Christian Brutal Sniper

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It was rare to see this side of him.

To see him break down and beg to be forgiven for his sins to someone who he used to believe in.

Someone who abandoned him a long time ago.

People normally saw him as a monster, a psychopath, a Freak.

But isn't that what he's here to be?

He was put on this earth to live a happy life-be joyful, have a family, but that changed when he was killed by the Blu Team.

Brought back to life for an unknown reason, he became a murdering sadistic psycho that enjoys nothing more than to see you dead and mutilated.

So why, I ask, does he need to be forgiven?

He must pay for his sins and the crimes he have committed.

Why should he be forgiven and the rest be tortured by this monster.

He doesn't care for anyone but himself.

So I ask of you, to think of what he has done.

He's not innocent and he will kill you the moment he gets the chance.

He has killed people who have been claimed to be immortal, he has killed innocent people who have families and begged to be spared, so what makes you think he won't do the same to you?

He kills his own teammates for fun, he kills the Blu Team for revenge, and he kills innocent bystanders just for looking at him.

So now, I must ask.

Why do you forgive him so?

He's a monster, a freak, he won't care if you die.

For crying out loud! He has raped the same amount of people he has killed!

Why should he be forgiven?

Why should we let him go?

Shouldn't we just send him to hell where he belongs?

Or should we let this 'fallen angel'- this man that so many people believe is 'innocent'- go?

The choice is simply really.

He's guilty.

He's a murderer, a rapist, and someone who simply doesn't deserve your pity or sympathy.

Did you really think he was going to get off easy because you say so?

No, that isn't how it works.

He's guilty and must pay for his sins.

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