Ladybug x reader fixing her h...

By squad30545

82.4K 1.5K 474

(Reader) is going through the world with vary little people to call family . For years your mother was strugg... More

Ch.1 ( goodbye )
Ch.2( hello paris)
Ch.3( home sweet home?)
Ch.4 ( beautiful song)
Ch.5 ( under a mask)
Ch.6 (flying rat?!?!)
Ch.7( A dance with his lady)
Ch.8( lets see what your made of)
Ch.9(the test)
Ch.10(caught in the rain)
Ch.11 ( you are the father!)
Ch.12( the kiss)
Sorry for not updating
Ch.14(let me explain!!!)
Ch.15( im sorry but can i ask you something?)
Ch.16( please dont go)
Ch.17( alone?)
Ch.18 ( time heals all wounds)
Ch.19(Mr miyagi ?)
Ch.20 ( new chat noir)
Small break
Ch.21 (new cat in town)
Ch.22 (headlines)
Ch.23 (late night kiss)
Ch.24 ( need for sleep)
Ch.25 (New years)
Ch.26 (New year same problems)
Ch.27 (Sweet treat)
Ch.28( last time)
Ch.29( cataclysm)
Ch.30 (The cost of a life)
House hunting
Ch.31(moving out or moving on)
Ch.32( stuck)
Ch.33 ( falling cat over heels part 1)
Ch.34(cat over heels pt.2)
ch.35 ( cat over heals) pt.3
ch. 36 (relaps)
Ch.37 (confession)

Ch.13( sleeping over gone wrong)

2.2K 44 22
By squad30545

Adrien was by the crack of dawn ready for the sun to fall before it even came up. The day passed as normal, Adrien had his photo shoots and I did my traveling around Paris by rooftop. I was caught a few times by the paparazzi, but I had my hoodie so there was no way of telling it was me.
I stopped by alya to help her get ready for the sleep over that she was going to be hosting. I helped her set up the sleeping beds that she took the liberty of getting and the snacks. Finally she had me test out the main event, the polygraph.
It was honestly unsettling being strapped to a machine that can tell if your lying.
"Oh let's give it a go, I'll ask you a question and you try to lie." She flipped a few switches and the polygraph started to give off a low buzz.
" ok first question; have you ever been in love?"
I gave a stern face to show no emotion.
Nope never. I called out and almost as fast as I said it, the polygraph went crazy. The lines jumped side to side clearly showing I was lying.
"Mmmmmmmmmm  ok now let's try another one"
A devilish smile crossed her face that send chills down my spine, I don't like the looks of this.
" have you kissed anyone since you've been in Paris?"
My body tightened up and I knew I had to answer, my mind flashed back at the tender......ok not so tender kiss, me and marinette shared yesterday. Her sweet soft lips with mine send my heart running over a hundred miles an hour.
" hello?!?!? Is some one in there??" Alya called out as the flicked my forehead.

What what?!? Um no no of corse not!!!!
My voice came out loud yet low and  came out sounding like a question all on its own.
The polygraph went wild ones again and Ayla's devilish grin faded fast. She looked up at me with her jaw practically on the floor.
" OMG who?!?!?!?!" I mentally face palmed myself for forgetting I was attached to a stupid lie detector. I did the best I could to think of some thing or someone else other than marinette, but it was no use. Her beauty was burned in to my brain.
No one!!!! The dame thing must be broken or something.....
I slouched in my chair and folded my arms over my chest to trying to get my heart to slowdown.
"Then why are you so red???"
I moved my hands over my face to feel my face burn up. Alya was now leaning over the table with a grin on her face just holding a number of questions.
" come on you can tell me, I won't tell a soul!!!!!"
Alya I'm not saying, how about another question?
" fine fine......ok, was she a good kisser?"
My heart jumped sending the polygraph jumping again. I sighed in defeat, my heart fell back down to where it was meant to be.
The kiss was good, hell it was one of the best Iv ever had. Wild, crazy and over all sexy as hell. I can still taste her on my lips even now.
I licked my bottom lip just to see if I could've still taste her.
Alya seem to be in shock as if I said somethings wrong or something profound that blew her mind.
"Wow.....just wow. Are you going to see her again? Are you two dating?!?!"
My heart felt heavy as I thought it over.
I see her almost everyday, and no we're not dating.....she.....she has a boyfriend.

