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Read this and then make sure to check out Chains, Charisma and Congress by SabrinaElouardi

Name: Sabrina Elouardi

Story Name: Chains, Charisma, and Congress

What's your almost name?

I don't really remember, but it sounded something like Ito. I love my dad, but I'm so grateful I was named Sabrina instead of that.

What is your least favorite book of all time and what was your favorite character in it?

That's such a hard question, because I never really read awful material. I guess my least favorite book would be Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, which was on my summer reading list. The bastard wrote a non-fiction novel that was mostly fabricated. I guess my favorite character was Greg's girlfriend Marina because she broke his heart into a million little pieces. He deserved that.

If you could be an animal what sort of animal would you be?

Probably a Siberian husky pup that has golden fur. They look like roasted marshmallows...o.o :D

You meet One Direction-what's the first thing you say?

Do you know where the ear plugs are at? Haha. I think One Direction's music is a little mediocre, and I don't really listen to it. But the screaming at concerts would give me headaches. I frequently get headaches and don't like them, so...

What is the worst natural or manmade disaster, in your opinion?

The worst natural would probably be hail storms because I live in the North and the winters here are brutal and brusque. Worst man-made disaster...the oil spill. Do you know how much AP Bio related work I had to do because of it? Awful. People making me study carbon, (the slutty element as my weird teacher calls it). Smh.

If you could make one famous person more appreciated and more famous who would it be and why?

Hmm...I guess, it would be Mike Kelley, the creator of my favorite TV show Revenge. He's one of the most brilliant show runners I've seen in a while, and during the second season of Revenge people hated his plotlines and got him kicked off the show...when it was really good. He's a genius. He needs to come back to the TV business. Because he'd make my life if he made a Revenge spin-off.

List all the magazines you read often.

This scientific thing SCIAM. I hate being forced to read articles that aren't interesting, but I'm trying to pass my AP Biology class with at least an A- by the end of the year, so reading is what I must do. Sigh.

What location in the world suits your personality best?

Either Nashville or New York City because they both are the cities of expressing creativity, which defines me in a nutshell. I write, sing, and song-write, so those two cities are perfect. :D

If your book was adapted would you prefer a TV show, a movie, or a play, or something else?

A TV show because I'm that kind of person who wants a film adaptation to capture every detail. Chains is a revenge-y story too so I doubt two hours would be enough to capture the entire thing.

Choose TWO of these things that you can have complete control over in the adaptation of your book and explain what you would do with them: soundtrack/store, cast, director and producers, screenplay, set and costumes, marketing, cinematography, official website design, special effects, editing, set location.

One I'd do that's on this list is soundtrack because I usually listen to music that fits the mood of the dramatic or tranquil scene. Another I'd like to do, that's not on here, is script writing. When I plan out my chapter, I usually write it out like transcripts of TV shows.

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