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Alright, here's another interview, this time with Lomax343 who has The Brotherhood of the Shroud, a fantasy-adventure project, posted here on Wattpad.

I should add that great annoyance was taken at the (many) uses of the word 'movie' in my interview which  I agree is pretty lame--I wrote the questions quite a while ago, long before being put through film studies and literature where I grew to detest the word! I'm cringing/laughing everytime I see it in the questions now, especially since I always call people out about it (except when they're talking about Transformers movies. They are movies, not films.)

So thanks to Lomax343 for pointing that out, and obviously you should read the interview and check out The Brotherhood of the Shroud (which is very high up in the fantasy ranks!) 


Name:  G K Lomax.  It is a nom-de-internet.  I have been published (in a small way) under that name.  I added the 343 because plain Lomax was already taken, and I used to drive a Volvo 343.

What's your almost name? (The name you were almost given?)

I'm told that my parent considered calling my Guy, but decided against so doing because my christening fell close to Bonfire Night.

What's your least favourite book of all time and what was your favourite character in it?

Toughie.  I'll have to go for Lies Inc by Philip K Dick.  Runner up is A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway.  Dick and Hemingway are the most over-rated writers in history.  Fav character in Lies Inc?  Mercifully, I've forgotten them all.

If you could be an animal what sort of animal would you be?

What sort of animal would I be?  A cat.  Cats are loners who get provided for.

You meet One Direction-what's the first thing you say?

"Who the hell are you lot?"

Favourite film and worst part of it?

Twelve Angry Men.  It has no worst part - it's perfect.

Which colour describes your day today best?


What is the worst natural or manmade disaster, in your opinion?

Natural: Thera, which gave rise to the legend of Atlantis.  Man-made: The burning of the library of Alexandria - cultural vandalism on a gargantuan scale.

List all the magazines you read often

I read Private Eye from time to time.

If you could make one famous person more appreciated and more famous, who would it be and why?

I'd pick two.  Charles Babbage (1791 - 1871) who designed and built the world's first programmable computer, and his collaborator Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852) who was the world's first computer programmer.

What location in the world suits your personality the best?


Toast, Cereal or Porridge?


If your book was adapted would you prefer a TV show, a film, a play, or something else?

I'd probably take the money, but under no circumstances would I watch the result.  Ergo the format matter not a jot.

Choose TWO of these things that you can have complete control over in the adaption (film, TV show, etc) of your book (and explain what you would do with them): soundtrack/ score, cast, director and producers, screenplay, set and costumes, marketing (i.e. posters, taglines, merchandise), cinematography, official website design, special effects, editing, set locations

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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