A Dangerous Enigma

By HaveFaith101

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[COMPLETED!!] SEQUEL TO A DANGEROUS INNOCENCE! (You must read ADI, to fully understand the sequel) Danger, I... More

A Dangerous Enigma
1. Photograph
2. Am I wrong?
3. Alone
4. Happy
5. Prison Life
6. Revelations
7. The ex-cellmate
8. Still a long way to go
9. Honey I'm...
10. A Thousand Stars
11. The Many Sides Of Leo Russo
12. The Test
13. 'We're going where?'
14. Italy
15. Unexpected
16. Salted Caramel
17. The Truth
18. A Fresh Start
19. Down in the dumps
20. Hunted
21. Christmas
23. Birthday Surprises
24. A Birthday to Remember
25. Lost Time
26. Memory Lane
27. 'Family Reunion...'
28. The Video
29. Fix You
30. Save Me
31. Struggles
32. Smurfs and Pink Marshmallows
33. A pink baby shower?
34. Complications Part 1
34. Complications Part 2
35. Baby Russo
36. Moving Forward
37. Routine
38. Three men and a baby
39. Only you
40. Secrets
41. The calm before the Storm
42. The Storm
43. Unknown Deception
44. Incineration
45. Fallen Hero
46. Second Chances
New Story!

22. In The Middle

2K 102 35
By HaveFaith101

 I hope that I can turn back the time
To make it all alright, all alright for us
I'll promise to build a new world for us two
With you in the middle

~DJ Snake

 Chapter twenty-two. In the Middle 

Have you ever felt like a popsicle...? I know, a pretty weird question to ask but yet that was how I was feeling right now.

Why isn't the fricking heating working, I groaned mentally. There was nothing worse than being in a huge house that was competing with Antarctica's temperature.

The heating was probably working, I was just too lazy to get up ad put it on. Usually, I'd get Leo to do those things... but right now he wasn't here, I was home alone with Ash, the Siberian Husky Leo had given me for Christmas.

We had struggled to find a good name for him since Leo had many names in mind and I had none. It was like we were choosing a name for our baby but yet our dog needed a name first. I had laughed at Leo a lot when we were deciding since he wanted to name Ash, Ghost instead. Leo claimed that the dire wolf from Game of Thrones was awesome and that Ash could also live up to the name, I wasn't happy with the name choice since Ghost was a white wolf and Ash was white and grey in some areas; hence the reason why I chose his name.

I sighed heavily as I flicked through the channels on the TV, there was nothing on that I wanted to watch. Whatever happened to the TV being the best thing in the world? I remembered when I was little all I ever wanted to do was watch TV but my parents would barely even let me watch an hour a day, parts of my childhood were good but other parts were not.

I sighed again and stroked Ash, he was lying down near me on the couch with his head on my lap. He was keeping me warm to an extent but yet I wanted more warmth. My hands were like ice and I was so sure that my nose was red. 

Over one week and a half had passed and Leo's and my birthday were coming up soon. Leo's birthday was on the twelve of January and mine was the fourteenth. I still found it funny how our birthdays were only two days apart. Leo would be turning twenty-four and I would be turning nineteen. The age difference never bothered me, it was only when it bothered other people it would also bother me. Leo always told me not to care what people said or thought because their opinions didn't matter but I just couldn't help but over think.

"What should we do Ash?" I asked my new furry friend, we had been getting closer and closer each day since Leo had given him to me.

Leo was right when he said that Ash was already trained, I never had any problems with him at all. I was worried at the start of having a husky in the house, but Ash proved me wrong and turned out to be a caring animal that I could rely on. Whenever I cooked, Ash would help me by closing the draws and cupboards that I left open, he hadn't gotten used to opening things yet... although I wasn't sure if he could at all. Perhaps if I put a rope on cupboards and on the fridge than Ash could open.

It was way too cold outside to take Ash for a walk, I usually let Leo take him out in the evenings after he got back from work. It was so strange how my life was now heading towards a different direction, the life I had dreamed of with Leo was finally happening, all we needed now was our baby.

