The Power Within

By JSRiddle

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When a mysterious girl with a haunting that even she knows about, arrives at Hogwarts. What happens when she... More

The Power Within
11 Years Later
Sorting, Houses, and more than meets the eye
5th year
A woman and an encounter
I will protect you
Straight Answers
Princess of Camelot


255 9 0
By JSRiddle

Gweneiver's Pov

I opened my eyes to see two girls giggling in the corner. "She's awake." One of the girls said. I quickly stood up, realizing my mistake when I felt my head pounding. But alas it was a beautiful day. "Hi Gwen, remember me. Katy...... Katy Bullmorrow." Realization washed over me and I groaned inwardly. "Oh yeah, I remember you." Her face lit up like a christmas tree and grabbed my arm. "I guess we're roomies." She let out a squeel that gave me shivers. "Hi," The other girl with a slightly round body, brown hair and brown eyes, stuck out her hand. "I'm Queenie, Queenie Baron." I shook her hand and replied. "Hello, Im Gweneiver Nieves, but you can call me Gwen." I immedietly felt like I could get along better with Queenie than Katy. But she still wasn't all there. 

The bathroom door opened and I saw a girl with red hair and brown eyes come out. She seemed normal enough, from the fact the she was dressed in a white blouse, skinny jeans, and boots. I gave her a look that said 'help me'. And she nodded in response. "Finally you're awake! Come on change quickly so we can go to breakfast." She took my arm out of Katy's deadly grasp and pushed me to the dresser so I could pick my clothes, and then the wash room. 

After my shower, I changed quickly and let my hair out natural. My lips were always naturally a dark, deep red so I just let them be, and only applied a bit of mascara. As I headed out I found the room empty except for the girl who saved me. "Thank you!" The girl laughed lightly and responded with a, "No problem, my name is Georgia Barks, but people usually just call me Georgie or George." I noticed she had an american accent, but decided not to say anything. "My name is Gweneiver Nieves, but you can call me Gwen." Once again she laughed. "What happened?" I was seriously confused. "The irony, your last name means snow in english, and your skin is white like it." Once I got the irony I started laughing too.

We headed for the great hall, side to side. Untl I saw a familiar face. "Rubeus!" I walked towards his as he turned around. A smile etched across his face. " 'Ey Gwen!" He hugged me playfully. "Rubeus I would like you to meet Georgia, Gerogie this is Rubeus." I presented them to each other and they shook hands. All was perfect, but that soon disappeared when I saw some slitherins coming our way. "Oy, giant ." They called out to Rubeus. "I have no idean how you're going to get through the doors, lets see which prevents you to pass through first. You height, our your fat arse!" I turned around to the voice and saw none other that Tom himself. "Leave. Him. Alone." I said darkly to him. Feeling my knuckles go white. He just smirked and continued. "Hey, you're kind of cute." "Leave Her Alone!" Rubeus's voice lingered through the halls, echo after echo. He turned away but before anything, he whispered in my ear. "Next time it will just be the two of us." I felt my face go white and my knuckles tighten. 

"It's okay." I assured my two friends as we sat down at our table. The two seemed a bit suspicious but still accepted my answer, and started piling food on their plates. On the contrary, I just took and apple and a glass of water. I don't usually eat breakfast, not that I'm anorexic or anything. Oh Trust Me I LOVE food. I just don't get hungry in the morning.

Plus gives me more time to think. What was all that about? Next time we will be alone? All these thoughts were racing through my head and it's not even the first day of school, it's a Saturday. Blimey.

Third Pov

What Gwen didn't know was that someone, very important inher life was watching her this very instant.

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