Peeta and Katniss; Our love r...


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Second part in my trilogy. Sequel to After Mockingjay. Continuing the lives of Peeta and Katniss. After many... Еще

Our love remains
New borns
I cant do this without you
Hold them forever
No love
Didn't mean it
Our night out Part 1
Our night out Part 2
The nightmare
Authors note - IMPORTANT !!
2 years old
Feeling guilty
No love again
Getting there
Memory loss
Another one
The Pearl
The appointment
The book
I cant do this anymore
Breaking news
It all comes out
OUR kids
Real or not real??


6.1K 157 48

Okay, so this is the last chapter and It is really long.

Sorry :(

I hope you have enjoyed reading this book as well as the last one in this series. I wanna thank everyone who has supported me througtout this story and everyone who may have just started reading cuz I luv all you guys.

Especially because of all the responce about a sequal and its new nam was awesome and mindblowing. Thank ya ! ! !

Luv ya x x x

Here you go ....


It has been two weeks since Kaia Rose died. I haven't seen Katniss since the day she died. I have tried to go and talk to her or comfort her or just do something to help but she doesn't answer the door or phone and the door to her house is always locked.

I just keep wishing to think of a way to show her that im here for her. And always will be.

The doctors say Kaia died from a collapsed lung, because they weren't developed enough. I know that her death was all my fault. If I hadn't stressed Katniss out, then Kaia would be fine, healthy and safe.

But Haymitch isn't having any of it. He keeps telling me it isn't my fault, but I know it is,

But one thing keeps playing on y mind. Why isn't her partner here with her, supporting her and grieving for their child. I just dont get it.

I walk over to /haymitchs house to try again to talk to Katniss. I always go with him, daily, to her house. But she never comes out. Prim and Finn have been in the house with her.

Sae says she has seen Katniss about 4 times. She is the only one Katniss will let in the house. I dont know why.


Two weeks.

Two horrible weeks.

Thats how long it has been. 

Thats how long I have been alone in this house with just my twins.

I miss my poor baby. I miss my beautiful, delicate Kaia. Part of me wishes for Peeta to be here with me to greive, but I know he shouldn't be.

I cant face anyone at the moment. I want to be alone with my remaining family, who remember me. I let Sae come in, just because all she does is cook us food. She doesn't do anything else.

I think it comferts her to know that me and the twins are alive and well, just not outside with others. She wants to look after us. 

I feel like I should start to get out of the house again, because Its not helping anyone, me being in this house all day. Primrose and Finnick always ask to go out and play in the meadow or do to the bakery, so they can see daddy, or go to see uncle Haymitch.

I knew at some point in going to have to leave the house and I chose this moment because there was a knock at the door. I quickly opened it with Prim and Finn in my arms giggling about something they just did.

I open the door to see Peeta and Haymitch standing there with shocked faces, probably because this is the first time they have seen me in a while. Their expressions soon turn sad and worried towards me.

I dont want any sympathy. I dont need it. I have done enough crying and mopeing around to get try and get back to normal life, so sympathy wont help. The ask to come in and they do and sit on the couch.

Prim squirms in my grip and holds her arms out to towards Peeta, wanting to be help by him. I look at him and he smiles towards me and her and greatfully picks up Prim and sits her in his lap. She snuggles into his chest and says "I mwissed ywou"

He looks at first, like he doesn't know how to respond, but after that he looks relaxed and smiles. He hugs her lightly, being shur not to hurt her, and says "I missed you to Prim" 

I smile at that. "So how are you doing sweatheart?" Haymitch says 

I smile because he called me Katniss, just like the same old Haymitch. "Im alright, I just want to get back to normal life" I sniffle.

"Okay, good because you and you" He says pointing to me and Peeta "Are coming over to mine tonight because Im cooking "


Haymitch cook?

"Sure, I would be honoured to " I joke, smiling. Peeta says yes too and Haymitch leaves, leaving me and Peeta in the house.

"Are ou sure your alright?" He asks I sit down next to him with finn on my lap 

"Yh, Im fine.Its just.....that I dont want to talk about it today. Okay?" I ask

"Sure. Whatever you want" He smiles. "Do you want to go to the meadow?" He asks

"Yep" I say popping at the 'p'. He smiles."Do you two want to go to the meadow?" I ask Prim and Finn

"YES!!!!" They scream. We get up, Peeta packs some food, while I get some toys for the kids into a bag. We walk out the door and Peeta asks Prim if she wants to be held by 'mummy' and she shakes her head, pouts and snuggles in deeper to Peeta's grip. 

