I wanna be famous

Oleh magic_writer808

48K 973 496

Wendy cooper; straight A student, beautiful singer, model worthy, and over all perfect. Perfect. A strange wo... Lebih Banyak

the not so great outdoors!
Not so great outdoors! part 2!
authors note
Not quite Famous
the sucky outdoors
phobia factor

the big sleep

6.2K 137 82
Oleh magic_writer808

I wake up to a loud noise coming from outside of our cabins. "AAGH!" I yell and fall off of my bed which happened to be on top of Eva's. instead of helping me up ,she steps on my back as if I was not their . "ow." I grumble and stand to go to the communal bathroom to change from my pajamas which was a twenty one piolets-tee and black underwear. as I'm walking, I hear a whisel from behind me. when I turn I see Duncan checking me out again! I feel my face heat up and start running away yelling "SKEEZE!" I can hear him laughing but I just keep running to the bathroom. when I get their ,I change into my normal outfit then walk outside where everyone else is standing.

      "morning! hope you slept well." Chris snickers. "hi Chris! you look really buff in those shorts." heather says trying to kiss-up to him. "I know. okay ,I hope your all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute. " he says pointing to his brown watch. "oh excuse me .I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen complains ."you'll get your breakfast Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake!" says Chris chuckling deviously ."o-so your funny now. wanna know what I think would be funny... your enjoying this aren't you ?" Eva questions while trying to pull away from the boys that are holding her back. " a little. you have 30 seconds. "


COURTNEY: okay that girl needs to get a handle on that temper. she's only been here one day and she's already thrown her suitcase out of a window and broke the lock on one of the bathroom doors.

WENDY: you know I'm not a morning person either so I wouldn't blame her. {yawns}


" okay runners! on your marks. get set. GO!" Chris says as I take off with a small jog. then a start to pick up my pace until I'm in a full out sprint, passing Trent, Beth, Tyler, Katie and Duncan . I keep running until I feel two hands grab me from behind and put me on their back so I'm piggy-backing them. when i look up i see gren hair and know immediately that its duncan. "duncan what are you doing ! put me down you skeeze!" i say while laughing as he runs. he jumps over a rock and I yelp in fear while holding on to him tighter . Duncan chuckles then begins talking "you know, I find you very interesting." I look at him with one eyebrow raised " really? how so?" I ask with a smirk making its way to my face. "well, first of all you were the only one of us who was willing to stand up to chef , and of all the campers, with an exception of me, you were the only one who was not afraid of the cockroach. you were laughing at everyone who was scared!" he finishes looking at me from the corner of his eye ." okay I was not afraid of chef because, its not like he can kill us while we are on national TV . and back where I lived there were so many bugs, you kind of just got used to them." I say remembering back home where my mom was. "and what about you . you have green hair and so many piercings then you tell me I'm different?" I chuckle while he rolls his eyes. when i look up i see that we were already at the lodge and he sets me down at one of the tables then stands in front of me. I pull him into a hug and he stiffens but soon relaxes and hugs me back. "thanks for carrying me here." I say then stand up and walk to a chair .he seems frozen in place but eventually finds a chair and sits.

          we all sit in silence until owen burst in through the door with noah in his hands. "someone clear a table stat!" owen say slinging noah onto the now empty table. then Leshawna comes in outabreath. "oh. we made it! she says happily while Owen does CPR on Noah. Harold comes in with a hand on his heart. "I think I'm having heart palpitations ." he says. "wait a minute if they lost then that means we won the challenge !" Gwen says excitedly. they all start cheering and jumping around. "whoa there! hold your horses guys. that wasn't the challenge." Chris says while waking to a red curtain. "what did he just say?" Gwen asks angrily. "who hungry?" Chris asks pulling the curtain away to reveal food . everyone immediately jumps to the table of food except me. I sit their and try to not be noticed by anyone but it sadly doesn't work. "hey princess why aren't you eating? I mean I understand why you don't eat chefs food ,but this is probably the only real food you'll get in a while." Duncan says while biting into a turkey leg. "I'm just not that hungry right now." I say trying to sound as truthful as possible. he shrugs and walks off.

