ALDC Transformed // Dance Mom...

By Taylor_Smiles

550K 8.9K 2.7K

When Katie Rose is given the opportunity to join ALDC LA, she jumps at the chance. However going to the studi... More

Chapter 1: School Lunch
Chapter 2: My Life Just Changed
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Something New
Chapter 4: Pyramid
Chaper 5: Friendship Cake
Chapter 6: Just a Mini Situation
Chapter 7: Practice Never Ends Perfect
Chapter 8: The Sleepover
Chapter 9: You're In
Chapter 10: Ballerinas and Ballerinos
Chapter 11: Jojo Juice
Chapter 12: Friends are your Competition
Chapter 13: We got Bowling fans
Chapter 14: Traveling in Style
Chapter 15: Vegas Fun
Chapter 16: The Competition
Chapter 17: The Evening
Chapter 18: Tiffany... Is bad
Chapter 19: Your Out and We're In...
Chapter 20: The Unexpected
Chapter 21: Learn to Act
Chapter 22: The interviews
Chapter 24: A Little bit of Fun
Chapter 25: They're Coming
Chapter 26: Good Morning America
Chapter 27: New York Opportunities
Chapter 28: Breakdowns
Chapter 29: Awards
Chapter 30: I Wont Forget You
Chapter 31: Are you Coming Back?
Chapter 32: Just Keep Dancing
Chapter 33: Times a Tickin'
Chapter 34: Stop Being a Flirt
1k?!?!? OMG THANK YOU!
Chapter 35: Gloomy Days
Chapter 36: A Trip to See the Boys
Chapter 37: The Road was Closed
Chapter 38: We're like Sisters
Chapter 39: A Unique Friendship
Chapter 40: Bringing Tears
Wattpad Instagram Page
Chapter 41: Attention Giver
Chapter 42: A Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 43: Unhealthy Competition
Chapter 44: Everyone Wants to Leave
Chapter 45: Win or Loose
Chapter 46: Bowling or Not
Chapter 47: A Great Surprise
Chapter 48: Filling My Week
Chapter 49: Busy Bee
Chapter 50: Girl in the Parking Lot
Quick News
Chapter 51: Holiday Special
Chapter 52: Hello Again
Life Update
Chapter 53: Shop or Drop
Chapter 54: ALDC Holiday Party 2k17
Chapter 55: Traditional ALDC Holiday Sleepover
Chapter 56: Creative Thinking
Dance Moms Contest
Chapter 57: Sing it Right
Chapter 58: Mr. Grinch
Chapter 59: Perfectly Packed Day
Chapter 60: Backup Dancers and Giraffe Onesies
20k Reads Freak Out
Chapter 61: River of Tears
Congratulations @MileneLopes6
Chapter 62: Today's Going to be Better
Chapter 63: Promo Filming
Chapter 64: Where Dreams come True
Chapter 65: Have You Ever Bluebot?
Chapter 66: Or is it Not?
Chapter 67: None of Them Know
Chapter 68: Got a Leak
Chapter 69: So Much Hurt
Chapter 70: Back At It
Chapter 71: Stress
Chapter 72: Happy Tears
Chapter 73: The Journey has just Begun
Authors Final Words
ALDC Transformed 2
New Book Link Released
ALDC Transformed 2
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Are You Interested in Joining a Roleplay?

Chapter 23: Dad...

7.1K 121 31
By Taylor_Smiles

I woke up Wednesday morning my new normal way. I got ready and threw a pair of dance clothes into my bag. I wore a LA jersey type shirt with some white jeans shorts and my Roshies.

When Mellisa arrived at my house I hopped into the car and we were off to the studio.

"That top is so cute!" I told Maddie who was wearing a black tank top halter that had fringe at the bottom of it.

"Thanks, I like your shirt too." She replied.

"Thanks." I said laughing.

"Hey mom, since Kenz is having her friend over tonight. Would it be okay if Katie stayed the night too?" Maddie asked her mom.

"Sure, Katie your welcome over anytime." Melissa replied driving.

"Thanks!" I replied happily.

"Hey and we could go swimming tonight." Mackenzie said.

"Yeah that would be fun!" Maddie said happily.

I texted my mom to see if I could sleep over.

"Hey mom could I sleep get at Maddie's tonight?" I texted.

"Sure, do you need me to bring you anything?" She asked.

"Um could you bring Pj's, regular clothes, a pair of dance clothes for tomorrow, and a swim suit? 😂"

"Wow that's a lot of stuff, but sure."

"Okay thanks, I'll see you at the studio."

"See you then, love you."

