Dirty Little Secret

By Justwriters

486K 5.8K 349

After years of friendship, Lani and Owen are pushed to the limits when life throws almost everything in their... More

Dirty Little Secret
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter twenty-Two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-Nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter thirty-Three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty

Chapter Twelve

10.3K 131 13
By Justwriters

Chapter Twelve:

Its been four weeks since Elliott and I started dating and I'm happier than I have ever been. Sitting outside, under my now favourite tree, I watch him throwing a football around with Jake - another boy who I have become quite close to. I cant help but smile. Jake drops down next to me, breathing heavy, and grins at me. "What you smiling for?"

“I'm happy, I cant be happy?”

"Are you happy because you are watching Elliott?" He asks me in a hushed tone, watching Elliott walk towards us.


He chuckles and shakes his head. "Young love," he put his hand on his heart and winks.

“Shut up!”

"What's he teasing you about now?" Elliott asked, sitting down next to me and pulling me to his chest, grinning at his best friend.


"Me?" He raises his eyebrow.

“Yes you.”

"What about me?" He squeezes my sides. Jake smirks. "You aren't going to tell me?" He frowns and put his chin on my shoulder.




"Okay..." he frowns and looks between the two of us.


"I don't know," he shakes his head.

“He said, Young love teasing us.”

"Teasing us by saying young love?" He chuckled. "How so?"

“The way we act.”

"What's wrong with the way we act?" When I open my mouth to reply, he kisses my cheek, making me blush.

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with the way we act.” I tell him. Jake coughs and leans back.


"Nothing. Watching the cute couple discussing their young love," he grins and flops back, taking in the last of the sunlight. I hide my head in Elliott’s chest. He laughs and rubs my back.

“Not funny." Even though I try to keep the smile off my face, it is hard. These boys are hard to not smile around. I look up and kiss Elliott.

"At least give me some warning to cover my eyes," Jake chuckles.


"Of course. What are you two doing tonight? Fancy going out somewhere?" “Um..” I look up at Elliott.

"I don't think so. What did you have in mind?"


"Sure, if Lani doesn't mind," Elliott looks down at me. "You up for it?" “Sounds fun.”

"Great." Jake grins and stands up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I'll leave you love birds alone for a while. Have fun!"

“Bye jerk!” I laugh. Elliott nudges me until I turn and face him. “Yes?”

"Now we're alone without him constantly making young love or love birds remarks, kiss me." I kiss him. After a few minutes I can hear the bell ringing faintly in the background but Elliott's lips are much better than going to class. I smile against his lips. He gently bites my lip before pulling away. "You are a bad influence, trying to keep me here when the bell rung," he shakes his head and grins.

“Hey, you're older than me you're the bad influence.”

"Not by much. Come on, I don't want you to skip," he picks me up and starts carrying me towards the building.

“Elliott! put me down!” I giggle.

"Never," he grins and kisses me on the cheek.

“Elliott!” I whine still laughing.

"Elliott, please put Lani down, now." I look over his shoulder to see my English teacher looking at us with an amused expression on her face. He puts me down.

"Lani, do you plan on attending my class any time soon?" Mrs. Griffin smiles at me as she walks pass. "I don't want to mark you late because of your boyfriend here."

“Yes, I'm going.”

"Okay, hurry." I smile at her and look at Elliott. I kiss Elliott’s cheek and rush into class. I slide into my seat and grin at Mrs. Griffin as she taps her watch and shoots me a thumbs up. I smile.:

Five minutes later the class is full except for two separate seats. Owen and Erica walk in a few minutes later, hand in hand, looking around the room. I sit there and don’t look at them

"So glad you can join us," Mrs. Griffin says, a sarcastic edge to her tone. "Hurry up and take a seat." They sit down in separate seats. I turn my head to the side and see the empty seat taken by Owen. Before he can catch me looking, I snap my gaze to the board. I start taking notes in my notebook. Something lands on top of my paper, a scrunched up ball. I frown and look at Owen from the corner of my eye. I un-crumple the paper. His messy handwriting stares up at me as I flatten it out. I look at it.

