Dear Alex A.

Por Just_Mixed

3.3K 79 3

"Where is Alexander?" Every Nightwalker she runs into seems to be asking her the same question. Truth be told... Más

Chaptear 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

69 3 1
Por Just_Mixed

The moment I bit down into his neck, he gasped before crying out in pain. His body stiffened as if he had just been electrocuted or stung or something to that nature. A wave of energy blasted through the room, the little light we had on burst and went out.

"Luke?! Hey! What's going on?" I didn't know what it would be like to mark someone, or what exactly they would go through. But I'm sure this wasn't right either..."Luke? Wake up!" I cradled his face in my hands while he fell unconscious, his pulse slow and faint. "Eliza! Eliza!'' I jumped off the bed and quickly tugged on my clothes in a panic. "Eliza!" I sprinted to the room she shared with the other wolves and pounded on the door, feeling slightly nauseous with shock. Daniel opened the door, fully alert.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Luke, he was fine and then all of a sudden he was in pain! He won't wake up! It wasn't supposed to happen like this!" We all raced back to my room and I realized too late that I had left my mate lying on the bed....completely nude....

"What the HELL?!"

"Oh my GODDESS!!"

"Whoa!" They all skidded to a halt at the door and turned away while I rushed to cover him with the sheets. I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments, but this one had to take the cake...


"Right, um....F-Fay, what happened...?" Daniel looked everywhere but at me or the unconscious man," Please skip any unnecessary details."

"R-right..Uh, well I was going to mark him. But when I bit into him, he was suddenly in a lot of pain. Then there was this strange blast that knocked him out and took the lights out with it. His pulse is barely there...Is that..normal?" The three wolves gaped in disbelief before the beta collected himself.

"Shawn, do a quick security sweep. We felt the wave but had no idea where it came from. If we felt it, no doubt anyone close by felt it too.

"So it isn't normal?" I concluded, biting my bottom lip.

"No, this kind of thing...doesn't usually happen." Eliza replied, "But then again, he is human, and you being the Lord's daughter..Might have something to do with it?"

"No, there have been other inter-specie matches, but nothing like this was ever reported. I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you." Daniel sniffed the air and took a step closer to the bed. He sniffed again and his face was overcome with bewilderment.

"What?" I sniffed the air, but whatever he had detected was gone.

"I don't know...It might just be nothing. " Shawn returned and didn't report anything out of the ordinary. "Anyways, whatever shock he got from the bite, we have no way of knowing exactly what happened. Just watch over him these next few hours, see if he comes to." Daniel left with Eliza and Shawn, leaving me alone again with a half dead man in my bed.

After a few agonizingly long hours, Luke's heartbeat became steady and strong again, but he didn't wake up. Normally when a wolf bites a human, the human turns right..? Could this have anything to do with that process? Shit! Did he even know what it would do it him?!

I didn't sleep at all, and by the next morning, I was a fritzy mess. All throuh the night I did what I could to take him up, but he remained as silent and still as ever. Cold water, hot water, slapping, I even shoved him off the bed, nothing worked.

"Screw it, I need sleep." I sighed, finally laying on the bed all by myself. My eyes closed but sleep wouldn't come. Little feet stomped outside in the hallway. So that's what time it was already? There was a groan and a cough from the floor. "Are you friggin kidding me?!" I growled.

"Oww, my head..." Luke slowly got up from the floor and I tossed a pillow his way. "What was I doing on the floor?" He caught the pillow, still out if it. "Why am I naked?!" He covered himself with a pillow, his face completely red.

"How do you feel?"

"Like someone hit me with a bag of bricks. And why..." His green eyes momentarily flashed yellow and he cried out, holding the sides of his head as if to keep it from splitting in two.

"Hey! What's wrong? Talk to me!" He slowly straightened up and his eyes were emeralds again.

"What the hell was that?" He panted, his face contorted with terror.

"What do you remember from yesterday?" I asked slowly, maybe this really was just him slowly turning?

"We...we got here.. And then.." His eyes traveled up and down my body,"  we um..." He stopped and looked down before covering himself with the pillow again, Luke's blush returned with a vengeance. "T-then you were going to bite me.. And that's all I remember."

"I did bite you. You were in pain and then you passed out, nothing I did could wake you up. That's why you were on the floor." I felt a bit relieved now but the ghost of last night's panic lingered about. "You really scared me, you ass." I threw another pillow at him, aiming for his face.

"How was I supposed to know that was going to happen?!" He exclaimed chasing me to the bathroom. I slammed the door just in time. "Hey!" He tried opening the door but it was locked.

"I'm going to shower!"

"Open the door!"

"No you pervert!"

"Open the door!"

"Make me!" I stuck my tongue out at the door and jumped in the shower. The little bathroom was filled with steam in a matter of seconds. I felt strange in my own skin. My body was a sore from last nights events, as short as it was. That was my first time, and admittedly, it didn't play out as I had thought it would be when I swiped my v-card. Of course, normally people don't spaz out then fall unconscious during the tumble.

***Luke's POV***

When she exited the bathroom just wrapped in a towel, I felt speechless and irresistibly drawn to her. The events from last night replayed in my mind but I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. As I did I felt my neck stiff from sleeping at an odd angle on the floor.

"Who's the real jerk here? Shoving me off the bed.." I grumbled as I traded places with her. We got ready in silence and 20 minutes later, we met up with Daniel and the others. Shawn had a hard time looking my way, as did Daniel.

"Mornin' handsome!" Eliza winked at me before turning to Fay, " When did he wake up?"

