The Glorious Triumph - Previo...

By emy1999

298K 8.6K 2.5K

Grey Carson is South Portland High School's nerd and outcast, bullied by everyone. Caster is the anonymous un... More

The Glorious Triumph
~The Characters~
1: Daily Life
2: Ass Was Served
3: Snooper Trooper
4: Hump Day
5: One Secret Down
6: Damn Aunt Danielle
7: This Is How I Roll
8: Psychic Aunts
9: Run Boys
10: Fight Night Part One
11: Fight Night Part Two
13: Televised
14: Hoping For The Win
15: Homecoming
16: Falling Into Place
17: Grey Space
18: Separation
19: Not Gordon Ramsey
20: Eternal Slumber
21: Upon Arrival
22: Questions And Known Answers
23: What Family Should Be
24: Going Through The Motions
25: Confessions
26: Crunch Time
27: The Run Down
28: Even On Break It's Not Break
29: Incomplete
30: A Hopeful Start

12: Alive

8.2K 292 76
By emy1999

Ryan's POV


"Knock out!" Will shouted as I started down at my opponent, Donnie.  I couldn't help but smile. My first win.

Then my brain said look up dumbass and I obeyed, my eyes locking onto Caster's. They were familiar and belonged to a stranger. That's when I noticed how beautiful she was. Even without seeing all of her face at that moment, even without knowing anything about her, I felt myself elevated to a new level of happiness. I never experienced anything like it. It was short but I enjoyed those seconds before she broke our gaze.

"Congrats, kiddo, you won your first match!" Will slapped my back. I winced a bit when he hit a sore spot.

Though a tight-lipped smile, I nodded, "Thanks, Will."

"No problem! I'll catch up with you in a bit," he crawls through the ropes and jogs over to Caster. 

Parker grinned from below my ring and helped me down. "Nice one, Ryan. You got better." Compliments like that from Parker were rare and I smiled.

"Thank you." I looked over at Will and Caster and felt drawn to go over to her. "Park?"


"Can you pick me up more Gatorade, I'm all out and I still have some matches."

"Sure, no problem," he strolls away pushing through the crowd to the exit.

I go over to Caster's little corner and watch her as she sits down while Will leaves her alone. "He seems nice," I say leaning against the doorway. Maybe I could be a little nicer to her, even though she embarrassed me like that.

"Get out," her voice was forced to be deeper which took me by surprise at first. I haven't really heard her speak in a really long time.

I try to make her lighten up a bit, "Aw why? No autograph?" suddenly this bitch (noticed I said bitch now) got up and approached me much faster than I had expected and brought her leg up and suddenly shot it out forward. The impact wasn't noticed until I felt the pain, I was out of her doorway, and I heard her door slam shut.

I cough, wheezing a little bit, hunching over grabbing my stomach. Dammit. Not gonna be nice anymore. Fuck that shit. "Hey, you good there?" Parker crouches over me. Will this chick learn not to fucking hurt me every damn time? As much as she is attractive, I really hate this abuse. 

"I'll live," I muttered annoyed. I straightened back up and dust off my clothes, even though nothing was on them. 

"What's the rest of the fighting schedule?" Parker asked as we exited the gym.

I held my bag tightly, "Depends on the rest of the guys fights tonight, I'm done until tomorrow, probably two matches."

My bag begins to vibrate and I pull out my phone. 

From: Ky

Hey, can we meet up and talk?

My response was immediate and had no hesitation. Of course, where the fuck have you been?  "Kyle just texted me."

"Seriously? About time. Where is he?"

"Dunno," I respond to Parker after reading another message from him. Not the point, just been thinking through some things. Meet me at your house.

"He's meeting us at my house, come on, let's get there." 