Just four words. How have you been?

Fine. And you?

I flick it back to him and rest my head on my hands. A few minutes later I get it back.

Not good.

I stare at the two words and bite my lip.


I hate not talking.

He looks at me as I read it. I move my hair so it covers the side of my face. I sigh.

What do you expect me to do?

I give it back to him and tap my pen. He gives it back to me and I read it.

Can we talk?

About what?

About us. I miss our friendship. It's been four weeks.

I know.

Mrs. Griffin stands in front of our desk and raises her eyebrow. "Are you two paying attention?"

“Yes.” I say. “Sorry.”

Her eyes flicked between me and Owen. "If I catch you again, you will be staying after class."

“Okay.” We sit silently and don't pass anymore notes until the lesson is over. Owen looks over his shoulder and lightly grabs my wrist. "Can we talk?"


"Can I drop by tonight?" He gives me a sad smile.

“Sure, but early, I have plans tonight.”

"Okay, great. See you later." Before I realize what he's doing, he tugs me into a hug and then walks away. I stand there, not knowing what is going on.

"You okay, Lani?" I look over at Mrs. Griffin, who is packing away her papers in a bright colored bag.

“Yeah, fine.”

"You sure, dear?" She places her hand on my shoulder. "You and Owen seemed distant last week, and the week before. Are you two okay?"


"Okay," she smiles and left the room. I leave and walk out into the hall.

"Hey, you okay?" Elliott slings his arm around my shoulder and smiles down at me.

“Owen talked to me.”

"Really? About what?"

“Talking, he wants to talk about me and him.”

"Do you want to?" He leads me towards my locker and hold out his arms for me to pile my homework for the night on.

“He's stopping by my house after school, please stay with me.”

"Shouldn't this but a private thing though? He already made it clear that morning four weeks back," he tilted my chin. "You can do it. I know you will survive."

“Just stay in my room, please?“

"Okay, okay," he grins and kisses my forehead.

“Thank you.”

When we arrive back at mine, we go straight to my room and wait for Owen. Elliott is sitting in my computer chair and I'm sitting on his lap. He starts spinning us around when we grow bored of looking on Facebook. Then the doorbell rings. He puts his foot on the floor to stop us moving. "Go get it. It will be fine," he kisses me lightly then gently shoves me off his lap.

“Jerk.” I smile and kiss him. I then head downstairs and open the front door.

"You're here early," I look at Jake in surprise. "I thought we weren't going out till later?"

“We're going soon.’

I see a car and I pull Jake in. “Go up to my room and be quiet.”

"What?" He looks down at me as I kept shoving him.

“Go up with Elliott.” The doorbell rings. “Now!” I push him up the stairs and then run to the front door.

"Hey, Lani-bear."


"Erm, come in?" I look at the top of the stairs to see Jake and Elliott grinning down at me. I pull Owen into the living room where you cant see the stairs.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"


"What about us?" I ask. He sits down on the sofa and pats the spot next to him. I flop down and look at him. "What about us?" I repeat.

“Owen.” I say. “Tell me.”

"You won't tell me how to make it up to you," he frowns. "I don't want to lose Erica, but I don't want to lose the best girl in my life."

“Owen, I cant tell you. You really hurt me.”

"What am I supposed to do then, Lani?" He looks at me, a broken smile on his face. "It's horrible not being able to talk to you."

I sigh. “Owen…”

"I wake up in the morning and get ready to come over here, but then I remember you still hate me."

“I don’t hate you, I'm just not happy with you.”

"How long will you be not happy with me?" He looks over at me.

“You slept with both of us Owen.”

"You know how sorry I am," he says.

“Doesn’t change what you did.” I say. “You have no idea how much that hurt me.’

In one swift movement he pulls me against his chest. "I'm so, so sorry, Lani-bear."

I sigh. “Owen I cant just forgive you.” I put my hands on his chest pushing him back. “And you cant do this anymore, I have a boyfriend.”

"I can't hug you?" He frowns.

“You can, but not like that.”

"Like what?" A confused expression crosses his face.

