Interview With An Author: Qui...

By TrivStar

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Interview With An Author: Quirky Style
Round 2 Questions
Trivstar (2)


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By TrivStar

Read this and then make sure to check out Chains, Charisma and Congress by SabrinaElouardi

Name: Sabrina Elouardi

Story Name: Chains, Charisma, and Congress

What's your almost name?

I don't really remember, but it sounded something like Ito. I love my dad, but I'm so grateful I was named Sabrina instead of that.

What is your least favorite book of all time and what was your favorite character in it?

That's such a hard question, because I never really read awful material. I guess my least favorite book would be Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, which was on my summer reading list. The bastard wrote a non-fiction novel that was mostly fabricated. I guess my favorite character was Greg's girlfriend Marina because she broke his heart into a million little pieces. He deserved that.

If you could be an animal what sort of animal would you be?

Probably a Siberian husky pup that has golden fur. They look like roasted marshmallows...o.o :D

You meet One Direction-what's the first thing you say?

Do you know where the ear plugs are at? Haha. I think One Direction's music is a little mediocre, and I don't really listen to it. But the screaming at concerts would give me headaches. I frequently get headaches and don't like them, so...

What is the worst natural or manmade disaster, in your opinion?

The worst natural would probably be hail storms because I live in the North and the winters here are brutal and brusque. Worst man-made disaster...the oil spill. Do you know how much AP Bio related work I had to do because of it? Awful. People making me study carbon, (the slutty element as my weird teacher calls it). Smh.

If you could make one famous person more appreciated and more famous who would it be and why?

Hmm...I guess, it would be Mike Kelley, the creator of my favorite TV show Revenge. He's one of the most brilliant show runners I've seen in a while, and during the second season of Revenge people hated his plotlines and got him kicked off the show...when it was really good. He's a genius. He needs to come back to the TV business. Because he'd make my life if he made a Revenge spin-off.

List all the magazines you read often.

This scientific thing SCIAM. I hate being forced to read articles that aren't interesting, but I'm trying to pass my AP Biology class with at least an A- by the end of the year, so reading is what I must do. Sigh.

What location in the world suits your personality best?

Either Nashville or New York City because they both are the cities of expressing creativity, which defines me in a nutshell. I write, sing, and song-write, so those two cities are perfect. :D

If your book was adapted would you prefer a TV show, a movie, or a play, or something else?

A TV show because I'm that kind of person who wants a film adaptation to capture every detail. Chains is a revenge-y story too so I doubt two hours would be enough to capture the entire thing.

Choose TWO of these things that you can have complete control over in the adaptation of your book and explain what you would do with them: soundtrack/store, cast, director and producers, screenplay, set and costumes, marketing, cinematography, official website design, special effects, editing, set location.

One I'd do that's on this list is soundtrack because I usually listen to music that fits the mood of the dramatic or tranquil scene. Another I'd like to do, that's not on here, is script writing. When I plan out my chapter, I usually write it out like transcripts of TV shows.

Would you rather take a Vampire or a Werewolf in a fight?

Werewolf because werewolves are freakin' amazing and dominant. I'd probably die, but I'd die epically.

Which celebrity would you want to go to the formal/prom/end of year dance/party with?

 Jared Padalecki probably, from Supernatural. He's so adorable and intriguing and is good at playing a cute traumatized boy and that nEVER happens. (Insert barbaric fangirl cry).

Which celebrity would you like to be pen pals with?

REVENGE'S GABRIEL MANN OMGG (Oh my golly gosh). He is brilliant, fashionable, sarcastic, scowls at stupid people, and probably the most handsome, geeky-looking actor ever. I'm a nerd. He's a nerd. INSTANT CONNECTION.

Baking or cooking?

(Screaming at the fact this is the hardest question ever). Like, baking is amazing because pastries, cakes, cookies, and brownies make feel rich but then cooking can make Chinese and Japanese food. I need both groups in my life.

Which genre do you absolutely HATE? And what would the title of a story this genre be if you were forced to write it?

Probably romance when it stands alone. A few books are the exception of this, but I absolutely cannot write a romantic story that circulate around two people. I need a cast of characters. As Olivia Pope says, "I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love" that brings the readers in, and has the rooting for more than one person. The title would probably be called Halo and Horns, because I enjoy writing about opposites.

What do you want to/did you major in, in university?

I'm undecided right now, but when the time comes, I might major in both Biology and English.

Would you rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?

The Grammys because it's more professional and I love watching people tweet their reactions and complain as I'm like, breaking out into Carrie Underwood and screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!"