She is just to cute!

We walk to the meadow and lay out the blanket Peeta brought and sit down next to eachother. We eat some food, then start playing with the twins.

Prim stays in Peetas lap and plays with her toy and finn sits in mine, but after a while he wants to sit in Peeta's, soo he crawls over and Prim moves to mine. He sits in Peeta's and  plays with his shirt for a while.

Peeta plays with his hair for a while, weaving his fingers through it, smiling. I dont really think Peeta has looked happier since before the accident.

Prim plays with my hair and whispers in my ear so Peeta doesn't hear "Wwhats wrong with dawddy?" 

"Nothing darling. dont worry" I smile and pat her head lightly.

Finn looks a bit sleepy and snuggles into Peeta's chest, leaning his head against his chest and closing her eyes. Peeta has his arms around him, protectivly. Aww he so sweet.

Prim does the same leans aginst my chest and closes her eyes. I kiss her head. I look up and Peeta is smileing at me. I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me as well, like he did with Finn.

I like sitting like this, as a family. Sort of. We sit there in a comfortable silence, enjoying eachothers presence and Peeta says.



"who is there father? Where is he?"

I look down knowing I cant keep it from him anymore "he is right next to me" I say in a small voice.

His eyes grow wide "Wait…What?”

“Im sorry I didn’t tell you, Peeta they are yours and we are married. There is no other man, Peeta”

He takes his arm off, that was around me.

Peeta doesn't know what to do, so he just sits there, stiff, with wide eyes.

"Peeta, say something, please. This silence is killing me" I beg, but he says nothing.

He looks down to his lap, where Finnick lays sleeping. I cant read his expression anymore.


What?? Pretty little Primrose and Finnick are my own children?? And Katniss is my beautiful wife??

On one hand Im so so so happy. this is what I dreamt about. Having a family with Katniss.

But on the other hand, Im  so confused, that I dont know what to feel Because if I was to be Katniss' husbend and the twins father. that would mean that I was Kaia's father. 

I killed my own baby!!!

I caused Katniss to stress, causing her to going into prematernal labour, causing Kaias little lungs to be under developed, causing them to collapse and her to die. I cant believe I did that. and Katniss knew? 

She knew I was her father and told me it wasn't my fault she died, but we both know inside it was my fault.

How the hell can she stand to be near me? After what I did? I cant be here. I might do something else and cause something else horrilbe to happen.

I take Finn out of my lap, carefully, so I dont wake her up, and put him on the left side of Katniss's lap, next to Primrose on the right side. He snuggles into her and I run away. Katniss screams after me, but I dont stop.

I keep running. i need time to think about everything.


No, no ,no This cant be happening. I hoped Peeta would be happy, but he just runs away for me. I move a bit and the twins wake up. I didnt mean to wake them up.

I pick them up, along with the toys and excess food, we didnt eat. I rush back to Haymitchs house, so I can drop the kids off. I need to talk to 'peeta alone.

I open haymitchs door, but hes not there. I decide to just take the kids with me and go to Peetas. 

Before I even get to the Path to Peetas house I hear screaming, shouting and a loud thud. As I near the door, I can tell whose those screams are anywhere.


I forget about everything and just hurl myself towards his house. I burst through the door and see Haymitch looking alert at me. He shews me out of the house and says "Dont go in there. He is having a flashback. Espeically with the twins"

I hand him the twins and sprint to the door. But Haymitch grabs my arm "No. dont. We dont know what could happen. you could bet hurt." 

"I dont care Haymitch. He needs me and Im going to be there for him" I shout determinded

I run through the door, but I dont see him. I dont hear any screaming or shout either. Where is he? I walk through to the kitchen and see glass shattered on the floor and a knife next to it. Dripped in blood.

But whose blood? It cant be Haymitch. He looked fine when I saw him, it must be Peeta. Oh my god! Where is he?

Is he hurt badley? where did he get stabbed? I suddenly start to hear a whimper come from the living room. I follow a trail of blood, whic also leads to the living room.

And there he is at the end of the trail, surrounded by his own blood, clutching his left hand and crying in a ball. He looks so weak, so pale. I run to him.

I engulf him in a tight hug, not caring about his hijacked state of mind. He needs me and Im going to be there for him, like I told Haymitch.

At first he flinches at my touch, but soon relaxes into me. I kiss his forehead nad squeeze him, for reasurence. He told me he liked it when we were close when he had a flashback.

"I....I-I kill-ed my o-own child" He whimpers.