“Like you just did.”

"But it was just a hug..."

“I know, but it looks like we are more…”

"Lani, you are my best friend, I've always hugged you like that... haven't I?" “Its different now that I have a boyfriend.”

He frowns and looks away from me. "Oh."

“Owen you knew this was going to happen one day.”

"That you were going to get a boyfriend and refuse to be my best friend? Not really."

“No, that I was going to get a boyfriend.”

"Of course I knew you were going to, Lani. But I was expecting you to still be my best friend during it.."

“Owen, do you have any clue what I went through?”

"No, no I don't. Because you refused to talk to me, remember?"

“Owen you slept with me, and your girlfriend, and you know what makes it worse? You took my virginity.” I hear him take in a sharp breath.

“Did you know that?” I ask him. He rubs his forehead and looks at me. “Owen?" I say.

"I thought you weren't." He finally says.

“Why?” I ask. “I've never dated anyone but Elliott.”

"I'm sorry. I should have asked... I shouldn't have done it," he ducks his head as he speaks, his voice sounding wobbly. I sigh. We sit in silence for a while, all I could hear was the faint noise of the boys talking up stairs then a loud crash.

“Shit.” I mutter. I run up to my room. The door hits off the wall as I stare down at the two boys. I can feel Owen behind me. “What the hell happened?”


They both smile sheepishly up at me. "Well, it was Jake's fault.."

“Jake, what did you do?”

"I didn't expect to break!"

“Jake, come on I know Elliott didn’t do it.”

"I'm sorry! I was only suppose to lean on it for a second, I didn't expect it to fall down," he frowns and sits up, rubbing his head.

“Its okay, its not a big deal, no worries.” I smile. He sticks his hand out and waves it around until Elliott rolls his eyes and helps him up. "You forgive him that easily for breaking your shelf?"

“Yeah.” Owen clears his throat and looks at me. I turn around. “Yeah?”

"I thought it was just us," he frowns. "But I'll go if you don't want me here." “I....sorry, I have plans for a little later..” He nods his head and looks away from me.

“Owen, you suddenly made plans to come talk to me…”

"I'll see you later," he mutters, turning around and walking towards the stairs.

I follow him. “Owen, I wasn’t expecting you to ask me to talk.”

"I've been wanting to talk to you for weeks, but you've always been with him," he nods his head in Elliott's direction. "I knew you didn't want to talk to me."

“I've been happy for the past three weeks Owen. I hate not having my best friend, but I cant ignore what happened. I cant forgive that so easily. What happened really hurt me Owen.”

He stares at me. "If you were happy without me for those three weeks, does that mean you don't want me around anymore?"

“Owen, we've been best friends since we were little and I miss you and I don’t want to lose you, but what you did...its hard for me to be around you. It cant be the same, I'm with Elliott now, our friendship will be completely different because of that.”

"I don't see why we can't go back to how we were before all of it happened, Lani." He throws his arms out and sighs. "I want us to go back to how we were but I don't know what to do to show you how sorry I am!"

“Owen, how we acted was okay, but now...you know it has to be different.”

"What do you mean? We joked around, we used to play fight, we went swimming, cinema, what's wrong with all of that?" He frowns and looks at me directly.

“Owen.” I say. “The sleeping in the same bed, all of that, sleepovers, anything like that, it cannot happen.”

"We can't have sleepovers? Lani, we've been doing that for years," he frowned. "Whatever. If it can't happen, it can't happen. I best be going. Don't want to ruin your night anymore than I probably have." I walk away from him and into Elliott's arms.

"You okay?" He asks quietly, rubbing my back.


"Still want to go out tonight?" He looks down at me. "If you don't want to.."

“No, I want to go.” He nods his head, gestures to Jake then leads me out the door to his car. Elliott and I get in his car. We wait patiently for Jake to climb into the back. But he doesn’t. I see him get into his car. I wiggle my fingers as he drives pass us. I look at Elliott who is sitting there quietly. “You okay?”

"Am I the reason you don't want to be friends with Owen anymore?" He stares at the steering wheel and frowns.

