Best FrEnemies (GirlxGirl)

By ReesaBabz

554K 15.9K 3.5K

When Taylor meets up with her EX-best friend after several years, they immediately spark off. Abby realizes t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Define... "Us"
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Decisions, Decisions.
Chapter 16 - Big Moves
Chapter 17- A month and two Millionaires
Chapter 18 - Three Months and A Felony?
Chapter 19 - See you around.
Chapter 20 - Old me, Fake you.
Chapter 21- Groceries
Chapter 22- 'Posed to be.

Chapter 1

40.6K 961 311
By ReesaBabz

Chapter 1



Taylor POV


As I turned in bed, I felt something warm beside me. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Lizzy,” I nudged the redhead. “Lizzy you need to go.” One of her eyes opened and she scowled at me. 

“What?” she barked.

“I mean, my mother doesn’t like to wake up to guests.” I was being half honest. Every since Abby came back last week my mother said I couldn’t have any strange females in the house because Abby might come over and the last thing we needed was to draw attention to her.

Lizzy nodded and got dressed. I followed her to the front door then tiptoed back to my bedroom. The second thing was, I really didn’t want Sarah to find out about me sleeping with Lizzy. We weren’t together or anything but the fact of the matter is, if Sarah even got wind of this situation she would claw the poor girl’s face.

When I climbed back into bed, I was expecting to sleep for the rest of the day but once again I was wrong.

“Taylor! Get down here.” I heard my mother call up the stairs.

“Fuck,” I sighed and moved slowly towards the stairs dressed in my boxers and a black beater.

“Taylor—“ my mother paused scowling at my appearance. “Taylor can you go get dressed? We have guests.”

“God mom I just woke up.” I said with my eyes closed.

“I saw you walking that redhead out this morning, don’t lie to me.” She basically screeched in German.

“YEAH but then I went right back to bed.” I replied.

She sighed and threw her hands up. “Whatever. Listen I’m taking Michelle out to do some shopping. She’s not ready for Abigail to face all the paparazzi and they need a few things from the store.

“Okay?” I asked confused. What the hell does this have to do with me? I was still half naked leaning on the staircase, basically sleep-talking to my mother.

“Just keep an eye on Abby, make her feel at home.”

“Alright,” I was just saying anything that would make getting back to bed easier. I turned and walked slowly back up the stairs and threw myself at the bed. Thank you LAWWD.

The ringing from my cell phone pulled me from my last bit of sleep.

“Hello?” I groaned.

“Hey baby, can you pick me up?”

“Sarah?” I frowned. I still didn’t know what was going on.

“Yes, who else would it be?” she sighed on the other end of the line, “Never mind that, I’ll leave you to sleep.” She hung up.

She was probably mad now. I sat up in bed and ran a hand through my dark curls. I took a quick shower then got dressed in beige shorts that stopped right above my knee and a beater. I combed my hair—not like it helped much—then headed down the stairs.

“Ma?” I called when I heard the television.

“She’s still out.” I heard a soft voice.

I made my way into the living room only to meet with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“What are you doing here?”

“Don’t you remember anything your mother told you?”

I thought back to this morning and frowned. Why the hell would my mother pull this shit with me? She knew when I was half asleep I’d agree to anything.

“Do you know when they’ll be back?” I asked while texting Ethan.

“Nope,” she popped the p.

I sighed. “I’m going to be in the basement.”

“So you’re just going to leave me here?”

“No one is allowed in the basement.” I told her simply.

“That’s not what I saw last week.” She was annoying me now.

“Well,” I took a step closer to her. “You’re not allowed in the basement.”

She stood from the couch and was in my face now. “Who the hell said I wanted to go down into your shabby ass basement anyways.”

“That’s not what you were implying a few seconds ago,” our faces were a few inches apart now. “And I know for a fact the basement isn’t what you want to go down on.” I smirked at her only earning a scowl.

Before she could say anything, the basement door let out a soft buzz and Ethan came up looking stoned as hell.

“What’s going on here?” he asked looking from one to the other.

“Nothing,” we both said. I left her there and was making my way down the stairs. I could hear several footsteps coming down behind me. Please don’t tell me Ethan let this bitch down here. Please Lord.  I sat on one of the couches and grabbed the controller for my playstation.

Abby huffed at me as she sat on the king sized bed beside the couch.

“Why the hell is she down here?”

“You can’t just leave your guests by themselves Taylor.” I rolled my eyes and he sat beside me patting my back.

Abby POV



After a tiresome hour of watching these two buffoons play call of duty black ops 2 online, I was close to throwing myself over a bridge. I was just about to stand and demand to be let out of this room when someone’s iPhone went off. Taylor answered with a gruff but sexy voice then made her way to the stairs. Wait… Sexy? What the hell did I even say just now?

I took the time to actually look around the room. It was basically a man cave. It had cream carpeting and a few table games knocking about. There was also the huge entertainment system which includes the infamous playstation 3. And as if this wasn’t enough, there were three huge couches below here. The Jaegers were pretty standard people, how the hell could they afford these luxuries?

I thought back to the first time I stepped into the house last week; when Ethan or whatever his name was and Taylor were higher than a kite. Were they drug dealers? Was this a safe house? I was pulled out of my excessive—be it crazy—thoughts by the young man with dark curly hair, vaguely resembling his cousin Taylor.

“So, how do you know the Jaegers?” he asked me.

“We used to be neighbors a few years back. In fact Taylor and I used to be best friends.”

He chuckled, “And what happened?”

“She changed. She used to be some innocent little girl who laughed for everything and was fun to be around; now look at her.”

“I’m sure you changed too. I’m guessing you weren’t always this stuck up and you must have been pretty enjoyable for Taylor to even call you her friend.” He said. He didn’t say it in a defensive tone or any tone that implied that he was angry but it made me feel like I should crawl into a hole and retract my previous comment.

“I—“the door made a small buzzing sound and Taylor was coming down the stairs with a brunette behind her.

“Hi there,” the girl greeted me. “I’m Sarah.” She seemed friendly enough so I shook her hand.

“Abigail,” I said simply.

“Yeah I know, you’re the girl from that show…what’s it called? Oh right invisible.”

I nodded at her and prayed silently that she wouldn’t let anyone know that I was back in Canada, like at all. I wasn’t ready to face the music. Paparazzi can be scary. Taylor whispered something to her and she ran off somewhere into a backroom.

A few minutes later Sarah returned with a sandwich bag full of weed. My eyes almost rolled out when I saw it. This just heightened my suspicion tenfold.

From the looks of it, Sarah was the only one helping herself to the goods. Taylor and her cousin seemed more interested in the game than getting high today. After a few hits, I could see the change in behavior in Sarah; she was really far gone.

Sarah saddled Taylor and smirked when Taylor held her waist, placing the control on the couch beside her. Their lips connected and I had to fight the urge to gag aloud. Taylor’s hands were tracing the skank’s legs and was pretty close to getting more than personal.

“C’mon,” Ethan took my hand and led me up the stairs. “Sarah gets…a bit horny when she’s high. Besides… it’s the best time to hook up. All you senses are heightened and shit.” He laughed at that last part. I was far from laughing though, Taylor showed no disregard for how uncomfortable making out with that whore would make me. It’s like I really don’t know her.

I thought this was all part of a joke, a plot even to show me how much she’s changed without me being around but it wasn’t. Sad reality was this is who she is. Ethan disappeared somewhere into the backyard while I stood with my back against the wall in the kitchen trying to figure out what mess I was in.

The faint buzzing from the door told me that someone was coming up. From my side view I could see Sarah leaving the house and Taylor walking towards me. She had a scowl on her face, as if I was the one who did something wrong.

“Done already?” I snapped as she stood in front of me. I was extremely uncomfortable at the close proximity of her body to mines.

“Why did you leave?” She ignored me. “Why the fuck did you leave?” she basically snarled at me. I didn’t know what was going on. “See something you don’t like? Does it make you feel uncomfortable, the person I turned into?” Wait what?

“No it doesn’t—“

“Whatever,” she turned to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer before leaving again. What the hell just happened? How could her moods shift so quickly? I wasn’t even the one at fault.

My mother returned about half an hour later with Sandra and I basically dragged her into the car and drove us home. I spent the rest of the day trying to figure Taylor Jaeger out. Unfortunately she was as difficult as a rubix cube and I had no idea where the hell to start.