I sighed again heavily, this time, and placed my hands on my bump, it had gotten slightly bigger. i had googled that my baby was now the size of a very large mango. Leo had laughed when I told him that and he had gotten confused and thought that there was a mango inside of my stomach instead of a baby.

"Ash, are you hungry?" I found myself asking the dog, who I knew couldn't talk back. Ash growled softly, and I didn't know whether to take that as a yes or no.

"Alrighty, let's get you fed," I said heaving myself off the couch and pushing Ash off me softly. I wondered into the kitchen, Ash following me closely. Another thing about Ash was that he was extremely protective, sometimes he barked whenever Leo held me or kissed me. I had guessed that Ash could sense I was pregnant and didn't want anything to hurt me. Sometimes at night, Ash would come and sleep in the bed with Leo and me, he would take up a lot of room on Leo's side of the bed which led Leo to sleep on the floor or in another room most nights.

I opened the cupboard where I kept Ash's food and grabbed the tin of dog food. I opened it easily and then dished out some into Ash's dog bowl. Setting the bowl on the floor I petted Ash and left him to eat.

I decided to go upstairs and have a nap, there was literally nothing else to do in the house, and Leo didn't like me going out without him; I didn't mind that since I wasn't bothered to drive anywhere.

The last time I had actually driven my car was before Leo came back, now Leo just drove everywhere.

I walked slowly, up the stairs taking my time, maybe a nap was what I would need to keep me warm, being all cosy under the covers.

Settling under the duvet and two thick blankets, I closed my eyes and began to think about New Year's Eve.

Leo had decided to celebrate by taking me out for dinner to a fancy Italian restaurant. The food was really good and the read tyrant happened to be La Lantana, Leo had taken me there last year. It was the first restaurant we ever ate in, and the first time I had stayed in Leo's company for more than twenty minutes.

After dinner at the restaurant, we took a walk near Hyde Park and watched the fireworks at midnight. Something special happened at that time also... I had felt the baby properly move around. The baby was kicking and moving around like crazy, just like the baby wanted to see the fireworks as well. It made me happy to know that the baby was alright after everything that had happened. Feeling the baby move around made me feel more like a mother than actually having a bump.

The bedroom door swung open and popped my eyes open to see Ash coming in as if he was royalty.

"Well hello to you too," I chuckled watching Ash curl up on the floor near my bed, he barked in return and licked my hand as I petted him.

"I'm just going to have a nap Ash, don't wake me up," I stroked Ash softly. I hadn't known my dog for long but I absolutely adored him, he was so protective, his fur was soft... Ash was just perfect. I had never pictured myself with a dog, in fact I had never pictured myself having a pet at all... Not even boring goldfishes. My parents hated animals, which made my childhood even more boring since I was also an only child.

Ash licked my hand and turned his head away from me before settling down as if he was going to sleep.

I let my eyes close and fell into a peaceful slumber.


"This was not what I had in mind when you said I could be apart of your business," Johnny groaned disappointedly, he had been like this ever sicne we had begun the job.

"It was either this or clean all the facilities we have and I don't particularly want to clean bathrooms and gyms-"

"But this is even more boring! What happened to you being the head, the boss, the bloody leader?!" Johnny was frustrated and he had every right to be, I was too.

"You left your wife at home alone, with a mutt just so you could organise files? Believe me Leo, I'd rather organise Leah's shoe collection than do this-"

"Just shut up already, I've lost track of what I was filing!"

I sighed heavily at the thought of Leah alone with Ash, I had left her plenty of times with him but now I was reconsidering my actions. Johnny was right to an extent, a gangster boss like me shouldn't be organising files in a room the size of a matchbox. I should have been organising or dealing with more important affairs, such as who the hell was trying to frame me and if the business was running smoothly with no problems.

Before Christmas, my father's secretary had contacted me and told me that I was needed. I had laughed at the fact that he couldn't call me himself, was he that disgusted in me? I already had a huge amount of blood on my hands and he had never shunned me away. What was it about Raphael that now made me the enemy, when I never was in the first place.