“No, Elliott no that’s not why.” I say. “Its because of what he did.”

"But-" he scratches the back of his head. "You two were best friends. Maybe you should try to talk it out with him." He looks over at me. "Don't get me wrong, what he did was wrong, but I could tell he's really sorry."

“I know.” I say. “I will, okay? I promise, don’t let this get in the way of anything please?”

"Get in the way of anything? What do you mean?"

“I don’t want him to come between us.”

He frowns. "Why would he come between us?"

“What if he tries something?” I ask.

"What would he try?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Why would he try something?"

“He could try anything. I don’t know...I just…” I sigh.

"Lani," he holds my chin until I look at him. "This is just me, but does it sound like you want him to try something?" He frowns.

“No, I don’t. I just want you Elliott.” He kisses me lightly on the lips and starts the car. Before he puts the car in reverse I kiss him. Startled, his hand slips on the gear stick and he kisses me back. I smile against his lips. I want him and only him.

"Maybe we can forget the bowling," he grins and pulls me towards him.

I giggle. “Then we should probably call Jake.”

"I'm sure he'll understand," he rubs his nose against mine and smiles. "You can break the news to him."

“Why me?”

"Because he has a way of talking me out of things," he grins. "And I want to see you deny his so-called lady charm he will use to get you to go bowling."

“Fine.” I smile. He hands me his cell phone. I hover my finger over the call button and bite my lip. I feel bad that Jake would have nothing to do.

“I'll feel bad.” He chuckles and shook his head. “How did I know you would?”

“You just know me really well.”

"Of course I do," he grins.

“What should we do?”

"Up to you, love," he smiles and kisses my forehead. "But hurry up."

“You make this really hard.”

"How so?"

“I want to not go and spend time with you but I'll feel bad if we leave him with nothing to do.”

"Shall we go for a bit?" He grins. "Maybe you can stay at mine tonight."

“Sure.” I smile. He nods his head and starts the car. Twenty minutes later we pull up outside the bowling alley and see Jake leaning against his car, a girl next to him.

“So he wouldn’t be alone.” I mumble.

"What?" He looks over at me.

“He wouldn’t be alone.”

"What do you mean?" He frowns and looks at me.

“Look out the window.”

He looks over at Jake and frowns. "If he had a date, we could have skipped," he says, chuckling lightly.

“Exactly.” I grin. Jake looks over at us and waves, a wide smile on his face.

“We should have called him.”

"Why do you say that? Maybe he wanted us to meet her."

“Maybe.” I say smiling. “Lets go.” We walk over to Jake, who looks like his face would split from grinning too much, and greet him.


"Hey, guys." Jake grins.

“So this is why you took your car.”

"Yup," he smiles at the girl next to him. "This is Elliott, my best friend, and his girlfriend, Lani. Guys, this is Anna."

“Hi Anna.” I say.

"Hey, Jake has told me so much about you guys," she smiles and leans against Jake.

“Good things I hope.” Elliott says.

"Well," she gives him a wicked smile and looks at Jake. "He spoke about your young love."

I shake my head. “Jake you're paying for that later.”

He chuckles. "Come on, let's go in." Elliott wraps his arm around my waist and we head in.

"I'm paying," I kiss Elliott on the cheek and skip to the till before he could say no.


"Hey," I smile at the guy working the till. "One lane, please." I pay and then head back to Elliott. “All paid for.”

He frowns down at me. "You didn't have to pay."

“I know.” I squeak as he wrap his arms around my waist and pick me off the ground. He spins us around.

"They're so cute," Anna sighs, then grins at Jake. I blush, still in Elliott's arms. He gives me a slow smile and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back. When he places me back on the ground, I push him towards Jake. "Go get our lane." I smile at him and walk next to Anna. "So, you and Jake?" “Yeah.”

"Are you together or...?" I look over at the two boys and smile.

“This is our fifth date.”

"Fifth date?" I stare at her. "And he didn't even tell us!"

“I thought you two knew.”

I shake my head and sigh. "He knew I'd probably embarrass him most likely."