The way back home was silent. Danielle would be awake. He sleep schedule is so much more fucked up than mine. I look at the time on the microwave of my kitchen, 1:16 in the morning...thank god it's Saturday. Danielle sat in the living room listening to an audio book, "Welcome home, kiddo. Get me something to eat." I rolled my eyes and prepared her a snack as Parker followed like a lost puppy. I got her a sandwich with some chips and poured her a glass of whiskey. I set it down next to her and put my hand on her shoulders before walking out of the room. I returned seeing Kyle there with a dirty shirt, messed up hair, tired eyes. Overall, he looked like crap.

"Where the hell have you been?" I stormed over to him and glared, Parker stood against the wall silent letting me talk. "You just run off because we find out about your boyfriend? Do you not trust us? You had us fucking worried out of our damn minds driving all around town looking for you. Your mom was freaking out. You hadn't told her either? What the actual fuck?"

There was silence after my rush of questions and statements filled with anger. Kyle inhaled deeply before responding. "I was somewhere trying to straighten out my thoughts and see what to do. I won't tell you where-" 

"Why not?"

"Because I won't. I'm sorry I had you freaking out. I talked to my mom and we talked. We're okay for now. And I do trust you. Both of you. I just didn't have the confidence to say it yet. As odd as that sounds. I didn't want to believe that I was gay, I didn't want to be that different. But I want to embrace my true self. I needed time to think things through. I'm sorry." Again with the silence. "You had a match tonight. How was it?"

I didn't answer him right away, I left his words hang in the still air. "I won."

"About damn time too," Parker added. I glared and Kyle laughed a little.

"Yeah it is about damn time."

"Oh shut up, both of you," I couldn't help but smile a bit. I looked at Kyle, "You know, I never would've suspected it. You didn't give off that vibe."

"Just because I don't have the stereotype feminine voice and incredible sense of fashion, doesn't mean I'm not gay. I mean, the guy who play Magneto in the X-Men is gay, along with Michael Sam and Jason Collins, both star athletes."

"Magneto is gay?" Parker said amazed. 

"Anyway, oh my god, you need to tell me how this match went!" Kyle forced the most awful gay voice I had ever heard in my fucking life. 

"No, just no," I shake my head and he just laughed a bit. 

"We good?" he had asked and I nodded. 

"Of course, just talk  to us next time before running out like a little bitch."

Kyle just rolls his eyes, "Fine."

We went to my room with a bag of chips and talked. Mostly random things. W" had talked about my match. "Caster had kicked him again. Not a knockout again but enough to hurt his ego a little bit," Parker chuckled which received a punch from me. 

"Whatever," I huffed and rolled my eyes. "She probably as much more experience with fighting anyway. I haven't had much at all. especially compared to all the people there tonight and will be there." I paused. "Kyle, I know you were looking into Caster's identity for awhile. Have you found anything else?"

His face was like stone, but it was cold. "No I haven't. Do you still want to find out who it is?"

"Yes. I do."


"Because I still want to know who the girl is that was able to knock me out with one punch."

Kyle looked down and played with his hands. "What will you do when you do find out who it is?" 

"I'll probably expose her," I shrugged.

"Dude, she's probably keeping her identity a secret for a reason," Kyle snapped back. 

"Like what? Anyone that could fight like that should be able to embrace it! She could probably be a pro if everyone knew who she was. Who wouldn't want that?

"Maybe she just doesn't want that life? Maybe she is doing it just to get some money. or to get her mind off of something."

I groaned, "Why are you fighting me on this?"

Parker joined the conversation. "Say you do figure out who it is, how would you expose her in a way to make people believe you." 

I stayed quiet to think. "She has another fight tonight. A big one. One with a former pro. I think that the chick does charity work and likes to post some videos. We could expose her on live television."

"What makes you think she will even fight?" Parker asked. "If she doesn't want anyone to know who she is, why would she risk it and fight?"

"Like Kyle had said, maybe she needs that money. Who knows. Maybe it's even to keep her reputation. It could ruin her if her reputation is destroyed like that. Especially live on TV. Right?" I look at Kyle but he stays silent. Why? Does he have an idea on who it is? Is he seriously holding back on this from me? After what had just happened. "You have an idea on who she is."