time skip*

it had been about 30 minutes and the entire table was empty and everyone was groaning except me. "okay campers! time for part two of our challenge." Chris says standing on a table ." I thought eating was the second part." Owen says through a mouthful. stupid why would we eat for a challenge? " its time for... THE AWAKE-A-THON!" Chris shouts into a mega phone."the what a thon? questions Owen. "its easy. the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." chris says." so what your saing is the 20K run and the turke eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder to sta awake?" ask Gwen with annoyance clearly in her voice. "that's right Gwen! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" says Chris gesturing to the door. we all walk out to where the campfire is and sit on the stumps.

time skip*

we have all been sitting here for about 12 hours and we all look dead, me not as much as them but still. "we are now in 12 hours in with all of our campers still wide awake." Chris says sarcastically. "woo-hoo! yah, staying up for 12 hours! I could do that in my sleep!" Owen says .he then suddenly stops and his eye twitches before he falls to the ground and faints. "this is the most boring thing I've done in my entire life." Gwen says with a yawn. "could be worse." says Trent. "o-yah? how?" she questions. I could be stuck here without you to talk to." he says staring at her deeply . "O MY GOSH THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD!" I whisper yell to Trent while giving him a thumbs up. Lindsey then stands up and does a head stand in front of me. "umm. what are you doing?" I ask annoyed ."trying to get the blood to rush to my head. I think its actually working!" she cheers ."ok I'm pretty sure that's not going to work but its worth a shot." I shrug and do the handstand with her while Beth joins in. "hey Lindsay ,Beth , and Wendy? will you come over here for a sec?" heather asks out of no where. I shrug and walk with the other girls behind a giant boulder. "okay. I have a plan to get me and three other people into the final four. and I chose you guys! "she says. I know exactly what she's doing so I stop her right away. " wow ,that's pretty low. getting the two most desperate people, no offence, to go to the top just so you can backstab them in the end. no thanks. I'll take my chances ."I finish and walk towards Duncan. "what was that about?" he questions. "o-its just heather being heather." I say and lean on his shoulder.

time skip*

before I know it, its already been 24 hours and Bridgette ,Izzy ,Noah ,Leshawna ,Owen ,and the twins all fell asleep. "congratulations campers! you have all made it to the 24 hour mark .time to take things up a notch!" Chris says evilly. chef then comes out with a harp, and a lamb costume. "fairytales!" he says. as soon as I hear that I jump to the book stand and look through all of the books. Chris looks at me weirdly before reading something about a boring castle. I pick up 'how to kill a mockingbird and start reading. when I look up I see chef in a ballerina outfit and I start laughing so hard while he throws glitter .

when I finish the book and put it up I see Duncan about to fall asleep. "NO STAY AWAKE! " everyone stares at me with wide eyes. oops. I walk over to him and sit in front of him. "that's one way to wake someone up." he chuckles. "shut up." I mumble tiredly ."lets just ask each other questions to keep us awake." he yawns." ok. what's your favorite color?" I ask sleepily. "green. and yours.?" he says/asks . I cuddle up to him and try to answer but fail. "re.. rre." my eyelids close and I start to fall asleep but before I do, I hear him chuckle and say "goodnight. sweet-dreams.

 when I wake up its already morning and I'm still snuggling into a tired looking Duncan. "hey sleeping beauty ."Duncan says ."you stayed with me all this time?" I ask surprised. "yup! do you know how much of a cuddler you are ? I tried to leave to go to the bathroom and as soon as I got up you started whining so I had to come back and cuddle with you." he says with a smirk. I look down in embarrassment with my face as red as a cherry. "you know if I wasn't so tired I would walk off to go find a stick then come back and beat you with it, but right now I'm just to tired." I yawn then lay back down on the floor with m eyes closed. he shifts down so has resting on one elbow ."wanna go prank Harold?" a smirk makes its way on my face and my eyes open slowly we both creep over to were Harold lay asleep. "he looks so peaceful. I don't like it." I say while grabbing a cup of warm water and handing it to Duncan. he nods his head and slowly lifts Harold's hand into the water. about a minute after he starts to pee. "oh, gross, it actually worked! dude peed his pants!" Duncan says and high fives me. Harold stirs in his sleep and when he wakes up he quickly notices what me and Duncan had done to him. "your just like Duncan!" he yells and runs to his cabin . we go hysterical for 3 whole minutes until Chris tells everyone who fell asleep to go take a shower witch I gladly do.