The room felt cold and quiet, I was lost in my thoughts as I wanted nothing more then to be with her, but she wouldn't be happy with me.
I felt alyas hand on my shoulder, her warm hand made me feel more comfortable.
" hey come on know don't feel bad, maybe thing will work out."

The polygraph worked for sure that much I knew. I helped set things up until nino showed up to help. We talked for a while and ate some lunch after the party was a set. I got a message from Adrien saying he was going to need a little help. Before I left I told Nino and Alya of what the plan was. Fake Adrien in to being sick and get him sent home and in to his room, after all the lights go out sneak Adrien out the front and bring him back early in the morning.

That was the plan, more or less. As I left and made my way to the park where Adrien was having his photo shoot I noticed something or better yet someone in the corner of my eye. Marinette was talking to Sabrina, Chloe's lap dog. They were talking in front of a flower shop.
I made my way over to the two girls without a word and managed to snack up without meaning to.
"So you and (reader) a pretty close, aren't you?" Sabrina asked as she looked over the flowers.
I stopped dead in my tracks not knowing if is should make myself known.
"What? I mean ya were close but not in like.....I mean we're friends and all...why do you ask?"
I slowly made my way back to the corner to get away from this conversation.
" oh I don't know I was just wondering, I thought you two were dating sine you two see each other so often."
I whipped my head back to the two girls waiting to see what marinette would say next.
" what?!?! No no no!!! I'm mean he's cute and all but we're just friends that all. Beside I like Adrien and it's not like I could date them both........I mean not like I would!!!!!!!! Not that I want to I......what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing going on between me and (reader)."

I was drawn back to the conversation. Without even meaning to I walked back up to the girls and leaned over marinettes shoulder.
So you think I'm cute? I said and managed to spook the girls.
"(Reader)!!? How long were you there???" Sabrina called out.
Just long enough, I came to get Adrien ready for tonight and I found you two here.
Marinette and Sabrina were both bright red. I knew why marinette was red for, but why was Sabrina all red?

So what were you girls talking about?
I stead trying to brake the tension. " oh well Sabrina and I were just talking about tonight and what we were going to bring to the sleep over." I was glad to see that Sabrina was going. She was offer Chloe's lap dog, fetching her this and that and what ever Chloe asked of her. It was good to see her doing her own thing.
"Hey bro!!" Adrien called out from the limo that was waiting for me. I waved over to his to give me a minute.
"So will we see you there?" Asked Sabrina.
No I don't think so, I have to cover for Adrien so he can sneak out, but maybe next time.
I waved them good bye and ran off to the limo.

After we got to the mansion we went over the plan. Adrien would've fake being sick and I'd go tell his father and when night came he would've snack out the window and pass the front gate where Alya and Nino would've wait for him. If anyone came to check up on him I could've jump in to his bed and pretend to be him.

After the sun fell Adrien left Plagg to the the kitchen to eat as much chees just in case something like an akuma showed up and he needed to change. As he did this I looked out the window, waiting for the sun to fall and shore enough it did. I went down and told Gabriel that Adrien was sick and that he was going to sleep early. Without even looking at me he told me he will call a doctor in the morning.

As I made my way back up the stairs and back in the room Adrien was already over the balcony. Nino and Alya were early so without even as so much as a goodbye he was gone.
As I took as seat on the couch I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Adr:thanks bro!!!

