unexpected love >> tomlinson

By Raquel519

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He was there for fun. She was there to brush off a heartbreak. More

1. Unexpected Love
2. Clubs and Boys
3. Hungover
4. Blue Eyes
5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe
6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This
7. Ice Cream Parlor
8. Chests and Notes
9. Ice Cream Date
10. What If We.....
11. Confidence and Class Dreams
12. Breaking In
13. Skype Calls and Reuniting
14. Brush With Death
15. Apologizing and One Big Question
16. Answers and Confessions
17. Never Have I Ever
18. Class of 2013
19. Mom! Dad!
20. Help! Please! Help!
21. Please Remember
22. Sweaty Palms and Memories
23. Sass Masta From Doncasta
24. Keep Your Head Down
25. Trust is Tested
26. Anxiety
27. Niall and Apologies
28. Interviews and Necklaces
29. "Are you ashamed?"
30. Caught & Nightmares
31. Classic
33. "You're My Idiot."
34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes
35. Scare
36. Suit and Tie
37. Models & Talking it Out
38. Birthday
39. Surprise!
40. The Letter
41. Choosing; Forever
42. Found
43. Promise

32. Their Memory

99 3 0
By Raquel519


Third Person (Ooh! Switchin' it up!)

Louis walked over to Emily's bed. He shook her. She let out a light snore and turned around, oblivious to his attempts at waking her. He tried again, but nothing came of it. He sighed.

"Emily. You need to get up. The bus will be here in an hour," She groaned and muttered something about waking her up at an ungodly hour but everything else was incomprehensible. "Emily, we will miss breakfast and then you will have to walk through the mob of fans that are surely to be there looking like a hot mess. Either you get up or the bus leaves without you." She flipped around and peeked an eye at the clock. She read 3:07 and not believing her eyes, blinked again. The clock didn't change affirming to her that indeed her idiot of a boyfriend woke her up at 3 in the morning without any previous warning the night before.

"You could've warned me about this last night." She mumbled, still half asleep. Louis shrugged and suddenly pulled the sheets back, the cold air running up her body and sending her into the Arctic, goose flesh enveloping her body. She glared at her boyfriend  but got up anyway, outfit ideas already running through her mind. Estimating she needed at least 20 minutes for her hair and 10 minutes for her makeup, she needed 40 minutes to get ready. Dragging herself, in the dark, towards her suitcase she chose an outfit and staggered to the vanity, flipping the switch. Light beamed through the room causing Emily to cover her eyes and turn away. Louis let out a hiss and covered his eyes, cowering in the corner.

"Jesus woman! Warn me next time." Emily grinned and removed her hands.

"Now you know how it feels." Louis stuck out his tongue at her, realizing she has intended to do that as revenge. Though, why hadn't he turned the lights on when he got ready? Emily shook her head at her boyfriends strange antics (including -but not limited to- dressing in the dark and hissing like a vampire) and slipped out of her comfy pajamas and slipped on her jeans and sweater (A/N: If you are going "Why a sweater?" they are still in London and I understand London is not frigid in June but keep reading and I will explain) and plugged in her straightener. She brushed through her hair and picked out the spots she needed to straighten.

Louis watched her from his bed, observing how her small fingers weaved through her hair, picking strand by strand and running the hot iron over her head. She then proceeded to turn it off and flip her head upside-down and gather her hair in her hand, slipping an elastic around it on her head. She then took a spongy-doughnut looking thing in her hair and rolled it down creating, what he learned to know, was called a bun. She took another elastic, wrapped it around the bun and then stuck pins in it, putting the loose hairs down. She sprayed it with hairspray (Which Louis enjoyed the smell of) and smiled, admiring her work. He looked at the clock. 3:18.

"Emily, it is just about 3:20 and I'm starving! Hurry up!" He prodded. She chuckled and turned to face him.

"Do not rush me." She chided. She grabbed her bag of cosmetics and applied it around her face, making her look more awake yet natural at the same time. She fussed with her hair and outfit once more then smiled, obviously pleased with her reflection.

