By StarShineSamthaan

58.3K 5.2K 599

"Shh...." She placed her finger on my lips to shush me! Like what?! Wasn't she scared?! "Hey! It's dark! Aren... More

1~ Making Friendship With A Spirit?!
3~ I Needed to know because I Wanted to know!
4~ Have I already met Her?
5~ I shouldn't have kissed Her!
6~ Last Time?!
7~ Ring-a Ringa-a Roses
8~ Is this a Phantasm?!
9~ It Can't Be Her!
10~ Confusions \ FIRST PART
10~ Confusions Cleared! / FINAL PART.

2~ She was here..Again!

4.1K 450 31
By StarShineSamthaan

Chapter 2 is here..! Please ignore grammatical mistakes

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Happy reading!


Harshad with his girlfriend, Mukti and Aryamann, Alya was laughing while returning home by walking..
Yes they were in the college itself and It's now that they were returning..

"Really guys?! You just locked him inside?! Superb!" Their friend, Ovi was with them.. Well they were a group of 5 person!

"Yes Ovi! And that was really funny! He was kicking the door! But that peon spoiled it all..if he would have not open the door then that Manik could stay there till next morning!!" Aryamann said! So It was them who locked Manik inside the class..!

"It's okay..we have days to trouble him more! We'll see him tomorrow!" Okay so they were planning to trouble Manik more huh! Very bad!!

After their chit-chat, all returned their home

Ovi's Pov

"Oh..god My head is paining!" I was home already and my head was aching so much! I went to the kitchen and took a glass of water! I heard some strange sounds! But I ignored..

I settled myself infront of the TV as my favourite show was going to start..I was changing the channel when

"Ovi!" I heard my name?! What was that?? I again ignored! And resumed changing channel

"Ovii!!" I startled at my place as I heard my name being pronounced so loud!

"Oviiii...!" This time It was more louder! I think It was coming from the kitchen! I made my way to the kitchen,

"Who..who's there?" I asked! I was sweating very badly! When suddenly the lights were off!

I tried putting on the light but It was damaged!

"Scared?!" It was a whisper

"Aaa! Who's here?!!" I jumped at my place, I didn't know who took my name?!

"Harshad? Mukti? Aryamann..look If this is any of your prank so please end this! I'm really scared guys!" I shouted! I heard someone's step, coming towards me! I turned around to find a girl!

"Al..Alya?" I asked but no respond..and all of a sudden, she appeared in front of me!

Noo!! It was her!!! No!!!!

I ran to my room, thank god my room's light was on! Closing the door behind, I called Mukti

"C'mon Mukti please pick up! Please!!" I whispered lowly!

"Ooo-vi..!" I heard her whisper again! Was she behind me??! I slowly turned..and

Writer's Pov

As Ovi turned around, the door opened! She saw her! The ghost! Her scary face! Ovi was scared to the death!

"No!! Please I'm sorry! Please!" She was pleading to her! But Ovi's pleads didn't matter to the spirit!

"No!!! No please leave me..please I'm..I'm sorry..Nan.....!!!" Ovi's sobs racked her body making her unable to speak further..

"No!!!! Aaaaaaaa!!!!" She shouted!, the lights went off! And at last..the door was shut! Her shouts echoed in the entire house..


"Sleep Manik, c'mon!" It was 12 a.m already but still I was not being able to sleep! Maybe the spirit was still on my mind?! No! I should ignore! Yes! C'mon Manik sleep! I took a deep breath and finally went into a deep slumber..

"God..I'm still feeling very sleepy!" I yawned! I didn't sleep well last, side effects were obvious!

The gate of my college was already opened and as I stepped in, I saw Aryamann..and umm that was Alya! They were busy shouting at some students..I just shook my head in disbelief.

They will never change!

I turned to the side as I saw a girl! Sitting all alone, on the bench! And she was wearing the school uniform but why she was here outside? And why alone? No friends? Maybe..

I went close to the bench..I couldn't see her face as she was looking at her hands!