It seems like something was bothering her; seriously bothering her. Maybe she felt that I was uncomfortable with her sexuality but that wasn’t the case. If it was, I’d probably tell her. After a few more minutes of pondering the issue, I decided that it wasn’t worth it. We weren’t friends so why the hell was I stressing myself about her wellbeing.

She refuses to talk to me, or even look in my direction for too long. I don’t know what I did all those years ago to make her this pissed off at me but it must be something serious. I stripped out of my clothes and crawled under the heavy covers then sighed. It’s been forever since I could actually sleep half naked.

In California, paparazzi would be everywhere, literally everywhere. This one time my parents were hosting a party at our house and when I woke up the next morning to take a shower, a photographer was asleep in the bathtub. It wasn’t that I couldn’t sleep in the nude if I wanted too; I just didn’t want to risk it especially with the show being on hiatus till next season.

“Abigail, get cleaned up and come down for dinner. Sandra is here helping me put things together.” My mother’s voice dragged me out of my deep sleep.

“God,” I whispered. I climbed out of bed and skipped into the shower. I grabbed my grape scented body wash and shampoo and quickly washed my hair. After the shower, I wrapped my blonde hair with a towel and began to dry the excess water from my body with another.

The towel slipped to my waist as I dug around in one of the drawers of the dresser for my underwear. I could swear I heard a soft tapping at the door but when I paused, the room was eerily quiet.

I spun around to toss the towel in the hamper when I ran into something that felt vaguely similar to plywood. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the fall but after a few seconds and I hadn’t hit the floor yet, I peeped one of my eyes open. Taylor was standing there with her hands on my waist holding me to her chest…or breasts? Whatever it was she was holding me. Her dark shoulder length curls were pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a leather vest over it and dark jeans.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“What are you doing here?” I frowned and stepped out of her grasp.

She rolled her eyes and leaned against the dresser. “I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have snapped at you earlier, it wasn’t your fault.” She said in one breath. Something tells me she doesn’t usually do apologies.

“It’s whatever.” I told her, not making a move to cover my bare chest. I’ve been this naked on set before—not actually in the show—but I’ve had some pretty intense scenes in the finale. I slipped my arms through the blue lacy bra and pulled the matching panty up my legs. I could feel Taylor’s eyes watching my every more.

“Do you usually do this type of thing?” I glanced up from the mirror to see a smirk on her face.

“No.” was all I said before pulling on my jeans shorts and a paramore t-shirt. She chuckled and I could hear her footsteps as she left the room and headed down the stairs. How dare her sneak into my bedroom at such an inconvenient time? Not only that but Taylor literally stood there and watched me as I got dressed.

She might be into that but these types of shenanigans aren’t for me. The problem was… as much as I had a strong dislike for the cocky and arrogant behavior that she’s been forcing on me since I got here; I can’t help but wonder about her and what she’s been doing for the past few years.


Dinner was a hot mess. I don’t know if I was the only one who was experiencing this but it was extremely awkward not to mention uncomfortable to be sitting opposite Taylor. And as if that wasn’t enough, Ethan kept sending me sly glances, looking between Taylor and I as if he was trying to insinuate something.

Taylor was actually really respectful to my parents. She answered almost all of their questions…almost. It was more than I expected anyways and it seems like I know more about her now than I did coming into this dinner. About an hour after Taylor checked her phone and whispered something to her mother before excusing herself and Ethan from the table.

“Oh is Taylor leaving so soon?” my mother asked with a slight frown.

“Yeah, they made plans about a week ago and I told her that she’d say for dinner then be free to leave.”

“Abigail could tag along,” my mother suggested. I was about to reach over the table and grab her neck when Taylor cut in.

“I’m pretty sure where we’re going is no place for such a high profile celebrity.” She said sarcastically.

My mother let out a small laugh, “As long as it isn’t a dingy alleyway she’s free to go. I’m pretty sure you’ll take good care of her Taylor, you always did.”

She sighed in defeat. “Are you gonna change or what?” she asked scowling at me.

“I never agreed to go anywhere with you guys,” I said with equally as much attitude.

“I’ll be waiting in the car when you decide to crawl out of my ass.” Ethan let out something between a cough and a snort as they left out the house. I quickly jogged up the stairs mumbling every curse word I could think of before tumbling in the walk-in closet to find something appropriate to wear.

