Beyond The Stars

By Noretakes

451K 40.7K 21.6K

"You want to go find your brother, and I want to find my best friend. Since you're crazy and do dangerous thi... More

Just a few things that you should know
Moody mornings and awful pick-up lines
Spit Sharing and Frosty Fingers
Touchy Spots and Long Faces
Apologies and Dissapearing
Fighting Steriod Infected Monkeys and Planning
Jinns and Teddy Bears
Anger Issues and Proposals
Pondering and More Proposals
Authors Note
Nosy Uncles and Running Away
Ninja-ing and Cpt. Smexy
Invisible Raifs and Halal touching
Childishness And Raging
Scarred Eyes and Lovey Dovey-ness
Running and Failed Seduction
Squiggly Lines and First Nights
Tree dangling and Coffee Talks
Unicorn Puke and Drastic Measures
Psycho Bunnies and Raifs 'Kidnapper'
Panicking and Cuddling
Heaving and Photographs
Anger and Care
Brothers and Love
Fake Emotions and Butthurt Mahras
Very important A/N and new book maybe? :0
Macho Men and Sealed Deals
Fights and Bites to the Heart
Bollyywood Stars and Curly Haired Angels
Silence and Jealousy
Almost Kisses and Stereos
Bottles and Busses
Lord Nebula and Raif
Takedowns and Surprise Lip Attacks
Punches and Drowsy Smiles
Hysterical and Deep
A/N- read pretty please? With a cherry on top?
Decesions and Revealing Plans
White and Bright
Above and Beyond
Turning Points and Parents
Motivation and Make Outs
Naked Mikhails and Lashing Out
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

Intimacy and An Adventure For Three

10.1K 845 462
By Noretakes

Such a gorgeous and amazing cover made by the talented haya-sh-z !!! <3

*edited but with tired 3 am eyes*

Rafa's pov

The doctor left as quick as he could after getting guards to lead us out of the hospital. Mikhail was grumbling incoherent sayings to himself while Raif had a small smile playing on his face and was trudging along slowly.

So slow that at one point one of the security guards threatened to carry him out.

Raif being Raif said, "really? Alhamdulillah! My feet are dying! Thank you kind sir," and then proceeded to jump into into his arms.

The guard stumbled and then scowled as he quickened his pace to get us out, Mikhail rolled his eyes while I stifled a laugh, "you're such a nuisance Raif," he mumbled before opening the door for the guard so he could throw Raif out.

Which he did. Literally. Raif landed with a thump on the ground but the drop didn't seem to faze him for he then rose and bowed to the guard thanking him once again. Raif and I followed the grumpy Mikhail to his car, "so where do I find you a wife that can fix that hole in your heart?" I ask my brother with a raised eyebrow.

Raif smiles giddily at me and whispers, "I've already found her."

A gasp leaves me and my hand unconsciously seizes his arm, shaking him slightly I say, "what?! When? Who!"

"Chill Rafael chill," he says chuckling, he then completely ignores my questions and lengthens his stride so he's shoulder to shoulder with Mikhail, leaving me behind. I sigh angrily and hold the urge to smack answers out of the idiot.

"Before you go home can I use your trimmer?" Raif asks Mikhail who stops beside his car and is shuffling through his pockets for his keys, he looks up at Raif with a exasperated expression, "you can trim your beard when you get home."

"See but that's the thing, I'm not going home." Raif leans against the car behind him and crosses his arms, as if he could stand there all night saying that sentence repeatedly. I'm about to rage out at him but Mikhail holds holds his hand out motioning for me to calm down. I smack his hand away but shut my mouth nonetheless, letting him settle everything this time.

"Raif, you are coming home with us and that's final. Now where the heck are my keys?" He says patting down his jacket harshly, I look around on the ground but don't spot any gleam of metal.

