Falling Hard For Niall Horan...

By SarahCastielle

301K 7.1K 1.4K

It was a normal day as Cassidy Morgan was going about her life, but of course, bad things always seem to happ... More

1. Crash
2. The Hospital
3. Apparently, I'm pretty?
4. Our Little Picnic
5. The Monster
6. Seeing Mia
7. The Group Date
8. The Obvious One
9. Who Can We Trust?
10. Crossroads
11. My Proof
12. The New Low
13. At First Glance
14. Hear Me Out
15. Our Almost Perfect Day
16. The Allegation
17. Cinnamon Twist
18. Frozen in Fear
19. How Could You?
20. The Secrets We Hold
21. Departure Day
22. Blackmail
23. The Surprise
24. What We Hoped For
25. The Request
26. Good News Bad News
27. Can You Repeat That?
28. Another Shocker
29. Admittance
30. Harry's Moment
31. Liam's Meeting
32. Louis's Surprise
33. Decisions Decisions
34. The Choice
35. Pancake Surprise
36. The War
37. Let's Make Purple
38. Twitcam
39. Didn't See You Coming
40. Princess Down
41. Memory Remembrance
42. Nervous Bouncing
43. Brain Freeze
44. Video Camera
Thank You
Watty Awards 2015
[ Interruption ] TCCA

45. Wake Up

5.7K 104 30
By SarahCastielle

The is it. The final chapter.

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Perrie's P.O.V~

"Ms. Morgan, I can't believe you made it!" Ana yelled, jumping up to give her a hug. She hugged her back, but her eyes were focused on the bed. I could see the pain in her eyes.

Once I was told that she was Cassidy's mom, I could definitely see the resemblance. Her mother's skin was much darker than Cassidy's, but she had the same curly hair pattern. She was a beautiful woman. She looked as if she had thrown on clothes as soon as possible to rush over here since she was in sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

She ran a hand through her hair nervously, "I'm sorry I look so bad. I'm Cassidy's mom, but since you're all her friends, you can call me Mira."

"I'm Perrie Edwards," I stood up, offering my hand, "I've been Cassidy's friend for a few months now and she's such a lovely girl."

"Thank you," she smiled weakly, then turned toward Harry and Niall, "Would one of you happen to be my daughter's boyfriend?"

"I am," Niall spoke up, standing from his chair. He looked a little afraid to admit that to her mother, almost as if he believed she was not going to approve.

"Finally!" Mira exclaimed, turning to look at Ana, "You never told me she finally broke up with Mark."

She turned back to look at Niall, "You look much nicer than he did. I need to ask you a few things about the accident."

"Okay, here? or would you like to go to a separate room?"

"Yeah, let's do that," she turned to Harry, "What's your name?"

"I'm Harry Styles," he smiled, "I'm Ana's boyfriend."

Mira winked at Ana, "Looks like you both ended up with handsome men." causing Harry to smile brightly.


Niall's P.O.V~

We walked to the waiting area and sat down in a section where there weren't any people. I didn't want to get mobbed, especially not while I was with Cassidy's mum. As we sat down, I smiled, but was still incredibly nervous about talking to her for the first time.

"Well, I guess to begin, I should tell you my name," I laughed, "My name is Niall Horan."

She looked at me curiously, "Have I heard that before?"

"Most likely," I shrugged, "I'm part of a band called One Direction."

She looked surprised, "That's how I know you! I saw you on the cover of a magazine once! Isn't Harry in it too?"

"Yes ma'am, along with three of our other friends. I'm sure you would be delighted to meet them all." I smiled.

"I'm surprised my daughter has that many friends," her mother told me, "Despite being so nice, she didn't have many friends in high school."

"That's still really hard for me to believe, but she's mentioned that to me before a few times." I told her honestly.

Her face softened, "So, how did she get stabbed?"

"Well, we were in the grocery store uptown and this girl came up to me telling me to break up with Cassidy. I told her that I wouldn't do it, and she left. When I went to find Cassidy on the other aisle, it had already happened..." I trailed off, trying not to relive this memory. I almost started crying again, "This is all my fault, isn't it?"

Mira placed her hand on my back, rubbing slowly, "Of course it's not your fault. No one even slightly believes that. Do you know who it was that stabbed her?"

"Do you remember a girl that Cassidy hung out with when she was younger?" I asked her, "Blonde hair."