"Just a little while ago actually." Fay yawned, just now I had noticed the dark circles under her eyes, didn't she sleep last night?

"You seriously gave her quite a scare, by the way, may I compliment you on your well defined body? I'm a little jealous that I didn't get paired up with you. Mmm mm mmm." I'm not going to lie, I felt as if the raven was raping me with her eyes.


"They all kind" Fay explained. "I brought them to the room after you passed out and well...I forgot to..cover you.."

"What the hell, Fay?!" The men looked down clearly scarred, whilst the Alpha's daughter laughed.

"You just passed out! I freaked out, can you really blame me?!" Fay shot back, as if to imply it was all my fault.

"So you left me out on display?!" I wiped my face with my hands and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You know you could've been an underwear model if you really wanted to." Eliza offered through her laughing. An older couple walked by the room and incidentally, the lunatic left the door open.

"Eliza! Not helping!"

"What?! I personally thought it was a wonderful suggestion!"

"Enough!" Daniel raised a hand before things got even more out of hand, though I don't think that's possible. "We didn't come here for a vacation, there's a reason we came remember?"

"We need to find this pack that Alex was talking about." Fay nodded, Daniel raised and eyebrow in her direction, noticing her choice of words, but said nothing. Everyone knew better than to bring up her daddy issues.

"Yes, but first," The beta looked me in the eye, "Have you noticed any changes with yourself?"

"If you're asking if I have the urge to play fetch and chase a tail, the answer's no." They didn't need to know everything. I'm still me, mostly. The next few hours we hiked up several trails into the greenery. They all stayed two legged for my sake, but obviously they were a bit disappointed. Even Fay seemed a little more snappish, maybe it was just the lack of sleep. Sedona was a beautiful place, the red rocks stood out brilliantly against the frosty blue sky. A few creeks gushed with ice cold water.

"We have to come back in the summer time!" Eliza took note of the edibles that surrounded us. "See this? These all all blackberry bushes! I bet they taste amazing!"

"Eliza, focus." Daniel called from somewhere ahead. So far we had found no trace of wolves, or any kind of animal for that matter.

"Alright enough of this!" She growled before shifting. Her fur was as dark and sleek as her hair and her right ear had a little nick in it. The remnants of a battle. She lifted her head and let out a howl, clear as glass and it sent a shiver down my spine. I clenched my jaws tight, making sure there was no chance of anything coming out from me, just in case. She howled again and my ears rang as it became louder. In that moment another sharp pain shot through my head. I stumbled and leaned against a tree, my teeth clenched together. The howl was drowned out by the ringing in my ears, with my eyes closed, it was as if I were lost in anguish and darkness.

"Eliza shut up! Luke! Hey, look at me!" Two hands shook me violently, the pain slowly subsided as I opened my eyes. They were instantly swallowed by Fay's, the more I looked, the more I felt I could see her soul. Normally it was a comforting and amusing, but the fear they held at the moment made me feel slightly guilty.

"Sorry, I'm ok." I placed my hand on her head after straightening myself out. I grew conscious of the others watching, but that didn't matter as much as reassuring the girl before me.

"Liar, what was that?" Eliza stomped forward, but she suddenly stopped, frozen in mid-step. "Guess it worked..."

"We don't want any trouble." Daniel held his hands up, they obviously smelled them, my senses had yet to develop. "I am looking for the pack who aided our Lord once."

"You sure you're in the right place, love?" A man stepped forward out of the shrubs, he was a head taller than Daniel with a fuller frame, wearing only a light jacket and jeans. His eyes reminded me so much of Evelyn. Piercing and aware. At that moment I knew we were completely surrounded; judging by the way everyone was getting back to back, they didn't pick up any warm welcomes either.

"If you aren't the ones who we're looking for, we won't waste anyone's time. Leave us be and we'll be on our way." Daniel stood firm, even with the man's grin stating he wouldn't comly. My hand instinctively reached for my blade and a snarl sounded to my left.

"Oh my, what's this...?" The man grew more enticed with our little group. "Is this a hunter I see? No it couldn't be, could it?" He stepped closer to me, but Fay shifted her position to stand between us causing a rippling affect of low growls. The man raised his eyebrows, astonished that such a small thing wanted to protect me.

"Take one more step and I'll personally rip your throat out." The dry ice in her words sent a chill down my spine, but her enemy didn't even blink.

"You're a cute little thing aren't you?" He laughed and lifted her chin with his finger. Before I could moved, Fay opened her mouth and sank her teeth into his finger. "Gah!" He tried to pull away but he was caught with no escape. In that moment the wolves that were surrounding us leapt out of their hiding spots, and chaos erupted in the forest. Eliza, Daniel, and Shawn had already shifted and tried to keep the man's pack mates from attacking Fay. I pulled out my blade to help but as I looked around, I felt left out.. The only one who remained two legged.

I ducked and dodged, trying to find my little spark among the flashes of fur, teeth, and claws. I found the two circling one another, both already bleeding. The man charged first, Fay blocked one attack but she missed the next. He landed a blow to her rips and she cried out, crumpling over. I tried to rush over to her but was knocked over by a small grey with a red tipped tail.

It snapped at my face, barely missing by inches. I pulled out my blade and sliced its chest, the wolf howled and leapt away. I looked around for Fay and saw her pinning down the muddy brown wolf. Her muzzle was soaked with crimson and the wild rage in her eyes brought me back to that time in the alley when she lost it.

"Fay!" The white wolf turned in my direction, a big mistake. The tables turned and she was on the ground with a yelp.

"Sorry darling, there's no room here for hesitation."

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