“Oh.” I put my finger to my lip and tell Anna not to make a noise as I jump on her boyfriend's back, tackling him to the floor.

“Lani!” Jake yells.

“Awe, how'd you know it was me?”

"It was a wild guess," he says sarcastically.

"Why didn't you tell me about Anna?" I demand.

“You know why.”

"No, you'll have to tell me," I stand up and cross my arms over my chest.

“You'd tease me.”

“Like you tease Elliott and I?”

"My teasing is different," he pouts.

I feel arms around my waist. “Guys lets just play.” Elliott kisses my cheek.

“Great idea.” I say smiling.

Elliott nudges me forward. "You're first."

“Why me?” I fake pout.

"Because it's fun watching you," he winks and kisses my forehead. "You'll be great." I sigh and grab my bowling ball and bowl. I watch as three pins wobble and fall down. I wait for the ball to come back. When it does I grab it and bowl. It goes in the gutter. Choked laughter sounds from behind me. I scowl over my shoulder at Jake and Elliott.


"I'm sorry, love," Elliott grins and holds his arms open.

I walk over to him and sit on his lap. “You're mean.” I tell him.

"You know I'm not," he kisses my neck, his smile obvious.

“You laughed.” I fake pout.

"Mm, I'm sorry," he kisses up to my jaw. "Forgive me?"

“Yes.” I turn and kiss him.

"Good," he mumbles against my lips.

"Get a room," Jake snorts from next to us. Oh my God. He didn't just say that. Elliott punches his best friends shoulder. "Shut up." Even though he is trying to keep a straight face, I can tell he wants to smile at the comment. I feel heat going to my cheeks making me blush.

By the end of the evening, I had received eight more kisses from Elliott, made Anna laugh three times and blushed at Jake's remarks six times. Overall, it was a great night.

Elliott and I walk out to his car together, his arm wrapped around me, since its October and starting to get cold.

He smiles down at me. "Did you enjoy tonight?"

“I had so much fun.” I grin. “Its just what I needed, though I could have done without all the blushing.”

"But you look cute when you blush," he grins and kisses my cheek.

“He kept teasing us.”

"And?" He rests his forehead against mine. "He likes telling us what we already know," he shrugs and kisses the tip of my nose.

I blush a bit. “You're lucky you're my boyfriend.” I kiss him. “Okay, I'm freezing and ready to go to your house.”

"What do you mean?" He pulled me to a stop and put his coat around my shoulders.

“I don’t really mind the blushing because of you. You're so sweet and you don’t care that I blush, when its about us, you just smile.” I smile.

"Because I don't care if he's taking the piss out of us," he smiles. "You know how I feel about you, so I don't need to be annoyed if he tells you again and again." I smile and pull his coat tighter around me. We reach his car and he cranks the heat up, waiting until I felt warm enough before he pulled out the parking lot, heading towards his house.

“Thanks.” I smile.

He smiles and pulls into his driveway. "Is your mum okay with you staying here?"

“Yeah, my parents are out of town and didn’t want me staying home by myself.” He nods his head and walks around to my side, opening my car door. I smile and get out. “Thank you.”

"No problem," he grins and picks me up, carrying me to the front door. I squeal as he picks me up. “Elliott!”

"Yes, love?" He shifts me so I'm basically sitting on his hip so he can unlock the front door.

“Why are you carrying me?” I ask.

"Because I want to?" I giggle. He drops me down on the sofa and grins down at me. I giggle more.

"So, what do you want to do?" He puts his arms either side of me.

“Hm, anything works for me.”

"Anything?" He kisses the corner of my mouth and smiles.

“Yes anything.” I smile. He dips his head and kisses along my jaw. I grin. The couch dips as he sits down and gives me a wicked smile, his hands positioned next to my sides.

“What’s that smile for?” I ask.

"This." He starts to tickle my sides.

“Elliott!” I start laughing.

"Yes, love?"

“Please,” I laugh. “Stop tickling me!” I keep laughing.

"What will I get if I do?"

