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Name: Victoria

Story Name: The Witch Experiences

--Quirk Questions--

What’s your almost name?


What’s your least favourite book of all time and what was your favourite character in it?

Twilight. My favourite character there was my namesake Victoria (because she was evil 3:)

If you could be an animal what sort of animal would you be?


You meet One Direction—what’s the first thing you say?

I wouldn't say anything. Just walk away. That's the best they can get. The worst? You don't want to know.

Favourite movie and worst part of it?

The Scream. Where 'Why did you do that?' and stuff. It's a horror movie, guys!

Which colour describes your day today best?


What is the worst natural or manmade disaster, in your opinion?

Avalanches. Why? I have no idea. Just popped up in my head.

List all the magazines you read often.

I don't read magazines. I don't even know any.

If you could make one famous person more appreciated and more famous, who would it be and why?

 Do I know any famous people? I am clueless about celebrities.

What location in the world suits your personality the best?


Toast, Cereal or Porridge?


If your book was adapted would you prefer a TV show, a movie, a play, or something else?

Depends. Book is always the best. Though a TV show might express more feelings

Choose TWO of these things that you can have complete control over in the adaption (movie, TV show, etc) of your book (and explain what you would do with them): soundtrack/ score, cast, director and producers, screenplay, set and costumes, marketing (i.e. posters, taglines, merchandise), cinematography, official website design, special effects, editing, set locations Soundtrack and special effects.

Soundtrack because I would put all my favourite music (Iron Maiden, Metallica and Russian metal bands). Special effects because only I know what my witches' powers should look like.

Would you rather take a Vampire or a Werewolf in a fight?


Which celebrity would you want to go to the formal/ prom/ end of year dance/ party with?

I don't know any celebrities (sobs)

Which celebrity would you like to be pen pals with?

Candice Accola?

Baking or cooking?


Which genre do you absolutely HATE? And what would the title of a story of this genre be if you were forced to write it?

Romance. 10 stories to make me throw up

What do you want to/did you major in, in university?

Chemics and Physics

Would you rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?


You have to set your story in a country that isn’t your own, and isn’t the US or the UK. Where would you set it?

Germany or Denmark or Russia. I lived in Germany and Denmark and my family is Russian

Would you rather be an extra in a huge, blockbuster movie or have a character named after you in a self-published, unpopular book?

A character named after me in a self published unpopular book.

What time period/place (e.g. middle ages, 12th century China, Ancient Egypt) would you like to live in and why?

19th century England (dresses were so good back then) and 1980s England or US (\m/)

Are you an old soul or a young soul?

Old soul

What song annoys you more than anything else?

Live my life by Justin Bieber

Pick your favourite book character. Now put them in a different book entirely (and explain why you would put them there).

Daphne from Methodius Buslaev series. I would put her into some really evil book I haven't read. I would want to see how an angel would do there.

In the movie of your life, who would play you?

Sierra McCormick

Quick: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word ‘Swamp’?


What is something that you do not understand AT ALL and you don’t think you ever will understand it?


Have you ever been to Scandinavia?

I lived there

Which is your favourite letter of the alphabet and why?

V because with it begins my name and also because victory

Lucky number?

666 (the number of the beast hell and fire was spawned to be released)

What’s the physical feature people comment on the most?


Which of the ancient pantheons—Greek Mythology, Egyptian mythology etc.— do you find the most interesting?

Greek Mythology

What, in your opinion, is the most unrealistic thing about zombie movies?

How they walk. I mean, they fall apart!

Insert a fandom: ‘Fans of.....would love my story!’


On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book? (Ten being a world that is completely horrible, one being a utopian heaven).


List a song that fits with the beginning third of your book, a song that fits the middle and a song that fits the end. (Basically, a three song playlist that sums up your book). Twenty Twenty - We're okay, Metallica - Jump in the Fire, Iron Maiden - Dance of Death

One of your characters can come to life; who is it and why?

Melanie Allen from The Witch Experiences. She's funny and just like my best friend

Paste your favourite quote from your story and explain why you love it.

"Hel's back and he's more powerful than ever" That's my everyday school life

Did you/are you writing this in correct order or just whatever scene you feel like should be written next?

In the correct order. I’m more of a correct person

Guesstimate how many hours of planning you did before beginning to write this story.

5 hours

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