Time changes everything

By __Pllobsessed__

12.6K 272 49

This story is 5 years into the future, when everyone comes back to Rosewood. Spencer is currently dating Cale... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
The biggest mistake of my life

Chapter 11

566 17 3
By __Pllobsessed__

Spencer's pov:
"Caleb?..." I say as a shocked expression appears on my face. What is he doing here? I thought I made it obvious that I have no interest in seeing him, what so ever.

"Spencer, I know you're mad, but can you please just listen to me?" He says. Really? He wants me to listen? Ok, Caleb. I'll listen to whatever crap you have to say, but I'm not gonna believe any of it.

I stand there with my arms crossed waiting for him to continue talking.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I-" before he can continue, I cut him off.

"But that's the thing Caleb. You did know what you were doing. You weren't even drunk." I say angrily.

"How do you know that? I could've been drunk" He says in a challenging tone.

"I know, because I was there! I witnessed it! I know how you are when you're drunk, and you were definitely sober. So instead of trying to make up lies, tell me the truth!" I say while raising my voice. Who does he think he is?! He can't just approach me like this, and then start challenging me. If he wants me back, he should make some romantic gesture, or something. But no. Caleb doesn't know the definition of "romance".

He opens his mouth to respond, but before he can, Toby walks out of the brew with two cups of coffee in his hands. He notices the angry expressions on our faces. "What's going on? Spence, is he bothering you?" He asks.

"Yes. He is, actually" I say as I shoot Caleb a glare.

Caleb steps closer to me, with his anger growing. Before he can say or do anything, Toby steps in front of me protectively.

"What do you think you're doing?" Toby says. His voice is calm, but I can tell that he's worried.

"I'm trying to talk to Spencer. Now if you could get out of the way so I can actually see her, that would be great." Caleb fires back.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think Spencer wants to deal with you right now" Toby replies

"Well maybe if you actually let her speak for herself instead of talking for her, she could tell me how she feels. Not how you think she feels." Caleb says. Uh-oh. I already know where this is going. Toby turns around quickly, hands me our coffee, and then turns back around so he can connect his fist with Caleb's jaw.

"Toby!" I shout. I love that he's so protective and that he cares about me, but he needs to let me fight my own battles for once. What is it with Toby and punching Caleb? This isn't the first time he's done this. He can't just use Caleb as his personal punching bag.

I move from behind Toby, so that I can get a better look at Caleb. Caleb falls to the ground and glares at Toby. He stands up, and is about to punch back when I yell: "STOP! Both of you!" Caleb looks at me for a few seconds and then puts his arm back by his side.

"Come on Toby, let's go." I say as I hand him his coffee, grab his arm, and drag him to where Caleb can't hear us.

"What the hell Toby?! You can't just punch someone whenever you get mad!" I shout. When he sees the disappointment and shock in my eyes, he puts his head down in shame.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand to hear him talk like that." He says. Now I feel kinda bad. He was just trying to protect me.

"He should respect the fact that you don't want to talk to him. I'm sorry if I crossed the line." He lifts his head up so that his gorgeous ocean colored eyes are looking straight into my chocolate ones. "You have every right to be mad, but please forgive me." I can't stay mad at him. He was just trying to help.

"I'm not mad" I say as my eyes soften. "I just don't like it when you physically hurt people. No matter how much they deserve it."

"I promise, I won't do it again. I just hated that he wasn't even thinking about how you were feeling. I just wanted to protect you, and I'm sorry that I got carried away." He puts his head down again. I smile at this. He's like a little kid that just got caught stealing candy from their baby sibling. I lift his head up and quickly kiss him.

"It's ok. To be honest, I'm kinda honored that you would punch someone for me" I say with a giggle.

He then smiles, and takes my hand. "Anything for you" he says, making me blush.

We continue our walk and drink our coffee when I'm reminded that I have to tell him something. "Hey, Toby?"

"Yeah?" He says as he looks at me.

"I, um... I got fired today" I mumbled

He looks at me with sympathy in his eyes "Spence, I'm sorry." He grabs my hand gently and I look at him. "If you need help finding a new job, I could help you look for one" he offers. He's so sweet.

"No, that's ok." I say. I can find a job on my own. I don't need help. "So, what are we gonna do now?" I ask.

"Hmm... If you want, we can go to my hotel?" He says. Hotel? I thought he lived in an RV? Oh, right... He moved out because of breaking up with Yvonne...

"Sure" I say with a smile.

We walk to his hotel, and we hold hands the whole way there. I wish I could hold his hand all the time, and never let go. But unfortunately, that's not possible. When we arrive, I step inside and take a look around. It's small, but it's not that bad. As I'm looking around, I hear Toby's voice coming from the couch.

"I have an idea on what we can do" he says. When I turn around, I see him with the board game "scrabble" in his hands. I chuckle as I think about when we played scrabble in that motel. I'm still shocked that he beat me.

"Ok, we'll play. But this time, I'm gonna win."

"Oh really? We'll see about that" he says.

A little while later, we finish. And Toby won, again.

"That's not fair! You cheated!" I say

"No I didn't. You're just upset because I'm better at this than you" he says with a smirk.

"You are not!"

"Oh yeah? Then why do I keep winning?" He says as he smirks again

I roll my eyes. "Whatever"

"How about this? To cheer you up, we can watch a movie and you can pick"

"Fine" I say, still annoyed. I never lose at anything. Why is Toby go good at that game? He uses stupid words like "goofball", when I use intelligent words like "glyceraldehyde", so why does he keep winning?

I pick out the movie "The Fault In Our Stars". One thing I love about Toby, is that he doesn't complain when I pick romance movies. I sit down on the couch, and he puts his arm around me. The movie is playing right in front of me, but I'm having trouble focusing on it. Instead I keep looking over at Toby. I notice that he's stealing glances at me too. We both accidentally look at each other at the same time, and chuckle. We both begin to lean in, and our lips touch. I'm so lucky to be with him again.

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