"Did you leave them inside?" I ask catching his eye, he shakes his head, "I don't think so, I remember putting them in my pocket when I was pulling Ra-you!" He suddenly says turning to Raif, Raif has the same look a toddler gets when they've done something sneaky.

"Me?" He says with a smile that says it all.

"Yeah you, give me my keys." Mikhail says giving him a glare, Raif gasps exaggeratedly, "stealing is haram buddy."

"I know that! That's why I don't do it! Now give them or I'll turn you upside down and shake you until they fall out."

"I would actually love to see that," I say imaging it all happening in my head, laughing I say to Mikhail, "do it please." Mikhail rolls his eyes, "be quiet princess I'm tryna work here."


"Yes work. This is a job, keeping Raif in track is work-"

"Well you're not doing a good enough job at it." I cut him off, sticking my tongue out childishly.

"I have the urge to bite that." He suddenly growled, low enough for me to just hear and Raif to think all Mikhail did was imitate a lion.

The heat rose to my face quicker than a volcano exploding, Mikhail noticed and smirked slightly before turning back to my brother. While he continued with his interrogation I couldn't help but feel flustered.

That sentence was so...intimate.


Wait no, not Astaghfriullah! We're married!

An accidental squeal erupted from my lips at the thought of Mikhail saying that without bringing any haram-ness upon us both. Raif and Mikhail stopped their arguing and gave me a look, I blushed and waved them away, "sorry sorry ignore me, go ahead with your yelling."

And they did just that completely forgetting what I had just done. After a few seconds of inwardly calming myself down by telling myself that he must've been hungry and there was a food sign behind me somewhere that he referred to, I turned my attention back to the pair.

"I know you have them!" Mikhail was saying with tiredness lacing his tone.

"I have nothi- oh wait what's this," he looked down and lifted his shoe up, right under the sole lay two keys on a chain, clearly the keys to Mikhail's car. Raif had a surprised voice yet Mikhail said, "you were hiding them under your shoe the whole time Raif seriously?!"

Raif rose his hands in surrender, "I promise I wasn't," he pauses and slowly bends down and picks them up, a cheshire grin appears on his face as he says, "but now I see why I could have taken them!" He then suddenly yells before dashing past me, almost taking me down on the way.

Mikhail puts his hands out to steady me but I make sure to regain my balance before his hands can make contact, just so my body doesn't flush red again (cons of a period of course: hormones are extra crazy).

Mikhail and I watch him run, "see that's the thing about my brother," I start, "he may talk smart yet he's so crazed up about reaching his goals that he fails to realize the most intellectualist things."

"Such as?" Mikhail asks with a grin, "such as that the frikin car is right beside us and he took the keys only to run to the wrong jeep," I say.

Mikhail and I oblige to a moment of silence for the idiotic Raif before bursting out in laughter as we see his grumpy form make his way back to us. "Shut up and open the door," he mumbled angrily, throwing the keys at Mikhail.

Mikhail and I shared a humorous look before opening the car doors for ourselves, I sat upfront but then Raif also came in and I had to squeeze myself in the middle, my breath getting stuck in my throat every time my shoulder brushed against Mikhail's.

"Why do you look like you're constipated?" Raif mumbles as he grabs one of Mikhail's hoodies from the backseat and pulls it over his naked chest.

I cough and fan at my face as Mikhail smirks, and I swear upon all things good in this world that he then purposely shifts closer to me.

"I'm good, I'm good." I reply trying to scoot closer to Raif.

What is Mikhail playing at?

Why is he showing signs of potentially, maybe, slightly, having a 'like' towards me?

I gave myself a mental facepalm.

Mikhail has always been like this, just because our lips touched does not mean he had any emotional feelings during or after the process. Stupid.

From day one, Mikhail has been cheeky and sort of flirty towards me, back then it bothered me a tonne but now- with the sudden appearance of Mother Nature of course, it gave me a different sort of feeling.

