Zootopia Drabbles

By soar4yourdreams

15.8K 571 116

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Zootopia one shot corner! I LOVE writing and I LOVE Zootopia. Thank you so... More

Late Mornings
Your Kit?
Valentines Day Promises
Cold Hard Truth and World
Undercover Part 1
Undercover Part 2
Undercover Part 3
Author's Note
Author's Note (IMPORTANT!)
Partners For Life
Asking Permission (part 1)
Asking Permission (part 2/final part)
What Happened To Us?
It's Ok Not To Be Perfect
Words On A Page
Under The Stars

Undercover Part 4 (The Final Chapter)

567 30 1
By soar4yourdreams

Previously on Zootopia Drabbles......

"And you're sure you'll be ok," asked Nick worriedly.

Judy huffed annoyedly," Nick....I can handle myself."

Nick set his spatula down and turned to her. He gently picked her up and set her on the counter," I know YOU can. The animal I'm worried about is him."


Judy removed one of her arms from around Nick and held up her paw, wiggling her fingers. "Do you see this ring? This ring means that I am forever yours, and do you know what else this means?" She wrapped her arm back around Nick as she continued. "It means that I'm not going to go doing something that could take me away from you."


"Ms.Hillary I presume," he asked in a suave tone.

I nodded to him trying my best to show every bit of arrogance I could. " The one and only," I said seductively. He smiled, "Well then, lets get going."


"Let me out of here," screamed Judy.Mr. Leonard had been kidnapping these girls so that they didn't end up like his daughter. Now, understanding is completely different than saying what he was doing was ok. This was far from ok. He had been kidnapping these girls and then


I nodded," So...... why do you all have scratched on you?" Ansley looked up," When ever we don't listen... he scratches us." She gulped," He says it will go away eventually."

Rachel continued the conversation," The cuts never really hurt, usually they are used just to get our attention."

My eyes widened in utter terror," Why would he do that?" Veronica shrugged," He makes us learn what he calls 'valuable lessons'. The lessons include cooking,washing dishes, being polite, how to study better, how partying is a bad thing, and stuff like that."


At that moment, I suddenly knew why Mr.Leonards was doing this. He didn't want these party girls to end up like his daughter.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of Previously~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Judy's POV*

The sun had completely gone down by the time Camile, Cathy, and Libbie had returned. There was still no sign of the chief, and I was starting to get very nervous. Maybe I threw away the actual tracking device, I thought to myself. 

Well, there was a backup plan for that situation as well. I tried to calm my nerves as I passed the newspaper to Vanessa. She took it and began reading it. Each one passed it to the other as the read over the story.

What seemed like hours later, I heard the familiar siren. We were saved. I was overjoyed. Everyone's eyes suddenly widened and large smiles spread across their faces. The joy did not last to long though. 

I gasped as Mr.Leonards came barging through the door. He looked at me with such hatred. It took almost everything in me not to whimper. "You," he said angrily. "Come over here now," he yelled.

I let my ears flop down. If I blew my cover now, it could be deadly. I stood and walked over to him obediently. His eyes seemed to turn black as he pointed to the window. "How did they find me," he yelled. 

My eyes widened at his anger. If this were a comic book his face would be red and there would be steam flowing out of his ears. "I don't know," I whimpered. He grabbed my face angrily. I could feel his nails digging into my fur. I let out a cry of pure agony. 

Libbie covered her eyes. Everyone slowly began to grab onto each other. I could tell that these poor things had never seen Mr.Leonards in such a state of anger. When he dropped me I immediately let my paw fly to my face. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I cried. "You saw me throw that stupid tracking device out the widow". I removed my paw from my face and gasped as I saw it was covered in blood. Mr.Leonards clearly did not seem satisfied with my answer.

He grabbed my paw away from my face,"Do you understand what you have done?!" He grabbed the newspaper off the floor beside me and threw it at me forcefully. "You have ruined everything!" 

Just as the chief came running in Mr.Leonards grabbed my leg and threw me against the wall. That was my shot, I could have taken him down. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was a familiar voice yelling,"Judy!"

(Time Skip)

When I awoke I was in a hospital. Nick was on the hospital chair beside me sleeping. "Nick," I said weakly. Nick's eyes immediately flickered open. He turned to me and grabbed my paw. "Carrots!" He sighed and shut his eyes, clearly trying not to cry. "I'm so glad you're ok."

I wiped a tear away from his face as he looked into my eyes. I smiled,"Dumb foxes... always soooo emotional." He rolled his eyes and kissed me. "I was so worried. The chief wanted to give you time to find out why Mr.Leonards did it. The girls told us everything." I nodded,"It was all in the headlines."

Nick sighed and pointed at me. His eyes showed pure anger as she stood up and turned away from me," What was I thinking letting you do this on your own?!" He whipped back around to me," I should have known something would happen!"

I gave him a look and grabbed his paw," Nick I chose not to fight back. I could have blown my cover and compromised those animal's safety."

Nick sighed as he sat back down,"Always making the world a better place Hopps." I nodded,"Always." 

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