eve and the servamp (editing...

By bloomingnymph

92.9K 3.8K 2K

KUROxREADER walking down the street lead her to cross paths with a black cat, who is also a vampire. trouble... More

2. the contract
3. the wanted servamp
4. your lead
5. unexpected meeting
6. productive day
7. greed pair
8. closure
9. the outfit
10. meeting time
11. the spark
12. returning past
13. choice
14. kuro's choice
15. mikuni's way
16. HER way
17. it's time
18. emotions

1. Kuro the Cat (story in the process of being edited!)

13.4K 396 343
By bloomingnymph

Hi! i love Kuro so welcome to my Kuro X reader! More details of how I'm going to work this story is on the description! Thank you for reading. :3 (parts will be influenced by the anime but mainly i'll be taking my own route) ps. i haven't kept up with the manga

"Are you lost little guy?" You kneeled down and started to pet the cat who was on the floor in the middle of an alleyway.
You were walking to your apartment from school and you just couldn't ignore it. The cat clearly needed help so you ended up picking it up and taking it with you.

Arriving to your house, you put your bag down and checked if you had any canned cat food. You used to own a cat before but unfortunately it passed away awhile back. Picking up the lost black cat, made you think to yourself that maybe it's time to get another one. After all, you lived by yourself.
You set the food down but the cat didn't move a muscle. At the end, you put a little bell on him and just laid him on your bed so he can rest.

The following morning, you woke up and turned around to the opposite side where your new cat laid on.

"You're so lazy and adorable." You giggled as you petted him.
"What should I name you?" You thought to yourself but to keep it simple, you just named him Kuro.

"Kuro it is!" You picked up the kitten who let out a meow in a very low tone.
You hugged him and pressed it's face towards yours.

After spending a few minutes cuddling with him, you got up and got yourself ready for school.
You grabbed your school uniform that was hung by your bed and quickly changed without minding that your new cat was laying on the bed, staring at you. It's just a normal cat after all, right?

School was boring as usual. You would casually hang out and walk half way home with Mahiru, and his group of friends.

Arriving back at home, you felt a little bit uneasy. The living room was extremely dark and the TV was on. You didn't recall leaving it on nor having all the curtains closed.

You walked towards the TV to go turn it off but were confused at the potato chips and finished ramen on the floor.
"What the.." That's when the thought of someone intruding crossed your mind.

"This is going to be a pain." You heard an unfamiliar monotonous voice from behind.
You nervously turned around and saw a tall, slim figure with ashy blue hair holding a cup of ramen.

"WHAT THE HECK" You thoughtlessly exclaimed as you tried to process the situation in front of you.

"Explaining is a pain.." He said as he made his way toward the TV.

"Hi. Yes you weirdo. I don't know who you are but you need to get out before I grab a bat or call the cops." You opened the curtain in your apartment, pointing at the outside world and what you witnessed made you even more confused. The slim male who was eating ramen turned into the black cat you picked up yesterday.


"Do you mind? I can't be in the sun.." Kuro surprisingly spoke causing you to drop it.

"I'm seeing things..I'm going crazy.." You turned the opposite way and started mumbling.

"Can you please close the curtain? I guess I'd explain." He said rolling on his back.

You did as you were told and once again shocked to see Kuro turned from a cat to a 'human'.

"What are you??" You examined him thoroughly. He had very calm voice, his eyes were low and red. But what stood out the most were his fangs.

"First, I'm a vampire. Second, I have two forms. Third, don't say my name in my vampire form." He said keeping everything as short as possible.

"But I don't even know your name? I called you Kuro because-" But the second you said Kuro, a blue chain appeared that seemed to connect you with him.

"What the hell is going on?!" You exclaimed making Kuro sighed.

"What a pain." He sat down on the floor.
He continued to explain everything as short as possible. He informed you about the temporary contract, that he was a Servamp and what it means to be one.
It took you awhile but you calmed down just a bit after everything that just saw.

"A vampire..." You started thinking to yourself and fully process the situation. Who knew vampires were actually real?
"Wait.." You suddenly remembered cuddling with Kuro in your bed and changing in front of him.
The thought of it, even if it was in his cat form since he is fully aware of everything made your face get super hot.

"I have sinned!" You yelled causing Kuro to look back at you.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?! I fully changed in front of your eyes and cuddled and slept with you in my bed!" You covered your blushing cheeks with your hands to hide them.

"I mean you cuddled with me in my cat form so I guess it's okay. And," He cut himself off and turned to face the tv.
"I didn't see anything, don't worry." He slightly smirked.

"Oh yeah, I feel so much better! you creep!" You said with a hint of sarcasm as you sat on your couch. Your eyes traveled to him, you examined him some more as he ate his ramen.
"24 hours huh? Shouldn't be so bad." You say as you started seeing how lazy he seems. He is a vampire after all, but he doesn't seem to be trouble or thirsty for blood.

Would you become his eve or would the temporary contract disappear? What would happen next? Stay tuned :3

- if you enjoyed this chapter, it would mean a lot of you vote/comment! Thank you for reading! :)

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