I felt a smile cross my face as I read the text and went over to my contacts. I was going to text Alya or maybe even Nino but then I stopped at marinette. I read over the messages from last night and remembered how each text made my heart skip a beat.
Mari: hello?
Out of nowhere marinette popped up on my screen sending me back a little.
Read: um hi, what's up?
Mari: ok spill it!!! How long were you there and how much did you hear?!?
Read: I was there long enough for you to think I'm cute,😏.
Mari: oh my god you have to be kidding me!!!!😳😳
Read: don't worry it's cool, so I know we talked about this yesterday but....are we good? I don't want to sound like a broken record but just wanting to make sure.
Mari:ya were good....I think.....I hope. I won't lie the whole experience make me feel a little weird around you....but not in a bad way!!!! In a good way.....sort of....I don't know how to explain it.....sorry.
Read: you have nothing to apologize for. Anyways Adrien is on his way with Alya and Nino and for the record I'm sorry for what happened.....
Mari: now you have nothing to be sorry for....I was the one that asked you to teach me how to kiss....
Read: true all is forgiven
Mari: wow!!!! Your just going to throw me under the bus like that?!?
Read: hey you were the one going crazy.
Mari: you were going crazy first, I was just following your lead.
Read: you pulled my hair!!!!
Mari: you threw me on the bed and up against a wall!!!!
Read: have nothing to throw back....
Mari: well you had your hands all over me.....and like I said.....I....I was following your lead...
Mari: and maybe I enjoyed a little......dose that make it wired???
Read: no that just means I did a good job,😆😅
Mari: you jerk!!!LOL
Read: well I'm glad we got that out the way. Well I'll text you later, I have to keep an eye out for anyone who comes in.
Mari: alright text you latter.

I put the phone back in my pocket and laid down on the couch waiting for someone to come in,but no one came and I was wondering what was going on at the sleep over. I got bored after a while so I hopped on to the computer. I looked around on the ladyblog and found something that threw me off. Some or if not most of my classmates were akumatized. Even Chloe was akumatized ones and became the unladybug or what ever?

Letting that go aside I looked around and was still dumbfounded that no one knew who they were. I mean come on!!! I found out Adrien was chat noir in like what, one day?? Same goes to marinette. I jumped off the computer and went back to sitting on the couch.
Looking back out in to the night sky, I looked back at the day and how it went back. Setting up for a party that I wasn't going to go. Setting up that stupid lie detector, alyas questions still lingered in my head. Then I think back to the day before.

Marinettes sweet soft lips, the lust in her eyes. Did she really mean that kiss, or was it all just natural human needs. Either way I don't stand a chance, she loves Adrien so what was I dong kissing my bros girl? I wonder if they kissed yet..
No no no no no no no!!!!! I don't want to think about that right now!!!!
I know I have no right to feel the way I feel but I just can't help it, just the thought of Adrien kissing marinette they way I did sent my head spinning in a rush of anger. Then again I have no right to feel like that. She loves him and not me so why am I the one who feels like....
( ring, ring, ring)
My phone broke my train of thought and I looked down to see marinette face pop up. Why was she calling me,Did something happen?
Hey marinette what up?
" I'm sorry I'm so sorry please tell him!!! He won't listen and I can't reach him!!!! (Reader) I'm so sorry I didn't know he was there and he heard me!!!!! I'm sorry I'm so sorry!!! (Reader) pleas tell him I'm sorry!!!!"
Marinettes voice shook me to my core. She was crying on the phone, frantically crying and breathing short burst.
Hold on marinette what happened?!? What's wrong and who are you talking about?!?
" (Reader) I'm so sorry......I'm sorry....Adrien.....he knows, he knows about the k...."

