The Muted Luna (Sequel to TAS...

Galing kay princess_anabel

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"Life was never the same after that moment. After I left.... I was the never the same. But what do you expect... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(Chapter 5)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

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Galing kay princess_anabel

(Nate's POV)

"You both are welcome here anytime. I do hope you find your sister though Alpha Nathaniel."

Alpha Dakota said as he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Thank you. I hope so too." I let go of his hand as he turned to Braxton.

"You know I never asked mainly because it isn't any of my business but why have you accompanied Alpha Nathaniel? From what I hear you aren't really one for pleasantries." He laughed a little and Braxton showed no emotion to his question.

"You were right the first time when you said it is not any of your business." With that he walked away leaving a smirking Alpha Dakota.

"Well that went well" I laughed knowing very well that he could probably hear us.

"Yes well, we do have to go. Thank you again." He nodded his head and I turned around and walked back to the car that was going to take us back to the hotel room again.

Behind us was a car full of pack warriors from my pack and Braxton's.

We weren't stupid enough to come on this journey alone just in case rogues decided to attack. So it was better if we brought back up.

I got in and took out the map crossing out the 4th pack territory were Eva could possibly be.

"What is next?" Braxton asked as he went through his phone probably checking his emails and updates about his pack.

"Seattle Washington." I folded up the paper and took out my phone.

It's been two weeks since I've been gone and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss home.

So deciding to call Ariana I took out my phone and rang.

"Hello?" She sounded out of breath and immediately got worried.

"Are you okay?" She let out a loud breath before she groaned.

"Fine but Xavier keeps running out of the bath tub and I keep having to chase him down but man.... He's fast!" She let out a small laugh and I smiled.

"Xavier!! Don't. You.Dare!" She screamed and I could hear his footsteps stop.

"What is he doing?" I asked wanting to know why my son was being bad.

"He's standing by the mud pool and he keeps inching forward like if hes going to throw himself inside." She was still breathing kind of hard from running so I thought I should help her a little.

"Put me on speaker."

I heard a button click and Ariana sigh

"Alright. Go."


"Uh oh." He said as I heard his little feet getting louder through the phone.

"Go inside and get back into the tub. If you run out again no more ice cream for you." I said sternly.

He whimpered but I knew it was only because I was going to take his ice cream away from him.

"I sowwy." I heard ruffling through the phone and I knew it was because Ariana bent down to pick him up.

"Thanks babe." She said as I heard her kiss him making him laugh.

I smiled and was honestly sad that I'm missing them this much. I never expected for us to be gone this long but having to search the territory, cells, the town, and the woods for any sign that she could be here was really a lot of work.

"So how are you and Alpha meany face doing?" I heard a low growl and I looked to see Braxton clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Oops." She said but I could hear the smile in her voice.

I wanted to laugh but knowing that we would probably get into a fight ... Again, I decided to not.

"We're fine."

"Athena can you take Xavier back inside for me please?" Ariana said

"Sure! Come here my fat chubby baby" He giggled and I heard their footsteps retreating.

"Anything?" She asked and I knew what she meant.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"No. This one was a bust too. But we're heading to Seattle in a little." I couldn't help but hear the whimper she made.

"Okay... well I love you. Let me know when you get on the plane. Danny said he sent the private jet this time."

Thank god. I couldn't do the regular planes with other people anymore. It was driving me crazy. The private jet hasn't been used in awhile so I thought we could put it to good use.

"I love you too. I'll call you guys later okay?"

I hung up the phone and I looked up to see Braxton looking out the window.

"Seattle is about nineteen hours away from here. We should head back to the hotel, get our things and leave."

He nodded his head and then the conversation was over.

Since I've been with Braxton for two weeks we haven't really spoke much.

I tell him what I think about the place, he tells me what direction I should head and then he tells me the coordinates to the next location, I give him the time of travel and that's basically it.

Other than that we don't talk.

But something has been bothering me since this whole trip has started.

"We had a funeral service for Eva cause your sister said she was dead. Have you talked to her? Have you even asked her in the two weeks that we have been searching for Eva if maybe she was wrong?"

He went stiff and looked over at me.

"How I handle my business with my family is none of your concern."

Normally I wouldn't have pushed the issue but this was Eva we were talking about.

"Actually it is. I could have been out there this whole time looking for her if your sister didn't lie and say she was dead." I growled out.

