Lab Rats Brase Story

By Angelena960026

11.4K 253 76

Chase saves Bree's life and Bree starts falling for him..... Not. She liked him since she was 13. Read to fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Writers Block
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note... really need you to read.
Chapter 19
New Year's.
1 song that I just personally love
Another account?

Chapter 8

458 12 15
By Angelena960026

Chase pov:

I went in her room and she wasn't there. I looked everywhere.

Than I tracked her chip. It was in a underground train station.

Than I used the fast car and got there. I went under there and Bree was bloody.

I took out the guys and untied Bree and carried her to the car.

Than she woke up.

Than she healed in 2 seconds.

Than we went home. She got out of the car.

Than she went in the kitchen and sat on the counter with an ice pack. She put it on her ankle.

"Thanks Chase. I owe you." She said.

Than she got down and threw the ice pack away and came to me. She put her arms around my neck and I put my hands around her waist. We kissed for awhile.

"Get a room you 2." Leo said. Than Bree glared at him. Than he started to run. Than Bree sped and pinned him to the wall. "We get to do what we want. You can go to a different room." She said. Leo nodded and ran out and Adam came out.

"Bree, what did you do to Mr. Shorty-mick-stine? AKA Leo? "He asked with and I pinned him to the wall and told him that we get to do what we want." Bree said. "Okay. Buy."

Than he left. Bree went to the living room and I followed. Than we layed on the couch and Bree got a blanket. We shared it. Than Bree was asleep and turned my way and I got hot and then Bree stole the blanket and was shivering, so I coudled with her and she was a heater.

Than she coddled into my chest. Than I fell asleep.


I was in bed with Bree till I disappeared. Than I found her and she was dead. Than I saw black.

End dream

"BREE!!!" I yelled. Bree was awake. "I didn't do it. So what is it? " Bree asked scaredly. "Nothing." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I'm sure." I said.

"What happened earlier?" I asked.

"Well, I was about to walk to the living room when I got shot in the back of my neck by an arrow and I woke up and I saw Krane and Marcus and they beat me up and I tried to escape than Marcus knocked me out. Than you saved me. And I'm grateful." She explained.

"Sorry." I said.

"It wasn't your fault. I mean, I should of gotten out of there when I had the chance." She said.
"I just wish that didnt happen." I said. "It's fine. I'm fine. As long as were together, we will be fine. Okay?" She asked.

"Okay. I love you." I said. "I love you too." She said. We kissed.

Than she fell asleep. I stayed up. Than I got up from behind her and went to the kitchen and got a drink.

Than Bree came in and kissed me.

Than Mr. Davenport, Tasha, Adam and Leo came down for lunch. Than Bree ran to the bathroom.

"Us 3 are going to check on her."Adam said. Than we ran to the bathroom and she was throwing up.

Than she closed the toilet lid. 🚾. Than flushed the toilet.

"You okay?" Adam asked. "Yeah. Can I speak to Chase alone?" she asked. They nodded and went to the kitchen.

"I'm scared right now. I just threw up and I never got sick in my life." she said. "Just calm down. Ask Tasha about this because she's a girl." I said. She nodded.

Than we went to the kitchen.

"Tasha, can I ask you something in private? " she asked. "Sure." Tasha said.

Than I turned on my bionic hearing.

"Look. I'm freaking out. I just threw up blood and I can't tell Chase." Bree said. "You need to go to a hospital." Tasha said. "I don't want to make them worrie though. I am good." Bree said. "Okay. Just come to me if you need anything." Tasha said. "Okay. Let's go." Bree said.

Than they came in and Bree sat next to me. She changed into a black tank top and black Adidas shorts.

"Leo and Adam. Can you guys play video games in the game room so Bree, Chase, Tasha, Douglas, and I talk alone?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Sure. LETS PLAY PIG ZOMBIE RETURNS!!!" Adam yelled and they went down to the game room.

Bree pov

Adam and Leo went to the game room.

"Why did you need to talk to Tasha?" Douglas asked.

"I might have to go to the hospital here because I just puked out blood and I have never gotten sick in my life. I didn't want anyone to worry if I had to go." I explained.

"I think you should." Tasha said. "But also I am worrying about what will happen." I said. "Than just don't go." Chase said.

"I agree with Chase. The also got kidnapped and beat up by Marcus and Krane and it could be from that. " I said.

