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Gwen's Pov

I wearily opened my eyes. Everything was black and white. I then remembered about the potion, and decided to explore a bit. This house was big. It had two stairways, one led to the left and the other to the right. While pondering on which to take, I heard an eerie scream. It was coming from the left corridor, so I took the left. I kept walking until the screams became clearer. Then it all stopped when I reached a wooden door that was slightly open. I carefully passed through the door, light illuminating my face.

Inside the room was a young servant girl, she had fiery red hair and little beady green eyes. I then took notice of the young woman lying on the bed, she was the girl from my dreams. I stood in front of them in confusion until I was snapped out of my thoughts by  a wailing cry. A new born baby girl was weeping in the arms of the woman of my dreams. The woman sighed. "Truly a princess. Hair black as night, lips red as blood, skin white as snow itself. "What shall you name her?" Asked the curious and familiar servant. "I shall name her..... Annabelle Snow Anastacia White, Princess of Camelot." I heard shuffling and looked out the door to see what was happening. 

A guard dressed in black armor neared the hall. "Come on, we have to find the queen. Morgana's orders." I was frantic and ran to the room as fast as I could. I made my way inside. "Come On! You have to go!" But yet they did't move at all. I started waving my hands in their faces, but instead my hand went right through. "We found her." I heard a knight shout. It was too late, the queen gave her child to the servant and told her to leave. Everything started to fade away like dust. I heard two more words before being shot through reality. Gweneiver Nieves.


I opened my bloodshot eyes. "No." I whispered before everything went black. 



So the picture to the right is Miriam, and the lady before was the queen.

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