He shifted in his seat so that his whole body was facing me.

"Let's be honest. If she was alive you would not have gotten her. I would have. You were ready to shift her off to some country around the world because you were too scared to even face her." He was grabbing hold of his arm rest so hard that I though the was going to brake it.

"I was doing what I thought was best for her!"

"No you were doing what YOU thought was best for YOU!"

"I don't see why you care anyways shes NOTHING to you, remember?!"

He growled out and connected his fist to my jaw.

He tried to land another right hook onto my face but I was quick this time.

I kicked his stomach making his go flying out of the car.

But he shifted in the process and I knew his wolf took over.

The car came to a screeching stop and I jumped out shifting too.

We heard the guys from the car behind us shift and started to bark, trying to get our attention.

This isn't the first time he and I have shifted and tried to fight each other.

And it certainly wasn't going to be the last.

He growled again and charged at me, but knowing he was going to try to side slam me I jumped over him but he was quick to jump up at the last second and barely scratch my leg.

I snapped at him telling him trying to warn him but he snapped back.

We circled each other until I decided to make the first move.

I ran straight towards him hoping he would side step me, and when he did I took my claw and swiped it against his face.

I could smell his blood that was on my claws as he growled, and tried to charge at me this time.

But a pack warrior from his pack and mine stepped in the middle making us both stop.

We didn't pay much attention to them as we both kept growling and snapping at each other.

Had anybody who wasn't a wolf seen us, they would think we were just two very large, rabid dogs, fighting over some piece of meat.

"ENOUGH!" The one that spoke was the 'Peace Maker' that the council sent when they found out Braxton and I were out 'Hunting' together.

That was the excuse we made. If the council found out that Bella lied, she would have been summoned by the council and sent to what ever faith they decide to give her.

So for everyone sake we said we were out hunting a rogue who was snatching mates.

But they knew that two Alphas being put together for a large amount of time would not go very well for anyone.

So hence, the peace maker.

"We are not here for your little games of who's the better Alpha. Shift back so that we could finish what we started here!" He spoke in a way that wasn't challenging us but more of trying to get us to realize why we're actually here.

One of my pack warriors came up and threw shorts on the floor in front of me.

One of Braxton's guys did the same to him.

He picked up his shorts and shifted back.

I smirked internally knowing I had won this time because of the scratch that was left on his face.

Granted that it was healing already but I had the biggest impact when it came to wounds.

I shifted back and nodded my thanks to Jordan who was the one who brought me the shorts.

"This needs to stop. What ever it is, both of you guys just need to get over it. Now lets go. I had the luggage from the hotel picked up and is waiting for us at the Jet. We're switching cars. Alpha Braxton you will ride with your pack and Alpha Nathaniel you will ride with yours."

He didn't say much as my guys came to my car and he left to his.

"God, that guys a douche." I said to Jordan. Believe it or not he was my friend before I found out I was a wolf.

We played football together, and even went out to a couple of parties. He was like my best friend so when he found out that I was a wolf and the Alpha he was just as socked as I was.

"Yea but for some reason you need that douche on this trip. I don't get it dude, if he wasn't anything to Eva why is he even here?" He asked. I could see the confusion on his face but still it wasn't my business to say.

"Cause he's an arrogant prick and thinks he can run everything." I growled out and Jordan laughed.

"Lets just find her and go home. I miss my own bed." Jordan wasn't mated yet so all he did was still party and hang out with the guys.

Which isn't bad but rumor is if you don't find your mate by twenty four than they're most likely dead.

Jordan was 25.

"Same." was all I said as we all sat in the car.

20 hours later and we were finally here in Seattle.

"Damn, I really can't feel my legs right now." Jordan said as he stretch out his legs.

They made this weird popping sound and he had a satisfy smile on his face.

I shook my head at him as I saw that he was still the stupid jock from College.

"The pack house is no less than 30 minutes from here. The Alpha knows we're coming." Braxton said as he shifted and looked at one of his pack warriors who nodded at him.

"He said running there would be faster than taking the car."

I was a little skeptical but nodded my head anyways. Everyone grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt in their mouths so we would have clothes to change into when we shifted back.

It was kind of getting late here, so we hurried to get to their territory.

It didn't take us long until we were met by some wolves. They sensed the Alpha in Braxton and I as they bowed their heads.

