One Chance (Cameron Dallas fa...

By xxsuperxnaturalxx

1.9K 43 17

What happens when Marissa is introduced into a new life and meets the guys shes always loved, what happened w... More

The beginning
Star struck
Could it be?
First date
Third time lucky
Magcon day one
When sadness takes over
Only way to end the pain
Its official
I've lost her?
All alone
Forgive me?
Too much to handle?
A happy ending?
Not a chapter

Falling in love

112 4 1
By xxsuperxnaturalxx

"You should starts vine" Taylor says laughing at me.
"Why" I ask.
"Because your hilarious plus hot everyone would love you have to do it, pleeeaassee" he begs
"Okay" I laugh "if it means that much to you"
"Yesss" he grins grabbing my phone and downloading the vine app.
"I suggested it so I get to be in your first vine" he said, causing me to laugh.
"Okay, what shall we do" I ask
"Ah I got the perfect idea.....smack cam" he announces "and then I'll revise it"
"Your really proud of that idea aren't you" I laugh, he just nods smiling.
"Let's prank Matt and Cameron" I suggest.
"Yes let's do it" he high fives me.
Slowly I creep up behind Matt and slapping him with my handful of whipped cream.
"Marissa why would you do this I thought we were friends" he whined causing me and Taylor to cry with laughter.
"Now Cameron" I shout.
I walk up behind Cameron slapping him with the whipped cream making sure to cover his whole face with it.
"Marissa I'm gonna kill you" he yells running after me.
"Taylor dot just stand there watching help me" I scream as Cameron tackles me smearing cream all over my face.
"Well that backfired" Taylor laughed posting the vine on my account and then revining it on his.
Instantly I got tons of followers and likes, loads of people commenting on how me and Cameron look so cute together and how I'm so luckytobhabg out with the guys, others hating on the fact that I'm hanging with the boys.
"Someone's popular" Hayes says showing my vine to all the guys, them all following and revining.
"Damn my girl got them good" Ava laughs high giving me.
"I do try" I laugh.
"Hey don't take all the credit I was a bit help" Taylor says flicking the long hair he doesn't have off his shoulder.
"Alright Taylor helped" I laugh.
"Guys what time is it" I ask
"1am" Nash replies.
"Okay" I say getting up and grabbing some money walking towards the door.
"And where are you going at 1am" Cameron laughs.
"I'm being spontaneous" I reply
Cameron raising his eyebrow.
"I'm getting ice cream, anyone wanna come with" I say.
Cameron walking over to me.
"Anyone else" I ask, everyone shakes their head. Leaving me and Cameron to go.
"So where we going for ice cream" Cameron asks.
"McDonald's I want a smarties mcflury" I say
"Sounds good" Cameron smiles.
We just make small talk on the way there before ordering our ice creams Cameron paying for both, he's to cute.
"Let's go to the beach" I say dragging him towards the sand taking a seat on the wall.
"Well that was delicious" I say
"Agreed" Cameron smiled "so what now"
"Let's go in the sea for a late night dip" I suggest standing up.
"But we haven't got bathing suits" he says.
"You got underwear don't ya" I laugh "it's basically the same thing just a different material" I add.
"That's true Cameron says taking off his shirt, damn that boy is hot.
We both strip to our underwear, as I take off my shorts I see Cameron staring at my stomach an do suddenly remember all my cuts and scars.
"OMG" I murmur grabbing my top.
Cameron puts his and on mine pushing the top down back to the floor
"Your beautiful you don't need to hide your body" he says a small smile reaching my lips as he takes my hand and walks  towards the sea.
"Omg it's so cold" I screech
Cameron just turns to me and smirks.
"No don't you dare" I say splashing him to keep him away.
"Too late" he says and he picks my up running further into the ocean.
"Stop" I scream laughing "put me down"
"Okay he says" dropping me into the water.
"Your dead" I shout jumping on his back trying to pull him down, he just laughs at me having no effect on him. Damn he's strong.
"Fine you win I give up" I say laughing.

Cameron's POV
"You got underwear don't ya it's basically the same thing just a different material" she laughs.
"That's true" I reply taking off my clothes. I notice her staring at my body causing a smile to reach my lips.
We both strip to our underwear, I notice her scars on her stomach.
"OMG" she murmurs grabbing her top.
I just place my hand on hers pushing the top back down
"Your beautiful you don't need to hide your body" I say holding her hand walking towards the sea. Which I true she's absolutely stunning.
"It's so cold" she screeches giving me and idea and I just smirk at her.
"No don't you dare" she screams splashing me.
"Too late" I smirk picking her up running further into the ocean.
"Stop" she screams laughing "put me down"
"Okay i says" dropping her into the water.
"Your dead" She shouts jumping on my back trying to pull me down, I just laugh at how cute she is.
"Fine you win I give up" She says laughing.
I just laugh resisting every urge to pull her close to me and kiss her.
"Staring contest" she yells coming closer to my face and staring into my eyes.
I just smile staring into her beautiful hazel eyes.
"You blinked I win" she's cheers doing a little victory dance, she's so perfect.
As she comes back over to me I tuck her fallen piece of hair behind her ear as we both just stare into eachothers eyes, that's it I can resist anymore.
I place my hands on her cheeks and lean in kissing her slowly but passionately, it was just perfect.
"What was that for" she asks smiling
"Because your perfect and I couldn't resist not kissing you any longer" I reply. As she looks down blushing. Oh how I want her to be mine.
"Omg omg omg" Ava and Matt scream as I tell them what happened yesterday.
"Now I understand why you two came back so late" Matt laughs.
"Do you think he genuinely likes me or was it in the heat of the moment" I ask.
"Girl you are oblivious he told you to your face he thinks your perfect" Ava says.
"I'm not so sure" I reply.
"Fine then talk to him about it" Matt suggests.
"Your right I'll talk to him" I smile walking over to where Cameron was.
"Can we talk" I ask.
"Sure" he replies looking concerned.
"Don't be too long love birds" Carter shouts. Well I'm guessing they all know about last night.
"So what's up" Cameron asks

"I wanted to talk about last night" I say

"Oh I get it you don't feel the same way" he looks down

"Actually the opposite" I say lifting his chin so he's looking at me, "I wanted to know if you actually liked me or if it was just in the moment"

"Marissa I've had the biggest crush on you since I first saw you in that airport waving at Matthew"
Hearing him say that brought the biggest smile to my mouth.

"So if you feel the same way, how about we see how we work out, I'm not making it official I'd want that to be special, but for now how about we try us."

"I'd like that" I smile

"Then how about we go on a date tonight at 7"

"Sounds good to me" I say hugging him.
I can't believe this is finally happening.

Authors note:
Let me know what you guys think, remember vote, share and comment.

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