“A kiss.” He stops tickling me and slowly moves his hands up my sides to hold my cheeks. I push off the sofa and met his lips half way. His hands go to my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. He moves away from my lips and plants small lightly kisses along my jaw, leaving me smiling like an idiot. He continues kissing along my jaw and starts kissing my neck. I put my finger under his chin and lift his face so I can kiss him. He smiles and we kiss.

"Mm, if you plan on kissing me for the rest of the evening we better feed you dinner," he winks, kisses me quickly and sits up.

“That’s probably a good idea.”

He grins and leads me to the kitchen. "What do you fancy?"

“Anything is fine, I'm not picky.”

"Um, pizza?" He gives me a sheepish smile and points to the phone. "I'm not a good cook."

I smile and kiss his cheek. “Pizza is perfect.”

"Great," he picks up the phone.

"You know what pizza I like, right?" I give him a teasing smile, testing if he remembers from our date last week.


I kiss him on cheek and smile. "Of course." He smiles and orders the pizza. I slide onto the counter and watch him, a small smile on my face. He smiles at me while ordering. Once he puts the phone down, he stands in between my legs and kisses the tip of my nose.


"Hey," he grins and places his hands either side of me. I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Well, we have some time before pizza gets here," he murmurs, pressing his lips against mine.

I kiss him back. "What do you have in mind?"

"Mm, this?" He gives me a boyish grin.


He kisses me. "This."

I smile and kiss him back. “I like that idea.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He groans when we hear the doorbell ring.

“Go get it.”

"Why can't you get it?" He pouts and gives me his irresistible puppy dog face.

I unwrap my arms from around him. "Elliott go get it." I kiss him.

"Fine," he grins and turns around. "Hop on." I hop on his back and wraps my arms around his neck, so I don't fall. He walks us to the front door and greets the boy. I instantly recognize him from school. But I don’t know his name or anything.

"Hey, Elliott," the boy smiles. "You’re Lani, right?" He hands Elliott the pizza and smiles over at me.


"I'm Drew, I would shake your hand but I can see your a little busy," he took the money off Elliott. "See you at school."

“Uh, okay.” I say. Elliott waves to the boy and shuts the door. Once he sets the pizza down on the table, he drops me on the sofa.

“Who was that?” I ask.

"He goes our school," he gives me a strange look. "You've seriously never seen him around before? He's in my year."

“I've seen him, I just don't know who he is.”

"He's on the team, he talks to Jake more than he does to me." He shrugs his shoulders and flops down next to me. "Pizza?" He holds out the box.

“Sure.” I take a piece. I touch his shoulder and face him. “Are you okay Elliott?”

He looks at me. "What do you mean?"

“You seem upset.”

"Do I?" He blinks and shakes his head. "Sorry. I'm fine." I climb into his lap, straddling him.

"What's wrong?" I lift his chin and smile.

“Elliott, what's wrong?”

"Nothing's wrong, love."

“Promise me nothing's wrong and don't lie.”

“Lani am I stopping you from being friends with Owen again?”

"What?" I look at him, taken aback by his question. "Why would you think that?"

“When you were talking to him earlier....the things you said.”

"The things I said?" I repeat, confused by what he means.

“About things not being the same with him. I know that things will be different because we are together.”

"Of course they would be different," I tell him. "None of the things we use to do would be unacceptable."


"Sleepovers, hugs, hanging out all the time?"

“The sleepovers I'm not okay with. But hugs and hanging out, but not all the time are okay.”

"But that's the thing. We do that stuff naturally," I lean back and look at him. “Sleepovers if I'm there.” He says. “After what happened between you two...I don’t even want to think of that image.”

I chuckle at his expression. "Try not to think of that sort of thing, El." He puts his hands on my waist and tucks some hair behind my ear.

"El," I smile at him. "Forget about it, okay? I don't exactly want to spend the evening remembering... that event."

“Okay, its forgotten.” He kisses me.

"Great," I mumble, kissing him back. He kisses me again. He rubs his thumb over my thigh and moves his hands to my hips, making sure I don't fall backwards. I smile. He returns it with his boyish one. I lean into him and kiss him. When I do I get this warm feeling in my stomach, a very good warm feeling.