I snagged a black dress that was hung in the far back of the closet and tossed it on my bed. Slipping out of the jeans and t-shirt I pulled the dress over my head only to realize that it’s a tad too short. I shrugged and slipped my red heels on then grabbed my phone before heading down the stairs.

“Abby?” my mother called out as I neared the door.


“Stay out of the limelight.”

“I could just stay home mom.” I almost pleaded.

“Go have fun. Sandra and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

I was bet with the rapid beeping of a horn as soon as I stepped outside the house. Ethan and his impatient cousin Taylor were already seated in the black BMW m6 with the top off. Instead of opening the door, I simply hopped over it and took a seat in the passenger’s side that was strangely enough left empty.

“How classy of you,” Taylor remarked while reversing out of the driveway.

I decided to ignore it and made small talk with Ethan instead.  About twenty minutes later she pulled up outside a huge house that had music booming so loud; I was surprised that no one was filing a noise complaint.

“Where are we?” I asked getting out of the car with them.

“At a friend’s house. It’s his birthday.” She said grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her.

“I didn’t know you had friends,”

She scowled at me and carried on leading us across the center of the room to a not-so-quiet table where a few teens were sitting.

“Hey Jake,” she greeted the guy with choppy blonde hair. “Happy birthday man,” The guy—Jake—stood tossing two girls from his lap to greet Taylor.

“It’s about time you guys got here. Thanks man,”

“Is that Abigail Dennis?” One of the girls called out, “OMG it’s you from that show Invisible right?” I nodded shyly. I hadn’t really expected Taylor’s group of friends to be that interested in my show.

She grabbed her friend’s arm squealing and annoying Taylor in the process while running over to us. “PLEASE TELL ME YOU AND DAN DON’T SPLIT UP NEXT SEASON.” She screeched.

“Umm… Well I’m not allowed to say but between me and you—it’s worth the wait.” She gushed and ran off.

“Forever on the job huh,” Ethan said standing beside me. Jake along with some other dude said something to Taylor, motioning outside the house.

“Ethan stay with her, I’ll be right back.”

I don’t know how long we’ve been here but I feel a lot better now about coming to this party. In fact, it’s a lot more fun than those stuck up celebrity parties I’ve been to for half my life. I swung my hips from side to side, grinding on whoever was near to me. My body was almost drenched from being so deep in the wild crowd for so long. I spun around looking for Ethan but I couldn’t find him.

He’s been bringing me drinks all night and now I’ve lost him. Taylor is going to be pissed.

I bore through the crowd feeling the full effect of the vodka as I walked around searching for him. After a while I began feeling claustrophobic—like I would empty the contents of my stomach soon—so I went out the front door to get some air. I stood a few feet down the walkway inhaling and exhaling when I felt a rough hand run over my skin.

“Little miss popular.” A gruff voice slurred. “How’s the show? Everyone has been asking you the same thing all night.”

I tried taking a step back but he held onto my arm causing me to flinch. “Tell you what… I have a little proposition.” I fought the urge to tell him his first priority should be swallowing a bottle of mouthwash. “How about we take a few pics? Maybe I could have some of that so called popularity.” He chuckled as a hand ran up my thigh.

I almost threw up then and there. I was feeling way more disgust at this point than fear. How the hell did I get myself into this situation?

“Aaron?” I heard a steady voice behind us. The guy—Aaron I guess—turned us around to face a snarling Taylor.

“Oh hey Taylor, wassup?” he slurred.

“I think it’s time for you to leave.” She said hold his wrist, taking it away from my arm. “You’ve had one too many.”

“I’m fine,” he insists.

“I said. GO.” He nodded quickly and shuffled away from me. I could see Taylor clenching her fists as she walked further out down the street and got into the car. I followed slowly before coming to a halt a about two feet away.

“Where’s Ethan?” I asked.

“Get in the fucking car Abigail.” She barked at me. The way she was gripping the steering wheel made me feel as if I probably shouldn’t sass her right now. I opened the car door and sat beside her taking a deep breath.

She drove us out to the highway without a word.


Trust me, this is no ordinary Love story. Comment & Vote xx





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