Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X...

By ESKT_26

77.7K 3.1K 1.8K

Ja'far from Magi As a skilled mercenary you were contracted to infiltrate and kill the adviser of Sindria, Ja... More

A New Country
Warm Welcome
A Place Among the Ranks
A Drink
Blood Thirst
Just Visiting
Reunions Redux

The Contract

11.3K 310 264
By ESKT_26

You sat patiently waiting for your client in the back of some bar in Balbadd, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air as countless drinks were severed to customers. A hooded figure then approached slowly and dropped a folded note on your table before exiting the pub. You picked up and unfolded the parchment.

We'll discuss further details of your job in the back. I was told I could find you accepting jobs here, I have one you might enjoy.
-Future Client

'I know where this is going.' You got requests like these all the time. Quick, clean murders of people they wanted gone. Whether it was personal or business didn't matter to you as long as it paid well. Among mercenaries in Balbadd, you were among the top. Your weapon of choice? A long serrated blade with a golden handle decorated with gems.

You then stood up and followed the ominous figure's trail to the back. If this person was here for the bounty on your head, you would settle it quick and permanently.

You then opened the back door and stepped outside.

"What's the job?" You asked as you leaned against the wall, brushing you (H/C) hair aside. It was a dimly lit alley and the smell was bad.

"Infiltration... In Sindria." Responded a deep male voice.

"Is that all?" You questioned turning your head to him.

"Well, I need you to kill the King's adviser Ja'far... I'll pay for the boat ride there and give you extra money and clothing to help you manage." The man stepped closer to you. "This op will most likely last awhile so don't be surprised if it takes over three months. I also want you to check in periodically with my contact and tell him anything interesting you find." He then reached his hand out to you.

"This is a long journey, I'm sure you're aware of my fee.." You responded while shaking his hand to confirm the contract. "But as you wish. I wont disappoint."

"Indeed, it would ruin your precious reputation..." He retorted, breaking the hand shake. "Since you might be hearing of me often i'll tell you who I am... I'm Prince Koumei of the Kou Empire."

"P-Prince." You immediately bowed to him. 'Kou Empire... Aren't they in control of Balbadd right now?'

"There's no need for that (Y/N), I know all about you, so you can skip the formality... Which is why I chose you. I believe that you are the most capable in completing this task. You have no remaining family members so you have nothing to worry about when you head out for a mission. I trust you will be able to avenge the death of someone I held dearly long ago." Koumei stated as you stood up to properly face him.

"Alright, when do I leave?" You asked in a more serious tone.

"Tomorrow." The prince stated. "Head to the docks with the things you want to bring. Judal will be waiting for you. As you attend to your mission I would like you to report anything interesting you find to him each week."

You nodded in response before walking off back to your modest home in Balbadd. When you opened the door you went over to your room and laid down on your bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"The King's adviser huh?" You yawned. "What a big fish..." You then closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.

When you woke up in the morning you changed into your clothes and ate a light breakfast. Once finished, you headed out to the docks where you recognized Koumei's figure standing next to a slim muscular man with raven black hair tied back in bobs.

"So you're (Y/N)..." The raven-haired man examined you, passing his eyes over your body. "You're pretty cute for a mercenary, you're not missing any teeth." He sneered.

"(Y/N) this is Judal, your contact." Koumei motined to the man next to him.

"Hey Judal." You greeted with a small wave as he crossed his arms behind his head.

"She looks weak to me..." Judal frowned. He seemed to be growing increasingly disinterested.

"You'll be surprised at what she's capable of." Koumei replied with a glance towards Judal. "Anyway, I put the things I want you to have in your room on the ship." The prince then moved out the way from the boat entrance as Judal floated up and boarded. You stood there in awe seeing this. Judal merely laughed at your dumbfounded expression and continued floating on.

The only magic you had seen up til this point was weak magic. A few nobody's you were sent to kill used low caliber spells you could cut with your sword.

You stepped on the boat and made your way to the deck, overlooking Balbadd watching Koumei wave good-bye to you as the ship sailed off to Sindria.

Judal's hand gripped your shoulder and turned you to face him.

"Yo (Y/N)... Koumei told me to enchant your sword, so give it up." He instructed while motioning for you to do so. You reluctantly unsheathed your blade and handed it over to him. Judal set it on a stool near by and placed his palms on it. After a moment he then handed back to you. Your sword now glowed a dark purple and you could feel an ominous aura coming from it as the glow dimmed down.

"What did you do to it?" You questioned while observing the malicious look on his face.

"Originally Koumei told me to enchant it with ice, but I think this will be more interesting... Your blade now has the divine protection of my black rukh." Judal answered as he huffed in amusement. 'Black rukh?' 

"What does that mean?" You asked running your finger down the serrated edge.

"When things get to hard to handle for you, and I'm sure for a weakling like you they will, the black rukh will protect you and will enhance your sword." He replied at you started at him cautiously. "You can also unlock new abilities with it... I heard that you can already use a magoi infused strike. It's the same thing but with black rukh... It will be even more powerful."

'Koumei must have known more about me then I thought...' Anyone who came across you magoi strike was put to death swiftly, so how could he have known?

"I'll give it a try..." You then focused and thought of the purple glow, dark whispers clouded your mind as you began to see the glow around your blade. Your hair began to slightly float and you could feel the dark power surging.

"Well, well... I didn't think you could handle it first try, I guess I'll give you some credit." Judal smirked while rubbing his chin. You narrowed your eyes in response and sheathed your blade.

Judal then motioned for you to follow and led you to your room on the ship.

The room was nicely furnished and had a window looking out to the sea. There were also trunks filled with fancy clothing and jewelry. You had been told you were you going to be staying at a high-end hotel near the Palace to find away in.

'What should I sneak in as... A maid? Lost? Far Kingdom?' You kept thinking of ideas as you lay on the King-sized bed.

Your next days on the ship were spent perfecting your dark magoi strike and coming up with a good ruse to use. Judal kept telling you to be a maid but you didn't really like the idea of 'serving' the royals everyday. Then you thought of just straight up seeking an audience with the King claiming to be a representative of Balbadd, you could actually say you were because secretly you have been carrying out paid assassinations for the current pig-looking ruler of Balbadd. Although you hated him he rewarded you handsomely each time so you took his jobs.

But recently, the King wasn't doing so hot with the Fog troupe and Kou Empire in the picture. In addition, word had gone around that the third Prince of Balbadd, Alibaba, had also come into play and that he was in Sindria, so you had hadn't gotten any jobs from the King recently.

You leaned over the side of the ship and saw the massive island that was Sinbad's kingdom. 'I think I wont mind staying here for awhile.' You thought smiling yourself.

It was no secret that Balbadd's economy had hit rock bottom so it would be nice not to see the amount of starving, homeless, and begging people on the streets grow as you would walk by.

Once the ship reached land, the crew started carrying your things to the hotel but Judal stayed on the banks with his arms crossed.

"Aren't you coming?" You asked walking up to him.

"You see... I'm not exactly welcome here..." Judal responded chuckling. "Your first week starts now, so don't disappoint me (Y/N), go to the hotel." He then ordered glaring at you.

"Right." You replied simply as you turned around and startling walking off into the streets of Sindria. 'I'll get this done without fail!' You told yourself confidentially.

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