I will protect you

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3rd Pov

Gwen hoarsely whispered "No," before she fell to the ground, fainted. Dumbledore caught the poor girl and settled her down by the fire. "Dear child," He slapped the girl lightly on her cheek trying to make her wake up, "What did you see?" He soon gave up and left her lying by the fireplace. 

Why did she say no? What could she had seen? Riddled by questions, Dumbledore resorted to an old friend. The Sorting Hat. Dumbledore carefully took the hat from whatever corner it was in and dusted it. Ahh.... Albus old friend. The hat welcomed him. But Dumbledore shushed him and proceeded with what happened.

"It seems our friend, Gwen here, has fainted but she seemed.... troubled." Dumbledore decided not to lie, but to not share the whole truth.

 Ah yes, I knew this time would come. Here set me on her head and I'll say. He then carefully grabbed the hat and placed it gingerly on the girl's head. Power. So much power. This one is different Albus. The old man took in precaution what he was talking about. She doesn't know it yet but, she will one day have to make a choice. The path of light or forever darkness. The hat then let out a gasp. Which only made Dumbledore more curious.  She is the beholder of the necklace. She is.... Toeva.

This news made Dumbledore gasp as well. She was Toeva, the beholder of the ring and equivalent, if not stronger, of Merlin. He had heard tales of her, she had a destiny. The prophecy states that one day whe will become so powerful that she would be able to create light and darkness. Dumbledore now knew what he was meant to do. He would train this child into becoming the worlds most powerful wizard. He would teach her spells and guide her through the thoughest og paths. 

He would be her mentor, and her, his student.

Dumbledore then removed the hat and put him back in his dusty corner. The old man walked to Gwen and whispered, "I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, solemly swear that from this day forth I will protect you and train you until you are ready." A burst of light shone from his palm as he placed his hand on her forehead. The light then dissapeared and Dumbledore apparated her into her dorm. 

The Power WithinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora