Totally Awesome Harry Potter...

By 416bunny

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As the title says this is my book of Totally Awesome Harry Potter One Shots! Most of these little scenes are... More

Totally Awesome Harry Potter One Shots!
Fred and Georges Prank Part One
Fred and George Prank Part 2
Quidditch Tryouts Part One
Quidditch Trials Part 2
The Heir of Slytherin....
True Story.... No really it its. SIRIUSLY
The kids coming into their powers. This should be fun.
'Never again on washing day' godric's hallow, before James and Lil died
Harry scream's for ice cream
The Princess Phase Part One
Princess Phase Part Two
That Nerd in the glasses is my boyfriend!
Death Eater: So I was like AVADA KADAVRA, and he was like dead.
The Harry Potter Fashion Line
This chapter has no title for It would give to much away.
Malfoy's Diary
Harry .vs. The Shorties
The Talk ( you know which one I mean)
*shrug* Its an AMERICAN thing
I look smashing!
Polyjuice Potion
Ramen noodles
My rather odd dream.
Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for
Marty the Squid
Cars, Cars, and more Cars
Christmas One Shot
Hot Chocolate
Kidnapping part1
The Long Waited Kidnapping Part Two

The Last Prank

823 16 1
By 416bunny

AN~ HELLO MY FANS! Yet me just say that the awesomeness that is me thought of FIVE count them FIVE new idea's for one shots! So after this one there will be four more that should be out rather soon. Oh and I just learned about the spell check so I will be going back and correcting my many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many MANY spelling errors....

This is a Maruarders Ara one!!!


James Potter walked inside the Great Hall for his last Breakfast at Hogwarts. He headed over to his best friends Remus, Sirius, Peter, and his girlfriend Lily Evens.

"Hey you guys." James said as he sat down at the table.

"Umm... James? Were over here!" Remus called from the Gryffindor Table.

James looked around and saw that he was sitting at the Hufflepuff Table. "Hello Hufflepuff's." James said to the people he was sitting next to. "And goodbye."

James got up and moved to the next table over. "Do you have something to tell us Prongs? Do you prefure, Heaven Forbid, HUFFLEPUFF'S over us Gryffindor's?" Sirius asked his best friend.

"All Bloody Hell no! All those Hufflepuff's are good for are finding things." James said in disgust to Padfoot.

Sirius cleared his throat and started to imitate a Hufflepuff, "Oh Mooney I think I have FOUND something. I FIND this odd."

James started to laugh so hard that was was clutching his sides, Peter tried to copy what James did but only looked like he was constipated. "I can't believe that tomorrow we graduate." Lily said with a sad sigh.

"I know what you mean. This is my home. That other place I'm forced to go to insint a home, its a miny Azkaban." Sirius said. "What am I going to do once we leave? My mother disowned and kicked me out at the start of this year. Where will I go? What will I do? Why am I asking these questions out loud?"

"Don't worry Padfoot. You are always welcome at Potter Manor. My parents love you." James said to a distressed Sirius.

"Thanks Prongie! Now back to another important matter, We have been given this school seven years of fantabulous pranks! And we have to go out with a BANG!" Sirius yelled the bang out causing Peter to fall out of his seat.

"I agree with you Pad! We need something that will top everything else! And Peter your kinda pathetic for falling of the seat." James said. "And Lils. As our honorary fifth Marauder-"

"I never agreed to any such thing." Lily interrupted James, and had a half scowl half smirk on her lips.

"You never had to. But as I was saying as our unofficial fifth Marauder you get to help us out with the prank." James said and was about to say something else when Lily cut in, again.

"-I will do nothing of the sort! You are lucky enough to have gotten me to go on a date with you Potter. Even luckier was that I am now dating you, somehow...-"

"-Don't act like you don't love making all the other girls envious as you date THE James Potter."

Lily chose to just ignore James and roll her eyes. "Now as it is Saturday and we have no classes we can spend the whole day planing our plan. NOW LET US GO TO THE LIBRARY!" Sirius called out and he and James jumped off their seats and ran out of the Great Hall with Peter trying to copy how they dashed out of the room, and failing terribly. Just then Sirius and James came back inside and walked back over and sat down next to Remus.

"Remus?-" James asked. "Where's the Library?" Sirius and James asked at the same time.

~Hallway outside the Library~

"Ok Remus. Now where do we go?" Sirius and James had made Remus give then step by step directions to get to the Library from the Great Hall.

"Turn now." Remus said not even looking up from his book.

James,Sirius, and Peter turned and crashed into a wall. "MOONEY! STOP DOING THAT!" Sirius yelled at his friend who had never taken his eyes off the text book, but his smirk could be seen on his face.

"Well if you walked with your eyes open then you would know if I was DOING THAT!" Remus said as he closed his book.

"He's got a point Paddy." James said as he ran a hand threw his messy hair.

"And I told you NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!" Sirius screamed at Prongs.

"All the more reason to call you that then." At these words Padfoot yet out a battle cry and tackled James to the ground. Remus watched the two friends brawl on the ground from over the edge of his book, which he had started to read again when James called Sirius 'Paddy'.

"Remus arn't you going to do anything?" James called as he dodged a punch in the face.

"No. But I think I might get some popcorn.... Accio Popcorn...." Remus said and then added "In a bowl." Last time when Remus had accio'd for some hot chocolate it came without a mug and he got drenched in steaming hot goodness. Remus vowed not to eat or drink anything chocolate again but that ended after two minutes. Remus couldn't go without his chocolate.

Lily finally caught up with the boys. She had to go to the little witches room. She had thought that she would meet up with her friends in the Library, not the Hallway outside of it, with two of them fighting on the ground, one watching with a bowl of popcorn, and one that was trying to walk threw a wall.

"Remus what are these to doing? Lily asked.

"Oh James called Sirius 'Paddy' and Sirius attacked." Remus explained while he watched Sirius lick James on the face, while James started freaking out.

"And what are you doing?"

"Watching the show." Remus said after he swallowed a mouthful of popcorn.

"Ok and what is Peter doing?" Lily asked as she looked over at the sad boy who was Peter.

"Him I'm not sure with.... but I think we should be worried." Remus said as he finally took his eyes off the two crazy people on the floor to the crazy person trying to walk threw a wall.

"You going to do anything about it?" Lily asked as she took a handful of popcorn. Remus replied back no. Lily just shrugged her shoulders and then joined Remus in what he called 'the show'.

~Twenty Minutes Later in the Library~

"I can't believe you licked me!" James said as they sat down at a quiet table in the back of the Library.

"I can't believe that you messed with my hair! That what muggle's call a Capital Punishment! And what wizards call a life time in Azkaban!" Sirius said as he tried to fix his hair back to the way it was.

"Well you licked me so I had to got to desperate measers." James said to Sirius. "Now. Back to planing for the last prank of our Hogwarts lives... what are we going to do?"

Everyone sat in silence trying to think of a good prank that would let them go out with a bang. "We could turn the Slytherin's robes into tutu's and cause them to dance in Swan Lake." Sirius suggested.

"Did something like that in our first year. We made them dance in the Nutcracker." Remus said and then a long silence followed.

"We can turn the whole school into their opposite gender." Remus broke the silence.

"Did that in our fourth." James said.

"Make everyone speak in a Candaian accecent?" Peter suggested.

"Did that. *shudder* We cut that prank short due to the fact we couldn't deal with all the 'eh's?'" James said. Sirius banged his head on the table.

"This is HARD!" Sirius said in a muffled voice due to the fact his face was squashed against the desk.

"I GOT IT!" Lily shouted out. The Libarian poked her head out from around the corner, glared at the five friends, and then disapearred... but not before giveing the group the muggle 'I'm watching you' look.

"What?" James asked in a loud whisper.

"Well... First yet the record show I am not helping you do this but I'm sure you wouldn't get in trouble for it...-"

"-What is it?!" Sirius interrupted for excitment. A prank that they most likey wouldn't get in trouble for? IT had never been heard of before so of course he was excited.

"What if... You dyed Dumboldore's beard pink!" Lily said in a rather loud whisper. Or rather she was so excited she just talked in her normal voice.

The four boys were quiet for a moment and then they all got pumped up. "Lily! That is a BRILLENT PLAN! I think even just a yaer of dating this guy has caused you to think in devoius ways!" Sirius said as he tried to contain himself from singing out in joy.

"I agree Lily. That is a perfect plan. And we had never done anything like it. And it would be rather easy to accomplish." Remus said with a smile. "Ok and this is how we will accomplish this plan." Remus said and then started to explain the plan.

~That night, 11:00~

"Ok check list. Padfoot you have the muggle hair dye?" Remus asked.

"Yup and it has the spell on it so that we just place one dot on the beard and it will spread to the rest of his beard, mustace, and his hair." Sirius said as he spun the dye package in his hand.

"Prongs. You know thye password to Dumboldore's office?"

"Its Licorise Wand, heard him say it after he got his cup of hot chocolate at 10:00." James said.

'I wish I had hot chocolate.' Mooney thought to himself but then snapped out of it, "Wormtail.... you still here?" Remus asked.

A squeaky voice popped up "Yes."

"Ok and I got the cloak so lets go."

~Dumboldore's Office. Enterence~

"Ok Prongs give it the password." Remus ordered James.

"Licorise Wand." James said to the Gargoyal.

"Ok now lets put on the cloak. And put silenceing charms on your feet." Remus said, when it was time to prank Remus became Army Sargent... he also became that way with homwork and when his chocolate was at risk.

The four boys rathered under the cloak and then headed up the spiral staricase. Once they were at the door Remus casted a quick silenceing charm in it and then opened it. They boys headed right to a door in the back of the office. Having been in the office to recieve detentions alot they kinda knew their way around.

Remus again casted a silenceing charm and then they looked insde to see the sleeping form of their Headmaster.

The boys crept to the right side of the king sized bed. "Sirius. Beging the pinkining process.' Remus whispered to Sirius.

Sirius pulled the cloak off all four of the and pulled out the dye. He opened up the dye and placed one drop on the beard. The beard, mustace, and hair all turned pink. Everyone started to do a victory dance but then they found themself pushed against the wall, and they were all pink.

"WHAT THE?" James called out.

Just then Dumboldore got up from the bed and stood in front of the boys.

"You really didn't think I would keep my beard unprotected now would you?" Dumboldore asked.


TADA I UPDATED (shockingly due to the fact bear421 decided to FUDGING BOTHER ME! WITH 500 MESSAGES AND STUFF!!!!) Please comment and STOP IT BEAR421 (she's posting even more messages!!!!)

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