Lovely Nightmare

By donotlookatme

456 12 1


Lovely Nightmare
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part 1

Chapter 1

86 2 0
By donotlookatme

I can't seem to find anything worse that hearing that your parents are getting a divorce and that you're moving with your mom to Alaska, which is across the world to me.

You see I live in Texas, where the weather is hot every season of the year and I like it that way. Texas is my home, where i can hang out with my friends and have to stay inside the house all day to stay safe from the dangers in the streets. But maybe that's why my mom thought it was better to move to Alaska, she thinks it's safer there, but I don’t seem to care, I just wanted to stay in Texas.

"Hey, Toby, are you done packing?" I heard my older sister yell from across the hall.

"Yeah, what about you Lina?"

"Um... Nope, I need help."

  Then I heard a thump and Lina crying out of pain for hitting herself with the closet door and falling on her ass, I knew then and there that my dumb ass sister Yasleen, who’s older by 1 1/2 years by the way, was going to have me packing all of her shit for her.

We were getting or things ready for our move to Alaska, where our mom's favorite auntie left her a house at. I didn't really want to move to Alaska, I heard it was cold there and i enjoyed wearing shorts all the time, but I don't think I’ll be able to wear them now.

 As I was packing Lina's stupid things, I started wondering if life there would turn out better than the suckish life I had here in Texas. I wasn't really popular girl, or the honor student. I only had the same 3 friends throughout my whole life, and now I had to leave them. I'm pretty sure it's going to take a long time until I get at least new friend. And as for Lina, she is pretty energetic and friendly, her personality is so sunny, it would probably freak you out. But one thing is for sure,  I don’t know how me and Lina are going to survive.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hours has already passed since we left our dad’s house back in Texas. We had just gotten out of the airport and into the truck that came to pick us up. Apparently the person who picked us up was a cousin of our mother, whose name was Sherryl.  She was very talkative and friendly, I seem to like her.Now, Lina and I were in the back of the truck waiting for our mom and Sherryl to comeback from walmart with food.

  Lina was lying down across the seats with her long skinny legs in my lap and her head in a fluffy pillow, which you could barely see since her long, wavy light brown hair was covering it.  She was wearing a pink pullover hoodie and khaki colored jeans with some gray boots on her feet. You could say she looks like one of those girls from the posters in Forever 21, with her long, skinny petite body and silky flowing hair.

I don’t know how me and Lina are related when I’m the opposite of what she is. I am short and curvy with long,  black straight hair, my body covered in all black sweatshirt  and jeans.  She is outgoing and I’m shy. She is energetic and I’m lazy. She is cheerful and I am moody. But somehow we always manage to be in the background  together as outcasts.

I was looking outside the window admiring the cool weather when all of a sudden a car came in speeding into the paking lot, with the windows down and jamming loudly to Motorhead(which is one of my favorite bands by the way). It parked one space away from us, and out of the car came out this tall blonde good-looking guy wearing a leather jacket and Doc Martens, how typical for a bad boy. 

He sees me staring at him, which I don't mean to do on purpose, and sends me a wink that has me blushing. And to be honest I had never gotten winked by a hot guy before, except by those creepy guys in the streets back in Texas.

" What a hottie." I hear Lina say, who appearently sat up to see what all the noise was.

The hot guy walks away into the store and I notice the music is still playing. In the driver's side is another guy sitting there but i can't see he looks like, all i see is the side of his face, which looks chiseled, and his short black hair . I wonder if he's hot like the first guy. 

Five minutes later, we see Sherryl and our mother come out of the store with bags full of snacks drink and other things. On their way to the truck they notice the loud music and Sherryl shakes her head, as if knowing who was in the car. As they get in the car Lina and I ask for our junk food.

"Ouuhh, did you bring me my cookies mommy?"

"Yes sweetie,... here, Toby pass these to your sister?"

She hands me the cookies which I give to Lina, and then hands me a big bag of jelly beans. Oh how this woman knows me well! Jelly beans are one of my guiltiest pleasures along with any type of gummy candy and reese's chocolate. I would cut anyone's fingers off if they ever took my candy, that's how serious I am about them. 

"So Sherryl, what's with those guys in the car?" I hear my mom ask.

"Oh they're just the town's hooligans.They are always causing some type of problem around here, mostly in the bar where they get drunk. And they're young too, barely reached their 20's, so I'm warning you Mandy. Keep October and Yasleen away from them, I know  for sure that being 16 and 17 won't stop those guys from hitting on your girls, and especially since they live very close to you."

And from there we started driving again of to our new home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Yo Toby, did you hear that? We live near Mr. Hottie McBadass. And he's not that old, so we probably have a chance to tap that." Lina whispered to me, looking giddy and all.

"Lina no, you heard her. She's says they're bad news, and I don't want to get in trouble." I whispered back. I mean seriously, they could be as hot as they are and be the sexy beats of my wet dreams, but i still wouldn't want to come close to them if they are bad. I kind of have a phobia of getting in trouble, because if you get in trouble you cause attention, and i hate getting  with a passion.

" Oh October c'mon, live dangerously for once. It wouldn't hurt you to be near a sexy guy for once."

"Uh, yes it would Lina, you could get pregnant or receive some type of STD's from those guys." At this Lina pouts. "You're no fun Toby."

"Well too bad, but as long as we stay away from trouble, we'll survive in this place. And besides I doubt we'll ever catch their attention. I bet we won't even cross their path once." But oh, how wrong I was about that.  

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