"Ready?" Louis asked. She nodded and hurried to her suitcase, stuffing everything else in. She zipped it shut and stood them up. They went downstairs to grab some food before all the other residents at the hotel. Emily had some bacon and eggs along with a cinnamon roll, and a glass of milk. Louis on the other hand, had toast coated in peanut butter and cinnamon rolls, eggs and a glass of milk. Emily shook her head at his food choices to which he replied with a shrug and stuff the toast in his mouth, making Emily want to gag. Slowly Emily ate her food, trying not to stuff herself and mess with her body. They both drank from their milk glasses and put them down, each teasing the other for their milk moustaches. Louis pulled out his phone and they took a picture for Twitter, each posting it.

With breakfast finished, the two walked back upstairs and sat, waiting out the 5 minutes they had until Paul or Chris would come and get them. They talked about how he was excited for tour and everything he wanted to show her. Emily smiled and nodded, listing off places she too wanted to go. A knock on the door sounded and they both shared a grin and a short kiss before Louis went to open the door. Paul stood there glaring at Louis, hurrying into the room saying something like, "Why must we leave at this ungodly hour in the morning? Why can't a guy sleep?" to which Emily burst into a fit of giggles and caused Louis to smile. Paul came back with all their bags, handing a purse to Emily and a rolling suitcase to Louis.

"Be at the bus within the next 2 minutes. You aren't there, we leave without you. Liam, Zayn and Harry are already on. We are trying to space out your departures. Niall should be exiting now. Be down in 2 minutes." And with those kind words, Paul left. The couple hurried through the room once more, making sure nothing was forgotten, before they joined hands and closed the door.

The elevator opened and they stepped in, alone thankfully. Louis pressed the lobby button and the doors closed, going all the way down the 10 floors not stopping once. They slipped out and around to the back end, meeting Chris. He gave them a short smile before speaking into his walkie talkie to who Louis inferred was Paul on the other side. The signal was given and they were ushered out. It had been established last night that there really was no way to get Emily on the bus without the fans suspecting something so it had been decided that they'd leave at 4 in the morning hoping that a small amount of fans would be there and Emily could get on safely.

Needless to say, the prediction that a small amout of fans would be there was beyond incorrect. It seemed as though the fans knew precisely when the boys would leave as it seemed the entire teen population of London was in the back of a hotel. Louis went in front of Chris and Emily was in the back. Flashes blinded Louis and fans grabbed at him while he tried to make through the mob. Emily was getting yelled at with both compliments and hateful words. Fans pulled at her hair and her clothing. When she got into the bus, the first thing she did was retouch her hair, which wasn't in as bad of a conditon as she had thought. The boys joked around and shared how excited they were to be embarking on the Take Me Home tour.

"Emily, what are you excited for?" Liam asked. Emily snapped around, startled that she had been involved in the conversation and thought about it.

"She's probably imagining what it'd be like for Louis to fuck her endlessly. Thats probably what she wants." Harry snickered. Everyone immediately turned and glared at the 19 year old, scolding him mentally. Emily blushed profusely and focused on a hole in her jeans.

"I'm sorry Emily. Harold needs to learn his manners. Perhaps his mother might be able to do something," Liam smirked and turned to the boy, his face pale in complexion. Liam nodded. "I'm sorry Emily. Now, what is the one thing you want to see?" Liam asked. Emily thought about her parents and about their travels and stories they'd tell her. While Emily was thinking, Liam and Zayn spoke in hushed tones to Harry, scolding the immature teen. Louis and Niall stayed on opposite sides of the bus debating whether or not to approach each other.

"This will sound cliche but I really want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower." Emily answered. Liam nodded and Zayn smiled. Harry was silently judging her, Emily could tell. Niall gave a brave face. He knew exactly why Emily wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower and he wanted that to be their thing; Their Memory. Emily and Louis made eye contact, grinning at each other. Louis wanted to take her there now, if it made her happy.

"That is a totally acceptable answer Emily," He beckoned Emily over. She gave him a confused look and bent down to his level in the chair he was sitting in, "I want to take Danielle there some day." Emily grinned.

"She'd love that." Liam blushed and then turned to talk to Zayn. Emily walked towards the back of the bus, passing the bunks, giggling at the sight of the names on each bunk. She noticed the mirror at the end and wondered if that was the end of the bus. Surely it wasn't that small. But she wouldn't ask. She made her way back to the boys and sat on the couch, pulling out her phone to text her mother.