"How's Leah anyways, I haven't seen her since Christmas," Johnny stated as he placed a whole bunch of files into a filing cabinet.

"Yeah she's alright, I think she's forgetting who her actual husband is. That damn dog is so protective over her, he doesn't even let me sleep in the same f*cking bed as her," I muttered, annoyance dripping from my tone.

"Make him sleep outside then-"

"Leah won't let me, believe me I've suggested it to her a lot but she won't allow it."

"Well soon enough she'll realise that she misses you since you're gone for nearly nine hours every day, except Sunday...." I smiled slightly at Johnny's words, he always tried to make me feel better but sometimes it never worked. He got an A for effort though!

"Why doesn't your dad put this all on a computer system?"

I would have laughed but Johnny looked so serious and the pissed off look told me that he was not enjoying the job at all, well who would have enjoyed a crappy job like this anyway?

"He does," I answered waiting for an outburst, except it didn't come. Johnny was far too angry to even say anything, he kept quiet but I knew deep down he wanted to punch a wall or maybe even punch me for being Ricardo f*cking Russo's son.

My father kept two copies of files, one in paper form and the other stored on computing systems. I knew Ricardo's full intentions for making me do the filing, he knew that by not having me around the business anymore made him weak and as long as I was around people wouldn't have talked against him. He would still seem powerful, even if I was just sitting in the bloody reception room, doing nothing at all.

"Your dad is f*cked in the head-"

"You're telling me? Try saying that to his face, you'll find yourself with a knife in your head," I chuckled remembering the times when I was younger and my dad always threatened me with the same thing that I had said to Johnny, if I ever said something that he didn't like; such as the fact that he was crazy.

"Why did I even agree to doing this?" Johnny groaned. I had o admit that I did feel a bit sorry for him but yet he owed me, after all he did double cross me once long ago.

"Look at it as you owe me-"

"I thought watching over Leah was my debt?"

"Are you stupid? What you did will take a long time to pay me back, and Leah is still in danger. Did I tell you what happened when we went Christmas tree hunting?"

Johnny shoved the stacks of files away from him and seated himself down on the shabby couch. I stayed sitting on the floor which wasn't good for my Armani suit since it would be covered in shitty specks of dust and I no longer let Leah do the laundry anymore, I either did it myself or just sent everything to a laundrette.

It took Leah awhile to teach me how to do the laundry and which detergents to use and which washing powders to use, but I got there in the end even if I did turn her white bra a shocking pink colour.

"What happened?"

"Where do I even start?" I stretched my legs out over the floor and leaned back.

"The beginning mate, cause there obviously ain't an end yet." Glancing at Johnny briefly I could see the concern in his eyes, he hadn't know Leah long but it didn't take a genius to see that he did care about her. He probably considered her as a sister... Angelo did when he used to babysit her. I remembered the time when I thought he was falling for Leah but he assured me he saw her as nothing but a sister. Of course my jealous self didn't believe Angelo, so I made him stop seeing Leah and sent him away to Italy.The things I had done before Leah and I were even in a relationship were atrocious and I knew it would take me a lifetime to make it up to her. Although she forgave me, I still need to do more and by more I meant making sure she was safe from harms way...

I began telling Johnny everything, from when Leah began to get the threats till what happened when we went to get a Christmas tree. The whole time he listened carefully and didn't say a word, until I finished.

"Well you definitely have a crazy stalker threatening your wife, but who the hell is it? Surely it's not your brother since he's dead... But didn't your brother have a monkey wing man?" Johnny said and realisation hit me.

"You don't mean the f*cker Dante, do you?"

Johnny nodded his head and I began to think about it. I hadn't seen Dante since my first wedding with Leah. The last time Leah must have seen him was when she was held captive. Surely when Raphael died, Dante would've left London and returned back to England.

