By katdorable

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      ⤷   𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑   𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐍𝐆... More

16 | TO × THE × TOP


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By katdorable


THE FOURTH PHASE HAS ENDED AND ALL NINE PASSING EXAMINEES will proceed to the Final Phase. The last exam will involve a one on one tournament with each of the participants. The chairman, Netero, revealed a bracket that contained the faces and numbers of the examinees with their respective opponents. He explained in details that some applicants have a much higher chance of passing the exam compared to the others based on their previous performance.

[Question: Who would you go up against?]

"Why didn't you use a balanced bracket?" asked a muscular elder man with gray long hair tied up in a ponytail.

"A question that must be on everybody's mind," Netero pointed out. "This bracket was assembled based on your performance throughout the exam. Those who performed better gets more chances."

Killua widened his eyes. "That doesn't sound right," piped the boy, slowly processing the questionable explanation given by the chairman. "Can you explain how you scored our performance?"

The room entered a brief silence without a single word leaving the elder's mouth. The chairman closed his eyes and curved his mouth into a smile. Then, without further warning, he shook his head frantically, belting out the word 'no' which startled the young boy.

"That face you made was priceless," commented the young girl as Killua journeyed back to the sidelines. "I wish I could have captured the moment."

"I don't know how I would feel if you had a picture of me," he responded, reminiscing previous events. "You have strange interests."

"Why can't you just let it go? No one else mentions it but you," she huffed in annoyance.

"It's fun to mess with you," he said as he poked her fuming cheek.

[Y/N] grabbed his hand and pushed it away from her face. "Don't touch me."

"Killua," the voice said with a firm, motherly tone. "We've talked about this."

"Whatever blondie."

The chairman finished with his explanation about the participant's performance and the rules needed to win. The first match was between Hanzo and Gon. The young man was much taller in size and wore a red bandana wrapped around his neck that was over his ninja-like attire. He also appeared to be slightly muscular.

"You think Gon has a fighting chance?" [Y/N] asked Kurapika and Leorio, ignoring Killua's presence.

"He's a fighter."

"I'm sure he'll think of something."

The fight began and using his quick agility, Gon dashed to the side. The spaces separated the two from one another. However, Hanzo caught up with him despite the boy's fast motion. The events that followed made [Y/N] widened her eyes in complete horror. The older man hit the back of the Gon's neck, which halted the young boy's quick movements.

The boy fell to the ground at a gruesome impact that left him in a daze. His body twitched from the pain that flooded his system. The expression that displayed on Gon's face was enough for  [Y/N]  to pounce on the man.

She began to step forward but Kurapika stopped her. "You can't," he said softly. "If you do, Gon will  be disqualified."

"I know... it's... just..." [Y/N] was frustrated, her mind was in a dilemma. The girl wanted to help but if she did his dream of becoming a hunter will be stripped from her foolish actions. "I want to help him."

"We wish to help him too but we can't," the blond reassured, his voice hinted sadness. "We have no choice but to watch."

"Well, if this is a normal fight, it would be all over," Hanzo states as he grabbed the boy's shoulder, standing him up from the ground. Gon attempted to take a breather but the man pressed his knee against the back of the boy's torso.

"It hurts to watch," the girl commented, closing her eyes while covering her face with her hands to add double the protection from the scene. [Y/N] refused to watch.

"You have to watch," chimed Killua. "Whoever loses, will be your opponent. You need to know who you're going to be up against." The idea of either of them being her opponent never crossed her mind. Her main focus was on the injured boy, not on the outcome of the match.

Since when did Killua start giving out advice?

It's strange.

And not like him.

Where're my daily insults?

I got to feast too.

"I guess..." she mumbled under her breath and gazed her eyes back to the scene.

The attacks came to a standstill and a conversation was put in its place. Hanzo informed Gon about the situation that he was currently in and requested that the young boy should just give up. However, still determined to win, Gon refused his offer which resulted in the man striking him. The bald ninja urge once more for the boy to surrender but Gon failed to oblige.