Liam and Zayn sighed, as a furious Harry Styles stormed past them. He was just to damn stubborn. Not only would the 19yr old child apologize to Emily, he wouldn't dare go near her or Louis as long as they were dating. Needless to say, the friendship between Louis and Harry was cut in half and the budding relationship between Harry and Emily, was surely sour and not go to flourish.  Niall and Louis confronted each other about the incident a few nights ago and apologized. They were talking about Fifa '14 coming out and how they were going to play it 24 hours straight.

Suddenly the bus door opened and in stepped the driver, Ronnie. He greeted the boys and told them to sit down because they were on their way to the O2 Arena where the boys were set to perform on Friday, today being Wednesday. They had rehearsal today and tomorrow, to help them get back into the gest of being onstage and that gave crew a few days to set up. The boys were excited and Emily was too. The idea of touring with the biggest boy-band in the world was mind-boggling and dating one of them never really clicked with Emily.

The bus jerked forward and the engine started as the bus started turning slowly out of the lot. The screams were deaffening even in the bus. You could hear the police holding the fans back and a phone ringing. Emily jumped up, her phone surprising her and read the Caller I.D. Mother. She groaned and answered it.

"Hello Mother," She greeted. Instantly the bus hushed and they were left in silence with only the engine to create background noise. Louis tensed. The last time Emily and her mother met up it didn't go so well. Niall was unsure. Mrs. Watts was very nice and very accepting to Niall but the last time Emily and her mother were in the same room didn't end well. Zayn moved to his bunk, considering it was still 4:15 in the morning and tried to go back to sleep, which was sucessful the minute his head hit the pillow. Liam excused himself to the bathroom and Harry was still gone.

Emily spoke in a harsh tone to her mother, angered that her mother didn't warn her she was calling. Her mother however dismissed the tone and continued chattering to her daughter "whom she missed dearly" which Emily believed was a bunch of bullcrap. She lovd her mother dearly, but if she missed her dearly she would've invited her to travel with her father and mother during the summer and not caring whether Emily was gone for the entire summer travelling the world with her boyfriend she only met 2 months ago.

"Emily, do you remember your friend Sean? Sean Jones from like the 3rd grade?" Her mother asked.

"Yes mother," She answered, confused as why her mom would bring up an old classmate from 9 years ago, "What about Sean?"

"Well I bumped into his mom yesterday! And my, Sean has grown! He still remembers you." She could practially feel her Mom's glee through the phone and Emily smiled remembering Sean.

"Thats great! I'm assuming you got his Mom's number. May I have it to get Sean's?" At the same time Louis and Niall tensed and looked at each other. Who was Sean? Why did she want his number?

"Thanks Mom! Great! Well its like, 4:30 in the morning and Im tired so we will talk later yeah? Okay, Love you too. Bye!" She sighed as she hung up and sprawled back against the couch. She snuggled up into the couch and and covered herself in a blanket since it was cold, glas she was wearing a sweater, and drifted back to sleep.

Niall and Louis spoke in hushed tones until a small snore came from Emily and they let their voices be heard.

"Who is Sean? Niall, you know her more than I do. Any Seans?" Niall shook his head. Louis sighed.

"Maybe it's a childhood friend. I dont think you should worry Louis. He's probably a childhood friend." Niall reassured his mate. Louis smiled.

"You're right. But you know one thing you are wrong about?" Niall looked at him.

"I will beat you are Fifa '14." Louis joked and Niall joined into the laughter.

Really, this is a filler. It's also a guinea pig. How do you like 3rd person? I think it's easier to write in. Should I do it more often? I'd still use POVs but sometimes through a 3rd person in? Early update! Which is exciting! 3 votes? PWEASE?

Oh and Emily's outfit IS IN THE EXTERNAL LINK. Click it if you want to see.

I probably wont update for another week. And I do, it'll be short :(

I'd update tomorrow but Im going to see Selena Gomez ;)

Like the new cover?

XOXO Stay Hungry (Coz Thanksgiving is coming up)

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