One of them shifted behind a tree and came out in shorts.

"Alpha Oscar has been expecting you two. Welcome to the Black Shadow pack. Follow us." I nodded my head and he shifted back as we all followed them.

I had a weird feeling like if someone was watching me but when I kept turning while I was running I didn't see anything or anyone.

We finally got the pack house and the sun had finally set.

"This way." One of the pack members said as they opened the door to let us in.

The guy from before shifted again and spoke.

"You may all shift back in here. The Alpha will be down shortly." We waited till he left and then we all shifted back.

"Anybody else feel like we're being watched?" Jordan said as he looked around.

"That's because you are." An older man walked out and smiled at all of us.

"There are cameras everywhere inside and outside of this territory. I have to have them when you're my age and still Alpha." He laughed lightly and we were still all confused.

"You never had any kids?" Jordan asked

"I did. A son. But he had didn't ways of handling the Alpha position. Ways, that I wasn't agreeing with. So I didn't give him the position. " We were all shocked because its really rare for a father to not hand over his position to their son.

"But that is besides the issue, what can I help you gentlemen with?" he asked as he went and sat down.

"May we please speak in private?" I asked. He looked suspicious but nodded his head.

"Let's go up to my office." He got up as we followed him down the hall.

Only Braxton, Oscar, and I were in his office. He offered us a seat but we told him we felt better standing.

"My sister's name is Evangeline Everlast. About 5 years ago she was taken from us. The man who captured her sent us a video that was live and it showed how he tortured her. How he made her suffer. Alpha Braxton had a sister who was also taken at a young age by the same man."

He didn't bother to hide his facial expressions but then again neither did the other Alpha's.

"With the help of my sister, Alpha Braxton was reunited with his sister. But sadly, I was not. When his sister returned she had told us she was dead. We believed her because of the video... But now we have evidence to suggest other wise."

He didn't speak as he let me continue on with my story.

"This rogue appeared on my territory and told us that he was held hostage by the same man who murdered my sister five years ago. Then he told us something I never that I'd hear. that she was still alive. But that was all he could tell me."

He nodded his head letting the information sink in.

"So what does that have to do with me?" He asked.

"He told us after he escaped it was cold outside. There are only a few places in the world that we are able to survive in. Your territory being one of them."

"So you want permission to search the premises?" He said cutting me off.

I nodded my head and he stood up.

"You are more than welcomed to look. But I doubt you will find anything. As I've said before, I am very old for my age so I am an easy target that is why there are cameras everywhere. But if you must you are more than welcomed to look."

"Thank you." I said as we all walked out of his office and in search for our pack members.

We found our pack warriors talking to Oscars pack warriors but they fell silent as they saw us coming.

"We will search the North and East side of this territory." I said as my men nodded their heads.

"And we will search the South and West side. You all know the rules." Braxton shouted.

"Yes Alpha's" were heard between both packs as they shifted and headed to their side of the territory.

"Do we follow them Alpha?" One of Davids pack warriors asked as he looked around suspiciously. Wow, they really were worried about attacks.
             But I would be too if I was his age. He's vulnerable now, he's not the Alpha he once was. 

"No. They will be fine. You are not to worry." He gave a small nod and his pack splitted up leaving just the Alphas to their business.

About three hours later and no one found anything.

"We checked the cellars there is nothing there either Alpha." Jordan said as he was the last person from pack to return.

I growled in frustration.

Braxton walked into the room and we all looked at him wondering if his team found anything but he shook his head.

"Dammit." We heard the lighting and thunder pound against the sky and Braxton growled and I knew that he and I were thinking the same thing.

"I guess we aren't going anywhere soon in that weather." I said it more to myself but at that moment Oscar came into the room.

"You all are more than welcomed to stay here tonight until it clears in the morning. "

We all agreed it was too dangerous to fly so for tonight we'll stay here.

All the warriors had to share the living room and Braxton and I got our own beds.

I called Ariana and told her we didn't find anything here either.

"Don't worry Nate, you'll find her." I tried to stay positive but how could I when my hope was weighing thin?

"Tell Xavier I love him and that I'll see him soon okay?"

Ariana sighed but she agreed to tell him.

I hung up the phone not really wanting to talk.

I know I'll find her.

            I just hope its not too late.
             Enjoy! 😁

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