"Think about it," started Hanzo, "If you give up now, you'll still be in decent shape for your next fight," the man suggested, trying to shine a light on the situation. "There's no reason to be stubborn. Just give up."

This major setback was the motivation the young boy needed. He worked hard to be in this position and accepting defeat was not in his criteria. A goal that embedded his mind from the moment he walked through the doors of the exam was the strength that brought him this far. "That's never going to happen!" yelled Gon.

A smile crept upon the girl's face at the boy's determination and his strength to overlook his injuries. "That's my Gon."

Killua made a face at her comment, almost like he was annoyed. "Shut up."

"You shut up," she fired back.

"I said it first."

"Did you really? What if I was already thinking about it?

"So what you're saying is, that you already prepared it in your mind even before I ever said a word to you?"


"I'm surprised."


"That you were thinking of me."

"I wasn't thinking of you."

"Mmmm okay."

"I really wasn't."

"I said okay."

"I'm telling you the truth."

"I never said you weren't telling the truth."

"You're so..."

"Take your time. Words are hard."

Instead of responding to his comment, she averted her eyes back to the match. The young boy was introduced to a gruesome punch to his gut that weakened his stance. His legs wobbled and he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach at the man's painful strike. Gon's body was in an awful condition, bruises were evident and the pain he encountered was felt amongst his friends. Still, he continued to stand up despite the pressure of the pain that was debilitating his strength. The older man grew frustrated at the boy's willfulness and punched him once more in his stomach. Again, Gon fell to the ground.

The match continued on with the same result — Gon's refusal to concede defeat and Hanzo's continuous attacks on the injured boy. It came to to the point where Gon's energy was slowly depleting and the movements of his body were wavering.

Leorio was prepared to avenge his young friend. "I'll kill you," he warned and then looked over to the chairman. "Let me take Gon's place instead."

"It's the first time you ever said something that was actually worth listening to," she joked but Leorio was not in the mood for her remarks.

"It's okay," his voice was weak but he continued to exert his energy to his mouth instead of his body. Leorio..." he called with his hands now on his knees, trying his best to face his friend. "This... is... nothing," the boy struggled to speak. "I-I... can... still... fight."

Got used this moment to gather some momentum from his now worn out body. The tall man stood over the youngling and kicked his leg. The boy fell back into the arms of his reoccurring partner — the ground. His face plummeted face first to the hard tiled floor with his body shaking from the collision.

Hanzo took hold of Gon's left arm and pinned it against the young boy's back. "I'll break your arm if you don't surrender," he threatened the boy but Gon didn't heed his warning which left the man to snap his arm. Gon's previous pain couldn't amount to the excruciating agony that came with a broken arm.

Leorio gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows in rage. "Kurapika, don't try to stop me," Leorio said with venom laced in his tone. "If that bastard does anything else to Gon..." he paused and glared at the unbecoming scene. "Sorry, Gon, but I can't stop myself."

"Me? Stop you?" The blond nearly scoffed at his comment. "Don't worry. There is no chance of that happening." His expression was that on par with Leorio's current state of mind. His eyes gleamed with hatred as a faint scarlet color painted over his grey ones.

[Y/N] clenched her fist, joining in with her angered friends. "I really want to hurt him."

Killua moved [Y/N] to the side and tried to ease her nerve. "If Gon wins, you'll have that opportunity," Killua grinned, lightly shoving her. "For now, contain that bloodlust of yours."

Did he really care about my wellbeing?

That can't be it.

Hanzo began to explain his past but Gon's friends weren't impressed by his backstory. "Heh, that's nothing to brag about," the silver-haired boy commented, yawning at the man's exhausting story. This slight pause in the match helped Gon find his strength to ram his leg to the man's face.

