unexpected love >> tomlinson

By Raquel519

6K 116 65

He was there for fun. She was there to brush off a heartbreak. More

1. Unexpected Love
2. Clubs and Boys
3. Hungover
4. Blue Eyes
5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe
6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This
7. Ice Cream Parlor
8. Chests and Notes
9. Ice Cream Date
10. What If We.....
11. Confidence and Class Dreams
12. Breaking In
13. Skype Calls and Reuniting
14. Brush With Death
15. Apologizing and One Big Question
16. Answers and Confessions
17. Never Have I Ever
18. Class of 2013
19. Mom! Dad!
20. Help! Please! Help!
21. Please Remember
22. Sweaty Palms and Memories
23. Sass Masta From Doncasta
24. Keep Your Head Down
25. Trust is Tested
26. Anxiety
27. Niall and Apologies
28. Interviews and Necklaces
29. "Are you ashamed?"
30. Caught & Nightmares
32. Their Memory
33. "You're My Idiot."
34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes
35. Scare
36. Suit and Tie
37. Models & Talking it Out
38. Birthday
39. Surprise!
40. The Letter
41. Choosing; Forever
42. Found
43. Promise

31. Classic

88 1 0
By Raquel519

I love you guys so much! 100 votes. Wow. I started crying. The reason I make such a big deal of it is because I know my story won't be ever as big as After or Dark or anything so Im celebrating the little things :)

Sorry that it's short. I barely had time. SORRY!





"Living in a world gone plastic, Baby you're so classic."

Emily POV

"Thanks Niall."

"You can always hide out here."

"No, he'd probably go crazy and attack you. But really thank you," I kissed his cheek. He blushed, "Thank you." I opened the door and closed it softly behind me, making my way down the hall. When I came to my room I slid the card in and tried to slip in as quietly as possible. The door clicked behind me and I tip toed to the room. The shower was running and you could hear him singing. I smiled but my conscience reminded me that I was supposed to be angry, wiping that smile off my face.

I pushed the door open enough for me to slip through to find Louis' bed messy and his clothes all over. I fumbled through my suitcase finding an outfit for the day and changing in the room. I grabbed my straightener and plugged it in, turning the knob all the way up making it heat up faster. I started straightening my hair and listened to Louis sing. Then the water turned off. I turned my back to the door and continued straightening my hair. The door opened, Louis still humming the song, a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet.

He was silent and I kept burning my hair.

"Emily." He started. I turned and smiled tightly at him and continued with my hair. He sighed and went to get some clothes to change into. I turned around to keep myself from staring, cheeks red from already seeing him shirtless. I could hear him shuffling around the room as I played out possible conversations with him in my head.

"Emily." He put his hand on my shoulder and spoke softly scaring the shit out of me, leading myself to lose focus and burn my finger.

"Shit! Ow!" I laid my straightener down and grabbed my throbbing finger, turning on the cold water.

"Emily! Shit I'm sorry. Give me your finger." He said.

"I'm good." I said.

"My mom is a nurse. Emily, give me your finger." He stern side showed. I huffed and released my finger, keeping it under the water. He pushed on it, causing me to hiss in pain. He nodded.

"Im going to get ice. Keep your finger under the water." I rolled my eyes as he ran to the kitchen and hurried back. He kept the water on but held the ice on top making it melt faster and making the water frigid reducing the burn.

When the ice cube was completely melted, he turned the water off and inspected my finger. He pushed on it. Hard. I could tell from the way his tumbnail turned white but I felt barely any pain. He looked at me and I nodded. He reached into a cabinet bringing out an entire box of bandaids. He pealed back the paper and wrapped it arund my finger.

"Can you kiss it?" I asked sheepishly. He grinned and bent down to kiss my finger, never losing eye contact. Slowly he moved his head back up and moved closer our faces a mere 6 inches away. I could lean in and kiss him.

"Im sorry I really am. I just get so jealous and when you decided to camp out at Nialls I nearly exploded. And then when he called me at night I rushed up as soon as I could. Emily I have been the worst boyfriend to you and I am so so sorry. If I could go back in time I would. But this is reality so I cant. Id go back all the way back and treat you right. But please, be my time machine. Lets pretend this past weekend didnt happen. Please?" His small speech brought teas to my eyes. I smiled and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him.

"Of course. You are real not perfect." Again we kissed.

"You know that song I was singing? Well theres a lyric and it goes 'Livin in a world gone plastic, Baby youre so classic' and I sing that lyric thinking of you. Because you are classic." I grinned.

"You are so cheesy you know." I teased and turned to turn off the straightener only to find a burning tissue. I screamed.

"Take it out! Fire! Help!" I screamed. Lou chuckled and splashed some water on it taking out the small fire instantly. I blushed.

"And you are overdramatic." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Hey I saved your life and you roll your eyes at me?" He teased, pouting. I rolled my eyes again.

"I really cant stay mad at you for too long." He grinned causing me to grin.

"Hey, so its like 9 so are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded.

"Starved." He grabbed my hand and grabbed the key. We walked to the door and hurried downstairs before the kitchen closed at 10.


"We are going out to dinner tonight!" Louis called through the rooms after just getting off the phone. I sighed and put my magazine down.

"Do we have toooooo?" I whined. He nodded and crossed his arms across his chest mocking my pout. I stuck my tongue out at him and he copied me. "Stooooop!" I whined.

"Stooooop!" He repeated. I huffed and picked my magazine back up, a smirk on my face.

"If you don't stop I'm not going out tonight." I could see him tense and stand up and come towards me. I mentally patted myself on the back. Score Emily. He ripped the magazine out of my hands and took my hands in his.

"You will come." He said, minty breath fanning my face.

"No, you didn't ask." I said. He huffed.

"Fine. You are coming?"

"Just because you end it like a question doesn't make it one." I said standing up and going to get an orange from the fridge.

"Fine. Will you come?" I laughed.

"Yes. I will. Now go get dressed and let me eat my orange."

"Shouldn't you go first....?" He teased. I rolled my eyes.

Sorry its so late! I feel horrible. And this is probably only 1 page.  I can almost guarentee that the next will be longer. I just had to go to Algebrea tutorials coz I was like failing.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! What are you all going as?


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