"When did that happen? " Tasha, Douglas, and Mr. Davenport asked. "1 hour, 7minutes, and 32 seconds." I said in a happy tone that I knew it.

"Than the blood that was beat out of you is still in your body so you will digest the beat up blood and throw up." Chase said. "I'll be back." I said.

Than I ran to the bathroom and locked the door and threw up.

Than I closed the toilet lid and flushed the toilet. I sat on the toilet and put a hand on my forehead.

Than I put my hand down.

Than I unlocked the door and walked to the game room and Leo and Adam we're doing an arm wrestle contest.

"Bree. Do you want to do an arm wrestle?" Leo asked. "Sure." I said.

Than we linked hands and we did an arm wrestle.

Than I won 1 round.

Than all 3 of us went down stairs.

"Why did a girl with Chase fall asleep?" Adam asked. "Because he bored her with facts." Leo said. Leo and Adam laughed. I didn't.

Than I had a vision.


Leo, Adam, and Bree walk to the living room. There was a bomb.Than Bree shuts the bomb off.

End vision

Than Adam was shaking me. I looked at everyone.

Than I look at Adam and Leo. "Everyone get out of the house now." I said.

Than everyone ran out.

Than I ran and found the bomb. I defused it, grabbed the first aid kit, and I started to run outside until it blew up.

Than I went threw a window and Chase caught me. There was glass in my shoulder blades.

I winced in pain.

Than I pulled a huge price of glass out of my skin.

"Mr. Davenport... I thought I defused it. I'm sorry." I said.

"Move your hair to the side." Chase said. I did. Chase pulled out a couple price of glass. I bit my lip and shut my eyes. Than he pulled out the last one that was 5 inches long.

Than he stitched the glass cuts.

Than I grabbed out my phone and called the fire depart ment.They put out the flames.

Then bought a new house for 11,000 dollars.

"I just bought us a house for 11 thousand dollars. It's 5 blocks away. I'm really sorry for blowing up your house Mr. Davenport." I said.

"It's fine Bree. You tried to defuse the bomb. It's not your fault. Let's go. Oh and I am starting a lab under ground." Mr. Davenport said.

"Just follow me." I said.

Than we walked 5 blocks and went to the 11,000 dollars. It had an in ground pool.

Everyone gasped.

Than everyone hugged me hard and it hurt my back.

Than I went and bought some furniture and and bought things for rooms.

Living room:


My room:

Chase room:

Adam room:

Leo room:

Douglas room:

Tasha and Mr. Davenport room:

Than I went to my room and closed the door. I pulled my hair to a bun and turned my back to a mirror and looked at my back.

It was hurting. I went to my computer and sat on my bed and went on Facebook. I looked at Caitlin's post about her and her friend Jason.

Than someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Chase." Chase said. "Come in." I said.

Than he came in and I was still reading post.

"Hey Bree. Look, it wasn't your fault about the house." Chase said. "Yes it was. I thought I defused it but didn't. " I said while reading the post Adam put.
Status: Upset because I lost my controller.

I laughed at the post.

Chase sat down next to me and read the post and laughed.

I looked for a job at the mall. I saw one open at the shoe store and was about to apply till Chase took my lap top.

"What are you doing Chase?" I asked. "Are you okay? You look like your mad at your self." He said. "I am. I think that everything that happened is my fault, so I am applying for a job to pay Mr. Davenport for all the damage." I said as I grabbed my computer.

Than I applyed and I start tomorrow to assist people who need help.

Than Chase got down and I put my computer down and went down to Chase. He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.

Than we we're kissing for 5 minutes. Than we pulled apart and went down stairs.

Everyone was down stairs watching a movie.

"I applyed for a job to pay you for everything." I said. "You don't have to." Mr. Davenport and Tasha said at the same time.

"Oh. But I like we're I'm going to work. I get to work with people that need shoes or assist people on finding the right shoe." I said with excitement.

"If you want." Mr. Davenport said. "I start tommorow at 10 am." I said.

Than Adam walked up to me and hugged me in a bare hugg. I couldn't breath.

"Adam I can't breathe." I said struggling to speak.

Than he let me go.

Than Chase put an arm around me. I looked up at him and he kissed me. I kissed back. It lasted for 8 seconds.

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