The whole scene has now changed. Gon is now back on his feet, adrenaline replacing the throbbing pain. Hanzo quickly recovered from the young boy's attack and pulled out a sharp weapon from his sleeved. "I'll cut off your legs, so that they can't be reattached. A permanent injury should help you wake up," he threatened the young boy once more.

Gon please, kick some sense back into him.

Gon knew that he should listen and take the man's warning seriously especially after the current state that his arm is in. "But first, I'll ask you once more. Surrender," the man offered the young man another chance at surrendering, but still he declined the man's wishes.

The atmosphere around the two have changed. The once brutal calamity have turned lighter despite the current situation. Gon took this rare opportunity to proposed a plan to the man, which involved the man losing to declare Gon the winner since he won't surrender.

"You really don't get it..." the man placed a hand to his face. "If you die, you'll never get another chance. If I kill you here, I need only try again next year. We are not on equal footing!"

"He's right," acknowledged Killua. "He can try to talk his way out it, but Hanzo is far stronger than him. It isn't something Gon could just neutralize on the spot," he claimed, basing his information from his observation of the match. "It all comes down to power."

"You're such a doubter," the girl addressed, steering away from the boy's negativity.

"It's not like you should be talking."

"Oh, but I am."

"What? A Hypocrite? Sounds about right."

"No, there's a difference from doubting the likelihood of him winning and wanting to help him out as a friend. Wouldn't you know?"

"Friend?" The word sounding foreign when leaving the boy's lips. Killua never had the privilege of making any friends when he grew up. His only purpose was to be a killer, just like the rest of his family.

"Uh, yeah. He's your friend," she said in a rather duh tone. "What else would he be?"

"Are you?"

She flicked his forehead. "Baka."

[You can't write an anime fan fiction without using the word 'baka' at least once iykyk.]

Hanzo's face turned serious and he warned the boy that he will kill him. He informed him that he would just take the exam next year, something Gon wouldn't be able to do if he goes through with his plan. He aimed his blade at Gon's forehead, slowly pushing the blade forward. The sharp weapon penetrated the boy's skin and blood began to ooze out from the wound.

"Why won't you concede? Its easy to do it. You can try again next year," informed Hanzo. "Do you value your pride more than your own life!? Are you willing to die for your pride!?"

Gon kept staring at him until he finally spoke up.

"Your dad?" asked the ninja.

"My dad is a Hunter so I'm going to become a Hunter and find him! I believe that I'll find him one day..." he paused for a slight second but continued with his explanation. "But I have a feeling that if I give up now, I'll never find him! So I won't surrender," Gon stated, enlightening the young man about his situation.

To everyone's surprise, Hanzo surrendered upon hearing the boy's reason which made Gon the winner of the match. The boy wasn't pleased with that way he won and pestered Hanzo to change his decision.

"I can't kill you and I can't think of a way to make you surrender. I'll take this loss and take my chances in the next battle!" belted Hanzo in frustration at the boy's stubbornness.

"We can work together to figure it out!"

"In other words, I've already given up on this match, but you want me to try to win again, while helping to determine a way to make you feel good about your victory! Is that right?"


"You moron!" Hanzo yelled and out of utter annoyance, he delivered a hard punch to the young boy's face, knocking him unconscious.

With that, Gon is the first applicant to pass the Final Phase of the Hunter Exam. In the end, stubbornness brought him the win, not his determination.

━━━━ TIME SKIP ━━━━

The next match was between Kurapika and Hisoka.

[Their match was cut short compared to the 1999 version of the anime. And simply, I didn't feel like describing such a small scene so instead, I searched up a clip on YouTube. Watch it, you might even get a laugh out of it.]

━━━━ TIME SKIP ━━━━

"Next match will be Hanzo against [Y/N]," the man in the black suit announced. "Proceed to the floor."