One that didn't make me rant at him to stop being a haraami, (A/N guys I just found out that this word is a swear word in Urdu and perhaps other languages, please don't thinking I'm swearing, I didn't know about this world, but I just use this word to simplify the sentence 'one who does haram things', thanks :3 ) and a feeling that didn't make me annoyed.

Instead, his little actions and sayings have now grown upon me and make me feel light headed and hot. Before it didn't. But now it does. And this new situation I have been placed in is not very joyful, anything Mikhail does officially becomes the death of me.

Mikhail coughed and a little squeak arose from me as his shoulder bumped against mine.

Ya Allah, grant my body some self control and my mind some peace.

"Ameen," Mikhail suddenly blurted.

I awkwardly choked on a cough realizing that I had said that out loud. "Why does your body need self control princess?" Mikhail then asked tilting his head slightly, I forced myself to keep my gaze up ahead and not meet his green jewels that seemed to always; with just a gaze, suck me in and cause my brain to stop working. "No reason," I mumbled.

"Don't drive home yet, I need to get my stuff." Raif then said quite sadly as he leaned his head against the window. I was thankful for the change in top but weirdly, a droplet of guilt appeared in my stomach. "How close were you Raif?" I found myself asking, wondering if he was lying or not about being close to his goal.

"That's what she said." He mumbled sadly.

I slapped him on the shoulder, good to know he's not actually that depressed, he sighed, "I'm so close, very close, just a little bi-"

Mikhail cut him off, "that's what she said." And he managed with his booming laughter cause Raif to chuckle out of his sad state too.

I growled angrily at their childish behaviour, "that doesn't even make sense though!"

"Oh the pureness of this little one," Mikhail cooed as he brought one hand over my head and lightly petted. Raif swatted at his hand and said, "no touching."

I blushed as Mikhail secretly winked at me while he said to Raif, "sorry bro." Raif, all of a sudden, got a suspicious look on his face.

He quickly without hesitancy asked Mikhail, "what color is Rafa's hair?"

"Rain-uh how should I know? Brown? Like her eyebrows? I've never seen her hair, duh." He said, regaining himself after he almost blurted out the truth.

Raif stared at him with beady eyes before slowly nodding, "I'll be right back," he then exclaimed as we stopped in front of the hotel, "actually no, Rafa's coming with me."

I giggled at his brotherly protectiveness as he dragged me out of the car. "I'm coming too! You could just tie Rafa somewhere and then run off for all I know!" Mikhail yelled as he locked the jeep and put his keys in his pocket, this time the front one where no one could get them without him seeing.

Unless there happened to be some stripper or something that sauntered up and took his attention away and then slowly stole the keys.

Too bad that they'd then die.

At my hands.

For touching my Mikhail.

"Fine, come along, babysit me, keep me on a leash, you can even come in the bathroom with me to make sure I don't escape from there." Raif grumbled as he pulled the hood of his hoodie up over his head.

"Now you're just exaggerating," Mikhail said as he slung an arm around him, I felt like a third wheel watching their bromance take place. But then Mikhail leaped off of him and said, "ugh gross man when was the last time you showered, see this is what 'going beyond the stars' gets you. Stinky and hairy."

"It can't possibly be as bad as when he rummaged through the garbage to find his 'teleportation suit' that my mother had thrown away," I said chuckling as I remembered the memory. Mikhail held the door open and Raid strutted ahead completely done with us. "True, very true, he smelt like a rats butt for a whole week."

"I hate you guys!" Raif said from ahead as he repeatedly pressed the elevator button so he could close the door on us, the last second though Mikhail stuck his hand in and the doors reopened welcoming us to a very grumpy Raif.

When we reached the room, Mikhail pushed Raif straight into the bathroom, "clean up quick so we can get going."

"I'm not going!" He yelled but Mikhail slammed the door in his face. After a few seconds Raif gave up trying to lure us in with his adventure speeches and Mikhail with a sigh sat down.

On the bed. Right beside me. If I hadn't moved just an inch he would have been on top of me. And that is not good, for my brain or my heart or my body.

