Ladybug x reader fixing her h...

By squad30545

81.7K 1.5K 474

(Reader) is going through the world with vary little people to call family . For years your mother was strugg... More

Ch.1 ( goodbye )
Ch.2( hello paris)
Ch.3( home sweet home?)
Ch.4 ( beautiful song)
Ch.5 ( under a mask)
Ch.6 (flying rat?!?!)
Ch.7( A dance with his lady)
Ch.8( lets see what your made of)
Ch.10(caught in the rain)
Ch.11 ( you are the father!)
Ch.12( the kiss)
Ch.13( sleeping over gone wrong)
Sorry for not updating
Ch.14(let me explain!!!)
Ch.15( im sorry but can i ask you something?)
Ch.16( please dont go)
Ch.17( alone?)
Ch.18 ( time heals all wounds)
Ch.19(Mr miyagi ?)
Ch.20 ( new chat noir)
Small break
Ch.21 (new cat in town)
Ch.22 (headlines)
Ch.23 (late night kiss)
Ch.24 ( need for sleep)
Ch.25 (New years)
Ch.26 (New year same problems)
Ch.27 (Sweet treat)
Ch.28( last time)
Ch.29( cataclysm)
Ch.30 (The cost of a life)
House hunting
Ch.31(moving out or moving on)
Ch.32( stuck)
Ch.33 ( falling cat over heels part 1)
Ch.34(cat over heels pt.2)
ch.35 ( cat over heals) pt.3
ch. 36 (relaps)
Ch.37 (confession)

Ch.9(the test)

1.9K 45 5
By squad30545

We made our way to the stairs and half way down I was blinded by a spot light. Nearly falling forward, then lights from below made it even harder to see. News reports and paparazzi waited with their cameras and microphones waiting for me and adrien to answer a few questions.

"When did you first arrive in Paris?, are you planing on moving in any time soon and if so when??, do you have any idea why Gabriel agreste abandoned you and your mother especially in your time of need??, can you tell us about your life in the states??, what was your childhood like with out a father or did your mother remarried??"

Questions from left and right bombarded me and when I looked over my shoulder I could've see the gorilla come to my rescue. He stood in front of me and managed to push some of the reporters back. I turned to take my leave when something caught my eye. On the floor was a picture of me and adrien hugging it out, I remember this picture. It was the day he gave me the guitar with the engravings on the back, I reached down to pick it up and slipped it in my pocket.

Eventually I ran in to adrien who was standing next to his father on the top of the stairs, over seeing the party but taking no hand in it. I waved over to adrien and he leaned over to speak to Gabriel.
Like I said befor something was off about this guy, he looked over at me and my blood frozen over. I'm not afraid of him but it's just something about him that just doesn't sit right with me.
Ne knotted his hair and adrien came running down the stairs nearly falling over.
We walked around and a quickly stopped by the beautiful that layed before us. The tables that we're empty the day before was now filled with food from left to right.
From seafood to chickens rousted on silver players surrounded by smaller dishes, and on the ends of the tables were Champaign glasses that were filled to the brim.
On the other end was a giant rousted pig with a burnt Appel in its mouth.
It's dark tan skin and solid cold expression killed my apatite, I don't think I'm feeling to good now.
We walked around some more as the music played on, there was an orchestra at the center of the floor that played music for the return of Gabriel.
As we walked we were stopped several time by people who wanted an interview or just wanted to welcome me to paris. They'd hope to see me around more often but that just brought me down even more.
I knew even after the DNA test I was going to leave and there was nothing I could do about it, I left adrien with the reporters as they asked questions left and right. I found my way to an empty balcony and stood near the edge. The cold air seem to make my problems fade away. The cold night sky and the clear stared that shined reminds me of marinette the way her eyes shine in the day and night.
"Pardon me sir?" A man with a black and wight suit walked up to me and handed me and champion glass, I was about to decline it but he walked away before I could say anything.
I looked at the glass in my hand, the the dim light yellow drink fizzed in my hand.
I know I. Under aged but I still wanted to try it, a little sip wouldn't hurt right?
I took a sip and the brink seemed to dance on my tung, the fizzing slipped down my throat and the slightly bitter but sweet taste made it vary enjoyable.
"Hey bro you ok?"
Adrien said as he walked out in to the balcony with a glass of his own in hand.
Ya I'm fine just.....thinking about the next two days, that's all.
He stood next to me and looked out in to the streets.
"Is there any chance you can give me a hint, just a little hint?"
I knew who he was talking about, marinette or in this case ladybug.
No sorry man but I made a promise, but since we're on the matter can I talk to you about something?
"Go right ahead" he said as he raised his glass In the air.
What.....what do you think about marinette? You know the girl with pigtails?
"Mari? She's pretty cool and all but I think I scare her most of the time, when ever it's just me and her I tend to scare her away or she just hides from me."
He looks down at the glass in his hand in disappointment.
You ever think that maybe she she's not really scared and maybe just shy?
"You know now that I think about it maybe, I mean I don't try to scare her but for sometime I thought that maybe she just didn't like me."
I was ready to slap him across the face at this point, I was so subconscious about it that I actually did without knowing it. My hand stung slightly as I made intact with his face.
"Owww!! What was that for??"
Oh my god dude!!! She likes you !!! Marinette likes you and your so blind you can't see it!!
His face with pail white, maybe I should have been more careful with my words.
"What!! Me but i thoght she like you?!?" my heart dropped down to my feet.!!! What the hell made you think that?!? She's like you way longer than she's known me and what make you think that??
My mind flashed back to to when we met face to face on the Eiffel tower, before I said anything she was talking about adrien, she actually like me?!?
For a second I felt over joyed to think she might like me too, but my joy soon faded as I remembered that I didn't have much time left in Paris. I wanted adrien and marinette to be happy, for them to be together so that when I lest some one will be happy.