The girl cracked her knuckles and did some stretches to prepare herself for this tournament that she had been anticipating throughout his match against Gon.  The man might be much stronger than herself, but she'll follow Gon's example. Not in the act of stubbornness, but the momentum to guide her through the battle. Strength doesn't always come from the muscles but from determination. The will to push through any unforeseen scenario that is relatively difficult despite the odds being against them. One must adapt, strategize, and overcome those situations.

"Kick his ass," Leorio encouraged and Kurapika nodded in agreement.

[Y/N] gave them a thumbs up. "I was already planning on it."

She stepped into the battle zone and stared at the man that stood in front of her. "Just my luck, another child," he commented, scanning his opponent.

"A child that will kick your ass," she smirked and smiled to the blond, crew cut, and the silver-haired.

On the sidelines, a discussion had formed amongst her friend group, especially between the two teenagers. "You're a bad influence," Kurapika informed Leorio, inciting him of his bad language and character.

"She was already like that," the man retaliated at the blond's assumptions. "You can't blame me. I'm innocent."

"Even so, you were promoting the usage of bad language," he deadpanned. "To a child."

"Ugh," the man groaned, flailing his arms in the air. Annoyance would be an understatement, he was agitated by Kurapika's role. The role of a protective mother.

The match commenced and the girl had already sprinted over to the man. [Y/N] threw a punch but was caught. He took her arm and flipped her up towards the air, then slamming her body to the ground. She wanted to scream or maybe even cry from the impact but she bit back the wretched feeling. When one shows any signs of pain, the match will be already be playing in the opponent's hands.

Blood dripped from her forehead and cascaded down her face. "It's going to take much more than that to keep me down," remarked [Y/N], her eyes burning with hatred.

The man had years of professional training, she didn't have that privilege. Everything she learned was either from movies or shows and watching thieves in action. Her fighting could be sharpened but without a master, it would never reach its full potential.

This match was not in [Y/N]'s favor but she still took her chances.

"I strongly admire your determination," he admitted. "But when you fight for someone other than yourself, that's when you'll lose. Avenging someone never guarantees victory."

He was able to read me that easily?

Am I like an open book?

She dashed towards the man, sliding down to the ground, slamming her leg against the man's knee. Yet, he didn't budge. His balance barely faltered. Hanzo clutched the girl's hair and pulled her up. She tried to free herself but her struggles were dismissed. [Y/N] dangled in the air, her body no longer touching the ground. "Surrender, you'll regret it."

[Y/N] swung her leg up and kicked the man in his jaw. He loosened his grip which allowed the girl to free herself from the man's hold. Just like the match with Gon, he still managed to recover in an instant. Hanzo retaliated with punching her in the face, then her stomach, and rammed his leg to the girl's back.

The pain had become too much to bare, but she just blocked out the throbbing sensation that her body emitted. She stood up from the floor and whipped out her knife. "Bring it on," she said, wiping the blood from her lips.

He shook his head. "This will be your own downfall."

"Oh please, it's going to be yours."

"We'll see about that."

The two fought for quite some time but the girl was already at her wit's end. [Y/N]'s body was covered in bruises and cuts.  "I-I give," she surrendered, panting vigorously. The match was energy-consuming. She no longer had the will power to continue the fight.

Sorry, Gon.

"I have one question," the girl asked the man.


"What made you surrender? You know, the match between you and Gon. You clearly had the upper hand."

"Ahhh," he said connecting the dots. "When I torture someone, I expect that person to hate me for the rest of their life. It's more effective and less stressful," he said, informing the girl of the way he strategized.

"When someone is in pain, their eyes show a gleam of hostility toward the one responsible for that pain. Even with extensive training, it is difficult to suppress that gleam of hate and rages," he further explained in details, noting the trump card that he holds against his opponents. "Much like you. You showed resentment towards me for injuring your friend which led to your demise."

Okay firstly,

Don't expose me like that.

Even I knew that, but you didn't have to announce it out loud.