Kyle looked up, "No, I don't. But I don't think showing everyone who she really is, is a good idea. That could ruin her life, Ryan." 

"She decided to fight under a mask. She should see it coming. Everyone that she had fought must've wondered who the hell she was."

"Leave it to be a mystery. I don't think it would be a good idea to try and out her."

"You do know who she is." I accused and the silence from Kyle confirmed it. I stood up and looked down at him. "Tell me. Who the hell is Caster?"

Grey's POV


I wake up with my phone having 3 missed calls and 14 messages. And a set of eyes staring at me. "What the hell?!" 

"Oh sorry, honey. I was just checking on you." My mom looks away embarrassed for a second. 

"Okay, but why are you staring at me?" 

"Just checking on my babygirl," she kisses my head before walking to the door. "And your phone volume was on high so I heard every incoming notification. Woke me up." She closed the door behind her as I looked at my phone. 

2 missed calls from Will and 1 from Kevin. Most texts were from Will, the rest were Kyle and Kevin. 

"I only was asleep for 6 hours and this happens," I muttered to myself. The clock on my phone had told me it was only 7 am. I groaned wishing I had gotten more sleep. Wishing I had woken up at 9 or 10. That would've been nice. 

I got up out of bed and changed into some nicer clothes and fixed my hair. I wore a dark orange-y brown shirt with black jeans and put my messy hair up into a bun. I smiled as I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I watched myself in the mirror to see if I had any bruises. Thankfully, the only ones I really had would be hidden under the shirt. I took out an unopened granola bar I left behind on my nightstand and ate it, not really craving a large breakfast. I grabbed my phone and began reading through some of the messages I got. I read Kyle's first. 

Hey, sorry I left in the middle of the night but thanks for letting me crash. I need some quiet time alone for once. I met up with the guys, we're good now. I left the sweatpants on the couch in the garage and I cleaned it up a little of the water bottles, trash, and food scraps. Your parents never came in either. I never told the guys where I was of course. I wouldn't do that to you, especially for helping me out. Thanks again, Grey. I really appreciate it. I'll try and treat you a little better in class. Maybe even, Gina once an awhile. And maybe the guys will eventually, too. Night.

How nice of him. Hey, at least he isn't nearly as much a jerk as Ryan and Parker. I sigh at the thought. What if Ryan had come to my house asking if he could stay there. The thought itself was chilling. Then I get to Kevin's messages...


Wait... you're probably asleep but when you get up can you call me. I really would like to talk to you about something.

It's kind of important and I really would like to talk to someone about it...

I responded right away asking, What's wrong? Is everything okay?

I waited a minute or two for a response, but when I received none, I read through Will's messages.


Major problem!

Someone is talking shit

And I'm hearing rumors about your identity

Someone may try and expose you tonight

Just be careful 

End the fight as fast as you can then leave and don't come back until the drama has died down

I felt the color drain from my face. How the hell could someone  have found out?! 

I can't have anyone know I'm Caster. This is very very bad. I guess I will need to end the fight in the first few minutes...will that mean me losing in order to run out of there and lose my reputation or win it and gun it and wait. Fuck. 

Then I notice one more message, but from Tristan.

Good morning. Umm I was wondering if you would want to go out for lunch today?  On me? well not actually eating lunch on me but uh I'll be paying...yeah...okay text me if you want to.

Is Tristan Walsh asking me out? I stare at the text before replying to it. Seconds later, a new message from Kevin.

Can you come and meet me somewhere?

Duh, where are you?

This was the longest I would need to wait to hear back from him. He always would text back in minutes, even seconds. I waited 30 minutes to see two words.

The hospital 


I walk into the Mercy Hospital. "What room is Kevin Michaels?" 