No bro she like you....she's always liked you. You never ones asked yourself if she'd like you?
"Well no not really, the only girl that's been on my mind is mlady. I still love malady."
This idiot still can't tell that were talking about the same girl.
Well maybe you can give her a chance....she's an amazing person adrien and if just took the time to see it, maybe you might really like her....
"I don't know.... Maybe I'll think about it"
The tension in the air was so thick and uncomfortable.
"So how'd you like being chat?"
I'm glad we found something else to talk about.
Honestly it was amazing!!! It was wired as hell at first but after a while it was amazing. I don't know what it is about having a mask but it's just....I don't know, just so empowering. When I was chat I felt like I was someone else like I was some one new and (reader) didn't exist for a minute.

"I know right!! That's how I feel when I was chat.
He looks down at the silver ring that was ones again his.
"When I'm chat I feel free like really free. No restraint no adrien to hold me back. I feel like I can really be my self, but when I me I feel so trapped. When people see me they see this picture perfect child. Trapped and stuck in this gets lonely..."
I felt bad for him, mostly cause I know what it's like to be alone.
Hey man you got me remember? I mean I know it's not for long but you go me at least.
I raised my glass for a toast.
"You know we can't drink this right?"
Oh come on one little glass won't kill you. A touts to a better tomorrow?
He raised his glass to mine. Besides is champion even considered to be an alcoholic?I took mine and drank the rest of it. It wasn't half bad but adrien didn't seem to like it all to much.
"Ya I don't think I'm going to finish this." He said as he handed the glass to me.
I drank it for him and sat the glasses to the side.
Adrien pulled his phone out his pocket.
"Ok we got to go, father is expecting us in five minutes"
This was going to be fun. We made our way to a secluded area of the mansion, it was dim and cold and call closed off from the rest of the party. We stood at two large red doors. Cold dark and two red doors......why do I feel like it took the wrong turn to hell?
Adrien knocked on the door and stood back. The doors slowly opened up and a cold breeze brushed over us both.
"Don't just stand there take a seat." Gabriel sat at his desk looking over papers, next to him stood a man who may have been a doctor. Next to him was a small tray of cotton swabs and test tubes and a rather large needle, I'm not afraid of needles but I still don't like them.
"Come take a seat, we will be proceeding the test shortly. "
First doctor took the cotton swabs and took samples of my saliva and adriens then he moved on to Gabriel. Next was hair samples and last but not least the blood test. I don't know how these test work but was blood really necessary?
The doctor took the samples and walked towards the door.
"The results will be in within a day or two, good night and welcome back Mr.agrest."
With that he left, the room grew quiet and almost seem to grow colder and colder
" adrien would you Ming giving us a moment to speak?"
Adrien stood up and walked to the door without another word.
Now it was just him and me.
So you knew my mother?
" yes indeed I did, I do however know for a face that she did not have my child. I'm going to make this clear, you don't belong here and we both know I don't want you here. You are in no way related to me or my son and that is final, you have no place I. This house hold and I expect you to go pack after this. Do we understand each other?"
Hit words hit me hard, I knew he was and ass but he didn't have to put it like that.