"But the difference between you and Gon is the fact there was no gleam in Gon's eyes. Can you believe it? I had just broken his arm but his eyes had already forgotten about that. I guess you could say that he won me over. If you needed a reason, there you go," he finished, summing up the decision that led to him surrendering against the young boy, that won the heart of a shinobi.

"That was enough. Thanks."

Gon really knows how to win the hearts of people.

I have never been more proud of him.

I'm glad that he wanted to be friends with me.

He's the light that outshines the darkness.

He's someone with so much purity that even corruption can't tame his angelic heart.

━━━━ TIME SKIP ━━━━

The time has come. The fifth match featured [Y/N] and Killua. Instead of answering with words, they could now answer with their fists. Pent up aggression and anger can now be excused. No one could cast their blame on each other as all is fair in the tournament, except for knocking someone unconscious without them officially surrendering or taking their life.

[Y/N] was stoked about this battle. The girl always wanted to test out her abilities and skills against the assassin. For his short stature and his age, he would have seemed harmless but that ideology was changed in the Fourth Phase when he killed a man in seconds. [Y/N] couldn't predict the outcome of the match and there's no guarantee that she would win. He was much stronger and more talented than she could ever be.

As much as the girl was prepared to battle against her friend, the match had finished before it had started. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in fighting you," Killua smiled to the girl who was furious with his response.

"I refuse to accept that," she told him but he was already satisfied with the answer. "Killua! Get back here!"

"I'm good where I'm at," he said from the sidelines. "I like the temperature here. It's more calming and relaxing."

"Fight me!"

"It wouldn't be good for my health."


"See? Even you can't handle the pressure out there."


"That's my name. Don't wear it out."

"Miss, the match is over," the suited man told the girl. "I advise you to leave the floor."

"Don't tell me what to do," she glared, stomping away in a childish manner. The girl was pissed, but also relieved that she won the match. [Y/N] understood that her chances were zero to none and appreciated the fact that he forfeited. Still, she wanted to fight him.

"I hate you," scowled the girl, eyes glaring at the young boy.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

━━━━ TIME SKIP ━━━━

The following match was Killua's redemption. His opponent was Gittarackur, the eery man with the needles in his face. [Y/N] shuddered at the man's appearance, it was just grotesque. The girl was glad that the bizarre man wasn't her opponent. Instead of fighting him, she would have just surrendered. She would rather take her chances with Hisoka, at least his intentions were clear.

Killua walked towards the man, removing his hands from his pockets, ready to fight. As a professional assassin, the boy was trained to take down even the toughest opponent. Killing wasn't always the solution. In some cases, paralyzing the opponent would be enough.

"It's been too long, Kil," the man with the needles said to the young boy. The silver-haired boy was confused that the man was using his nickname. He had never met this unknown individual in his life yet the man speaks as if they had a history.

"Huh?" asked Killua, still in a daze.

Gittarackur began to pull out the large, round head pins from his face, one by one. The man's distorted face slowly morphed to that of a decent human being. He had a pale complexion and huge, pupil-less eyes. The blue mohawk turned to long luscious black hair. The man's body structure even changed. The arrangement of his musculature composed a semi-muscular built.

He stared at the man that transformed into someone that he both feared and despised. "Brother...."

I guess attractiveness runs in the family.

Not that killua is attractive, cause he isn't.

He really isn't.

There isn't an ounce of attractiveness that is in him.

Okay, maybe a little.

Just a little.

Killua's body trembled in fear. His brother had an immense aura that overwhelmed that frightened the young boy. He tried to put on a facade — mask away the dreadfulness — but the sweat that dripped from his face blew his calm composure. "I heard that you cut up mom and Milluki," the man spoke, reminding Killua the events that took place at Zoldyck's Manor.

"I guess," he smiled, nervously.

Illumi tilted his head, his face still remained expressionless. "Mom was crying," he said in a rather absent-minded tone.

"Anyone would cry if their son did that to them," he said to both Kurapika and [Y/N].

"...tears of joy."


