Team Fortress 2 ships

By GlitchyWorld324

43.8K 588 253

A lot of tf2 ships [fluff, smut, and A LOT of other things ;) ] More

Blu Spy X Red Rogue - Just your problem
Blu Spy X Red Scout - Knife To The Heart
Blu Sniper X Red Scout - Intruder
C.B.S X Blu Scout - You're Safe With Me
C.B.S. X Blu Scout - You're Safe With Me (2)
Blu Spy X Red Scout - Knife to the heart (2)
Christian Brutal Sniper
Vampire! Red Spy X Red Scout - Blood so sweet
C.B.S X Blu Scout - You're Safe With Me (3)
Red Spy X Blu Fem!Chubbs!Pyro - My Boi a Spoi!
Red Spy X Blu Fem!Chubbs!Pyro - My Boi a Spoi! (2)
Classic Heavy X Classic Rogue - Not Safe
Vampire!Red Spy x Red Scout - Blood So Sweet (2)

Red Sniper X Blu Spy - Goodbye

5K 68 32
By GlitchyWorld324

Rain fell from the sky as the dark grey clouds covered the sun.

Rain fell down onto the now muddy ground where a man laid, bleeding out.

His head was killing him, but not as much as the searing pain of his own arm and legs that were cut off.

A bone saw was launch into the dying mans hip, every movement-every breath-sent a wave of pain through the mans body.

The man thought he was safe-that one of his teammates will find him and bring him to his team's medic.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

No one knew where he was, nor did they care at the moment.

The man looked around, trying to make as little movements as possible all the while trying to see if his teammates are anywhere near.

The man heard footsteps, he turned his head to the side when the footsteps stopped by a nearby entryway to a tunnel.

"Sniper?" A thick French accent called out the mercenary name, Sniper looked up at the man standing there in shock.

Sniper could've recognized that blue suit and mask anywhere.

"H-Hey, Spook.." Sniper called out to the man, Sniper held his side in pain as the man ran over in fear that his dear lover might be dying.

"I.. I need to get a medic.." Sniper winced when the Blu Spy tried to take the bone saw out of the Red Snipers hip, only causing Sniper to let out a yelp of pain.

"Sh, are you trying to get yourself killed?" The Blu Spy asked, doing his best to ease the pain, Sniper looked as him as Spy was too focused on removing the bone saw to see the look on Snipers face.

"I'm.. I'm going to die.. Aren't I?"

Spy looked at Sniper, "Non, I'm not letting you die."

Sniper chuckled, looking back up at the sky, "Yer a little too late on that, mate."

Sniper closed his eyes for a moment, trying to see if he could get his last-not chopped off arm-to move.

Opening his eyes again, he moved his right arm upward, cupping Spy's face with his bloody hand, "I.. I lost too much blood.. And ya know the bloody respawn isn't working properly."

It's true, the respawn was shut down due to some issues, no one has killed anyone yet in fear of dying.

If a crazed Blu Medic hadn't busted into the room the Red Sniper was in and basically butchered him like meat with the Medics bloody bone saw, he wouldn't be lying on the ground loosing blood like an animal that was left to die.

Spy leaned down so he could kiss him, "I know, mon amour, I know."

Sniper heard the familiar sound of a butterfly knife being swung around, Spy kissed Sniper deeply, making the kiss long and passionate, lifting Sniper onto the Spy's lap.

The Red Sniper winced in pain as he let out a muffled scream, tears fell down both of their faces as Spy had stabbed his lover in the back to end his torment.

Spy felt Sniper grip his suit, trying to push him away, trying so desperately to call out to someone to help him.

It was too late.

The knife had already stabbed one of his lungs, blood filled the Snipers throat, Soy pulled away, giving Sniper a small smile.

"I'm sorry." Sniper was choking on his own blood as Spy settled Sniper down, taking the bone saw out of Snipers hip, Sniper let out a few whimpers until he went numb-limp- he didn't move at all or made a sound.

Spy removed his bloody knife from Snipers back, taking his all too familiar hat that was just a few feet away.

Spy looked down at the body, before turning and leaving.

"Je t'aime."

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