time skip*

after my shower i start walking to my cabin but i see everyone outside with random stuff littered all around them. "WHO TOOK IT! ONE OF YOU HAD TO HAVE TAKEN IT" I hear Eva screech from inside while more stuff comes flying out. heather then comes up to us. "hey guys! wow this place is a real mess." she says looking around. "someone stole Eva's MP3 player. "says Courtney tiredly ." you don't mean this do you...." I walk off before I hear anything else. as I'm walking ,I see Duncan sleeping on a tree stump. after thinking for a while of what I could do, I grab a bucket and fill it with water .when I walk back to the tree stump I see that he was not their. suddenly I feel cold water running down my back. "Duncan you are so going to regret that !" I say throwing the bucket off water to him. he swiftly dodges it and a new idea comes to my head. I start running to the dock and I feel him following closely behind me. when I get to the end of the dock I stop and pretend to surrender. "okay you win!" I say while he starts walking towards me. as soon as he gets to me a wrap my arms around his waist as if giving him a hug. he hugs back while I slowly turn us so that his back is facing the water .we both let go of each other and before he can say anything I push him into the water. "HAHA O-MY GOSH !YOU SO FELL FOR IT!" he looks at me in disbelief in the water while I roll around the dock laughing my heart out. in the middle of my laughing spree, I feel a pair of wet arms lift me off of the ground. "your going to regret that." he whispers in my ear. after a second or two I'm engulfed in the freezing cold water. when I surface I see him sitting on the dock with a smirk of success on his face .I swim over to him and reach a hand out so he can pull me onto the dock, but instead I pull him in the water. Duncan looks at me with a semi annoyed and semi playful face as I laugh again. he starts to swim over to where I am and I swim over to him. when we meet in the middle he puts his hands on my waist. because I was to short to stand in the deep water and it would be really hard to float, I decided to wrap my legs around his waist. "you know you make me feel crazy." Duncan says looking into my eyes . I look down and blush so hard you could probably see it a mile away. his fingers place them selves on my chin and push up making me look him in the eye. he then starts to lean in and close his eyes I do too until I stop mid way and rest my head on his shoulder. "wait." I say closing my eyes. "what's wrong?" he asks. "its just that I-I've never really.." he cuts me off. "you've never kissed anyone before have you?" he questions with his smirk making its way back on his face. "don't smirk this is serious. I say while playfully hitting his shoulder. "its simple. just go with it ." Duncan says trying to reassure me. "okay. I'm ready. " he smirks again. "come here virgin lips." I then lean in and meet his soft lips halfway. it was a slow passionate kiss that started to get more aggressive by the second. we soon pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other. "so does this mean we're a thing now?" Duncan asks opening his eyes. "do you want it to be a thing ?" I counter question. he rapidly shakes his head up and down and I chuckle. "okay then we're a thing."

time skip*

"you've all cast your votes and made your decisions .there are only ten marshmallows on this plate .when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow .the camper who does not receive a marshmallow, must immediately return to the dock of shame catch the boat of losers, and leave .and you can  never come back. EVER. the first marshmallow  goes to Duncan. Bridgette ,Wendy ,Courtney , Katie and Sadie, Tyler , DJ, Geoff. campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening....{ suspenseful music}. Harold. Eva the dock of shame awaits ."Chris finishes and looks at Eva. "nice really nice. who needs this stupid TV show anyway? " Eva asks us all she then storms away to the boat and taken away.


so this chapter had a lot of romance between Wendy and Duncan. what do you think will happen next? vote comment and share! 2701 words!

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