"It could be him but what has he got against Leah? He only did what Raph wanted him to do. Who else hates me and wants Leah hurt?"

"Maybe your father and your older brother Ricardo, or even Angelo and Don, or April?"

I was shocked that Johnny even remembered April, Don had barely got to know her when Johnny was around, before he went to prison.

I sighed heavily and ran a hand through my gelled hair.

"I really don't know man, but whoever it is I swear on my unborn child's life that I will torture them until they beg for death," My words came out dark and harsh. The person who was behind all of this, didn't deserve to live, they were causing unnecessary stress on Leah which obviously led to stress for the baby as well.

"Speaking of your unborn child, what is it?" Johnny asked, breaking the dark tension.

"We don't want to find out, Leah wants it to be a surprise but I have a feeling that it might be a girl. But either way I don't really mind, as long as it comes out healthy," I replied. After Leah's miscarriage I had promised myself to accept our future children regardless of their gender, because after all they were my flesh and blood and their gender wouldn't matter. It had taken me awhile to get into the mindset that a life was precious, but it was ahrd for someone like me, because I killed for a living; and I had been taught that life was nothing but a piece of paper.

"You know what i haven't done in a while with you?" Johnny asked randomly. I raised my eyebrows curiously.


"I haven't sparred with you in years."

I took off my white shirt and my shoes, and prepared myself. Years ago Johnny, Angelo, Don and myself used to train together. We sparred, trained with guns and knives and just anything that we would need whenever the dangerous side of the business didn't go according to plan and we would need to use violence.

"I hope you're ready Russo!" Johnny taunted from the other side of the ring. We were in the business's private Gym, and it had been a while since I stepped foot inside the gym. Months ago, I was here nearly every day but when Leah came into my life, I barely even used any of the gym equipment, or even stepped foot in the boxing ring.

I never boxed.

What Johnny and I did was more of a freestyle than anything else.

"Yeah ready to beat your ass!" I snickered, as I approached Johnny.

Instantly he positioned himself into a defensive stance. I moved around the ring, slowly, taunting Johnny till his focus seemed to decrease. I aimed a punch towards his ribs, Johnny suddenly blocked me and I raised my eyebrows at him. He had improved since the last time.

Before I knew it, Johnny began aiming punches wherever he could, I easily blocked all of them easily. One thing about his punches were that they were sloppy and not strong, his stance was good but he still had a lot to learn. It was funny to think of me teaching Johnny how to fight even better than he could already, since he was two years older than me but yet he would benefit a lot from learning.

We fought for hours, at times I would have the upper hand and at other times Johnny had the upper hand. It was so strange to see him more experienced that the fight actually felt real.

I sent a painful punch to Johnny's jaw and I heard a sickening crack. My eyes widened and Johnny stood still and placed a hand on his jaw. He moved it around a few times before spitting out blood. Along with the blood came a tooth. My eyes widened and I wanted to laugh but at the same time I still needed to be on guard.

"You're a crazy f*cker," Johnny said, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"So I've been told."

"How badly do you want me to f*ck you up, now?" Johnny sneered. I saw a glimpse of him letting his guard down and I found my opportunity to kick his knee. He went down, crashing onto to the floor.

"Who said I wanted you to f*ck me up? And lesson one always be on your guard!"

Extending my hand out, I pulled Johnny off the floor and took a good look at him. He was already covered in bruises, some turning a sterling purple colour and others were red marks that would soon turn into a bruise. He had a few cuts and grazes but he wasn't harmed majorly. I probably looked the same as him, since he did fight pretty well.

"Looks like you're my new training partner," I chuckled. "You've improved."

We were both dripping with sweat, and it looked like water had been thrown on us. My blood was boiling, making my whole body hot and bothered.

"Well that's what prison does to ya," Johnny said, limping towards his shirt. I did the same and slipped my shirt on but froze when I heard the doors of the gym open.

I turned around and watched as two men who I knew very well stalked towards me as if they were f*cking mafia royalty.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Johnny spat out, standing by my side.