"She was so happy to see that you'd grown up but she was worried about you leaving home, so she asked me to check up on you," he informed his younger brother. "What a coincidence. I didn't know you wanted to be a Hunter. I'm trying to get a license for my next job."

Killua looked down at the floor. "I don't really want to become a hunter. I just felt like I wanted to take an exam."

"I see..." the older brother said, consciously taking in every word that left his younger brother's lips. "That's a relief," he added, "Well, here's an advice for you. You're not cut out to be a hunter." The words felt like poison and Killua's mind was being filled with its toxins.  "You were born to be a...." started Illumi who stared at the scared kitten. "....Killer."

"You're a puppet of darkness, without passion. You don't want anything or wish for anything. As one who lives in the shadows, you can only feel pleasure when people die. That's how Dad and I raised you. What would you accomplish by becoming a Hunter?" he finished.

Poor Killua.

I can't even begin to imagine how the household is like.

But if stabbing someone in the eye is seen as an achievement, it was definitely a dysfunctional environment.

He needed comfort and support. For someone to stay by his side and accept him for who he is despite his history.

He doesn't want someone to control him. Instead, he wants to make his own decisions and carry out his own wishes and desires.

Killua bit his bottom lip. "True, I don't really desire to become a Hunter but I do have something I want..."

"You don't."

"Let him speak, you self-entitled prick!" [Y/N] shouted, fuming with anger at how he talked to his younger sibling. 

"I do!" shouted Killua. "There's something I really want!"

Illumi reached out his hand, his demeanor still unchanged. "Then, tell me. That something you really want."

The younger brother attempted to speak but he began to hesitate which Illumi took notice of. "What's wrong? There's nothing you really want, is there?"

Killua narrowed his eyes. "That's not it!"

"I'm sick of killing people... I want to become friends with Gon, and to live a normal life..."

Excuse you.

Where is my appreciation?

I'm your friend too.

It hurt.

The fact that he treasured his friendship more with Gon than with me.

Am I  jealous of Killua and Gon's close relationship?

Oh please don't let that be it.

"That's impossible," the brother concluded. "You'll never be able to make friends. Your only concern when you meet someone is whether you should kill them. That's how you were trained."

"You just don't know how to classify Gon because he's too dazzling for your eyes. You don't actually want to become friends with him," he summed up his argument but his statement still had many flaws.

"You're wrong," the boy muttered.

"If you stay with him, you'll end up wanting to kill him one day. You'll get the urge to see if you can kill him or not," the man continued on with his predictions that only angered Killua. He clenched fists at the words that flowed out his older brother's mouth. "Because you have the soul of a killer," he clarified, summing up his whole existence into one word; a killer.

"Killua!" shouted Lerio, gaining the attention of the lost boy whose mind was now corrupted by Illumi's words.  "I don't give a damn if he's your brother or not but he's a worthless piece of crap. Don't listen to him. Just beat the crap out of him as usual and win," inclined the man, using this as a gateway to help Killua control his thoughts. "You want to be friends with Gon? Are you daft!? You're already friends with Gon!" Those words were just what the boy needed to hear to make him come to a sudden realization. "I'm sure that's how he feels!"

Illumi peered his focus to the man. "Really?"

"Hell yeah! Idiot!"

The tense conversation expanded for quite some time. The older brother threatened to kill his precious spiky-haired friend which mortified the boy which turned out to be false in the end. Killua knew that his brother was capable of killing his friend without remorse. The match concluded with Killua surrendering and fallen into a depressed state of mind.

"Are you okay?" asked [Y/N], staring into the boy's expressionless face.

Killua wanted to communicate but after the confrontation with his brother, he felt as if he didn't deserve to be comforted. Instead, he stayed silent, ignoring the girl's simple question.

He doesn't want to talk, huh?

I guess that's to be expected.

His brother wasn't playing the role of a supporting brother nor was he defined as a hero.

