Demons Revamped (Sequal To Fo...

By Soul_Eater_Writer18

10.5K 359 38

It's been a year after you "died". Things have calmed down and everyone still misses you. Kid hasn't left his... More

The year without you
Lost Memories?
(y/n)'s meltdown
Forever with your soul
Party Madness
Black hearts
Morning Mashup
Something Seems Strange
Brutal truth
Play Time!
School Horrors
The Black Blood Room
Getting ready for france
Makas party
After the fact
Back to the dwma
The final battle and happy endings

The Eiffel Terror

383 11 2
By Soul_Eater_Writer18

Makas p.o.v
It's been a few days since we've been in Paris, France. My grandparents have been non stop planning for my gala tonight. While they were stressing over it, i decided to visit (y/n) at the pastry shop. She took it over for a few days while my grandparents were worrying about my party. When i got their ethan and chase were waiting on tables and (y/n) was making beautiful pastries. She turns around and welcomes me. "Welcome to the Albarns Famous pastries, what can I help you with?" When she saw that it was me, she giggled and put the last pastry in the display.

"Maka, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be dress shopping or at least getting ready for tonight's party?" I giggle and shake my head no. "I did dress shopping this morning and i won't worry about getting dressed until I need to" she sighs and rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I was bored and decided to come down here and check on you" "Awe thanks bestie, but you didn't have too, after those customers finish were closing up for the day, we want to sight see before your party tonight" I jump with joy. "That's great, but you have to let me show you around, let's start at the eiffel tower!"

"Sure, boys start cleaning were shutting down and heading out!" I smile and follow (y/n) back, so I could help her clean up. Once we were finished she puts a few treats in the bag. "Lets take a few, never know when your going to get hungy" she winks and wraps the bag up. I giggle and hang up the aprons.

Ethans p.o.v
When maka and (y/n) came out from the back we were all ready to go. We grabbed our stuff and headed out of the door. On our way to the eiffel tower we ran into the rest of the gang. So we all decided to head their together. I grabbed patty hand and chase grabbed liz's. Maka and kid stood together and so did soul and (y/n). While walking patty stops and yanks on my arm. "Ethan, something is weird, I think my big sis notices it too" I look to liz and she is stopped. Both of us walk over to liz and chase. "Guys, this is weird, the eiffel tower is close and I'm getting jitters, let's be careful ok?" We nod our heads and catch up with everyone else.

Once we reach the eiffel tower we all headed to the top. When the elevator doors opened we were in for a big surprise. Standing at the top was madame lin and clarissa. They were in the corner talking. When they noticed us madame lin disappeared and clarissa came over to us. She sent kid and maka flying left and me, liz, patty and chase flying to the right, we each hit the wall and started to groan. That's when she approached soul and (y/n).

Your p.o.v
After sending my friends flying clarissa approached me. Soul of course jumped infront of me and turned his arm into his scythe blade. "If you want her then you have to go threw me" she smirks and lifts him up with a magic spell. She throws him and hits liz, patty, chase and ethan. They all were out for the count. Kid and maka however were slowly trying to get back up. But the clarissa picked them up and sent them flying towards the rest of the group. All of them were unconcious. I started to shutter in fear knowing I have no protection. She stops infront of me and looks down.

Clarissa p.o.v
She starts to shutter with fear and tears start to form in her eyes. Poor thing, all alone and defenseless. "What, what do you want with me" I pick her head up, our eyes are looking right at each other. "You see, I have a small spell, it will increase your black blood rushing up your loss of sanity, but once it casted you won't remember that it happened." She starts to cry and i zap her with the spell. Her eyes go blank and she falls to the floor. This was way to easy, I wish she would of given me a challenge.

Your p.o.v
With the rest of the strength I had i zapped kid with a healing spell and i zone out.

Kids p.o.v
When i wake up i see all of my friends on the floor, unconcious. Then I look to the entrance and see my little sister unconcious too. I use my shingami powers and heal everyone except my little sister, for some reason my powers have no effect on her. They all stood up and groaned from pain. "Soul, grab (y/n), we'll take her back to makas grandparents place and pretend none of this happened. As long as she is still here this is a victory, not a loss." Soul does as I say and the rest follow me down the elevator. For some reason I don't feel any pain like the rest do. I'm wondering now if (y/n) used her powers on me. I shake the thought of it and keep moving. When we came to a stop for a street light she opens her eyes. "So..soul," then she zones out again.

I take her from soul and lean her against me, we walk across the street and then a few blocks to makas grandparents house. We enter and all head upstairs I layed her down in makas room and then went to get ready for the party that's in a few hours.

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