You have to set your story in a country that isn't your own and isn't the US, the UK, Canada, or Australia. Where would you set it?

Russia because of the criminal rate I think is high there, where intrigues me. I love writing about criminals and law-bending and badass female protagonists. And I'm quite the drama fanatic. :D

Would you rather be an extra in a huge, blockbuster movie or have a character named after you in a self-published, unpopular book?

Probably the character named after me because self-publishing is a lot more harder than staking a role in a movie. It's hard work, blood, sweat, and tears--the publishing business.

What time period/place would you like to live in and why?

Probably the Gothic era because literature and fashion during that time was dreary yet mysterious and cool.

Are you an old soul or a young soul?

I'm sort of in the middle. My fascination and curiosity about both just drives me to be who I am today, so I don't really know.

What song annoys you more than anything else?

Too many. Gosh. Um...What Makes You Beautiful. I despise that song. Because they're basically assuming I'm insecure about myself. I mean, I could secretly be a reincarnated version of Beyoncé and they're like, "YOU'RE INSECURE, DON'T KNOW WHAT FOR?" It's like, you were never beautiful, but you're beautiful, so it means I'm not beautiful. (Insert drunk, forced laughter).

Pick your favorite movie character. Now recast them and explain why.

Don't have a favorite movie character, but the actor I'd recast would be Stanley Tucci in the Sea of Monsters movie (I think it was him). The man who played Dionysus in Percy Jackson. For those of you who don't know Dionysus from Percy Jackson, he is the God of Wine. Percy is a demigod. Dionysus does not like demigods. In the Sea of Monsters, he looked concerned for Percy. That isn't supposed to happen because it didn't happen in the book! I love Stanley but you do not ruin my book series in film. No, no, no!

Pick your favorite book character. Now put them in a different book entirely and explain why.

Don't have a favorite book character but one I'd choose is Beatrice "Tris" Prior from the Divergent trilogy. I'd place her in The Hunger Games because she's an intelligent character, but fragile, and I'd love to see how she'd interact with another dystopian world that is so different from hers.

In the movie of your life, who would play you?

I guess...Nina Dobrev because her character Elena, on the Vampire Diaries, has raw and vulnerable emotions that feed off her like me in times of despair. And Elena writes, in a diary, but it's still writing okay. ;)

Quick: What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word 'Swamp'? 

Crocodiles. On Revenge, the protagonist Emily Thorne has this stare that's call the "croc-stare." Accurate.

What is something you do not understand AT ALL and you don't think you ever will understand it?

Why AP teachers give more work than college professors and making it tougher for us? The fact I pull all-nighters a lot to study and still get Fs on tests? So many questions...

Have you ever been to Scandinavia?

Nope. I'd love to though. Europe is interesting. ;D

What is your favorite letter of the alphabet and why?

S because my name begins with it, and there are so many words I love saying that are dark and light, and begin with S.

Lucky number?

Apparently 3.42 because that's my GPA right now and I'm ecstatic that I'm passing all my classes

What's the physical feature people comment on the most?

My cheekbones. According to my friend, DannyAngelus on Wattpad, I have amazing cheekbones and should model them...?

Which of the ancient pantheons do you find the most interesting?

Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse deities I find intriguing and it's always matter I can write about it. I love Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, and I'm in the midst of editing my Norse mythology story.

Story Questions--

Insert a fandom: Fans of 'Supernatural' would love my story!

I hope this comes out self-centred, because I honestly don't mind if someone who's a fan of Fifty Shades reads Chains. But I think Revenge and Scandal fans would love Chains because it's a revenge/scandal filled dystopian political thriller. With werewolves.

One a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book?

Chains has many settings. And all have a horrific aspect to them that's sinister. Overall, I'd give Chains a 8, because the story is about exploiting scandals for means of avenging the death of two fathers. Secrecy, lies, spellbinding, heart-wrenching double truths. Murder. Torture. Assassination, drug dealing, racketeering, extortion. You name it, I probably have it.

List a song that fits with the beginning third of your book, a song that fits the middle and a song that fits the end.

The beginning third of the song would be Seven Devils, by Florence and the Machine. The song says, "holy water cannot help you now/I've come to burn your kingdom down." And that's what my MC is doing.

The middle, I don't really know if I'm approaching or not, but would probably be The Devil Within by Digital Daggers because it shows that my main character is still determined to avenge her dad's death--no matter what the price is. 

The end, which I envision, would be Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence and the Machine because it shows a scarred girl being exposed to the vulnerable upbringing that was brought upon her. Sacrifice. Redemption. Shock.

