Pebblepaw's choice | wattpadp...

By snakebitten_lions

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Pebblepaw's choice - Prologue & chapter 1
Chapter 2 & 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
An Author's Note(A note from Mady)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

57 1 2
By snakebitten_lions

On with the chappy!


                                                                         Chapter 9

It was one moon after the three medicine cats had helped her give birth to her beautiful kits.

She was in the nursery with Dovefoot, one of the Windclan queens. She had four kits. Two toms and two she-cats. She had named the two toms, Volekit and Mousekit. Volekit for his

 brown fur and bright pink nose, And Mousekit for his gray fur and skinny tail.

And she also named the two little she-cats Dovekit and Rabbitkit. Dovekit, For her sleek gray fur and Rabbitkit for her white thick, long fur.

The Windclan apprentices trotted into the nursery with freshkill in their jaws. Shadepaw, Dropped a plump mouse at Pebblestream's paws and Moonpaw gave Dovefoot a plump rabbit. "I caught this mouse just for you!" Meowed Shadepaw. "Thank you" Pebblestream purred and Dovefoot meowed her thanks. 

Pebblestream bent her head down to take a bite. She took a bite of the plump mouse. She finished it in a couple of big gulps. 'Atleast their feeding me.' Thought Pebblestream. Then, Swiftstar trotted into the nursery. 

"Pebblestream, would you like to come to the gathering tonight? Dovefoot could look after your kits if you went." Asked Swiftstar. "Uhh sure I'll come." Answered Pebblestream. Swiftstar nodded and walked out of the nursery. 


She sat just by a bush at the gathering. She scented an over whelming scent of Thunderclan and she looked over and saw Bramblestar leading a patrol of cats into the clearing. The patrol included... Spottedfall, Sageberry, Bramblethorn, Bramblestar, Splashfur, Mossfeather, Hawkgaze, Sharpfang, Treepaw, Brackenpaw, Eagleheart, Blizzardclaw,  Moonflight and Talonclaw. Moonflight spotted her and rushed over to her. 

"Im so happy you are at the gathering! I Couldn't wait another day without seeing you!" Meowed Moonflight excitedly. "Hows your kits?" Asked Talonclaw padding up behind Moonflight. "Their great and their names are Mousekit, Volekit, Dovekit and Rabbitkit. Two toms and two she-cats." Answered Pebblestream. 

The three cats purred and chatted. Finally, Shadowclan arrived. As soon as Patchstar climbed up to his branch, Bramblestar threw his head back in a yowl. "Let this gathering begin!" He yowled over the sound of the cats murmuring below. 

"Bramblestar? Would you like to speak first?" Asked Swiftstar. "Indeed." Replied Bramblestar.

"There has recently been a flood in our camp about last moon. Also, A burning tree fell into the hollow in the process. We have our thanks to Windclan for letting us stay for a day in their camp until the flood died down and the fire was put out. No cats died that night, One of our expecting queens, Pebblestream, Has to stay in the Windclan camp until her kits are old enough to travel home. I have overheard some Windclan cats, And they say that her kits names are Volekit, Mousekit, Dovekit and Rabbitkit. We also have two new apprentices who are here tonight, Treepaw and Brackenpaw." Bramblestar finished. 

Cheering started up between the clans. "Volekit, Rabbitkit, Dovekit, Mousekit, Treepaw, Brackenpaw!" All the clans cheered the names yowling to the stars. Bramblestar dipped his head to Swiftstar to speak. 

"Windclan is rich in prey. We have also welcomed Pebblestream into our clan until her kits are old enough to travel. Infact, I have brought Pebblestream here with us tonight!" Meowed Swiftstar loudly, His call echoing around the clearing. The Thunderclan cats turned their heads to where Pebblestream, Moonflight and Talonclaw were sitting.

"Pebblestream! Pebblestream! Pebblestream!" Cheered the clans. Pebblestream dipped her head. Swiftstar glanced at Patchstar for him to speak. 

"Shadowclan had been doing very well, As all of you other clans, I think you are also having the same problems as us, Prey getting scarcer and scarcer each day. We are trying to stock up our  fresh kill pile as much as we can. We are having sucess in doing that. Also, We have a newly named warrior, Branchclaw. Shadowclan also gives thanks to starclan that no cat died when Thunderclan had the flood." Finished Patchstar. "Branchclaw! Branchclaw! Branchclaw!" Cheered the clans. "Oh sure we give thanks to starclan for Thunderclan warriors surviving..." Snickered Blackfur, As he stared right at Pebblestream. 'I bet he wished I drowned. He must be remembering when Razzlefur died saving me...' Thought Pebblestream. 

She saw Patchstar glaring at his warrior. Blackfur showed no embarassment. He returned his leader with a calm stare. Patchstar looked over to Miststar for her to speak. Miststar stood up on her branch. "Riverclan is as strong as ever. We have two new warriors, Ottersplash and Rockfoot. We also congagulate Thunderclan in losing no cats." Meowed Miststar. 

"Is that everything?" Asked Bramblestar. "I guess It is. This gathering has come to an end." Replied Miststar.

Pebblestream said a fare-well to Talonclaw and Moonflight then trotted off to join the Windclan cats. 

Pebblestream walked across the hills by the Windclan cats. 'I couldn't live a day hunting and running across these hills.' Thought Pebblestream. She entered the Windclan camp entrance. She glanced over at the nursery. She saw four pairs of eyes staring at her. As she drew closer, Her four kits rushed out from the darkness of the nursery and pounced on her. 

"You're back!" Purred Rabbitkit leaping on her back. Rabbitkit cuffed her mothers ears. "Come on. Bed time." Purred Pebblestream. The four kits leaped off her and barrled into the nursery followed by Pebblestream stepping into the hole in the ground. Pebblestream curled up in her nest and her kits snuggled in with her. Pebblestream slowly closed her eyes. 

Pebblestream awoke the nest morning. Her kits were pouncing all around the nursery tackling each other. "Why don't you go outside and do that." Yawned Pebblestream. 

The four kits scrambled out of the nursery. Pebblestream blinked the sleep out of her eyes and yawned, Started grooming her fur until all the moss was gone and it was glossy clean. She saw Dovefoot sit up and Clean moss out of her fur and then making a huge yawn. 

"Have a good sleep last night Pebblestream?" Asked Dovefoot. "Yes of course. No dreams disturbed my sleep." Purred Pebblestream in reply.

"What about you? Did you have a good sleep too?" Asked Pebblestream. "I had a wonderful time sleeping." Answered Dovefoot. "So what are you doing this morning?" Asked Pebblestream. "Er... I think I might ask Windflight if I can join a hunting patrol or dawn patrol." Replied Dovefoot. "You?" Asked Dovefoot. "Er... I think I might stay in camp and watch my kits play and that stuff you kno-" Pebblestream was cut off my a terrified screech from outside the nursery. Pebblestream started out from the nursery.

And there, In the middle of the clearing before her very own eyes, Stood a feirce fox looming over Rabbitkit, who let out terrified whimpers. The fox's head drew closer and closer to Rabbitkit. 


I just had to take this advantage of a cliff hanger... And to get this story out to you guys in a lot more intersting way. :D 



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