"Love you too." I texted my mom as we pulled up to the studio. We hopped out of the car and went and did school as always.

In was in the middle of doing school when ring ring. My phone started going off.

I was confused because all my friends know I do school during this time. Maddie and Mackenzie looked at me too.

I looked down to see that the call was from my dad. "Shoot." I mumbled.

"What's a matter?" Maddie asked looking up again from her computer.

"My dad's calling me." I said putting my hand to my head.

"Oh..." Maddie's eyes awkwardly shifted back to her school stuff once again.

I decided to just click ignore. My dad was a horrible person. He had cheated on my mom and not to mention he was an alcoholic. As soon as my mom found out he was cheating she was already pissed off about his alcohol issue. She divorced him as soon as possible.

It was only about two years ago. Yes, sometimes he would call to check up. He was not someone I liked talking to however.

A few seconds later my phone started buzzing again. I walked over to the corner of the room and picked up the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Can a dad just talk to his daughter?" He asked.

"No, we all know that isn't true." I said. Just talking to him brought tears to my eyes.

"I have good news. I'm going up try to get my custody back." He said.

"That is not happening!" I told him with a tear escaping my eye.

"Oh but it is happening darling. Also I heard you are on some tv show now, you're not going to be able to do that." He told me.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted into the phone then hung up.

There was no way I wanted to be near my dad. He had gone to live in freaking Texas now!

I sat down on one of the couches in the back and started crying away. He was going to take all my hard work and throw it away.

Mackenzie and Maddie rushed over to me after I shouted at my dad.

"Its going to be okay." Mackenzie told me as they both hugged me. I continued to cry this wasn't happening.

Miss Kim must have heard the commotion because she came out of her office.

"What happened?" Miss. Kim asked.

"Her dad." Maddie mouthed still hugging me.

"Katie how about we get away from this?" Miss Kim said coming over to me and walking with me across the street to the studio.

My mom was yet to arrive because of school but Miss Kim brought me straight to the office in the back.

When Melissa saw me crying she followed as we went into the office.

"What's wrong hun?" Melissa asked me as I sat down on one of the couches in the back.

"Dad." Miss. Kim mouthed to Melissa.

Melissa sat down on the coach and comforted me as I cried.

Melissa and Miss Kim mouthed some things to each other. Then Miss Kim left the room. Probably to go back with Maddie and Mackenzie.

"It's going to be all right, okay?" Mellisa said comforting me.

I nodded my head and wiped my tears from my face. However how were things going to be okay? I needed to suck it up before anyone else saw me crying.

After a while I went to the den and cleaned myself up. Melissa had gotten my bag from across the street for me.

I put on my Dark blue and Silver ALDC dance wear along with a bun with a silver bow. I fixed my makeup and waited for the other girls to come in.

About five minutes later my mom came into the room.

"Hey, are you all right?" She asked sitting down on the bench next to me.

"I'm fine." I lied as she kissed the top of my head.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing it's not a big deal." I lied once again.

"Okay, that's good. The girls are going to be in here any minute so I'm gonna go to the benches. I love you." She told me.

"I love you too." I told her then she left the room.

I definitely was not okay. I should have told her what happened. But I just didn't feel up to it.

Soon enough Maddie, and Mackenzie came into the den.

"Are you okay?" Maddie asked digging through her bag for her dance clothes.

"Yeah..." I replied lying once again.

"Well that's good." Mackenzie told me beginning to change.

When Sarah come in it was somewhat normal. Joking around in all. However I wasn't in my regular mood. I simply could not stop thinking about my dad.

"Girls, group." Miss T one of the instructors told us. We walked down the hall than into the studio A.

We stretched on the floor and when Abby came on we began running through the routine.

My mind could not focus on dancing at all. My mind was going everywhere besides where I needed it.

"Katie! You know this routine why do you keep messing up!" Abby shouted to me.

"Point your toes!"

"You're boring! Where are your facials!"

"Katie focus!" Abby yelled all these things at me. I tried as hard as I could to focus but I just couldn't.

"Okay, we finished the choreography today. Katie this seemed like an off day for you. Get it together. Katie your solo is next. Everyone else Contemporary in studio B."

We had already finished the choreography for my routine yesterday, but I kept messing it up.

"Katie get it together!" Abby yelled at me as I danced.

I continued to dance but I kept messing up. Abby was going to kill me.

"Hey come sit over here." Abby said motioning me to the window ledge with her.

I came over to her and sat down. "What's going on? I heard you had a little breakdown this morning. What's a matter?" She asked.

"It's just... My dad." I replied tears coming to my eyes.

The camera men starting swarming us recording everything.

"Hey! Give us some space!" Abby yelled at them. They didn't move they just stayed there.

Abby pulled me out the room and into the office locking the door so the camera men couldn't get in. I knew they were probably just going to recording the audio from the outside though.

We sat down on the couch and I told her everything. Tears were streaming down my face and Abby just comforted me.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Abby told me giving me a hug. However I knew she couldn't insure that.

"Thank you." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

When we came back out and into studio A I began dancing again. I danced my heart out. I used it as an escape to take me away from reality.

"Good job!" Abby gave me a high five after I finished the lesson.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

While Mackenzie was having her lesson Sarah was given a private with Gia in Studio B. Then Maddie and I had to help out with a silks lesson in the tumble track room.

"I have some friends here to help us with the lesson." Miss T said from inside of the tumble track room.

Maddie and I entered the room waving. The class of about fifteen cheered.

Basically Maddie and I did the silks and demonstrated everything. While Miss. T taught everyone from the ground.

It was super fun! I knew I was going to get to do it more often. Which made me happy.

After the lessons were done, Maddie went and did her solo with Miss Abby. While Sarah, Mackenzie, and I got to do some interviews with people who came to the studio.

Buzzfeed was going around and interviewing so I was super excited.

"Hi I'm Caroline would you mind if I interviewed you?" Caroline the lady who was interviewing asked me outside of the tumble track room.

"Yeah no problem." I said happily.

"Okay great." She replied.

The cameras from Buzzfeed started recording.

"Hey guys, it's Caroline from Buzzfeed and today I'm at the ALDC LA interviewing the girls from Dance Moms. Right now I'm here with the newest addition to the ALDC, Katie Rose."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I said smiling at Caroline.

"It's great to meet you too! So what's it like being on Dance Moms?" She asked holding out the microphone.

"It's so much fun getting to hanging out with the girls, travel the world, meeting fans, and dancing of course."

"That does sound like a lot of fun! So a lot of the dance moms fans have been wanting to know what Abby is really like?"

"Abby's actually really sweet. She pushes you to do the best that you can because she believes in you." I honesty answered.

"Does she ever do anything fun with you guys?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah, actually just last week we got to throw cake at each other." I said laughing.

"Well that is something I would like to see! So did you have to move out here to LA to join the ALDC?" She asked.

"No, actually I have lived here my entire life."

"Oh that's cool! So we heard last week you did a solo against Maddie, would you be able to tell us who won?" She asked.

"Actually I can't do that I would love to just tell you guys everything but I can't. But if you guys want to find out who won, the episode is premiering July thirteenth 2017 at seven o'clock eastern standard time!" I said happily.

"Alright well it was fun getting to talk to you." She said.

"Yeah, you too." I said smiling.

After that interview I got to meet some dancers who were taking a class at the ALDC. It was so weird having fans, but I loved every second of it.

At lunch we had some KFC chicken and bounced on the tumble track.

"KFC and the trampoline, best idea ever!" Mackenzie said taking a bite of her chicken while bouncing.

"Can't argue with that." Sarah said eating her chicken on the trampoline as well.

After we finished eating the chicken we continued to bounce on the trampoline.

"Boo!" Maddie said jumping on my back.

I nearly fell over. "Well hello." I said laughing.

"Hi." Maddie said straight forward.

"You're a strange one." I said said sarcastically.

Maddie just started laughing and got off my back.

"Weirdos move out the way we're trying to tumble here." Mackenzie yelled at us from the end of the trampoline.

"Okay, okay we're moving." Maddie said and we both hopped off the trampoline and onto the floor.

We started doing tricks on the silks. "Hey Kat, hammock." Maddie said.

I looked to her and sure enough she was in a position that the silks were holding her up in a hammock looking way.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

She showed me how to do it and we spend the rest of lunch lounging in our "Hammock's.

After we were getting ready to head to our next class I got a text from my dad. "It's disrespectful to hang up on an adult. You have no choice in me trying to get custody over you it's happening." It read.

I simply hid my tears and shook it off. Miss Abby told me it was going to be okay, stay calm.

After lunch Maddie, Mackenzie, and I had an acting class, while Sarah was having a hip hop private with one of the instructors.

After that class we had regular Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Lyrical, Musical theater, and an energy draining conditioning class.

|This story is STILL updated REGULARLY!|

{Wow what's going to happen to Katie's dad? Is everything going to be all right? Make sure to favorite this chapter. Also follow me to get notifications when I post! 😘}

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