Hello?? Hello marinette!!!!
I looked down to my phone to see my screen was completely black from a dead battery......of all time to die you die now?!!!?!
I run over to the outlet that was holding my charger in place and plugged it in.
Of all the time for my phone to die, it had to be now?!?
As I wait patiently I hear the faint sounds of foot steps approach the door. As I turn to face the door it burst open and underneath stands Adrien.
His eyes wide and filled with blistering rage. He stood over the door with his fist clenched and as puffing hot breath.
"You son of a ......"
His voice was hush and smooth yet I could still fell the anger in his voice.
What? I didn't get that...
"You son of a bitch!!!!" He broke his stance and ran up to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and my feet left the ground. He tackled me with all his force and we went flying. Soon after he slammed me to the ground and I hit my head hard.
He sat over me and was calling out something, but I couldn't hear anything.
Sound was distorted and came out as an echo. All I could make out from his was. " how could you, and I trusted you" tears rolled down his eyes as he pulled his fist back, high in to the air. I know what was coming and braced for impact. Hit after hit, I raised my arms in the air to cover my face as best I could.
A...Adrien stop!!! Look I can explain!!!! Just stop!!!!
I called out but my arms were muffling my voice and he wasn't letting up.
I reached out and managed to grab his arms.
Adrien look it's not what you think, what ever is going on let's talk this out and.....
"To hell with talking!!!!!"
He broke free of one arm and swung right for my face. As his fist collided with my face a cold yet burning pain crossed my face. The sting and the rush of anger flooded my system and I pushed him back.
I got back on my feet and clenched my eye. The cold sting was gone and in its place was a throbbing burning pain. I felt my hand tremble as my eye got wet. I pulled my hand back to see blood. For someone with noodle arms, he threw a nasty right hook. My eye was fine for as far as I could tell ,but the bleeding didn't stop.
Adrien was back up on his feet and running at me again.
Not falling for that again!! I jumped out the way and pushed him in to the wall. Before I could even turn Adrien was back up and roundhouse kick me in my ribs. Another surge of anger passed through me. As he swung for another hit I caught his arm and and pulled it pass me, pulling him towards me as I sent my knee in to his stomach.
He fell and clenched his stomach as I moved to the side to holding my side. A bloody eye and possibly a cracked rib.
What the hell is his problem!!! What's this all about ???
I turn to see if Adrien is ok and almost evidently I get lifted off my feet. He rushes over and slams me on to the desk. The computer lets out a bright flash as sparks fly out and the desk splits in half.
Adrien stands and starts to walk away. I should have let it end there and then, but instead I rush up to my feet, ignoring the pain and rushing up to Adrien. As he turns to face me I clasp my hand over his face and I smash it in to the wall. I hold him there for a few seconds till I fall to my knees.
He falls to his knees too. The impact seemed to make a hole in the wall.

What the hell is going on???? Why did you attack me?!?
I call out as he sits in front of me. Yet not one word leave his lips.
I call out to him, I need to know why?!?
"You kissed kissed my girl"
His voice was smooth yet it was more then enough to shut me up.
I stood to my feet and walked over to my phone. I shoved it in my pocket and walked out the door. As I walked down the stairs I heard a rush of foot steps. As I turn I see Adrien jump out as me yet again. This time I don't move and we both fall down the stairs. As we tubes and then and hit the bottom hard I feel cold. As I lay down on the floor the world seem to grow darker and darker. So cold yet warm at the same time.
The word fade to black..................

"Looks like he's coming back" a man in a wight coat shines a light in my eye. My head is throbbing as I try to sit up. They try to stop me and explain what happened. The found me and Adrien at the bottom of the stairs. The gorilla was on his way out when he saw Adrien fall down on to me and crash down to the bottom of the stairs.
Dose that mean he actually spoke, for as long as I've been here I never heard him speak. The gash under my left eye wasn't as bad as it seemed but the bandage it up and told me to keep it clean as best I can. Adrien on the other hand was called in with a cracked skull and a mild concussion. The odd thing was that his skull was cracked on the back but the gorilla found him on the floor, face first. As the gorilla set Adrien back in his bed, it seemed he was knocked out cold. As they left I looked at my phone.
Mari: I so sorry!!!!
Mari: please don't hate me!!!!
Mari: please answer me!!!!!
Mari: places call back or something!!!!!
Mari: you don't have to forgive me but please answer me, hate me or whatever but please answer me!!!!!!
22 missed calls

Read: marinette tell me where you are and I'll be on my way.
Mari: ( reader) I'm at alyas .....if you hate I understand.....I didn't know he was listening I swear I didn't know.....
Read: hold on I don't know what your talking about. I'll be ther in a minute and then you can explain it then......and I don't hate. I could never hate you.

I shoved the phone back in my pocket and stood up only to fall back to my knees as a sharp pain crossed my side. That roundhouse kick hurt like hell!!!! I stood back up slowly, clearly I'm not running anytime soon. I was about to head out when something took hold of my shoulder. I turn to see Plagg.
"Hold up (reader) your not going to get far in this state. Take me with you."
What do you mean take you with me?
He flew back to Adrien's side and pointed to his ring
I knew what he meant now, I walked over and slipped the ring off and transformed in to chat noir.
As stood out to the balcony my phone rang.
Alya: we need you here,like now!!!!!!
Read: what's going on?

Read: On my way!

My hear felt heavy as I saw the picture that Alya sent me. I clenched my fist and took a running start and landed on a nearby building.
What the hell have I gotten myself in to?!?

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