Watcher (Twilight Fan-Fic)

By UnknownBeliever

28.3K 429 22

If you love Twilight then you Probably know Jasper Hale's Story, but what if she had a younger sister? Ente... More

Trouble at Home
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Not a Date
Chapter 6: Imprinting Sucks
Chapter 7: New Trouble
Chapter 8: Revelation
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12: The Return
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Changin Perspective (To Jasper's)
Chapter 21 - Back to Clara
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 2: Welcome to Maine

2.3K 45 2
By UnknownBeliever

"Clara!" called Amanda from the front door. "I have to get you kids to school!" both Clark, who is permanently 18 and myself who is 17, can drive. It was our first day of school though and Amanda has become the nearest thing we have to parents. Amanda is forever 35 and her husband Scott is 37. "trust me i've been ready" Clark says bounding down the stairs in his usual fashion. If you've ever seen a image of superman's Clark Kent then you'd be surprised how similar that Clark and our family's Clark appear. He's tall, and well-built, with dark black hair.

"I can't wait!" i said excitingly, jumping down two steps at a time. We haven't gone out much since our move and school was gonna be our first test at how well we could control ourselves. I walked through the kitchen to get to the garage and stopped to talk to my 'dad' Scott.

"what are you reading?" i questioned, it was a letter from somewhere in Washington.

"what, oh it's a letter from an old friend. It seems he's gotten into quite a mess with the Volturi." he laughed "Amanda and I might have to leave for a while, to help my friend Carlisle from Forks." Scott ran a hand through his Irish red hair. His surname Ó Dálaigh is the one that we use for our family. Though only Scott is really Irish. He was an emigrant  in 1845 during the potato famine.

"What did he do?" Clark asked.

"He didn't do anything. It's really his son thats got the trouble, but the whole Cullen family's involved." He laughed again "It really is a surprising problem."

"Anyway!" Amanda intervened "Time for school, get in the car. ill leave it their and walk to work so you guys can drive home." Our family has plenty of money, but working keeps us busy and Amanda loves to be busy. The drive to school wasn't bad, but it was long. we live on the outskirts of town and going the speed-limit isn't fun.

"tomorrow i think i'll run to school." Clark whispered.

"who are the Cullens, have Clark or i ever met them?" Amanda looked at me and then back at the road.

"Their another coven sweetie they call themselves the Olympic Coven cause of where their located and no you've probably never met any of them, but i here they have two more people who  joined them since i last talked with them, so maybe."

We pulled up to the school, which was a group of smaller building in a general area. "let's go Clara I can See the Office." We both got out of the car while Amanda parked. This school is small so students have assigned parking spots. Ours is in the back with four unused spots around it (one of which is for my own car)

"Hello!" i said smiling at the man at the front desk. he looked younger than my mom maybe in his mid 20s. He smiled warmly, almost flirtatiously at me. It was funny and probably not aloud for him to be flirting with students.

"how can i help you...two" he paused noticing my 'brother'. Clark seemed to have noticed the 5 second flirt because he answered.

"Hi! im Clark Ó Dálaigh and this is my Sister Clara Ó Dálaigh. we're new and would like our schedules, please." We look nothing alike, except for our eyes that are both gold. most people don't ask questions thought.

After he had given us all of our information i fluttered my eyelashes on my way out the door saying "thank you." We'd gotten to the school in plenty of time and were able to watch student roll in on buses and from cars. The back where our mom parked her porsche 911 is still empty.

"How many people do you think is gonna notice mom's car on the way out." he asked leaning down from his height of 6'5"

"to many to drive though, that is if they like cars." The day went slowly until lunch. I have foreign language with Clark which is nice, we're both taking Spanish 3. Seeing Clark use his powers at lunch was fun. Clark can plant thoughts into people heads, kind of like someone was whispering in your ear. Him and Amanda both have special abilities even for vampires. Amanda can tell when someone she cares about is hurt, emotionally or physical. she calls it her extreme mother intuition.

After lunch the day picked up a little bit i have both math and science for my last classes of the day which i can excel at. When we met at the small little courtyard that connects the paths to all the building we saw just as many people as presumed around our mom's car. "we should've taken my car" I have a 2010 Ford F-150. Though it's a big truck it's a little less noticeable than the flash and glam that Amanda has.

When we got home Amanda was still at work and dad had gone hunting. i decided to unpack and Clark watch the game on TV and freak out when the Stealer lost. You can tell he's from Pittsburgh. "I thought they were gonna win to!" he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to one of his friends that he's made over the years on the phone.

Amanda came home around 5, and Scott was back a little later. "how was school?" if their one thing my mom loved its my personal life "did you make any friends?"