He pulls away from me and tickles my sides. "You haven't eaten," he reminds me.

I grab a piece of pizza and start eating it. After I swallow I say, “I hope you know, I'm not moving.”

"Oh, I know," he smiles and rests his head against my shoulder.

“Good.” I finish my pizza. He wraps his arms loosely around my waist and sighs.

“What's the sigh for?”

"I'm thinking. Hurry up and finish eating," he grins when he lifts his head up. I finish my piece of pizza.

"Aren't you going to eat any?" I ask him after a few minutes.

“I have.”

"You have?" I look at him skeptically. "Are you sure?" I lift my slice up and hold it close to his mouth, grinning. He takes a bite.

"Happy?" He chuckles.


"You finished?" He nods towards the slice in my hand.

“Yes.” He takes the slice from my hand and throws it back in the box. “Thanks.”

He leans his forehead against mine, "What do you want to do now?"

"We can do anything Elliott."

"Suggestions?" He smiles. I kiss him. "I like this suggestion," he mumbles. I kiss him again and smile against his lips. He lets go of my waist and pushes the pizza box to the floor, then lays me down. I pull him down to my lips.

"Where's your sister?" I ask him when he pulls away. I didn't exactly want her to burst in on us..

“At a friend's house.”

"Good." I grin and kiss him again.

“Yup.” He kisses me back.

We continue to kiss for awhile. He pulls away and smiles. "Maybe we should watch a film.."

“Yeah.” I smile.

"Go choose something," he nudges me towards his DVD collection. I get up and pick a movie. Once I put it in, I jump down next to him. I cuddle up to him and he pulls me closer. A smile makes its way onto my face. This is perfect, I think to myself. He kisses my forehead. Even though I found it hard to concentrate on the film with Elliott rubbing circles on my back, I paid more attention to it than I did in the cinema.

At some point I fall asleep and I feel myself being lifted. I open my eyes slightly open slightly and Elliott gives me a soft smile. He puts me down on his bed. He gives me one of his shirts and Turns so I can slip it on. Even though I'm half asleep, I can't help but chuckle at the innocent face he had on before he turned around. I pull off my shirt and pull on his. I then pull off my jeans.

"You can turn around now, unless you want to stare at the wall all night," I tell him, yawning by the end. He pulls off his jeans and shirt. I avert my eyes and lay back. He pulls on some shorts and hops in the bed with me.

"Night, love," he kisses my forehead.

“Goodnight Elliott.” He pulls me closer and I snuggle into him. Soon I can feel my mind slipping into unconsciousness. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

When I wake up, my eyes stay glued shut and my face buried in Elliott's neck. I don’t want to move. This is too comfortable.

"You awake?" Elliott mutters. I don't respond, so he shifts and pulls me closer to him.


"Ah, so you are awake." He chuckled and wrapped his legs around mine.


He lifts my head and kisses my nose. "Sleep okay?"

“Extremely well.” I smile.

"That's good," he smiles back.

“Yeah.” I lay my head on his chest. He sighs and runs a hand through my hair. “What Elliott?" I ask.

"I don't want to get up."

“Me either.”

"Maybe we can spend the day in bed?" He grins but it falters when his stomach rumbles.

“We can after we get food.” He sighs and rolls over, his feet hitting the floor. He pulls me up.

With a small groan I sit up straight. "Want to give me a piggy back?"

“I'd love to.” He helps me stand up on the bed then turns around, ready for me to jump on his back. I hop on his back and kiss his neck.

He groans and pulls me tighter against him. "No kissing or I'll be tempted to not leave the room." I fake pout. He shakes his head and directs us out of the room, carefully walking down the stairs. Once in his kitchen he sits me down on the counter.

"What would you like for breakfast, love?"

“Whatever is easiest.” He opens the cupboard and then the fridge. After a few seconds he pulls something out. I try to see what it is, but I cant.

He grins and waves the packet. "Want this?"

“What is it?”

"Instant oatmeal," he grins. "I don't know what else to cook.."

