Total Drama Mushroom Action

By donalblooper

10.9K 301 545

The sequel to "Total Drama Mushroom Island"! 18 characters compete for 1,000,000 coins in this Mario X Total... More

1. How Original!
2. A Fake Beach!?
3. Bland and Boring
4. Pessimists and Optimists
5. Fright Night
7. The Aftermath
8. Puzzle Panic!
9. Pokémon GO
10. Total Drama Gone Wild!
11. Back to Base
12. Drawing to a Conclusion
13. The Aftermath: Returning for Redemption
14. Get Schooled (Part 1)
15. Get Schooled (Part 2)
16. I Can't Sand the Sweat
17. Mario Party!
18. Linked In
19. Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
20. The Aftermath: The Final Party
21. Scurvy Derby
22. The TDMA Reunion Special

6. Who's the Reel Hero?

449 16 15
By donalblooper

Lakitu: Welcome back to Total Drama Mushroom Action! Last time, the contestants captured ghosts in a mansion. In the end, Luigi, who is obviously was the best ghostbuster, won and sent the Screaming Fire Flowers to elimination, and Toadette was eliminated! On Total Drama Mushroom Action!!!

(Killer Tanooki Leaves Girl Trailer...)

Peach: Boo, what do you think the next challenge is?

Boo: Honestly, I don't know. Between escaping an exploding building and capturing ghosts, I don't know what to expect.

Peach: Say... do you miss Dry Bones?

Boo: What made you think of that question?

Peach: It doesn't matter. Now answer it.

Boo: Fine...

Peach: I'm listening.

Boo: I actually don't know. Maybe dumping him was a bad decision...

Peach: Well, why did you dump him?

Boo: Uh... I'll... I don't really know. I guess- no, never mind.

(Killer Tanooki Leaves Boy Trailer...)

Luigi: Mario!

Mario: What?

Luigi: How come I have to save with you when you're saving Peach? Why couldn't I rescue Daisy!?

Mario: Because you're not qualified enough.

Luigi: Not qualified enough!? NOT QUALIFIED ENOUGH!?

Mario: Um...

Luigi: *slaps Mario* Grr!

Mario: Ouch!

Fly Guy: What's, like, going on here?

Luigi: Mario's being mean!

Mario: Me!? You should just stop complaining!

Shy Guy: Clearly you can't solve this.

Waluigi: WAA-ht do we do for 'em doc?

Shy Guy: I- I'm not a doctor.

(Screaming Fire Flowers Girl Trailer...)

Birdo: I'm, like, so glad Toadette is gone.

Daisy: Me too! She was so annoying!

Rosalina: I think it is rude to talk of our fellow companions that way.

Birdo: OMG shut up! Like, whatever!

Daisy: Yeah! Toadette was really annoying!

Rosalina: Well, I guess the game got to her.

Daisy: The game almost got to you. You were almost eliminated thanks to her, in a tie breaker!

Rosalina: Well, I guess that is true.

Birdo: Like, exactly girl.

Rosalina: Um... Birdo?

Birdo: What?

Rosalina: What are you doing?

Birdo: Texting.

Daisy: Really? Who?

Birdo: Like, my friend.

Daisy: But who?

Birdo: Like, Vivian.

Rosalina: Oh. Is it because you are both discriminated due to the lack of knowledge the fan base has on both of your genders?

Birdo: Um... no. She's just my friend.

Rosalina: Ok.

Rosalina and Daisy: *look at what Birdo is texting*

(Inside Birdo's text...)

(Hey, it's V. What's up girl?)

(Just on a competition.)

(Oh ya. LOL Y got what he deserved.)

(Yoshi? Eh, I kinda liked him.)


(Back in reality...)

Daisy: You liked Birdo?

Birdo: I am Birdo.

Daisy: I mean Yoshi. Gosh.

Birdo: Anyways... yeah. I do.

Daisy and Rosalina: *gasps*

Daisy: Well-

Birdo: Ssh! This is a secret between us, k?

Daisy: Alright...

Rosalina: Sounds splendid.

(Screaming Fire Flowers Boy Trailer...)

Toad: Hey Blooper.


Toad: Where's Blooper?

(In the ocean...)

Blooper: Bloo bloopity bloopity blooey...

(In between the trailers...)

Lakitu (over megaphone...): WE'RE HAVING A PICNIC HERE!!!

Mario: Ok, ok, sheesh.

Luigi: Hmph!

Mario: *sighs*

Shy Guy: Hey, there's really good things in here!

Lakitu: Those are props.

Shy Guy: Ew! Yuck!

Lakitu: For today's challenge!

Peach: You always manage to find the most irrelevant places to tell us the challenges.

Lakitu: That's my specialty.

Peach: Wh- you know, never mind.

Blue: Today's challenge is to make a short film about, really, anything! The best one wins.

Lakitu: You have green screens and cameras over there. *points* THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!!!

Toad: Ouch! Not so loud, jeez!

(At the Killer Tanooki Leaves station...)

Mario: We should do an action movie!

Luigi: No, one on world peace!

Mario: Action movie!

Luigi: World peace!

Peach: Both of you stop!

Boo: Yeah, Peach is right.

Waluigi: We're getting nowhere.

Fly Guy: *sighs*

(At the Screaming Fire Flowers station...)

Birdo: It should be about going to a date and it all goes wrong!

Toad, Rosalina, and Daisy: Yeah!

Blooper: Bloo!

(After hours of editing and producing and filming...)

Lakitu: Let's look at your movies!

(Screaming Fire Flowers movie...)

Daisy: Thanks for coming on this date, Toad.

Toad: No prob.

Daisy: What would you like to eat?

Toad: *leans over a candle to get a menu* Hmm... maybe a salad?

Daisy: Toad!

Toad: Huh?

Daisy: You're shirt! It's on fire!

Toad: Oh no!!! WAAAAAAAH!!!

Blooper: *comes from a nearby table with food*

Toad: *bumps into Blooper*

Blooper: Bloo! *drops the food on Daisy*

Daisy: Woah! *throws food*

Rosalina: *the food lands on her* Yuck!

Everyone: *faints*

Birdo: Oh my...

*Credits role in*

(Back in reality...)

Lakitu: Wow! Now let's show the Killer Tanooki Leaves film!

(Killer Tanooki Leaves movie...)



Mario and Luigi: *intesly roughhouse*

(Back in reality...)

Lakitu: Tanookis, I'll see you at elimination.

Green: Go vote.

(Inside the voting booth...)

Mario: Luigi must go!

Luigi: Mario must go!

(Voting montage is over...)

Lakitu: After reading all the votes, I'm seriously annoyed! This is the third time we've tied!

Peach: But... there's seven of us.

Lakitu: Yes, but we all know who voted differently...

Everyone: *stares at Waluigi*

Waluigi: WAA-ht?

Lakitu: So, with 0 votes, Waluigi, Peach, Shy Guy, and Fly Guy are safe. Boo is safe at one vote.

Boo: Waluigi!

Lakitu: So Mario and Luigi tie.

Mario: *shoves Luigi into the cannon*

Lakitu: That... how did you know that was the tie breaker?

Mario: It was? Eh, bye Luigi!

Red: Travel safely!

Yellow: Bye!

Luigi: Curse you- *gets fired away* MAAAAAAAAARIOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Lakitu: Tune in for another exciting episode next time on Total Drama Mushroom Action!!!

Author's Note:

It's been 6 days since the last update of this. Yikes.

The next episode will be an "Aftermath." If you don't know what that is, just read it.

I realized there should be a pun in the title after I updated... anyways do you get it? The puns are reel! (See what I did there?)


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