Angelo glared at Johnny, as if he wanted him ten feet underground.

"Jonathan Gates, what a surprise it is to see you here after how many years in prison?" Angelo snickered. I rolled my eyes at his attitude and scoffed.

"Three years," Johnny answered and turned to look at me. "What are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb doing here?"

Ignoring his question and glared at Angelo and Don. What did they want? The men who I once called my brothers, stood before me like I was the enemy. Did they really think that I would kill my brother? Well I would have if I had the chance, but I didn't.

"What the hell do you want?" I seethed out. Angelo stared at me before raising his eyebrows.

"Why are you here?" He responded. Who the hell was he to question me.

"Who's name is on this building? Do not talk to me as if you have more right to be here than I do!"

"It's your father's name-"

"And he shares my surname so tell me, what do you want and why do you feel the need to piss me off. Obviously you despise me and Leah, so why waste your breath on me? In fact why are you wasting your time, I'm sure you've got better things to do. You both do!"

Don clenched his jaw squeezed his knuckles tightly together. Angelo did the same, it was strange to see then both against me. The men who stood before me, went through thick blood with me. The men who stood before me shared my toys when I was a child. And now here they stood directly near me.

"Did you do it?" Don asked, his face hard and serious.

I knew what he was inquiring and I couldn't believe he was even asking me that.

"What do you think?"I was fed up with my family and close friends not believing me, Leah had done so much to try and get our family to believe me but obviously they all thought I was cold blooded killer. Nearly every single man in my family were killers, they killed for a living. What difference did it make when it came to me?

"That's why I'm asking you," Don rolled his eyes at me and I laughed bitterly.

"No I didn't f*cking kill him, I would've if I got the chance! You know what he did to Leah. For the love of God Angelo, you saw what she looked like when she came back. She was thin as a stick, her bones were showing, she had signs of abuse on her! He raped her, you think I was just going to let that go! I had every right to end his life but someone else beat me to it! If you think I should be sent to prison just because I wanted to avenge my wife, then you are seriously f*cked in the head-"

"Everything points to you Leo! You have a motive to have killed Raphael. Your fingerprints were all over the guns, Leah found you with him. He was lying dead!" Angelo argured, running a hand through his hair. The tension in the room was so thick that even a knife wouldn't be sharp enough to cut through. I was frustrated, probably everyone was frustrated.

"I didn't do it, why else would I be here standing right in front of you?"

"Because your lawyer got you out-"

"Whatever think what you want, I'm out of here. C'mon Johnny let's go!"

I was desperate to see Leah, I needed her presence to soothe me and calm me down. Angelo and Don would just frustrate me to the point where I would want to strangle them with my bare hands.

"Why didn't you kill Raphael then?"

Not this again.

"Why do you even care about Raphael? Remember what he did to your mum Donatello? He made her disabled, she can't even bloody walk anymore! Michelangelo, what did he do to your parents? He stopped them from getting a permanent residence in this f*cking country! They are stuck in Italy because of him! Why do you keep defending the bastard after everything he did!"

I couldn't get my head around it, why did they care so much about a man who had ruined so many lives?

Angelo stared fiercely at the ground, Don stared sadly at me.

"We do believe you Leo... It's just your father is crazy. He threatened us all, myself, Angelo, Lia, Theresa and even April. Your dad and your brother want you behind bars. They don't want you around, they believe that you killed Raphael and they brainwashed your mum to believe that as well."

I stared at Don in disbelief. My anger boiled under my skin, I saw red in my eyes.

"Leo you can't do anything... If you do someone to your dad, we'll all pay the price!" I barely heard Angelo's warning, my mind was racing. Racing with the thoughts of everything that had happened ever since the wedding.

I groaned and grabbed the nearest thing to me which happened to be a chair, and i flung it across the room. I heard the impact of the chair collide with probably the wall or the floor, the chair broke but it didn't help me to contain my anger.

"What do you want me to do then?! Just accept the fact that my father doesnt want me around. He would really want me to rot away in prison then live a free life?"