Crystal clear sir, and for the record you don't have to be a dick about it.
His eyes shot open, clearly no one over pointed it out to him on how much of a dick he was.
"I'd watch my tung of i were you or.."
Or what?! What can you possibly do to me at this point. I have no home to go back to, no family no nothing. Look you and I know that I'm not your son but adrien is still my brother, by blood or not I still care about him and I know you do to right? So let's cut the crap and get to business, I don't like you and you really don't like me. I just have one question to ask you.
Did you really put your work over my mother?
We stayed in silent for what felt like forever.
" I was young and I was in love I will admit, your mother opened my eyes to a world at was right I front of me this whole time. Eventually my work did manage to take up most if not all of my attention. Eventually I did let her go and......and that was when I met her, adriens mother. She picked me up when I fell and she put me back together.
When I heard that she had a child that she claimed was mine I didn't want to believe it. She left me and know you show up, you are nothing more then an old memoir come to haunt me."
I fell in my seat, there was one more thing needed to do.
I stood from my seat and walked out the two front doors.
"Hey is everything ok in there?" Adrien said as I walked out.
Ya man everything's ok I just need to got get something.
I walked back in to the party and up the stairs, I made my way back in to adriens room and looked over my bag. I found the letter that my mother gave me on her death bed. I walked back down and tossed the letter on his desk.
She wanted you to have this, I'll be packing.  He took the letter and opened it up.
I didn't bother to stay and try to get a peek but I wasn't in the mood so let it go.
I walked back out the door and back in to adriens room.
" what did he say?" Adrien said as he took a seat next to me.
He said I'm not his son and that he wants me out as soon as possible, so I'm gone in like....I think two days?
I looked out in to the night sky and thought of what I was going to do in my last days. I don't want to go back, I like it here. With adrien and marinette and Alya and Nino. For ones i feel at home and I don't want to leave.
"Hey what's with all the moping around?" Plagg said as he flew over to adriens head.
"Plagg your awake! Good because you got some explaining to do."
"Alright alright, look I don't know much of what happened to be honest ok? I remember going in to the ring and then not being able to get out, I know it sounds weird but it's true. It was as if I was locked inside the ring for the time and I couldn't get out, or at least till i ran out of power that is."
That was strang, locked in the ring? I didn't even know that was possible. Maybe it was a one time thing?
I didn't care to much, I was still thinking of what I'm going to do in my last two days.....
"Hey kid why are you bleeding?" Plagg called out.
"Bro here right your bleeding!!"
What!! I looked down to my self and saw two small splotches of blood on my shirt, how long were they there I have no idea.
I ran in to the bathroom and took my shirt off to see two small rings of blood on me. The bullets from before? The suit may have taken most of the hit but I still took the impact.
"Hey is everything ok in.......what the hell!!! Where did you get those?!?!?"
Adrien said pointing at my torso. I looked down at my self and couldn't see what he was talking about.
Dude what are you talking about???
"What do you mean what am I talking about?!?! Where did you get those scars ?!?"
I looked over in to the mirror and looked down at my self, I did have scars. They were vary hard to see but I was so used to seeing them I didn't notice them at often.
Memories of mike flooded back in to my head. The nights he beat me or hurt my mother, the pain I'd wake up with in the morning......I remember each scare he gave me.
I turn back to face adrien.
Look I don't fell like talking about it right now ok? I'll tell you in the morning, for now I think I'll just go back to bed.
I took a rag and dabbed it with  watcher and cleaned up the blood.
"Alright but I'm not letting this go, your going to tell me tomorrow, I'll tell father your not feeling well,good night"
Adrien left and closed the door behind him, i turned the light off and payed on the couch.
I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to say goodbye.....I didn't want to lose marinette.  I know it may be selfish but I didn't want Adrien to be with marinette, and if marinette dose like me then maybe I have a chance, but.....she loved Adrien. She's know him longer and she clearly likes him, but he doesn't see it.
I look back at the time when she was teasing me on the Eiffel Tower, her lips so smooth and pink. How I wanted nothing more then to take her  in to my arms and make her mine, all mine. I knew who she was under the mask and I know how she feels, but still.
Even if I do make her mine.....I'll never be with her. I'll be back in the states and she'll be here in Paris. I could work non-stop to someday move here and live with her but then Adrien.....he's my brother....maybe not by blood but still a brother. He loves ladybug and marinette is lady bug.
I can't cross him like that just.....can't.
I roll over in frustration and look out in to the night sky.
The bright starts almost remind me of her eyes.
Marinette or ladybug, why do you make me feel this way......

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