I shook my head "No, but your car sure did, im surprised no one hijacked it." we laughed. "some of the kids seem nice, but we're new so don't expect me to get buddy-buddy real fast."

"what about you Clark!" she yelled up the stairs. Clark was their in a blink of an eye. he smiled teasingly.

"miss gloomy-as-the-weather may not have gotten anyone to talk, but i got numbers." he held out his phone book that had "Stacy, Marcus, Minnie (with a heart for the i's), and Dallas"  written in different signatures and writing styles above phone numbers written in by Clark.

"show-off" i muttered loud enough for them to hear. they laughed "have you guys decided about the Cullens yet?"

My dad came from behind and placed and arm around my shoulders "yes actually two of them are coming up on Friday Night-"

"the one we've yet to meet are coming!" my mom interupted

"yes, so well all be on our best behavior." Dad sent a short glance at me and a longer glance toward Clark.

"what? " Clark had a tendency of being a tad unprofessional with touchy matters."im not gonna do anything stupid"

"go do your homework." my dad instructed. we left me to my room and Clark to his.


The week passed slowly, but the clock did make it to Friday. Though Clark had friends him a i sat together at  lunch everyday. I'd buy food and periodically pick at it to make myself look a little human. Clark didn't waste the $2.70 for lunch. he just ease-dropped. "he thinks your cute." he said pointing to a boy looking at me. "im gonna see if i can make him come over here."

"your such a weirdo." i laughed. i looked at the guy. he was in my math class. he stat to seats away. thats all i knew. "don't make him come over here." Clark laughed.

"it's Friday, let the kid start his weekend right." I watched as the kid cross the cafeteria. He wasn't ugly. he had scruffy looking mesh of blonde hair and a block camera that seemed to match his big square glasses.

"can i take a photo of you two, ya know for the news paper. we never get new kids." his voice was crackly and clearly puberty-struck. his face was clear of blemished though and he had nice blue eyes like i always thought Clark would have if he were human (though he said his were brown) we let him take a picture and he handed me a piece of folded paper, "it's in case you ever not busy."

"thanks so much." i used the most sincere voice i could muster and fluttered my long lashes, "i will try to give you a call sometime." he smile triumphant and walked away.

Clark leaned over the table "you really gonna call him?" i shrugged.

"maybe, but probably not. i just got my golden eyes a couple of years ago, i don't think getting to close to a human is a good idea right now." he smiled

"look whos growing up. i knew you would eventually." I tried to smile, but faltered his comment about growing up reminded me of my brother and how immature he always thought i was.

We drove my truck home. Red is my favorite color so i had made sure to get it painted shortly after buying my car, it was originally black. As soon as we got home we were told to go hunting so our parents could get the house clean, even though everything already shine since Amanda cleaned in between work and our dad is almost always working so he doesn't have time to make a mess.

We caught a bobcat and coyote before returning home. i quickly change into the cocktail dress that Amanda had be where. Clark word a dress shirt and nice jeans. I didn't understand the need to look so nice, but mom just love going over the top. Amanda's curly blonde hair was pulled from her heart-shaped face. Her and my father were also dressed to impress.

I heard the doorbell ring around six. My father answered the door. "Alice i presume and Mr. Hale so nice to see you in person. we've talked so much on the phone." i could tell this would be a very adult event.

Eventually i had worked up the nerve to go downstairs. i crossed my room to the door, but found it open in front of me "Clara" the pixie-like girl said. she hugged me and took me by shock. "it's so good to meet you. I bet my husbands gonna be thrilled when he sees you again!" she seemed so ecstatic and full of joy.

"why?" who's her husband? i don't believe i've ever met someone with the last name Hale.

"oh that right you don't know yet. come on." she grabbed my hand and began to pull be down the hallway and down the stair "so you just started school again huh? how exciting!" we stopped just outside of my dad's office where the meeting was taking place. "stay here." she instructed seriously.

She knocked on the door "what is it?" a male voice answered, it seemed familiar, but i couldn't place it.

"come here sweetie, there's someone i want you to see." the door knob spun and out came a familiar face, so old in my memories, but so unmistakeable.

"what is it Alice?" he asked looking down at his wife. she lifted his chin so it went over her head. she could be no more than 5 ft tall. He didn't seem to register me at first, then he smiled "Clara."

"Jasper." i went around Alice and  hugged my big brother. i would've cried id i could. i held his face in my hands. "Jasper it's you." i hadn't seen him since we were in Maria's coven.

"i thought you might have died." he said. referring to how Maria like to kill of newborns after they reach their year mark, where their powers are no longer greater than older vampires.

"likewise" i hugged him once more before we continued with the meeting. i heard Alice say 'i love reunions' to Clark. That made me laugh.

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