"Only Harmony Lilac and Mia Constacio." She told me.

"It was one of them," I told her and before I could blink, she had guessed it.

"Mia Constacio," she sighed, "I never did like that girl."

"Yes, and also, we found out that Mark was driving her getaway car." I told her and her eyes widened.

"Shit, so this was planned," she asked and I nodded, "It seems like it."

"How did you find out Cassidy was in the hospital?" I asked her.

"Ana called me a few days ago and left me a voicemail, but I hadn't listened to it until today and took the drive over," She told me, "I've been so busy lately with work, but I feel so bad now that I didn't know that Cassidy was here."

"What kind of work do you do?" I asked her.

She smiled, "I'm a lawyer."

"Maybe you can represent us when we take them to court," I told her.

"That's the plan."

I looked down, "Ms. Morgan, if you don't mind me asking, where is Cassidy's dad?"

"Oh," she started, "He left when Cassidy was young."

"I understand. That's okay, you still raised an amazing daughter," I told her, making her smiled.

"Niall, I think it's time that I asked the questions," she told me, suddenly getting serious, "How long have you been dating my daughter?"

"About six months." I answered.

"So, you like my daughter?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay, this last one is going to be a tough one," she told me, narrowing her eyes, "Do you love my daughter?"

I smiled, "I love her more than I ever believed possible, Ms. Morgan. I don't think I could ever live without her."

She leaned back, a smile growing on her lips, "Have you thought about other things?"

I was unsure if she was talking about sex or marriage, but I decided to go with the latter because that seemed better than talking to Cassidy's mum about sex.

When I finally found my words, I was surprised at how boldly I was able to say them, sure of what I wanted, but still unsure about my timing.

"I want to marry your daughter one day."


Liam's P.O.V~

Louis, Zayn, and I decided to go and buy Cassidy a ton of gifts since she wasn't able to celebrate her birthday like she wanted to. We wanted her to wake up to a ton of gifts and since we were all hopeful she would wake up today, we decided to go now. Eleanor agreed to join us as soon as she got out of modeling.

When we walked in the mall, we were all really unsure on what to get her. Initially, a teddy bear was suggested, but when Zayn said that Perrie had already gotten her one, Louis suggested a giant teddy bear. We were probably going to end up grabbing everything we thought she might like.

I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head and adjusted my sunglasses. Coming to the mall together like this was certainly not a good idea, but we never really had good ideas. Eleanor walked up behind us, catching up. Watching Eleanor kiss Louis only made me wish that I had a girlfriend more.

"Hey, let's go in there!" Zayn told us, pointing to a store that was entirely filled with stuffed animals.

The perfect store.....for Louis.

Almost on cue, Louis took off running toward the store and Eleanor wasn't too far behind him. Zayn had ran in behind them, and I mentally laughed. Zayn always did love stuffed animals.

The store seemed to get bigger the deeper we walked into it.

"Does anyone know what her favorite animal is?" Louis asked and I shook my head.

"I think it's a penguin," Eleanor said, but Zayn said, "I thought it was an elephant?"

"Let's get a bunch of both!" Louis said, heading toward a big group of pink penguins, "Look, Liam! They're pink!"

"We have to get her one of these," Eleanor said, picking up the small pink penguin.

"Yeah, so it can be the baby to that one," Zayn said, pointing towards the corner.

In the corner was a very large pink penguin, almost as tall as I was. It was really adorable, but when Louis saw it, I thought he was going to explode.

"We're getting it." he stated, "no matter how much it costs."

"It's 65 pounds alone!" Eleanor exclaimed, but Louis pulled out the money.

"Grab the penguin, peasants," Louis ordered, and Zayn and I hoisted the penguin up together, carrying it to the counter so we could pay for it.

Eleanor had also grabbed about four small penguins and two smaller elephant plushies.

When we got to the counter, the middle aged woman just looked at Eleanor, "Well, you certainly have them wrapped around your finger."

Eleanor laughed lightly, "Oh, these aren't all for me. They're for our friend."

"Sure," the cashier said, almost as if she didn't really believe her, before pointing to the credit card scanner.

"Oh, we're paying with cash," Louis told her, pulling out a large wad of money from his pocket. The woman looked surprised, "It's 105 pounds."