None of this was making sense. Perhaps it was my father who was sending Leah all of the threats. Perhaps he hated me for marrying her, for even persuing a relationship with her. What did I even do to my father to make him despise me so much. Everything he had now was all because of me. When the business was falling because of Raphael, I was the one to rebuild everything.

"We've always been on your side Leo. Nothing will ever change that," Angelo said.

"You've lost my trust, you both have. It will take you time to gain my trust again," My voice was harsh and cold, all my happy emotions were locked away and replaced with bitterness. Leah couldn't see my like this, it would scare the hell out of her.

"Of course."

I couldn't take my eyes off of Angelo and Don. The two men that I trusted more in the world were like strangers now. Our bonds were broken and shattered and to me they seemed beyond repair, but Leah had once told me that nothing can be broken forever, at some point it will be fixed not physically but perhaps mentally.

I turned away heading for the door of the gym.

"I need to go now-"

"Wait Leo!"

"WHAT!" I spat out harshly.

"It's your birthday soon," Don said. After he said the words he looked like he regretted saying them.

"F*ck my birthday," I fumed.

"But it's Leah's birthday soon as well," Angelo protested. "You've never spent your birthdays together."

I ran a hand through my hair that was drenched in sweat.

"What are you suggesting?"

"A party... A surprise party. We will all help, please Leo, it's the least we can do for her. She deserves some fun in her life before she can't even walk." Angelo said, he seemed different. Perhaps my sister had changed him. He was more sensitive and understanding.... Just like Lia, my baby sister.

"What do you say Leo? I think it's a good idea..." Johnny trailed on looking at me in hope.

"I'll think about it."


When I got home, the house was dark and cold. Ash and Leah were probably asleep and I didn't mind. I didn't mind that I didn't get tp see my wife before she went to sleep, she didn't need to see me looking stressed. I looked even worse since I had multiple bruises and cuts on me, which would obviously give Leah the impression that I was in a real fight. 

It gave me time to think and to be alone, but yet I had already been by myself since I left work. I didn't go home straight away, I went to a private gym that was always empty at night. I took my anger out on punching bags, till my knuckles were split open and bruised. Leah wouldn't be happy but I couldn't help it. I had so much anger that I needed to unleash.

Grabbing the pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket, I took one out of the box and put in my mouth, and lighted it.

The taste of the nicotine relaxed me and made me forget where I was and what I was doing. I had stopped smoking in the house because of Leah's condition but yet here I was doing the exact thing that I told her I would stop doing.

Before I knew it I had gone through a quarter of the box. The living room must have smelt bad, but I didn't care. I needed the cigarettes. It was hard to quit the habit since I had been smoking since I was a teenager, and once you're addicted to something, it really does take a lot of will power to stop.

I sighed heavily and blew out a puff of smoke.

If Leah never got kidnapped by Raphael the first time, everything would be fine.

I couldn't help but think that it was my fault for everything that had happened to Leah. If I hadn't protected her properly she would be okay, she wouldn't be mentally damaged.... She wouldn't be scared.

I hated myself for everything, all the pain that she had suffered, all the abuse, the rape, everything. She didn't deserve any of it and I didn't deserve her but I knew I could never let her go. Even if she was better without me, I couldn't let her leave me because without Leah I would be nothing.

Suddenly, the hallway light turned on and I turned my head to see Leah coming down the stairs.

"Oh f*ck!" I cursed under my breath and took one last drag of the fag before stubbing it out in the ash tray. I blew the out a small puff of smoke and stood up, rummaging in my pockets for a slick of gum.

Due to Leah being nearly six months pregnant, she moved more slowly, especially up and down the stairs. As soon as I found the gum and I popped it in my mouth and began chewing it fast.

"Leo, what are you doing?" Leah asked sleepily. She was dressed in unicorn pyjama bottoms, with her robe on that was tied around her belly, that poked out under her pyjamas.

"What are you doing up, bella?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Baby is keeping me up," She murmured softly. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her, she leaned into me and sighed softly.