"Hey..!" As I said, she looked up to me! Sh!t she was the same spirit whom I interacted with, last night! I should ignore! Damn!!

"Heyyaaah!! Sh!t my leg is paining!" I winced in pain! Fake one! and sat on the bench, a little away from her..

She was looking at my leg! I must say, she was different from other ghost! She was so clean and umm..cute! Yes I found her cute! Yeah! Strange no?! But yes, she was looking cute in that uniform!

"Cute!" That word unknowingly came out from my mouth! God Manik!! Stay quiet!! I looked at her from the corner of my eyes..she was smiling! Really?!

"Is your leg paining that much?" I heard her asking me! She was concerned? Well a good, nice girl! I mean ghost! But I should ignore! Yes!

"Oh getting late! I should go!" I immediately stood up from the bench, totally ignoring her and ran towards, inside my college..

"Hey you! How dare you answer back to us yesterday?!!" It was Harshad! Oh he was talking about the encounter that we had yesterday in the washroom..! He pulled me and pinned me to the wall!

What the!!!

"You have lots of attitude you huh! Mr..what is your name.? Yeah Manik..!" Harshad's girlfriend, Mukti!! God how dramatic she is!

"Oh c'mon Mukti..he isn't Manik now! He's an Idiotic Monkey!" As Harshad said that I saw every student, was laughing! But I didn't care..everyone were behind them only! They were under the Aryamann's & Harshad's gang control!

"So Mr Manik!! From now..your name is Idiot Monkey! Okay!" Seriously?!! As If I would agree with it..did I look like an idiot to them?

" name is Manik.! And that idiotic monkey is you guys!" I said pointing towards him and Mukti

"What did you say??! You!!!" He grabbed my collar! That was enough! How dare he grabbed my collar?!! I instantly gave him a deadly glare! My anger was rising!! Really high!

"Harshad! Leave him, the professor is coming! C'mon leave him otherwise like the last time, he will give you detention!" He left me in a second and went to his place! I chuckled! Scared with the professor huh!

"So besides Ovi, everyone is present right!? Why is Ovi absent? Is she ill or what..?" The professor was asking for Ovi and those stupid, Mukti and Alya were busy gossiping with their boyfriend! I mean c'mon Ovi is their friend right? So they should answer the professor no!?

"Mukti.., Alya..why Ovi's absent today?" He asked again, this time Mukti finally opened her mouth

"Sir, I don't know..I didn't see her since morning..!" Mukti answered!

"Yes sir even I don't know! She didn't call me either!" I could see the tensions on Alya's face as well on Mukti's..! So..where could Ovi be?

"Okay.." The professor continued with his work, hmm..maybe Ovi was ill..! Removing the negative thoughts, I resumed taking the notes

Time time was over, every student was going out.. I went to the playground and sat on the bench, watching some students playing football! I was quietly sitting when again the same girl! I mean the same spirit came to me! She was here..Again!

Damn! why was she behind me?!!

" hour is over.." She started the conversation as she sat beside me!

Ofcourse she was here to ask me for help that is to relieve her grudges! I should ignore..yes!

I looked straight, and acted like I didn't hear her

"I know I was rude last night and I'm sorry for that!" How sweet! She was here to ask forgiveness! No, Manik.. You should ignore!!

"Oh c'mon now.. I know you can see me..!" She yelp making a pout! I could see her from the corner of my eyes! But again, I ignored!

"Are you gonna keep acting that way?" She asked, this time a little sternly as I was ignoring her!

"Wow..! you're totally ignoring me huh!" She was about to stand up to leave but she stopped! Why?! Don't tell she's gonna hit me now..!

God no..please!

"C'mon..I won't ask you to relieve any grudges!" Her this line made me surprised! I directly turned to her!

"Really...??!" I mean..she wasn't behind me for any grudges?!! Then why was she behind me? why was she trying to talk to me?? Did..did she like me..!???? Sh!t Manik!! You're in a big trouble!


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