Shadow of the Night

By HannaFeatured

78.3K 2.5K 345

'Her heart beat fast as she ran through the woods, moonlight casting shadows of trees in her path. The only n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter- Team 7
Bonus Chapter- Suna
Bonus Chapter- Nightmares
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note

Chapter 18

1.5K 57 1
By HannaFeatured

Raiden seemed to enjoy my discomfort. The bastard's eyes held sick happiness watching me squirm. "Well, the story I told the rest of the surviving clan was that you had done it; using your Shadow prowess, you could've easily done it. In fact, you're the only one that could've done it as far as they know." He flexed his fingers, and in his hand, shadows formed a solid ball. "However, it was I who killed the clan. For years I had been slowly taking people, one by one, and extracting their shadows. Each one making me stronger. 49 people later and I doubt even you could beat me.

"By framing you, I ensured that the remaining clan members would help me to their fullest to recapture you. You'r my last step. If I extract your shadow in the light of the full moon, I don't think there is a soul alive who could defeat me. So enjoy your life for the next twenty-four hours." Raiden stood, then yanked me upright by the chains still circling my body. "First I'd like you to meet someone. She is pretty useless, but I thought I'd keep her around in case you didn't feel like cooperating."

Clicking his fingers, Raiden dissipated the shadows in the corner of the room. Sitting, huddled on the floor, was a girl. Her very light blonde hair was dirty and brittle, reminiscent of the little boy who stole my chakra. Her clothes seemed overlarge and worn. The girl's face was hidden.

"Who is this?" I was almost afraid of the answer.

Raiden smiled maliciously. "Well, she's been a good little soldier for me. Katsumi, Look up for me darling." He left me to stand next to the young girl. Pulling her roughly, Raiden shoved her forward towards me. The girl, Katsumi, collapsed on the floor. I could see her emotionless face looking up at me.

Hazel eyes, identical to mine. The seemed cold, detached, as if I were looking into the eyes of a dead body.

"Hikari, meet Katsumi. Your little sister."


Katsumi didn't talk much. Apparently since we are both considered scum of our clan, we're forced to share a room. She laid motionlessly on the floor, ignoring me for the most part.

"Hey, um, Katsumi. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" When she continued to stare at the ceiling, I sighed. "Can you even speak?"


I nearly jumped at her voice. It was hoarse, cracking with misuse. I wondered how long it had been since she spoke.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen." She seemed to only answer direct questions, with one-word answers.

"Do we have any other siblings?"


That made me stop.


"The boy." 

Well son of a bitch, the kid who stole my chakra was also my little brother. That's why he seemed familiar. The same hazel eyes as me, and blond hair, like Katsumi.

I tried to ask her a few more questions about the boy, but she seemed done talking.

Deciding I'd had enough looking at her sorry state, I moved from my place on the floor. Crouching next to her, I pulled her gently into a sitting position. Katsumi didn't even react.

I started by finger-combing her wild blonde hair. It was longer than my hair, and had the distinct look of hair that no one took care of. Once it was sufficiently smooth, I wove the strands into a long plait down her back. This kept her fringe out of her dead eyes, and I took a second to study her features. We had the same nose and high cheekbones, but her face was distinctly rounder.

I moved away from the girl, whose expression seemed as blank as ever.

"There, that should keep it out of your face."

I felt her eyes on me as I turned over onto my side.

"They will kill you tomorrow." Her voice was as devoid of emotion as her face.

"I know. There isn't much I can do about it though. I don't have any power. The only way to get my chakra back is to release the seal on that kid. They probably moved him far away from me." I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. "And I doubt you'd help me escape."

She neither confirmed nor denied that.

"The boy. He is here. They keep him in the third room on the right."

Sighing, I flopped onto my back. I really had to use a bathroom again. "It doesn't matter. I can't do anything about escaping. However, I really need to use a bathroom, so...?"

Katsumi pointed at a little closet type door. Look at that, an en suite bathroom.


I was shut in my tiny room the whole next day. The stress of this being my last day caused me to throw up yet again, which just made the day worse. Katsumi's stare unnerved me, and I really wanted some fresh air before I died.

Time seemed to drag and fly by simultaneously. Before I knew it, Darkness had fallen, and the moon was on full show. An older woman with a kind face came to collect me. She led me into another room, where I was bathed and clothed in a heavy cloak. 

Once she left, I let all my built up anger out.

I punched the wall as hard as I could. I could feel the bones of my hand breaking, but I didn't care. My friends, team seven, Kakashi... 

My heart sank as I though of Kakashi. I hadn't come home. 

Footsteps shook me from my thoughts. The door flew open; Raiden and the older woman barged in. The woman took my hand in hers, examining it.

"Heal her. She can't be injured for the ceremony tonight." Raiden ordered.

The glowing green light fell over my hand, but something felt different. This woman must be a sensory shinobi.

She let out a gasp, her hand falling away from me. Eyes wide, she stepped away from me, then hurried over to Raiden. The woman whispered urgently in his ear, and Raiden's eyes too grew wide. He masked his surprise and stalked over to me with an overjoyed expression.

"My my, what do we have here?" My confusion only grew as he placed a hand over my stomach.

"A little demon child, huh?"


Op who guessed it I bet everyone.


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