exist, is my father okay, I felt guilty of course. I couldn't go back, my father was weak and deep down I am embarrass of his poor actions. I didn't dare step in to the werewolf world because I may get caught by my family. My father hit rock bottom when my mother died.

My mum died at birth, when she gave birth to Elisamarie. The pack doctor said she had an internal infection in her stomach that burst and spread through her blood. My father hit rock bottom after that losing his head and always picking wrong choices. I did understand because he lost his mate the most important person in his life, his emotions got the best of him. I fell asleep thinking about my family.

I love you father...

I woke up to a new day it was raining and cold as we are in winter. I put the heater on and got change for school. I signed up for college because I knew I wanted to make use of my life and I thought about studying and deicided to be a Pharmacist.

I wore warm clothes to protect me from the cold. Marina and Morgan are still sleeping they didn't have class till the afternoon.

I walked out of the front door and felt the cold air blow towards my face giving me goosebumps. I walked to school because it's a five minute walk from my place. I passed many clothing shops looking down at the brown tiles that laid under my feet. I needed new shoes but I had to spend my money wisely before I spend it all. I still had tuition fees to pay off too. I couldn't risk using government funding incase a wolf was employed with student help centre.

I got to the front gate and walked towards my building. I felt a pull in my body. I fell to my knees my heart was beating fast I was in pain, I tried to fight the feeling by breathing easy. I moaned in agony trying to fight this burning sensation, that made my head feel heavy and stiff. People stopped to aid me.

"Are you okay Draven, wake up baby," I heard Marina.

"Is it your wolf? Is he still pulling towards your mate," Morgan worried.

I woke up with my head throbbing in pain and my stomach unsettled, I pointed to a bucket beside them and I spewed out breakfast. I have been getting these feelings for the pass few weeks. My wolf can sense our mate nearby, except I don't know who it is. Because my wolf is a hunting wolf it can sense danger from far away. This only happens when I am at school. I don't know anyone here that is a wolf - Maybe because I don't care. why? because no one here knows I'm a wolf and I study in the human world.

I will have to practice werewolf medicine after finishing my degree.

"Do you know who it is," Marina asked.

The nurse came in and gave me pain killers. "How are you feeling Drave, take these pills to settle your head ache, call me if you need any assistance," the nurse watched me drink the pills. I pretended to swallow but I had them in my fist. Human medicines don't work on werewolves they are not strong enough.

"here," Morgan quickly hands me a small capsule of liquid," drink it now it will make you feel much better," she whispered.

How long have I been out for," I looked inside the clear capsule container and the liquid looked like shit with green plops.

"Three hours, we got here and heard the news and came straight here. Hurry up and drink it. Yes it looks ugly but the taste isn't disappointing," Morgan replied and hugged me.

I shot the medicine and my face cringed from the sweetness. Morgan was right it doesn't taste how it looks. Thirty seconds later I felt much better. We left the nurse and went to class.

"Do you know who it is?" Marina asked again.

"No I don't...I...the smell of my mate doesn't smell familiar," I said honestly.

"Is she pretty," Marina asked, cocking her right eyebrow up and down.

"I don't know," I said embarrassed.

"You better claim her before this whole heating gets worse," Morgan said.

"This sucks! Why haven't you two found your mates yet! God I wish this would go away," I complained.

"Well actually I wasn't born to mate so I am pretty much safe," Morgan mocked.

I rolled my eyes at her I knew she was born to be a protector, but still why do I have to find my mate first I'm only twenty two - Yeah okay, I'm kidding myself. We start finding our mate at sixteen, and I have finally sort of found mine in this institute.

We walked through the cafe making a shortcut towards our building. I felt my heart skip a beat. I breathed in and smelt something heavenly and so warm, I stopped and looked around. Morgan and Marina looked at me confused.

I walked towards the smell. I stopped at a group of people chating and laughing. There are three girls and four boys surrounding the table having a good catch up. My eyes pierced on my mate...There is my mate...Wow that's my mate..My mate...Oh my gosh...My mate is not what I thought of or imagine...I thought I was straight until now. My mate is a male with beautiful blue eyes and he has smooth tan skin, his blonde hair slightly spiked up. I started breathing heavily and it was insane! Oh he is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on! I could feel my wolf pulling towards him, his scent was irrasistable. I fell in to a daze. I quickly got myself straight and walked out saving my embarrassment (I really hope he didn't catch me staring). My mate is a guy and I don't know who he is. His smile and laugh was the best thing I've seen and heard today. I felt someone flicked my ear and I moaned in pain," Ow, what was that for."

Marina laughed," So you found her."

I didn't know what to say. I don't know how to tell her and Morgan my mate's a guy! they may dissaprove of me and kick me out of my own home - I'm over thinking this, maybe they won't care they would be happy for me.

"Yeah she..You know sitting right there and...She's." I got cut off by Morgan.

"You mean she is a he," Morgan laughed.

"what? how did you know," I said startled. I was in shock she knew.

"Well it was pretty damn obvious who you were staring at, and if you ask me he's a hottie," Morgan chuckled.

"that's wierd a gay wolf? there aren't many gay wolves. This makes me love you more! How exciting you gaybo," Marina laughed. She hugged and kissed me.

"And I love you too! You are lucky to have found your mate. We have to find out who he is,"

I was blushing and took a big sigh and walked towards my building.

Who is this guy? is he human or a werewolf. My mates a guy and I still can't believe it, what if it's a mistake. Someone could have been sitting behind him and they were out of my view. Seriously, who am I kidding sigh. The only thing that was behind him was a wall. What am I going to do. I'm confused and clearly I am a lost child that hasn't found himself yet. I don't know who I am, for four years I have been lying about my life. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. What am I going to tell my mate, the truth or a lie, it would be hard for me to tell him who I am and where I am from. Please someone save me, save me from my lies and the life I have been granted with.

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