What is he on about? "What? Not you didn't Peeta"

"Yh I did! I killed K-Kaia r-r-rose!" He says

" didnt. Nothing could be done to save her and you have to promise me that you will tell yourself it wasn't your fault. You have to believe me" I say sturnly

He doesn't say anything, just cries and cries and shakes. Eventually he falls asleep in my arms. I quietly call Haymitch in so he can life Peeta up in to his bed. We get him up to his room, but we see that it is all a mess.

His bed doesn't look very comfortable, he has no curtians and there are things all over the floor. I cant let him stay in here so I tell Haymitch to put him in my bed in OUR house.

He lays Peeta down and says "I called the doctor and told them what happened and he said because of the type of flashback Peeta had, meaning he didn't want to kill you or call you a mutt, means that when we wakes you he should remember everything"

I look at him in disbelief. What?? Peeta's okay, he will remember!! This is some of the best news I heard in ages. "How?"

"They said that when you told him about him being their father, his brain was just waiting for him to click and then he remembered everything. They said you told him at the right time because if you would have told him to early, his brain would have rejected it and he would never remember" He says

I just cant believe it. My Peeta is coming back to our family, back to me! I am just over the moon.

"Thank you Haymitch" I say and he leaves the room with the twins giving us alone time, eventhough hes not even awake. After about 2 hours he wakes up. I know that may sound like a long time to just sit in a chair and wait for someone to wake up but, I would wait a lifetime for him.

He flutters his eyes and when his eyes fall on me he smiles. "hey" He says

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask him.

"Fine" He says but I can see right through it.

"No your not. Now tell me."

His eyes start to well up "I cant believe what I did!" He says crying and I sit next to him and hug him. I put his head on my chest and stroke his head. 

"Shh...Shhh Peeta you didnt do anything" I say

"Yes I did! ... I murdered my own little baby girl" He cries. He really needs to stop blaming himself

"Peeta Stop blaming yourself because you did absolutly nothing wrong. Peeta look at me" i say and he does.  I put my hands to either side of his face and make him look into my eyes 

"You did nothing wrong. And stop blaming yourself. We can move past this together"

He nods and hugs me. A minute later Haymitch comes in with Prim and Finn and Peeta stares at them. Haymitch puts them on the bed and leaves without a word.

"Peeta, These are your children. And I'd love for you to be their father again" I say smiling at him

His face breaks out into a smile as well and says "I would love to" He stretches his arms out towards the twins and they run into him arms and hug his chest tight.

"Daddy!!" They scream "We lowve you!" They exclaim and me and Peeta laugh

I pick up the twins, Peeta sits up against the headboard and I sit in his lap with the twins in my lap and Peeta protective arms around us. I lean my head against his chest.

"You know what?" Peeta says


"I have really missed this bed!" He laughs with a cheeky smile and I start laughing to.

"Is that all you've missed?" I joke wiggling my eyebrows

"No, I think there was two more things" He smiles

"And what are they?"

"Curtains" We both laugh

"Well thats understandable, you didnt have any" I laugh "What was the second thing?"

"My family" He says and I smile. I lean forward and so does he and we kiss.

This was no ordinary kiss. no. This was like the one on the beach in the Quell. Passionate. Sparks flew, rageing through my body, coming out like fireworks. This as the first time we have kissed since the accident, so like 6-7 motnths ago.

We kiss for what seems like little time, but we were kissing for 3 minutes. The kids start to whine that their parents have been kissing for ages. "Mwummy swtop sucking Dwaddys face!" Finn shouts 

We both start laughing and for the rest of the day Me and Peeta lay in eachothers arms, because we have missed eachother so much.

"I missed you Katniss, and Im sorry for having to practicly be a single parent while I was being stupid and forgot about us"  He says out of the blue

"Dont Peeta.  And I was a single parent you were still here and I had Haymitch. All that matters is that your here now"

"I love you Katniss"

"I love you too Peeta" I say and kiss him again, but its a short kiss, to keep the kids happy.

Im so happy I have my family back.

Now Im going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

Hope you liked it ! ! !

Sorry for switching POV's so much

This is the end of this book. Im going to publish the new sequal to this book later today. I hope you go on and read it. 

Its called; Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together

The name was created by @HungerGamesFaan and they sould get full credit for it ! !

Also If you haven't already check out their stories cuz they are awesome ! ! x x

"You can find the good in anybody if you just give them a chance, benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people disappoint you, sometimes they surprise you, but you never really get to know them until you listen for what's in their heart. that's what we should do. so for all you skeptics out there. prepare to be surprised"

Thanks for reading x x x x 

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