"Come, I'll take you back to bed-"

"I'm hungry." I looked down at Leah and she looked up at me. I knew exactly what she wanted.

For some strange reason, Leah had started to enjoy pickle and peanut butter sandwiches. To me the combination was f*cking disgusting, but to her it was like strawberries and chocolate.

Leah sat at the breakfast bar, munching on the disgusting sandwich and I tried my best not to laugh at the way Leah sighed in pleasure as she ate.

"How is it?"

"Ish gwood," she answered in a mouthful of peanut butter, pickles and bread. I resisted the urge to gag but gave Leah a small smile. 

"That's good," I said, taking a sip of water.

Leah finished the sandwich within minutes and then looked at me for another one. I sighed and shook my head at her.

"You'll make yourself sick-"

"But I'm hungry!" she whined, pouting at me like a little child, who wasn't allowed another cookie from the cookie jar.

I couldn't resist her cuteness so I sighed and made her another one. If I ate that it would probably give me bloody diarrhoea.

I wasn't sure how long I could deal with Leah eating strange sh*t any longer, and I just couldn't wait till the baby was born, so I wouldn't have to make any of it again.

"How was work?" Leah asked, licking her fingers for any traces of peanut butter.

"Good, bit tiring-"

"Why is your face all bruised and your knuckles all bloody?" Leah gave me a look, that said 'Lie to me and I'll put dog poo in your food', I would've laughed but she looked way too serious.

"I sparred with Johnny," I answered casually. It wasn't a complete lie but at the same time Leah didn't need to know about anything else.

"Really?" she asked, standing up and waddling towards me.

"Yes baby." I placed my arms around Leah's waist and held her tight.

"I missed you, I don't like being alone-"

"That's why Ash is here-"

"It's not the same. Ash is great but you're my husband, not the dog."

Finally, my wife was seeing sense, after all that time of sleeping on the floor or in separate rooms, and barely having any time to ourselves without Ash getting in the middle, literally, Leah had finally seen sense.

"I know bella, come on let's go to bed and hopefully our little munchkin won't keep you up anymore."

Once we were lying in bed, with Leah curled up next to me, her back pressed against my stomach and my left hand holding her belly, she fell asleep instantly. I had a quick shower because I was all stinky and I didn't want Leah to be annoyed, she always preferred me clean and smelling like her favourite cologne. I didn't mind, I wanted Leah to be happy and whatever it took I would do it till she was well and truly happy. 

Although when we first laid down and I had put my hand on her stomach, the baby began to move like there was no tomorrow. It was excited by my touch, and every night I rubbed the bump soothingly and spoke in Italian to settle it down. Leah had tried her best to ignore it, because she was really tired. Every night she would be up for at least two or three hours, trying to get back to sleep after the baby would wake her up from moving around too much. 

The baby was strong and it brought me happiness to know that it was also healthy. No matter if it was a boy or a girl, I would love it regardless. Having a baby had brought Leah and I closer than ever. It made me realise that my life was nearly complete but yet there was still some unfinished business to tend to.

Ash barked loudly, probably in annoyance at the fact that I was sleeping on my bed, but he would just have to deal with it. From now on he either slept on the floor or downstairs, he was no longer going to sleep with Leah and a part of me liked the fact that I now controlled the dog instead of the other way round.

I pushed all the thoughts of stress and about my father away from my head, I didn't need those thoughts disturbing my sleep. 

A small yawn left my lips and I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to engulf me.

"Goodnight my beautiful Leanne."



I'm so sorry for the late update!!

I went to France for two weeks and I just got back on Friday. It was impossible for me to update while I was on holiday because the internet was so crap! It annoyed me so many times to the point where I wanted to throw my laptop away!

Anyways I should update sooner!

Please let me know what you think of the chapter, I do enjoy reading comments and please Vote!

Who's now liking Angelo and the gang more now! Why is Leo's dad being such a d*ckhead?? 

Thank you for reading!

Dhana xx

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