“That’s fine.” I smile.

Ten minutes later he gives me a bowl and frowns. "I feel like this is a crappy breakfast."

“Its fine, I promise." I kiss his cheek.

"When I imagined you staying over, I was planning on giving you something better," he pokes at his oatmeal with his spoon.

I smile and pulls him close to me, kissing him softly. “I'm a simple girl Elliott, I don’t need much.”

He kisses me back. "If you are sure."

“I'm sure.” I smile.

We sit in silence while we eat our oatmeal, every so often I would catch Elliott looking over at me. And every time he does, I smile. He ducks his head when I catch him for the fifth time. I chuckle and grin at him.

“You're too cute.” I say.

He frowns. "Cute?"

“Hot. Sexy. Need I go on?” I grin.

He chuckles. "You already know I think you're beautiful, right?" I nod. He stands up and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him.

"What do you want to do today?"

“Spending time with you is always fun.”

"Ah, I know," he winks. "I fancy going back to bed, want to join me?" He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows, making me burst out laughing.

“Sounds good to me.” He chucks our bowls in the sink, grabs my hand and tows me up the stairs. Once we reach his room her closes the door.

"So..." he flops back down on his bed and smiles.

“Yeah…” I grin.

I sit down next to him and cross my legs. He pulls me onto his lap. He moves his hands lightly on my sides and it takes me a moment to realize he's about to tickle me. I quickly move so that I'm straddling him and he is laying on his back.

"No fair. You knew what I was about to do," he smiles.

I grin and move a bit so I can kiss him. Not a second later he groans and I feel something. I give him a small sheepish smile and kiss him hard. He kisses me back and I feel it again.

“Shit Lani, I'm sorry.”

I bit my lip and smile. "Sorry for what exactly?"

“Um…” He looks down. “I'm sorry.”

I coo and pinch his cheeks. "Why are you saying sorry?" He sighs. I kiss him again and move my hands to his hair. He kisses me back and smiles against my lips. He pulls away from me and tucks my hair behind my ear, grinning up at me.

“Why did you apologize Elliott?” I ask.

"Hm?" He looks up at me with a innocent expression on his face - telling me he knows what I was on about but he doesn't want to answer.

“I'll let it go,” I say. “but you didn’t have to apologize.”

"Why?" He cocks his head to the side and smiles.

“Its not your fault, and I know you cant control it.” He sighs and nods, moving his hands to my waist. I lean down and kiss him softly. He swiftly moves us so I'm laying underneath him. I look up at him, surprised, I didn’t see that coming. He grins and places his arms either side of my head. His lips meet mine. I bite my lip when he pulls away and kisses along my jaw. My hands go to his abdomen and trace his abs. He grabs my hands and moved them above my head, smiling down at me.

“Hey!” I giggle.

"Yes?" He smiles innocently.

“Why'd you do that?”

"Do what?"

“My hands.”

"I don't want them to roam," he mutters, kissing my cheek.

“Oh.” I feel my cheeks heating up. He chuckles and releases my hands, trailing down my arms until he rests them on my cheeks.

“Yes?” I ask smiling.

"You know you're beautiful, right?" He asks, trailing his fingers lightly across my cheeks then my lips. I smile and nod. He’s told me tons of times.

"Good," he kisses the tip of my nose. I look at him, up through my eyelashes.

"Mm, what are you doing?" He murmurs against my ear as I kiss along his jaw, down his neck.

“Nothing.” I say innocently.

"Are you sure?" He breaths out slowly.

“Yes.” I giggle and continue with what I'm doing. I grin at his amused face and wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss him. He kisses me back and I can feel his smile. I really like him, and I know he likes me a lot too.

He kisses me lightly on the neck. "Maybe we should stop," he mutters.

“Yeah.” I agree. He flops down next to me and put his arms around me.

I cuddle up to him. “I love this.”

"Me, too." He squeezes my sides. I smile.

"Goodnight, love," he whispers, kissing my cheek.

“Night Elliott.” My eyes slide close and soon sleep takes over.

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