"What's up princess?" He casually asked as he ran a hand through his hair. I was about to reply that the only thing that was up was the sky; very witty and cool I know, but the very familiar ringtone of his started playing.

When Mikhail had first gotten his phone, his ringtone had been one of me ranting and yelling to him how much of an annoyance he was.

Then it changed to one of me singing in the bathroom, how he managed to get a recording of my voice like that, I am still unaware off.

Now, he has a typical ringtone, all because of his father. I had called him once to help me with my homework and Mikhail's dad had heard the ringtone, he was so angry for some un-logical reason that he threw Mikhail's phone at the wall. Luckily, it didn't hit Mikhail.

Now as Mikhail answered the call, I realized how adorable the recording of my voice as his ringtone was. "Hello Mah- uh hi hey," he awkwardly answered the phone, I gave him a grin to show how amusing his awkward greeting was but Mikhail turned his head away and then completely rose off the bed.

I shrugged it off and then proceeded to lie down on the bed, taking out my own phone, only to realize that it was dead, so I pretended to be doing very important things on my phone while basically just eavesdropping on his phone call.

"You got me two extra days? Really? That's great, thank you, I owe ya one." He said trying to hush his voice but failing, two extra days?

"Uhm what?" Mikhail suddenly tinged red and I became curious as to what the other person said, "that's how I'll pay you back? Woah didn't know you were like that but I uh have to go now thank you again bye!" He rushed out as he picked his phone, I quickly moved my eyes back towards my phone as he turned around.

"Why are you staring at an empty screen?"

I glanced up and gave him a look, "uh I'm not?"

"I see the reflection of your phone in the mirror behind you princess." He said chuckling as he walked back to the bed. I awkwardly smiled and mumbled, "it just died, you jinxed it, thank you very much."

As he came closer, I didn't know whether to sit up or continue laying down with my shoulders against the headboard. The old Rafa without the crazy hormones would've just got on with her business but this Rafa was panicking hard as the guy in front of her sat down right beside her stomach.

The old Rafa would've shooed him away but this Rafa burst in joy as the guy tilted backwards and then put his head on the Rafa's thigh.

I couldn't take it.

I squealed and swatted him away.

"What?!" Mikhail mumbled with a groan as my hand caught his face, I blushed crimson but managed to say, "it tickles."

"Uff Rafa," he sighed out.

"Sorry." I said moving over on the bed. "Here uh you can sit here." I said patting the space I gave up for him, he rolled his eyes with amusement lacing his features and then crawled up before slumping back like I was doing, while he looked calm and collected I was mentally dying.

"What's eating you?" He asked a few seconds later noticing how I was squeezing my fingers.

"Hm? Oh uh nothing," I said but he didn't let it go instead he sat up and faced me, I prayed for Raif to come back out quick.

"Liar, tell me what's wrong? Is it still about the kiss? I said I'm sorry princess, you must feel awkward no-"

"You said it was a mistake." My mouth sputtered out without any thought.

He gave me a look over before slowly nodding, "well like I made you uncomfortable, I shouldn't have done-"

I cut him off once again, "but I lik--"

This time I was cut off. What I was about to say completely stopped its trail tight at the tip of my tongue as a once again half naked Raif, this time with a smaller beard, slammed the door of the bathroom open.

"You are coming with me!" He yelled and then stood atop of the tiny table in the corner. Mikhail had thankfully moved away from me and wasn't as close as before. Although Raif didn't seem to notice anything. "You two, both of you are coming with me." He repeated.

"Wh-" Mikhail began but Raif threw a pillow at him and it smacked him in the face silencing him.

"Since you two are so gosh darned worried about me, you're coming along this fine- almost completed- journey of mine." He said with a grin.

"I'm a genius!"

I then sighed and smacked my eyes with my palm as his towel fell.


That was long yeah? :3 filler but not really a filler :)

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