
Por Alyss-sama1122

6.4K 88 13

{A InuYasha GenderBender FanFic} In the feudal Japan, the half demon Inusakuya was sealed away by the priest... Más

❖ Prolouge ❖
❖ Fuuin Sareta Shounen ❖
❖ Inusakuya Revived ❖
❖ Shibugarasu ❖
❖ Kagoya no Ya ❖
❖ Sakasa-Gami no Nura ❖
❖ Hone Kui no Ido ❖
❖ Kikan ❖
❖ Nura no Su ❖
❖ Kyuuchi ❖
❖ Tama Utsushi ❖
❖ Hanyou ❖
❖ Haha no Kao ❖
❖ Author Note ❖
❖ Mu-Onna ❖

❖ Tama o Nerau Mono ❖

547 7 1
Por Alyss-sama1122

Act Three:
Those after the Jewel

"Now, unless you want to die. Hand over the Jewel." Inusakuya smirked as she looked at Kagoya.

"Kagoya... never hand that over." Kaito said.

'The Sacred Jewel which boosts a demon's spiritual power... is unholy Jewel.'

"I won't go easy on you... I especially... won't for men who stinks like you!" Inusakuya attacked but Kagoya manage to dodge making a hole on the ground.


"Woah!" The villagers gasp.

"And now... I'll cut you in half!" Inusakuya said.

"You're... you're really trying to kill me, aren't you!?"

"Kai... Kaito-sama..." The villagers called out.

"Undoing Inusakuya's seal was unwise wasn't it."

"What a bother." Kaito said taking out something.

"Yet again... that damn brat..." As he took out a necklace with two bells in the end.

"Now prepare to die!" As Inusakuya cut down a tree with her claws.

"How can I?" As he fell.


"Take this!" Inusakuya said ready to attack until something came towards her neck tieing it.

"Hn!?" Confused on what was on her neck.

"Kagoya, speak the subduing word!" Kaito told him.


"Any word will do! Anything to quiet Inusakuya!"

"But even as... you say that, my mind's gone blank!" Kagoya said.

"I am... going to be subdued!?" Inusakuya said as she attack and Kagoya dodge but the attack left a hole again.

"Don't kid yourself!" she said running towards Kagoya.

"Oh... O... Osuwari!" Saying that made the bells glow and forced Inusakuya to fall on ground.

*Osuwari = Sit

"Ah!?" surprised that it work.

"Augh!!" As Inusakuya got hurt.


"She got quiet!" The villagers said.

"Hmm." Kaito nodded.

"...... Wha... what the hell is this!?" Inusakuya said trying to taking it off but couldn't.

"Hmph... to struggle is useless, Inusakuya, as those bells subdues your power." Kaito said.

"Wha... go stuff it, old man!!" Inu said as she stood up to attack Kaito.


"Osuwari." As Inu fell face to the ground.

"Okay, all of you. Let's return to the village." Kaito said to the villagers.

'Fascinating...' Kagoya thought looking at Inu who was still in the ground.

It was the next day and the villagers were fixing there home that were damaged by the centipede woman.

"Let me see that wound... and I'll use some medicinal plants on it." Kaito said.

"However, it has become something of a problem... as the Sacred Jewel has resurfaced in this age." as Kaito wraps the wound that was at the side of Kagoya stomach.


"Evil beings will come swarming after that."

"Umm... like youkai, you mean?" Kagoya ask.

"Not only youkai... but people with evil in their hearts as well." Kaito answered.

"In this age of war, if they can get the Sacred Jewel and all of its spiritual power... they can then achieve all of their desires."

"Hmm? Then why do you want the Sacred Jewel?" Kagoya ask looking Inusakuya but she didn't answer.

"You're strong... even without the power of the Jewel."

"It's because she's a hanyou." Kaito answered.

Inusakuya got mad and smash the floor with her fist leaving a hole.

"Old man... you've been going on like that since earlier. Do you know me!?" She glared.