He played the villain, whose purpose was to rid Killua of his hopeful ambitions.

━━━━ TIME SKIP ━━━━

During Leorio's match against Bodoro, a devastating scene occurred that shock many of the examinees and the examiners. Killua stood behind the elder man and punctured his sharp fingers through the man's flesh, killing the defenseless old man. Due to his interference, Killua was disqualified and was no longer in the position to receive Hunter's license. His disqualification had also opened a path for all the examinees to pass.

I was beyond words.

I refused to believe Killua would just kill a man in cold blood.

Sure his reputation must insist on it, but he clearly stated he wanted to start a whole new chapter of his life. A life where killing wouldn't be involved unless needed.

It might be Killua but his actions weren't his.

"I bet his brother had something to do with this," she articulated after brainstorming Killua's lack of control of his body and his state of mind.

"There's no doubt about it," agreed Kurapika at the girl's conclusion.

The blood of the man drenched both Killua's face and his clothing. The shade of his eyes had darkened with a menacing aura that coated his vision. One could have mistaken it as bloodlust or a killer being revived from its retirement, but his actions were all from the power of manipulation.

Killua ignored everyone's reaction and proceeded to leave the room, for his wish had not been granted; the wish of being Gon's friend. The result of his actions were enough proof to frighten any potential candidates that wished to be his friend, like [Y/N], Kurapika, and Leorio. The boy had already accepted this outcome.

The girl ran up to Killua and tugged on his arm to halt any further movement. He grabbed her neck and pointed his claw-like fingers at her throat. "What do you want?" he sneered.

"To stop you from leaving," she said with determination.

"Don't waste your time," he laughed but his tone was not that of cheerfulness. "I no longer have a reason to be here."

"Quit being dramatic."

"I could always kill you right now to add a little flare, don't you think?" asked Killua, pressing his nails against the girl's neck. "I'm all for a dramatic death scenario."

Did he just becomes Shakespeare?

She sucked in her breath and calmly exhaled. Her only choice was to maintain her composure and excess the situation. "Then you should've taken that chance during our match but oh wait, we didn't have one," she noted. "Right now, you don't have the right to threaten me."

"Is that so?" he said, sliding his finger across her neck, red liquid now poured from the opened scratch. "You're also not in the position to make hasty demands."

"You wouldn't kill me."

"And how could you be so sure of that?"


A small smile ascended on his lips but turned back into a frown within seconds. "I'm going home," he said, removing his grip from the girl's throat and altering the structure of his hand back to its original form. "Tell Gon, I'm sorry."

Ha, what a comedic.

He's really out here making demands and now all of a sudden he's thinking I'm some sort of messenger pigeon?


Also, why is he acting like this is going to be our last meeting or our final farewell?

All I know is, he's going to be the one that would relay his message back to Gon, not me.

[Y/N] couldn't think of a way to stop the boy from leaving, all she could really do was be supportive of his actions and his decisions. "Be safe," she smiled, pecking the pale boy's cheek which surprised both him and her.

Ah, why did I just do that?

I must be going crazy.

My sanity is depleting.

There's no way I would kiss him with a sober state of mind.

Just no.

Killua's cheeks were coated in a rosy/reddish shade that formed from the girl's unannounced affection. "Don't do that," he warned, turning his face away but the damage had already been inflicted. She had captured a moment that even Killua tried to hide away in embarrassment.

Was he blushing?

Hey! How's it going, everybody. You doing good? Well, that's a good thing. Are you sad? Don't let things get in your way of happiness! :)


This was the longest chapters I had written so far. It's legit like 5748 words long, that's also including the author's note lol. I still can't believe that this chapter is about 38 pages long. I summed up about two episodes with the addition of inputting my own scenarios to make the story flow a little better and much smoother. Then again, I'm not a perfectionist.  

Please make sure to leave a comment and give this story a vote! It motivates me to upload more chapters.

Bye bye 👋🏻


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