Louis counted out the money and handed it to her. She bagged all of the animals up and Zayn offered to just carry the biggest penguins without it being bagged.

Almost as soon as we walked out of the store, we saw a big group of girls, "Zayn Malik?"


We all took off running, doing our best not to drop any of the animals we had just bought. We all jumped in the car and Louis pulled out of the parking lot quickly.

I sighed, leaning back against the seat, "Okay, let's head to the hospital."

It didn't take long to get there. When we got to the room, no one was in there except a nurse and Cassidy still in her bed.

We all sat the animals down near the other presents people had brought her. We took a moment to look at Cassidy before going to find the others.

I really hope she wakes up today.


Niall's P.O.V~

I had been going off to the park lately, trying to get some air the most I could. I knew everyone was worried that I was going to lose my mind in the hospital, so I decided to listen to them.

I made my way to the ice cream stand, saying hello to Tyler and Lily's mother, and got my usual order. I walked off, taking a bite of my ice cream. I kept trying to focus on the ice cream and and the peacefulness of the park. Every time I thought someone was about to recognize me, I would ignore them and turn away.

I quickly finished my ice cream and tossed it in the bin and started walking toward the swings. I began pushing myself, feeling the breeze against my skin. It felt nice just to have a moment to myself, a moment to think about everything.

Ms. Morgan was still at the hospital, catching up with Ana over lost time. I still couldn't believe that I had poured out my feelings to Cassidy's mum, but I didn't regret it at all. She deserved to know how I felt about Cassidy. She's her mother. It was just hard for me to be around her when her and Cassidy looked so much alike. It was only continuing to make me more depressed.

What bothers me the most is that Cassidy went into that coma and I knew she was still upset about the game of truth or dare from that night.

I couldn't believe that I had actually kissed that girl. She basically shoved her tongue down my throat and I let her. It was so awful, that kiss. I should have never agreed. I should have never went outside. All it achieved was a sad girlfriend, the same one that is now comatose.

I couldn't even handle seeing her cry that night, so seeing her that day in the grocery store was a million times worse for me. It almost broke me.

I really hope she forgets everything from that night of truth or dare by the time she wakes up. I hope she really only remembers the good things.

I knew she wouldn't be able to just get up and leave as soon as she wakes up, but if she were awake, at least I could talk to her. I just wanted her to wake up.

It suddenly occurred to me how weird it could look that a twenty year old male was just happily swinging on the swing set with his eyes closed.

Wait a second.

I'm not twenty yet. I'm twenty tomorrow.

Cassidy's birthday is today.

My eyes flew open and I jumped out of the swing. She may not be awake, but I was definitely going to be with her on her birthday. She shouldn't have to be alone on her birthday.

As soon as I had made it back up to Cassidy's room, Cassidy's mum was there and told me that she had planned for us to all go out to dinner.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked her nervously, "What if she wakes up?"

"I think it's worth all of us getting out of here and spending some time together. The hospital knows who to call if she wakes up." She told me.

I looked over at the big pile of stuffed animals and I instantly knew that Louis had went shopping. I laughed, nodding.

"Okay," I told her, "Just give me a second and I'll be right down."

She nodded, stepping outside the door. I walked over to Cassidy and smiled. I kissed her on the forehead lightly.

"Baby, I know you probably can't hear me, but I want you to know how proud I am of you for fighting so hard. I'm so thankful that you didn't slip away. I miss you so much, baby. I really can't wait for you to wake up. I just want to talk to you, to hear your laugh again. I love you so much. Just please wake up soon, okay?"


Harry's P.O.V~

"Table for nine." I told the woman standing at the front of the restaurant. She nodded and told us to take a seat until a waitress got with us to take us to a table.

Eventually, a fairly young, maybe around 18 year old waitress came up to us and told us to follow her to our table. She was beautiful, but nothing compared to Ana.

When we all sat down at the table and got comfortable, our waitress came back around, "Hi, I'm Harmony. What can I get started for you all?"

"Harmony?" Ana asked, turning toward the girl, "It's me, Ana."

Harmony gasped, "No way!"

I seriously hope this blonde girl doesn't turn out like the last one.

"I can not believe it!" Harmony squealed, "It has been too long, Ana Ashley Edwards."

"Sincerely too long, Harmony Elise Lilac." Ana smiled.