The receptionist searched her computer, "Room 303." I say a quick thanks as I go up to the third floor, ignoring the elevator and going up the stairs. I scan the signs and doors looking for Kevin's room until I did. I walked in quickly and see him laying in a hospital bed alone except for a tv and his phone on his lap. He looked awful. Kevin...bruises and cuts everywhere. 

"Hey, Grey," he forced a smile.

"W-what happened to you?" I sat next to his bed and looked at his injuries. 

"My dad," he laughed a bit. "He drank a little too much again."

"Oh god," I put my hand to my mouth and look at him and it just reminds me of Patrick. Whatever it was, I just saw Patrick laying in that bed, hurt and weakened. 

He puts his hand on my arm, "It's all good. I just needed someone here to talk to. Kinda lonely."

"When did this happen?" 

He looks up at the ceiling thinking, "Uh I think around 9 last night. Didn't actually come into her until 11 though. My mom didn't want me to go. She doesn't want her kid ratting out her husband for abuse." He laughed, a humorless laugh. "Her husband rather than her kid. Funny right?" 

That happened before I left for the match last night... I could've done something maybe... could've beat the father just as bad, but preferably worse. "Why? Why did he do it?"

He shrugged, "Probably because my brother wasn't home this time to protect me. Theo would usually beat my dad senseless in that case. But he hasn't been home. I called Theo after it happened. I'm surprised I even was able to see his name on the screen of my phone because my eyes were swelled." He laughed again. How can he find this funny? Maybe he is so used to it that he just finds humor now... "Anyway, he breaks back into my house, beats up my dad, calls the cops and leave him there to bring me here. He drove so fast to get me here. He was so worried."

"I would be too!" I interrupt.

He shakes his head, "Not so much from these bruises and such, but I had a heart transplant. He doesn't want the heart to fail. But I told him not to worry because this heart somehow feels like it can take a I feel so healthy and strong and like I can do anything, even though the rest of my body can't. My real heart was taken out when I was a kid. Myocarditis, where it swelled up. Could've killed me. Needed a transplant and got it. It lasted awhile but it started to fail a few years later."

"Wow," I was surprised. well surprised was an understatement. 

"Want to know another reason why I wanted to talk to you? Not just to keep me company." I nodded and he continued. "So I had done some research and had some old friends try and help me out and find out who my donor was. I learned it was Patrick Carson, your brother."

I couldn't comprehend what Kevin just had told me. Patrick. His heart. 

"Him, his girlfriend, and you were in an accident. A really bad drunk driver one.. Ella died on impact, you survived and so did he. But he was brain dead when he arrived at the hospital. I was there waiting for a transplant.." 

Patrick was alive? He had survived the crash? Why didn't I know this?! I thought he had died at the scene! I thought he didn't need to suffer because his life had ended so quickly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you but I needed to tell you this. I thought it was only right seeing as how he was your brother...I want to thank you as well. For being my only real friend. When I had first saw you in that cafeteria in school, I just, I don't know. I felt familiar, and welcoming, and loving. My heart, your brother's heart. He welcomed me. "

I haven't said a single word. I couldn't. I put my hand on his chest and felt each beat. Each heartbeat. I got next to Kevin and he had gotten an idea as to what I was doing. He made room for me on the bed as I laid next to him and put my head over his chest to listen to it. I cried. I can't remember the last time I had cried. The last time I had cried this much, this hard, and this much at once. I was overwhelmed. I hadn't lost my brother. He was still here. He was still alive, and keeping someone else alive. Kevin described Patrick's heart as strong, and used to taking a beating. It was. It really was. 

Kevin had been stroking my hair as I had let out all my sadness that was bottled up for longer than I could remember. "He didn't leave me," I sobbed as I hugged Kevin tighter. Almost trying to push myself into him.

Patrick Carson. The stubborn asshole. The strong willed idiot. My brother. Was alive.


Published August 25th, 2017. 3117 words.

I'm back!!

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