"You don't recognize me, do you? But that's not surprising. I am the younger brother of Kyo, the one who sealed you. I am Kaito."

"Kaito...?" As she then remembered him when he was little.

"It has been fifty years since then... so I have aged as well."

"Hmm... you're that brat, huh... which means... Kyo is a total old man as well. To bad, being human isn't it..."

"Kyo-Onii-san is dead." Kaito as Inu ears flickered as her expression changed.

"It was that same day that you were sealed."

"Hmm. So that's what happened... too bad for that fucking bastard, Eh? Keh." Inu chuckled.

"That's a relief." she said laying down as Kagoya looked at her.

"Inusakuya, it's a bit too early to be relieved... Kagoya, perhaps you are the reincarnation of Kyo-Onii-san." Kaito said.

"Eh...?" As he looked at Kaito and Inu looking at them.

"It's not just your appearance or your magical powers... that you carried the Sacred Jewel in your body... that is the best proof. You must now protect the Sacred Jewel."

Kagoya was now outside walking around as he remembered what Kaito said.

'You've got to be kidding...' He thought before hearing the villagers talked about him.

"I hear he is the reincarnation of Kyo-sama."

"Now that you mention it, he is rather noble and solemn."

'Geh... I'm being worshipped...' As he see the villagers praying to him.

"...... The boy is... Kyo...?" Inu said as she was sitting on a branch on top of the tree before hearing something being thrown to her as she caught it.

"Hn?" As she saw it was a fruit.

"That's your share." She heard Kagoya as she looked to see him carrying alot if fruit and vegetables.

"What's with the food?" She ask.

"It's an offering from the villagers." He answered.

"Say, come down... and we can eat together."

"........." No response as Inu landed on the floor.

"What are you plotting, bastard?" As she looked at him.

"Nothing much, it's just... you. You don't like me, do you."

"You make me retch!" She said to him.

"Now listen, you... I'm Kagoya. I am not Kyo." He pointed out.

"So how about being a little friendly? Okay?" He said.

"Keh! You idiot! Whoever you may be... I'll show no mercy when it comes to getting the Sacred Jewel."

"Ah, right... but, if you do ever get violent... I can just say Osuwari and..." He stopped as heard a slam and look to see Inu on the ground.


"Ah, sorry... I didn't mean it, really..." He laughed a little.

It was night time and Kagoya tried to fall asleep but couldn't as he wonder what his family were doing.

'It's been two days... since I came here. Jii-chan, Mama, Suki... they'll be getting worried. Somehow... I've got to get back home.' As he shut his eyes falling asleep as a three-eye crow was watching him.

A pebble was thrown but the crow dodge and looked to see Inu throwing another and it hit them, making it fly away.

"It must have noticed the scent of the Jewel, to have come here already."

'Corpse dancing crow better yet Shibugarasu... a nasty thing has come out.' She thought.

*Shibugarasu = Corpse Dancing Crow

The next day, Kagoya was out in the forest trying to find a way to go home.

'The dried well in Inusakuya forest...that place I came out of... once I get there... the way home should be...' He thought.

Back in the village Kaito was looking for Kagoya.

"Kagoya. Kagoya!"

"There's no sigh of him anywhere..." The villagers told Kaito.

"Don't tell me he left the village by himself..." he said as Inusakuya overheard what Kaito and the villagers said.

As Kagoya almost made it to the well there, he heard something in the bushes and a hand came out and cover Kagoya mouth and taking him somewhere.

"It's a boy."

"A boy...?" As they put him down the ground as he was tied up.

"We captured him like you ordered, Okashira."

*Okashira = Boss/Chief

"Geheheh... this boy is wearing some really weird clothes." They were bandits.

"Wait! What's with you guys?" Kagoya wondered.

"Geh. Hah. The jewel..." the boss said.


"The jewel... hand it over." As he drank sake.

Inusakuya leap on the trees as she was in the forest, tiring to catch the scent of Kagoya.

"Shit... that stupid boy... where the hell did he go with that jewel!?"

To be continued...

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