Harmony's attention turned to Cassidy's mum, "Ms. Morgan, I almost didn't recognize you! Where's Cassidy?"

We all looked at each other solemnly before her mother spoke up, "Well, she's in the hospital."

"The hospital?" Harmony asked, surprised, "Is she okay?"

"Um, I think your boss is staring at you," Louis told Harmony, motioning toward the man on the other side of the room who was staring over at us angrily, "We can explain after you get our drinks, so you won't get in trouble."

"Okay, what will you all have to drink?" She asked, whipping out her notepad.

Nine drinks later, she came back to the table without her apron, "My shift just ended, so you'll have a different waitress. Can I just tag along with you all?" She pulled up a chair.

"Yes!" Liam blurted out.

It came to my attention that Liam was blushing, his eyes still locked on the new girl. Liam has needed to get his mind off of Chelsea, and now that he realized Mia wasn't the way to do that, maybe he could invest some time with Harmony. He just needs to make sure that we can all trust her before going too far and inviting her to things like we did with Mia.

"Glad to hear that, cutie," Harmony winked, causing his cheeks to turn a deeper shade of red.

Ana nudged me, noticing the effect that Harmony was having on Liam. I couldn't help but grin.

"So, what happened with Cassidy? Is she okay?" Harmony asked us.

Eleanor took the time to explain to her what had happened, even telling her everything that happened prior to the grocery store incident.

"I told you she wasn't a good person all those years ago!" Harmony exclaimed to Ana, "Didn't I?"

"We both did," Ana sighed, "It was Cassidy who wouldn't listen."

"She was always the nice one," Harmony shrugged. "Can I see her whenever you all get finished eating? By the way, I'm Harmony."

Everyone laughed at the late introduction, but introduced themselves to her. After we all said our names, she correctly recited our names and Ana smiled, "I see you still have your photogenic memory."

"Couldn't lose it even if I tried." She smiled, her blonde curls bouncing.

The waiter appeared and took all of our orders. As he walked away, Niall's phone rang beside mad and he answered, "Hello?"

His eyes widened, "We'll be there in ten minutes."

"She's awake!" Niall yelled, sliding his chair backwards, "We have to go!"

I quickly paid for everything we had already gotten at the table as everyone raced outside to the cars. We definitely went over the speed limit, but who really cared? Cassidy was awake!

When we made it up to the room, the doctor was standing beside Cassidy. Ana was the first one in the room, followed by Niall, then myself with everyone else trailing behind.

"Ana!" Cassidy exclaimed happily, "Who are your friends?"

Ana turned around, looking at both Niall and I, and turned back to Cassidy, "What do you mean? That's Harry and Niall?" She told her as she hugged her. Niall just stood there watching them.

What did she mean when she asked who we are?

When Ana pulled away from her, Cassidy eyed everyone else walking into the room before spotting her mum. Mira raced over and hugged Cassidy as well before she asked, "I'm so happy you guys are here. I'm happy you're all here, but why did you bring all of them?"

"They were all worried about you, sweetheart," her mother told her, running her hand through Cassidy's hair, "Don't you recognize them?"

"Cass, that's Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn?" Ana said, "Don't you recognize them?"

Cassidy turned to look at us all, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "I'm sorry. Did I meet them a while back or something? I'm having trouble remembering them."

The doctor turned to us after looking up from the papers in his hands, "We have some bad news. When Ms. Morgan woke up, we became more aware of how her blood loss had affected her. We believe that within the first few minutes of the accident, she suffered from a lack of blood flow to her brain which caused some damage. It seems that she's going to suffer from a bit of memory loss."

"Are you serious?" Ana asked, "You can't be serious."

"We believe it is reversible," he replied, "or that it may come back to her, but for the moment, she is going to experience amnesia. We're not exactly sure how much she remembers."

We all turned to look at Cassidy. She looked solemn, maybe even nervous.

"Cassidy, do you know what today's date is?" Ana asked her, taking her hand and sitting on the bed beside her.

"Um... February something? How long have I been here?" She asked, unsure of the number.

Niall stumbled backwards as if he had been hit in the stomach. I didn't realize why until it hit me that we had met Cassidy in March when Niall began dating her. If she thought it was February, she wasn't going to remember any of us.

She doesn't even remember Niall.


A short thanks and acknowledgement page will be after this and I can click the button to mark this as completed.

I love you guys :)

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