One of your characters can come to life; who is it and why?

Jackson Core. What happened to Jackson is his dad, and my main protagonist's dad, were accused of planting bombs within a majority of Wall Street.  Felicity, my MC, tells him who she is when the time comes, and he wants to help her, but is avoiding her at the same time. I'd love to hug him and call him my short stuff. :D

If you had to write the book from another's perspective whose would it be and why?

Derrick VanCamp. Derrick is a nerd, inspired by Gabriel Mann's character, and strong despite the fact he's sly and scared at the same time. He owes Felicity's dad, his secret and life, due to the fact her dad was the one who kept him afloat in the business world. He's made too many sacrifices to exonerate his name and keep Felicity alive, and has kept that promise. I love him, and I think he knows how this story ends better than any one.

Paste your favorite quote from your story and explain why you love it.

I'll name two, because I can't choose. :"D

(Spoiler) Setting 1: Felicity's mentor in Law and Crisis Management is the White House's Chief of Staff. When the media attacks Felicity's client by accusing her of sleeping with a Supreme Court Justice, Felicity exploits something dastardly about the pristine politician.

"My political balls are bigger than yours," Felicity commented smugly.

"You just got lucky—"

"Admit defeat, Theo. My political balls are bigger than yours."

Setting 2: Felicity confronts the French girl, Margaux LeMarchal, sleeping with her boyfriend and threatens to expose her.

(In French)

Margaux: You are truly the definition of a female dog.

Felicity: Yeah, it comes with the job description, in case you haven't noticed.

I love these two because they bring out Felicity's humorous side, and how she's stubborn and won't rest until she gets what she wants. :D Like me. Woop.

Did you/are you writing this in correct order or just whatever scene you feel like should be written first?

I write in the correct order, according to my order, and if I think of something, I add it. I'm very precise and organized with planning/writing.

Guesstimate how many hours of planning you did before beginning to write this story.

With this story and the series I'm creating that circulates around it, I had writer's block from September to May. I've been writing from May to now, without stopping. It's been incredible.

Who, or what, is the main antagonist? Explain them.

My main antagonists work together in sync, a couple. Aphrodite and Hawk Silvers. Aphrodite and Hawk are the authors of Felicity's father's demise, and are the Alphas with gobs of money; their children great catches. Stealing an enemy's identity, Felicity travels to the providence Mercedes, by El Matador Beach, where they are. Her plan, I'll reveal some now, is very concrete. She's going to take down the accomplices, ruin the lives of them and their children. She seduces one of the high members of the pack, sets on marrying them, and tearing the family from the inside.

Describe the most attractive (in any way) character in the series: features, clothing, and personality.

They're all pretty attractive, haha. I guess Felicity would fit that character, or Aphrodite. They both appear to be innocent, opulent seductresses with gobs of money and very alluring features. But what's most attractive is their personalities. They're wicked, cunning, sly, and smart. Like a snake. And a flower. Whoop. Shakespeare.

Who is the best couple in your story?

Everyone hates everyone so this is awkward. I think it'd be Jackson's dog, Savvy, and nachos on the docks. I ship them. In all seriousness.  The best human couple though, is probably this girl Crystalline Gregory with this guy Hail Kingsbane, because Hail is a sarcastic person and he's charming. :D

If you had to cut one main or main supporting character from your story, who would it be?

This is hard because there are a lot of developing characters that will leave in very epic, (I think), ways. It'd be fair to probably cut off a main supporting character that's been loyal to the story. I guess Richard Glasgow, the Beta of the pack, would be one to go. He's been dead weight, and only has a purpose when the Alpha wants him. (I just hinted at something guys. I love Richard). :D

Every character in the story comes over for a cocktail party at your house? How would that go? What would happen?

In Chains, parties are another backdrop. If it was at my house, I'd be out of the house the day of the party. Felicity is a very sneaky person. Methodic and an evil genius. She'd plan something drastic. Derrick would be confused about his feelings, and would probably flirt with his financial analyst Ivy or some attractive guy. (Don't blame him). Aphrodite and Hawk would try to make the events become contorted in their favors, since Felicity ruined their rep. Irwine, Felicity's cousin, would be smirking at people and barking at them, as well as trying to broker deals for means of money. Gunnar, Felicity's sleazy go-to-guy, would probably be sleeping with Aphrodite's daughter. Jackson and his sister Rhiannon would be like, "wtf is going on," and then my mom would yell me about the fact I didn't clean up the house good enough for the rich. And then she'd yell at me and ask why I let werewolves into my house.

Do you want to get this story published one day?


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