1 Childhood Friend + 5 Overly...

By Fromtheheart01

175K 5.3K 247

What happens when five brothers and their younger sister go back to their childhood home? What happens if the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 2

11.9K 302 17
By Fromtheheart01

It's been ten years since we've moved, and now we're finally going back. Well my brothers and me that is. It's our cousin's wedding and we promised we'd come for it. Papa would, but he's very busy. After mum died, he worked hard to build the Crystal Family Resorts. He named them after her. Now he owns one of the biggest resorts ever and is very busy. We hardly ever see him. It's almost like he died too. But we've learned how to live without him. And we've been doing pretty well. I look at all of my brothers, some are sleeping and others are staring out the windows. This is the first time in ten years that most of us have been on a plane. I forgot how boring they were. After about another hour, we finally landed. We grabbed out bags and headed out into the airport.

"So what now?" I ask. I forgot how small our home town's airport was.

"We wait for Uncle Ben," Travis says. I sigh and sit down. There's one thing I hate with all ferocity, and that's waiting. While waiting, I looked at my brothers.

My eyes wander first to Travis, who's the oldest. He's twenty-six, 6'5", and looks the most like mum. He has her crystal blue eyes, sun kissed skin, and golden-blonde hair. His shirt he's wearing hugs his body and shows off his well toned body. That's from all the years of coming and helping Uncle Ben on the farm. He also happens to be almost engaged. He's planning on asking Jenny, his girlfriend, when we get back home. He's also the closest brother to me. He's sweet, kind, caring, understanding, fun-loving, quiet (at times), funny, somewhat outgoing, sarcastic, absolutely crazy, etc.

Then they wander over to Brett, who's the second oldest. He's twenty-five, 6'4", and looks more like Papa. He's got Papa's emerald-green eyes, sandy-blonde hair, and nude skin. Like Travis, he is well toned from helping out at the farm. He's got a lopsided, boyish grin that makes you smile by just seeing it. I'm not as close to him as some of my brothers. Mostly because we seem to step on each other's toes a lot. But he is caring, loving, fun-loving, kind, loud, hilarious, out-going, plain weird, etc.

Then I search out Tyler, who's the third oldest. He's twenty, 6'1", and resembled mum's side of the family. He has silver eyes, beach blonde hair, and golden skin. He's not as well toned as Travis and Brett, but there's not doubt that he doesn't have muscles. You can clearly see them when he wears muscle shirts and form fitting shirts. He has gone with Travis and Brett back to the farm almost every year. They didn't go last year because Uncle Ben said that he had gotten some hired help and wouldn't need them this year. He's sweet, shy, quiet, thoughtful, caring, kind, loving, funny, just a wee bit crazy, etc.

I look at the brother next to Tyler. That would be Mason, the fourth older. He's eighteen, 6 foot, and resembles Papa's side of the family. He has dark hair, though it has a blondish tint to it. He has brown eyes, like a milk chocolate color. He has tan skin and his body is semi-toned. He goes to the gym every once in awhile, but since he never went with Travis, Brett, and Tyler back to the farm each year, he doesn't have their muscles. He's loving, caring, kind, intelligent, sweet, mysterious, a joker, absolutely bonkers, etc.

Finally there's Connor. He's the brother right ahead of me. He's seventeen, 5'11", and doesn't really resemble mum or Papa. He has dark blonde hair, purplish colored eyes, and pale skin. He doesn't have the noticeable muscles like the rest of our brothers, but that's because he is a home body. He's the gamer of the family and ADHD. He's kind, caring, geeky, loving, goofy, etc.

And most of all, very protective of their younger sister, ME.

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